18:00:09 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2016-07-18) 18:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 18 18:00:09 2016 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2016-07-18)' 18:00:12 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:00:14 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert langdon robyduck tatica 18:00:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck tatica 18:00:16 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 18:00:21 <mattdm> good afternoon (or etc) everyone! 18:00:21 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:00:22 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:00:26 <mattdm> .hello mattdm 18:00:27 <zodbot> mattdm: mattdm 'Matthew Miller' <mattdm@mattdm.org> 18:00:50 <mattdm> cwickert has already indictated that he can't make it today 18:02:56 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:02:58 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:03:03 <mattdm> cool that's three :) 18:03:13 <mattdm> tatica isn't in channel.... 18:03:22 <mattdm> robyduck, jwb, you around? 18:04:24 <mattdm> hmmm. this may be another short meeting 18:04:32 * mattdm waits another minute 18:04:38 <langdon> who you calling short!?!?!? 18:05:13 * jflory7 is idling 18:05:30 * langdon considers writing his campaign blog post.. 18:05:31 <mattdm> langdon: are you self-identifying as a meeting? 18:05:40 <jflory7> I think tatica is in a conference call or something with the Fedora Women Day in Greece right now. 18:05:41 <mattdm> you may have been at red hat too long 18:05:48 <mattdm> oh cool 18:05:53 <mattdm> hi jflory7 18:06:00 <jflory7> mattdm: o/ 18:06:08 <langdon> mattdm: no judgment please 18:06:52 <mattdm> so, I guess I'll put up the agenda I sent out this morning... 18:07:01 <mattdm> and we can at least run over it quickly with who we've got 18:07:05 <mattdm> #topic agenda 18:07:18 <mattdm> 1. Council feedback/input on draft third party software policy 18:07:21 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/57 18:07:23 <mattdm> 2. Fedora Packaging Guidelines: Weak Dependencies on packages from 18:07:25 <mattdm> third-party repos 18:07:27 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/61 18:07:29 <mattdm> 3. Design FAD budget 18:07:31 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/54 18:07:33 <mattdm> 4. Flock plans 18:07:35 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/50 18:07:37 <mattdm> 5. Status of Community Action/Impact position 18:07:39 <mattdm> awesome I didn't get banned for channel flooding :) 18:07:45 <mattdm> anything else we should throw on there? 18:07:53 * bexelbie is here if needed wrt flock 18:08:23 <jkurik> I might want to spent a word about the PRD review in Open Floor 18:09:08 <mattdm> 6. jkurik on prd review 18:09:11 <mattdm> :) 18:09:22 <jkurik> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/63 18:09:22 <mattdm> #topic feedback/input on draft third party software 18:09:38 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/57 18:10:00 <mattdm> I posted a response in-ticket; has everyone had a chance to see that? 18:10:19 * jkurik is just reading the response 18:12:15 <mattdm> okay. so, I guess... 18:12:41 <mattdm> #action council_members please read and comment in ticket. I'm going to make a call for consensus soon 18:12:51 <mattdm> #info if you have proposals other than mine, please make them. 18:13:03 <jkurik> Paul's response seems to be OK from my POV. In general I am OK with it. 18:13:09 <mattdm> thanks jkurik! 18:13:18 <mattdm> langdon, thoughts? 18:13:55 <langdon> also reading 18:14:25 <langdon> in general.. i agree with stickster.. no annoying, ignorable popups 18:14:28 <jkurik> The concerns, mentioned in the Paul's response are kind of cosmetics for me. I am probably fine either way. 18:14:50 <langdon> personally, im with mattdm.. the cosemetics here are VERY important.. 18:15:21 * jkurik is not very good at cosmetic :( 18:15:39 <langdon> this is not "dictating UI".. it is representing fedora "beliefs" in a very user facing application 18:15:44 * langdon kinda laggy.. sorry 18:15:54 <mattdm> langdon: *nod* 18:16:05 * mattdm agrees with langdon agreeing with him. 18:16:16 <jkurik> :) 18:16:26 <mattdm> we do need feedback from the nonpresent members, though, so... I guess move on for now 18:16:58 <mattdm> #topic weak deps pointing to third-party repos 18:17:03 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/61 18:18:18 <mattdm> I'm trying to separate my engineering thinking here from the required council input 18:18:54 <mattdm> My main concern is Horrible Surprise if the package maintainer expects requirement foo to be provided in a certain way from a third party repo 18:19:05 <mattdm> but user has a different repo configured where foo is something entirely different 18:19:18 <mattdm> but I'm not sure that's a council level concern 18:20:01 <mattdm> I guess the next #action here is to get legal input 18:20:13 <mattdm> #action mattdm get legal input on this, kick ball forward :) 18:20:30 <mattdm> #topic Design FAD budget 18:20:40 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/54 18:21:04 <mattdm> jzb are you around? 18:21:22 <mattdm> the basic question was over gnokii's travel funding and whether it comes from the fad budget or flock budget 18:21:41 <mattdm> I don't think it _really_ matters much since it's the same pool above that 18:22:03 <mattdm> but since jzb is the holder of those pursestrings, I'll defer to his preference 18:22:22 <mattdm> and if jzb isn't here, I'll ask that in the ticket 18:22:30 * mattdm continues talking to himself 18:22:52 <jzb> yes 18:23:02 <mattdm> hi jzb 18:23:02 <jzb> so 18:23:15 <jzb> two folks are going from the design FAD to Flock 18:23:22 <jzb> the way we handled that was to split the costs 18:23:41 <jzb> I can probably chase down the amounts, but I think the design FAD lists the costs somewhere 18:23:48 <mattdm> yeah, it does. 18:24:03 <mattdm> so, split cost, then? that's really all we needed to decide, I think 18:24:04 <jzb> but basically, the travel to/from BOS and hotel in Krakow is covered under Flock 18:24:12 <jzb> mattdm: yep, split. 18:24:26 <jkurik> jzb: thanks for the explanation, I was confused why the fad and Flock are put together here 18:24:29 <mattdm> jzb: okay thanks 18:24:34 <jzb> Mo worked with me on that, to get it all sorted. 18:24:42 <mattdm> cool 18:24:59 <mattdm> #topic status of community action/impact position 18:25:08 <jzb> reckon I'll stay around for this one. 18:25:10 <jzb> :-) 18:25:12 <mattdm> jzb while you're here, any public update on this? :) 18:25:22 <mattdm> good because you're, like, the Star 18:25:36 <jzb> well, it's been a *very* popular position 18:25:44 <mattdm> that's good news 18:25:49 <jzb> I've screened a few people and have a few more to screen this week. 18:26:04 <jzb> We have a hiring panel set up and I hope to start interviews with those folks by end of this week. 18:26:13 <jzb> that is, the hiring panel talking to prospective candidates. 18:26:22 <jzb> I am not screening the panel 18:26:34 <mattdm> #info RH has a hiring panel set up and jzb hopes to start interviews by end of this week 18:26:46 <jzb> my completely unreasonable goal was to have a final candidate before Flock 18:26:55 <mattdm> jzb: yeah that woulda been nice 18:26:55 <jzb> that's still possible, but probably not 100% realistic. 18:27:22 <mattdm> (my kids just now: "Is that a typing meeting, or can we be really loud?") 18:27:26 * langdon apologizes... conflicting call is taking more brain power than expected 18:27:40 <jzb> does anybody have any questions about it that I can answer that don't deal with specific candidates or salary? 18:28:01 <mattdm> jzb: it's kind of a small crowd today 18:28:10 <mattdm> actually straining the meaning of the word 'crowd' to say that 18:28:15 <jzb> heh 18:28:16 <jzb> OK 18:28:26 <mattdm> thanks for the update though 18:28:31 <jzb> no problem. 18:28:41 * mattdm waits 60 seconds in case anyone does have something) 18:29:20 * langdon had some comments on third-party deps but will do so in the ticket 18:29:23 <jkurik> I have no questions for this topic atm. Thanks for the update. 18:29:39 <mattdm> #topic council plans for flock 18:29:45 <mattdm> Mon Jul 18 14:29:03 EDT 2016 18:29:49 <mattdm> uh oops 18:30:01 <mattdm> not pasting the date. pasting: 18:30:04 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/50 18:30:16 <mattdm> we have a town hall submission owned by decause 18:30:38 <mattdm> I know jwb felt like last year's didn't really work 18:30:57 <mattdm> and since he's not here I'm inclined to suggest we therefore make him the moderator of this one 18:31:05 <jzb> heh 18:31:25 <jkurik> It quite worked on DevConf in Brno 18:31:34 <mattdm> jkurik: yeah, i agree 18:32:06 <mattdm> speaking for josh, as I recall he was putting the difference down to different audience -- fedora-internal vs. wider mix 18:32:37 <mattdm> anyway, this is scheduled for tuesday at 15:30 18:32:59 <mattdm> I guess it's been assigned to me, so I will MC unless I can sweet talk any of the others of you into it :) 18:33:15 <mattdm> #topic PRD refresh 18:33:20 <mattdm> jkurik: you're up 18:33:20 <jkurik> ok ... 18:33:31 <bexelbie> If it is a back and forth session would having a non-member MC be good? 18:33:31 <jkurik> approx. a year ago I was asked to remind Council to review PRDs 18:33:50 <jkurik> I am doing this via the ticket #63 18:33:56 <jkurik> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/63 18:34:10 <jkurik> Tomorrow I am going to ask WGs to provide an input (propose changes in PRDs) 18:34:37 <jkurik> my question is whether we need a dedicated meeting on Flock to discuss potential PRD changes or not 18:35:21 <mattdm> (bexelbie: in my experience it was fine the other way, but maybe) 18:35:25 <jzb> jkurik: dumb question 18:35:40 <mattdm> jkurik: I think a dedicated meeting with key players is a good idea 18:35:40 <jzb> in practice, how much are the PRDs actually used to guide decisions, etc.? 18:36:06 <jkurik> jzb: that is why I am asking 18:36:14 <jkurik> the plan was to have a dedicated meeting 18:36:15 <mattdm> jzb: "some" 18:36:26 <mattdm> I think that long-term, it'll come down to how well they're kept relevant 18:36:31 <mattdm> which is why I think this important 18:36:57 <jzb> yeah, I think if the meeting covers how PRDs are used as well, then it's definitely important. 18:37:08 <jzb> +1 on my end if I get a temporarly vote :-) 18:37:37 <mattdm> jzb anyone can _vote_. it's the _counting_ that's important :) 18:37:44 <jzb> fair 18:38:00 <mattdm> ok, so, let's try to get a workshop on the schedule with representaitves from all of the edition wgs 18:38:52 <mattdm> jkurik: do you want to take that responsibility? 18:39:39 <jkurik> I can take it for planning, however chairing is probably out of my capability 18:40:35 <mattdm> jkurik: *nod* I can chair it, or we can throw jwb under that bus too as engineering rep :) 18:40:51 <jkurik> ok, agreed :) 18:40:53 <mattdm> #action jkurik coordinate schedule for prd workshop at flock 18:41:06 <mattdm> #info mattdm will chair if he can't trick jwb into doing it 18:41:09 <mattdm> #undo 18:41:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by mattdm at 18:41:06 : mattdm will chair if he can't trick jwb into doing it 18:41:18 <mattdm> #info mattdm will chair if he can't nicely convince jwb to do it 18:41:30 <mattdm> #topic Open Floor 18:41:36 <mattdm> okay anyone got anything else? 18:42:07 <mattdm> okay then. 18:42:19 <mattdm> looks like we won this meeting by almost 20 minutes :) 18:42:27 <mattdm> #endmeeting