18:01:36 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2016-10-31) 18:01:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 31 18:01:36 2016 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2016-10-31)' 18:01:37 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:01:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:01:39 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert langdon robyduck tatica bexelbie 18:01:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie cwickert jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck tatica 18:01:41 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcome 18:01:45 <mattdm> trying again, but in correct channel :) 18:01:49 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:01:50 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:01:57 <mattdm> as I was saying in the other channel, it's been one of those mondays :) 18:01:59 <bexelbie> .hello bex 18:02:00 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 18:02:00 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 18:02:03 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 18:02:40 <mattdm> hi Jan, Christoph, Bex! 18:02:49 <jkurik> hi Matt 18:02:51 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:02:52 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:02:53 <mattdm> I think jwb is on a plane to Plumbers' 18:02:57 <mattdm> and langdon! 18:03:14 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 18:03:25 <mattdm> as I said in my email, this is an open floor session with no prepared agenda 18:03:26 <langdon> hi all! sorry i was a bit late 18:03:31 <mattdm> so, should we make one? 18:03:55 <bexelbie> I believe we should consider the funding requests and resolve them 18:03:56 <langdon> pshaw.. agenda smagenda 18:04:14 <mattdm> bexelbie good call 18:04:50 <mattdm> do you want to give a general public budget situation update? 18:05:01 <bexelbie> not really :P 18:05:02 <bexelbie> but sure 18:05:24 <mattdm> #topic Budget situation update 18:06:50 * mattdm listens to the calm chirp of many crickets 18:06:50 <bexelbie> So based on internal numbers that do not provide details, I am led to believe we have spent just over 50% of our funding. We are over 50% of the way through the year. I have a spreadsheet started to try and recreate this as best as I can. I need to get some time to finish two of the regions and find some more of the flock $$. 18:07:05 <bexelbie> excuse me ... three regions 18:07:17 <mattdm> some more of the probably-spent flock money? 18:07:26 <bexelbie> yes 18:07:37 <bexelbie> I believe we underspent, I just can't confirm the amount yet 18:08:19 <bexelbie> This is also giving me a chance to create a spreadsheet based model to maintain our records next FY 18:08:36 <bexelbie> this can be replaced, if needed, once we know the pain points 18:08:42 <bexelbie> it should also allow us to do some reporting 18:08:47 <mattdm> that sounds great 18:09:02 <mattdm> the updated model and reporting, I mean. not the uncertainty :) 18:09:27 <bexelbie> Heisenberg, iirc, would disagree, but yes :) 18:09:52 <jkurik> how many $$ we are uncertain about ? 18:10:56 <bexelbie> jkurik, that is hard to directly answer. But I do not have confirmation records for about 20K of Flock. 18:11:20 <bexelbie> Some of that is because of hte way some of it was booked. For example, and unknown amount is buried in the Design FAD 18:11:28 <bexelbie> s/and/an/ 18:11:40 <bexelbie> Other is true underspend 18:11:46 <bexelbie> and some is savings from VAT 18:12:08 <bexelbie> The records are in multiple currencies and the records will never be 100% accurate because the conversions from X to USD are not known 18:12:23 <jkurik> thanks for the qualified guess 18:12:31 <bexelbie> but if that was our only problem we'd be partying :) 18:12:44 * mattdm puts down the beverage 18:12:57 <bexelbie> I also need to complete trying to determine how much underspent, and I do believe they are underspent, the regions are 18:13:10 <bexelbie> and to work out an way to better manage the underspend that I can put forward to this august body :) 18:13:30 <bexelbie> Sirko is also predicting a 2K underspend by FUDCon APAC 18:13:51 <bexelbie> Which is helpful, as it will balance out some overspend at FUDCon LATAM. 18:14:06 <bexelbie> However, I am encouraging him to spend his budget usefully and not feel obligated to undersend 18:14:10 <bexelbie> underspend 18:14:16 * langdon notes his birthday is in august 18:14:52 <mattdm> langdon: so you will be donating your birthday money? 18:14:56 * bexelbie gives the budget to langdon as a gift :) Happy Belated Halloween : 18:15:16 <jkurik> langdon: that explains the $20k uncertainity from flock :) 18:15:18 * langdon says +1 18:15:21 <langdon> ha 18:16:42 <mattdm> okay, so, that's basically where we stand, yeah? anything more? 18:16:54 <bexelbie> not from me, barring questions 18:17:05 <mattdm> let's move on to.... 18:17:09 <mattdm> #topic open budget requests 18:17:15 <mattdm> As far as I know, that's 18:17:22 <mattdm> #info Diversity Team FAD 2017 18:17:28 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/73 18:17:36 <mattdm> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Diversity_2017 18:17:44 <mattdm> #info requesting about $3000 18:18:02 <mattdm> #info and at our last meeting, we liked the Organize-around-devconf proposal 18:18:28 <mattdm> are there other open proposals I'm not seeing right now? 18:18:41 <bexelbie> T-shirts for translators 18:18:45 * bexelbie looks for the ticket 18:19:03 <mattdm> oh yeah. okay, 18:19:06 <mattdm> got it 18:19:20 * langdon also notes we should think about switching the name of that group to "inclusion" or similar which is the new PC term for diversity which is now considered, unsurprisingly, somewhat divisive 18:19:24 <mattdm> #info T-shirts for translators 18:19:27 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/69 18:20:08 <mattdm> langdon: okay, but not right now :) 18:20:19 <langdon> mattdm, +1 18:20:29 <mattdm> This was a request for 500€ 18:20:29 <langdon> someone commented on it to me.. 18:20:46 <mattdm> #info request for ~ $550 18:20:49 <langdon> mattdm, how much is that in real money (speaking of inclusive!) ;) 18:20:52 <langdon> thanks 18:21:07 * langdon continues to giggle at himself 18:21:25 * mattdm lols for langdon's benefit 18:21:45 <mattdm> so, I'm +1 to both of these if bex is confidant we have the money 18:21:57 <langdon> so.. did we have anything "against" these to? it was just a question of how do we budget better so that we don't get these in ~oct, right? 18:22:05 <langdon> s/to/two 18:22:29 * mattdm scanning tickets now 18:22:50 <mattdm> #info tshirts are approved by lazy consensus in ticket 18:23:20 <mattdm> (with +1s from bex, jkurik, and robyduck) 18:24:19 <mattdm> So, the diversity fad.... 18:25:19 <mattdm> Should I just call for consensus approval starting now? 18:25:42 <langdon> was it proposal 1 or 2? 18:26:07 <mattdm> money is about the same, but I think we were pretty sold collectively on #1 (devconf) 18:26:30 <langdon> right.. ok.. im +1 for that.. i would love to do the albania thing .. but i think its tough 18:26:36 <bexelbie> we need to state devconf because we aren't allocating for the next FY 18:26:54 * mattdm would love, someday, to visit albania, but next may is not that day. 18:27:15 <langdon> bexelbie, good point 18:27:57 <mattdm> Ok, since no one is saying not to, I'll put call-for-votes in the ticket 18:29:20 <bexelbie> ok 18:29:48 <jkurik> lazy concensus with a deadline ? 18:30:11 <mattdm> yeah... one week? 18:31:20 <mattdm> lazy consensus on one week it is :) 18:31:36 <jkurik> yeah, one week is enough, imo 18:32:26 <mattdm> #topic okay what next 18:33:15 <mattdm> anyone have more to talk about? we've got some time :) 18:33:56 <langdon> how about a proposal to align europe and us daylight savings cutover date to confuse me less? 18:34:27 <bexelbie> actually 18:34:28 <mattdm> langdon: ooh, yes, good point. 18:34:36 <bexelbie> I'd love to see this meeting not shift later in Europe, if possible 18:34:59 <mattdm> #info oh no DST ends in the us before next week's meeting 18:35:13 <langdon> yeah 18:35:54 * bexelbie will be on a plane during our next meeting. 18:35:57 <mattdm> bexelbie: so, if we keep this at the same UTC time, it becomes an hour _earlier_, right? 18:36:08 <bexelbie> it will not shift later 18:36:08 * mattdm looks at clock with squinty eyes 18:36:12 <bexelbie> I think 18:36:23 * bexelbie has a timeache 18:36:35 <mattdm> why is this so hard? 18:36:36 <bexelbie> because we shift off of Summer Time in about 2 weeks, iir 18:36:38 <bexelbie> iirc 18:36:54 * langdon puts utc meetings in his calendar as iceland tz.. so it responds correctly 18:37:08 <langdon> sooo 18:37:29 <langdon> next week.. this mtg will be at 13h eastern 19h cest 18:37:55 <mattdm> and it's currently at 14h us/eastern and ??h cest 18:37:58 <jkurik> langdon: cest is over, now we have CET 18:38:03 <langdon> ohh right 18:38:05 <langdon> so.. 18:38:11 <langdon> s/so/sorry 18:38:12 * mattdm is glad to not maintain tzinfo 18:38:17 <bexelbie> so ... actually we ended summertime on Saturday 18:38:23 <bexelbie> oh, you saw that jkurik :) 18:38:36 <langdon> i forgot what the "S" stood for 18:38:40 <mattdm> bexelbie: so you are *already* living in the future? 18:38:56 <bexelbie> mattdm, based on my calendar's functionality, no :P 18:39:16 <jkurik> bexelbie: actually the summer time ended on Sunday at 3AM 18:39:23 <bexelbie> so it looks like if we don't make any changes, the calendar will be fine based on what is in fedocal 18:39:38 <bexelbie> jkurik, as I am not currently in Europe I am not required to observe the time as a condition of my visa :P 18:39:47 <jkurik> :) 18:39:50 <bexelbie> it is so weird for this meeting to occur during daylight 18:40:00 <mattdm> ok. so, unless anyone objects, leave time as it is now. 18:40:04 <langdon> now? 18:40:08 <jkurik> +1 18:40:09 <mattdm> on UTC. 18:40:10 <langdon> like utc? 18:40:15 <bexelbie> +1 no change 18:40:17 <mattdm> so it will switch to 13h in the US 18:40:18 <langdon> ok.. so moving for us next week 18:40:24 <langdon> right .. ok 18:40:27 <mattdm> langdon: meeting is staying still. we are moving :) 18:40:32 * mattdm spins the globe 18:40:57 <mattdm> #info Council meeting will stay at 18:00 UTC through switch from Daylight/Summer time 18:41:16 <langdon> mattdm, ha 18:41:17 <mattdm> #info which makes it effectively an hour earlier in places that are now (or just were) observing that 18:41:23 <mattdm> #info timezones are hard 18:41:35 <langdon> im said about how it will be colder next week when summer is over 18:41:43 <mattdm> #info Fedora officially adopts Swatch Internet Time Beats for everything from now on 18:41:47 <bexelbie> Perhaps we should entertain an F26 change to eliminate TZ support and simplify things 18:41:58 <langdon> bexelbie, +100 18:42:29 <mattdm> ok. so on that note, back to digging out from under a pile of email for me? 18:42:45 <langdon> +1.. im behind too 18:42:58 <bexelbie> +1 to mattdm digging out my email 18:43:28 <langdon> bexelbie, +1 18:43:32 <mattdm> awesome. thanks everyone 18:43:35 <bexelbie> ty 18:43:41 <mattdm> bexelbie: just forward it all to me and i'll see what I can do 18:43:46 <mattdm> #endmeeting