18:00:41 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2017-01-16) 18:00:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 16 18:00:41 2017 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2017-01-16)' 18:00:43 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:00:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:00:45 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck tatica bexelbie 18:00:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck tatica 18:00:47 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 18:00:55 <bexelbie> .hello bex 18:00:56 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 18:01:06 <mattdm> good $TIMEOFDAY, everyone! 18:01:19 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:01:19 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:02:01 <jwb> i'm about to hop on a call. definitely won't be attending today unfortunately. maybe you could discuss shifting the time an hour later or something 18:02:22 <mattdm> jwb: Yeah, plan is to reschedule meeting entirely after today's election concludes 18:02:51 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:02:52 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:03:00 <mattdm> jwb: can you check the logs and vote in ticket after? 18:03:27 * mattdm waits a few minutes to see if robyduck is around 18:04:07 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 18:04:08 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 18:04:54 <mattdm> excellent 18:05:00 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 18:05:08 <mattdm> I've picked out these tickets: 18:05:12 <mattdm> 1. Trademark approval for LXQt spin 18:05:14 <mattdm> 2. Budget Reallocation (FADs and FUDCons) 18:05:16 <mattdm> 3. Reimbursement issues 18:05:18 <mattdm> 4. PRDs and overall strategy 18:05:54 <bexelbie> 2 and 3 will be fast 18:06:45 <mattdm> does anyone have anyhting else to add? 18:07:03 <robyduck> nope 18:07:18 <mattdm> ok let's go :) 18:07:20 <langdon> umm 18:07:23 <langdon> one, maybe 18:07:30 <mattdm> langdon? 18:07:40 <langdon> "council get together in brno" if we have greater than 3-4 people? 18:07:55 <mattdm> robyduck, will you be there? 18:08:19 <robyduck> mattdm: that depends if I will be still Council member or not 18:08:38 <mattdm> robyduck: oh yeah, good point. :) 18:08:45 <robyduck> ;) 18:08:54 <mattdm> So, depending on election outcome, we will have more than 4 18:09:04 <mattdm> okay I'll put this as agenda item #5. 18:09:12 <mattdm> #topic Trademark approval for LXQt spin 18:09:14 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/84 18:09:53 <mattdm> This has several plus ones in ticket. It seems non-controversial. 18:10:05 <mattdm> I'm going to call for a 3-day lazy consensus. Sound good? 18:10:12 <jkurik> I am +1 (for the record) 18:10:50 <bexelbie> +1 the lazy conensus 18:11:24 <robyduck> +1 for me too, but this will involve many other teams too, once we have the trademark approval 18:11:56 <mattdm> robyduck: yeah, this is just the trademark approval part. 18:11:59 <mattdm> okay next topic :) 18:12:04 <mattdm> #topic Budget Reallocation (FADs and FUDCons) 18:12:05 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/83 18:12:07 <mattdm> bex go :) 18:12:29 <bexelbie> I haven't made a huge amount of progress - mechanical budget work has taken longer than hoped 18:12:39 <bexelbie> I have the data collected for analysis on the policy 18:12:42 <bexelbie> just need to have time 18:12:47 <langdon> btw.. mattdm don't you have 3 +1s on the spin ticket? 18:13:06 <mattdm> langdon: yeah but needs to be no -1s and jwb still could come along and nix it 18:13:11 <mattdm> or tomorrow's new council member 18:13:11 <bexelbie> on the alternative methods, I have been testing them and so far no troubles 18:13:22 <langdon> mattdm, ohh.. right.. totally.. language was just a little confusing 18:13:25 <bexelbie> Again, just needs policy work 18:13:31 <mattdm> langdon: sorry 18:14:08 <mattdm> bexelbie: wait, I think you're ahead of the agenda 18:14:20 <mattdm> this is the "move fad money around" thing 18:14:21 <langdon> mattdm, i think i was just behind :) 18:14:22 <bexelbie> you said go 18:14:23 <bexelbie> I went :) 18:14:25 <bexelbie> sorry 18:14:35 <bexelbie> yeah .. so #3 is done 18:14:38 <mattdm> go _on this topic_ :) 18:14:38 <bexelbie> now for #2 :P 18:14:44 <mattdm> ermagerd 18:14:53 <bexelbie> going and going on a specific topic 18:14:56 <bexelbie> so totally different 18:15:06 <bexelbie> so the ticket is pretty complete 18:15:19 <bexelbie> we have unspent money in FUDCons that I'd like to move to FADs 18:15:27 <mattdm> ticket 83, that is :) 18:15:27 <bexelbie> I'll balance out Flock later once the regions are done 18:15:33 <langdon> do we have any comments from APAC? 18:15:55 <gnokii> what comment you want 18:15:58 <langdon> like they didn't underspend by design? 18:16:06 <langdon> s/they/you ;) 18:16:06 <bexelbie> I was not on the council when the money was allocated, but based on the way the additional budget for LATAM was approved, this is council money to move, not regional money, aiui 18:16:17 <bexelbie> langdon, this is not related to their regional budget 18:16:20 <mattdm> bexelbie: this is *just* moving council-level FUDCon/FAD allocation money, right? 18:16:26 <bexelbie> mattdm, that is correct 18:16:27 <mattdm> oh you just answered that :) 18:16:30 <bexelbie> no regional funds are being adjusted 18:16:31 <langdon> gotcha .. ok 18:17:03 <langdon> then i guess im +1 .. i can't see how this isnt pretty much perfunctory 18:17:10 <mattdm> In that case, I think this is just accounting blah blah blah and doesn't require much more than a rubber stamp 18:17:23 <langdon> mattdm++ for stamps! 18:17:23 <zodbot> langdon: Karma for mattdm changed to 7 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:17:29 <bexelbie> mattdm, that rubber stamp is a +1 from the council :) 18:17:35 <mattdm> bexelbie: yep :) 18:17:46 <langdon> but.. my w/c sounded smahtah 18:17:48 <bexelbie> This is reallocating funds and increasing our FADs budget so I feel it has importance 18:18:43 <bexelbie> On a related note, I don't think we will have any more of these for this FY 18:18:49 <langdon> i assume the q for what to do with the 1k is the matter of another ticket? 18:19:04 <bexelbie> langdon, actually we already allocated it :) 18:19:11 <bexelbie> that is why I am closing the loop 18:19:19 <langdon> bexelbie, not per the ticket 18:19:21 <bexelbie> The diversity FAD is pushing the FADs negative 18:19:27 <bexelbie> diversity FAD was approved a while back 18:19:32 <langdon> says some for diversity.. and some for "other stuff" 18:19:34 <bexelbie> when we didn't realize how much had already been spent in FADs 18:19:38 <langdon> i meant the "other stuff" 18:20:03 <bexelbie> $1132.19 to FADs to cover parts of the Diversity FAD which is already approved and to leave a balance toward additional FADs or prepayment for next year's FADs (possibly the Council FAD) 18:20:51 <langdon> bexelbie, i think we are just talking past each other here.. i read that as open ended, i think you read it as closed 18:21:05 <langdon> but i am fine reading it with your interpretation 18:21:25 <bexelbie> langdon, ok .. I am not actually sure we are even talking about the same thing 18:21:33 <mattdm> let me know when you guys are unconfused 18:21:38 <bexelbie> as I read it this is covering the shortfall in the Diversity FAD allocation 18:21:48 <bexelbie> and leaving a balance which could be allocated by the council at a later date 18:22:01 <bexelbie> with the suggestion that it might be used to prepay Council FAD expenses in FY18 18:22:09 <bexelbie> but not allocating it as such 18:22:15 <langdon> "additional FADs or prepayment for next year's FADs" < this reads to me as "some fads to be decided on later" .. and i was commenting "we will have new tickets when those fads are proposed, right?" 18:22:37 <bexelbie> langdon, yes, we would 18:22:44 <langdon> so we are good 18:22:49 <bexelbie> I didn't read your "other stuff" comment that way 18:22:54 <bexelbie> which is what I was trying to understand 18:23:08 <bexelbie> yep, we are good 18:23:21 <langdon> bexelbie, yep.. hence why i thought we were talking past each other ;) 18:23:27 <langdon> "words are hard" 18:24:42 * mattdm didn't think he was confused before but is now 18:25:06 <langdon> mattdm, just nod and smile.. we are good 18:25:09 <bexelbie> "Confused? You won't be after this episode of Fedora Council." 18:25:10 <langdon> next topic :) 18:25:29 * mattdm nods 18:25:31 * mattdm smiles 18:25:39 <mattdm> #topic Reimbursement issues 18:25:41 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/76 18:25:43 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/77 18:25:45 <mattdm> ok bexelbie NOW this stuff 18:25:55 <bexelbie> Both of these are still in progress. 18:26:06 <mattdm> do you want the tickets still open? 18:26:08 <bexelbie> data has been collected for working on a reimbursement policy 18:26:18 <bexelbie> experimentation going on for alternative payment methods 18:26:29 <bexelbie> I think it can't hurt, but if we need them closed I am ok with closing them too 18:26:46 <mattdm> I'd like tickets to either have activity/updates or be closed 18:26:46 <bexelbie> I see the tickets are representing ongoing work 18:26:54 <bexelbie> works forme 18:26:57 <bexelbie> for me too 18:27:15 <robyduck> mattdm: +1 18:27:21 <bexelbie> Shall I add activity or close them? 18:27:29 <mattdm> Yes. 18:27:32 <mattdm> Yes you should. :) 18:27:33 * langdon notes mattdm thinks like a maintenance programmer/sys admin ;) 18:27:56 <mattdm> I'll take that as a complement :) 18:28:03 <langdon> tickets MUST BE CLOSED.. glen gary glen ross quote 18:28:10 <langdon> always be closing! 18:28:21 <bexelbie> always be reopening 18:28:23 <bexelbie> use onlly 1 ticket 18:28:26 <bexelbie> no matter what 18:28:40 * langdon notes bexelbie and langdon think like architects.. where everything is kinda squishy 18:28:45 <mattdm> I mean, it's fine if there's a backlog somewhere. But we can have only so many things on our plate. 18:28:53 <mattdm> Limit WiP, yall 18:29:26 <bexelbie> should we have a backlog tag? 18:29:29 * langdon is giggling over here seeing these discreet examples of psych profiles ;) 18:29:36 <bexelbie> to indicate important but not on deck? 18:29:48 <langdon> bexelbie, you should close them.. or matt is gonna not be able to sleep and come to your house 18:29:56 <langdon> open a new ticket when next action is available 18:30:03 <mattdm> lol 18:30:03 <bexelbie> works for me 18:30:06 <langdon> track ongoing work as a separate matter 18:30:17 <mattdm> there's a bazillion things which are important but not on deck 18:30:23 <mattdm> labeling them will just make us sad. 18:30:32 <langdon> -1 for sadness.. 18:30:40 <mattdm> exactly! 18:30:52 * langdon goes to open an anti-sadness ticket 18:30:59 <mattdm> so speaking of which... 18:31:06 <mattdm> #topic PRDs and overall strategy 18:31:08 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/63 18:31:22 <mattdm> The top two things on *my* todo list right now are: 18:31:34 <mattdm> 1. Rework Fedora objectives page, rethink mission with council 18:31:50 <mattdm> 2. Remind WGs of importance of PRDs and refresh of strategy 18:31:56 <mattdm> #2 is actually first. 18:32:14 <mattdm> But, I think it'd be *better* to do #1 first. 18:32:22 <mattdm> Brian and I have been talking about this a little bit 18:32:32 <mattdm> and it's one of the main purposes fo the planned council fad 18:32:38 <bexelbie> #1 feels like a blocker on a lot of processes 18:32:48 <bexelbie> but Council FAD 18:33:06 <robyduck> are there any ideas of rethinking the mission? 18:33:10 <mattdm> yeah. So what I'm doing here is saying that I had an action item to do #2, but I'm bumping it to the backlog 18:33:24 <mattdm> robyduck: you mean, specific ones? 18:33:29 <robyduck> yes 18:33:47 <mattdm> So, here's my basic thoughts... 18:33:48 <robyduck> I mean, if there are some the Council could work them out 18:33:57 <mattdm> Our mission is: to lead the advancement of Free and open source software and content as a collaborative community. 18:34:03 <mattdm> at least, that's the current statement. 18:34:10 <robyduck> yup 18:34:32 <mattdm> But, in 2017, if we sat down and started from scratch to do that, *what sane person would say "the best way is to build a linux distro!" 18:34:53 <mattdm> At the same time, I think we *do* want to build a linux distro AND have good reasons to do so 18:34:59 <mattdm> But that's not articulated in our mission. 18:35:15 <mattdm> I think we should move some of the more grand statements to our vision statement 18:35:31 <robyduck> aha, gotcha 18:35:36 <mattdm> and connect our stated mission a little more closely with what we're here to do 18:35:40 <mattdm> Does that make sense? 18:35:59 <jkurik> now it makes sense even to me :) 18:36:04 <bexelbie> +100 18:36:06 <mattdm> jkurik: nice :) 18:36:18 <robyduck> yes, time has changed since our actual mission statement, we *could* really work out something more artuclated 18:36:24 <robyduck> articulated even 18:37:14 <mattdm> Yeah, that's the other thing — I think the current one is from 2009/2010, and it's good to take a critical look every... decade or so :) 18:37:19 <robyduck> and I think having an updated mission would also give us some marketing plus outside. which is always a good thing 18:37:46 <mattdm> yeah, good point 18:38:44 <bexelbie> and could help us with our own marketing and community/user growth 18:38:55 <mattdm> I hope we can have something where we can draw a logic model for the project overall, and have all of the parts work 18:39:25 <mattdm> I'm still drafting my "hopes for 2017" FPL message... Do you think I should put this as part of it, or should I start a separate discussion? 18:39:38 <bexelbie> I think you should tease it 18:39:44 <bexelbie> and then make it separate 18:39:50 <mattdm> *nod* good suggestion 18:39:52 <bexelbie> and that should go to comm blog 18:39:55 <bexelbie> the 2017 18:39:58 <bexelbie> with the tease I mean 18:40:06 <mattdm> also good suggestion 18:40:14 <langdon> definitely separate.. and arguably.. not the 2nd part at all 18:40:16 <langdon> we want some level of organic discussion 18:40:22 <langdon> commblog should also have the accomplishments stuff 18:40:26 <mattdm> this message is #3 on my list 18:40:38 <mattdm> langdon: the 2016 in review stuff I already posted? 18:40:53 <langdon> mattdm, on commblog? i saw the email.. not the blog post 18:41:12 <mattdm> It didn't get, like, any response on the council list, so putting it on the comm blog is probably a good way for it to get a little more attention 18:41:34 <langdon> arguably.. that is one for magazine .. 18:41:40 <langdon> as it is about "users" .. sorta 18:41:47 <mattdm> it's mixed 18:41:50 <bexelbie> I can easily see this on magazine 18:42:03 <mattdm> bexelbie: the 2017 part, the 2016 review, or the mission? 18:42:06 * bexelbie is working on the next installment of FCAIC news - will let mag and commblog decide where it runs 18:42:20 <bexelbie> I'd tease mission in 2017 18:42:28 <bexelbie> then put it where you want the discussion to be 18:42:35 <bexelbie> and tell them where it will be in the teaser 18:42:42 <mattdm> I *definitely* want the discussion to be on the council list 18:42:42 <bexelbie> so if you want to do it in blog comments, put it there 18:42:47 <bexelbie> then put it there first 18:42:49 <mattdm> I do not want to do it in blog comments 18:42:57 <bexelbie> after it gets somewhat baked you can move it to a bigger crowd 18:43:02 <bexelbie> I think 18:43:10 <mattdm> yeah. 18:43:44 <mattdm> okay, so, do we want to have a separate #topic for "possible meeting in brno"? 18:43:48 <bexelbie> it's what I'd like to do with the events conversations 18:43:55 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 18:44:06 <bexelbie> once they gel (that's the word) 18:44:42 <bexelbie> I can get us a non-devconf overlapping space if we know when people will be in Brno 18:44:51 <bexelbie> or can work to get us an overlapping one if we'd prefer 18:45:20 <mattdm> #topic possible meeting in brno 18:45:30 <jkurik> I will not be in Brno during DevConf this year (some personal/family issues), having a meeting a day before/after the devconf helps me 18:45:44 <langdon> Sorry dropped hook for a min there 18:46:39 <mattdm> I will be there from late on the 24th (but jetlagged) and leave monday the 30th 18:46:43 <bexelbie> Would the Monday after work? 18:46:46 <langdon> I'm there for basically the two weeks around DevConf 18:46:46 <bexelbie> so no 18:47:16 <langdon> Why not a dinner like we did some other time? 18:47:24 <bexelbie> 25th dinner? 18:47:44 <jkurik> +1 for the 25th dinner 18:47:55 <langdon> DOW? 18:48:01 <mattdm> 25th dinner sounds good. I'm already booked for dinner and *breakfast* on the 26th 18:48:05 <bexelbie> Wed 18:48:24 <langdon> I think that works 18:48:36 <bexelbie> Anyone else in Brno (pending mystery council person in a few days) 18:48:38 <bexelbie> ? 18:49:02 <langdon> I think jwb will be there 18:49:07 <jkurik> bexelbie: s/days/hours/ 18:49:33 <bexelbie> jkurik, microseconds please :P 18:49:47 <jkurik> :) 18:49:50 <bexelbie> it is sounding like 25 dinner or during devconf 18:50:00 <bexelbie> barring a lunch on 25 (/me is probably booked on 26 already) 18:50:36 <bexelbie> jkurik, do you think we'd need a reservation - I would hope we could walk in to most places (barring food challenges 18:51:12 <jkurik> bexelbie: I am typically making reservations as you never know .... 18:51:15 * langdon is a food challenge 18:51:27 * mattdm votes for Annapurna 18:51:35 <bexelbie> langdon, will that work for you? 18:51:39 <bexelbie> jkurik, ^^? 18:51:44 <langdon> Not as bad as mattdm though 18:51:53 <langdon> Yeah 18:51:55 <jkurik> bexelbie: you mean Annapurna ? 18:52:02 <jkurik> it works for me 18:52:04 <bexelbie> jkurik, yes 18:52:05 <bexelbie> ok 18:52:21 <bexelbie> what time do people want to eat? 18:52:47 <mattdm> I will still be jetlagged so time is no object 18:53:12 <langdon> Well we want to meet a it too? Or just social? 18:53:25 <langdon> "a bit" 18:53:48 <bexelbie> I am ok with meeting too 18:53:56 <bexelbie> they don't have a private room, iirc 18:53:57 <langdon> Maybe like 5.. And order slowly.. 18:54:10 <jkurik> bexelbie: I am flexible with my eating habbits :) 18:54:10 <robyduck> we should meet and do some concrete stuff whch is faster to do face to face 18:54:11 <mattdm> if we're obnoxious enough, any room will be a private room 18:54:13 <langdon> I don't think we need that.. But wifi would be nice 18:54:26 <bexelbie> I recall them having wifi 18:54:42 <bexelbie> worst case I can make you all sit on my uncomfortable chairs 18:54:43 <bexelbie> :P 18:54:54 <mattdm> I can stand. 18:55:15 <mattdm> okay, so I actually have one interesting other nonrelated thing 18:55:27 <mattdm> #topic note on fedora stats kaiju 18:55:34 <langdon> 5m! go! 18:55:47 <mattdm> smooge has been looking at the automated fedora stats 18:56:20 <mattdm> one big concern I had was an apparent big drop in numbers in 2016 (which we're back up over, but i liked to see continuous growth) 18:56:45 * langdon thinks council should have a badge for when people do stuff for the council 18:56:47 <mattdm> it seems like this is at least in some significant part to two new proxy servers being added -- but their logs not captured 18:57:00 <mattdm> langdon++ yes good idea 18:57:28 <mattdm> so, i386 drop may still be a thing, but overall, that big kaiju bite (too big to be a dinosaur, see) may be explained 18:57:38 <langdon> Lol 18:58:13 <mattdm> #topic One Minute for Open Floor 18:58:16 <mattdm> go! 18:59:02 <robyduck> me! 18:59:06 <mattdm> robyduck: go! :) 18:59:38 <robyduck> just wanted to tank you all for the nice experience here, and hopeful to see you next week too, otherwise at next FLOCK!!! 18:59:48 <mattdm> thanks robyduck! 19:00:00 <mattdm> thanks for all your hard work on everything! 19:00:05 <langdon> Robyduck++ 19:00:10 <robyduck> ;) 19:00:34 <bexelbie> robyduck++ 19:00:34 <zodbot> bexelbie: Karma for robyduck changed to 8 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 19:00:57 * langdon wonders if case matters 19:01:04 <robyduck> mmmh cookies 19:01:10 <langdon> robyduck++ 19:01:16 <mattdm> nice. and thanks everyone else too 19:01:23 <mattdm> langdon: one cookie per cycle :) 19:01:23 <robyduck> cheers 19:01:27 <mattdm> #endmeeting