13:00:01 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2017-05-24) 13:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 24 13:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2017-05-24)' 13:00:03 <mattdm> #meetingname council 13:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 13:00:05 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck bexelbie 13:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck 13:00:07 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 13:00:14 <mattdm> Good morning and afternoon to everyone 13:00:20 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 13:00:21 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 13:01:29 <jwb> Hi 13:01:39 <bexelbie> .hello bex 13:01:40 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 13:02:44 <mattdm> robyduck is out this week. So, waiting on langdon :) 13:03:07 <langdon> .hello langdon 13:03:08 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 13:03:10 <mattdm> awesome :) 13:03:14 <langdon> oops.. turned off notifies :/ 13:03:16 <mattdm> #topic Today's Open Floor Agenda 13:03:34 <mattdm> Okay, so, here's some things I was thinking. The first two don't have tickets. 13:03:48 <mattdm> 1. Fedora 26 Schedule and Boltron/Modularity status 13:03:56 <mattdm> 2. Flock CFP -- how can we promote this 13:04:00 <mattdm> then, tickets 13:04:06 <mattdm> 3. LATAM FAD: any update? 13:04:15 <mattdm> 4. FAmNA budget request 13:04:21 <mattdm> oh and another one without a ticket 13:04:30 <mattdm> 5. Next steps for diversity advisor 13:04:43 <mattdm> Does anyone love or hate any of these topics for this morning? 13:04:45 <mattdm> Additional ones? 13:05:19 <bexelbie> they look fine - nothing else urgent comes to mind 13:05:34 <bexelbie> well, except that council members are reminded to check for private tickets 13:06:02 <mattdm> bexelbie: yeah. Maybe bring that to the council-private mailing list? 13:06:55 <mattdm> and, thoughts on this agenda, everyone else? Or should we dive in? 13:08:08 <langdon> im good.. although i am not sure what yo uwant on the first item :) 13:08:19 <jkurik> lets dive in 13:08:22 <mattdm> okay :) 13:08:29 <mattdm> #topic Fedora 26 Schedule and Boltron/Modularity status 13:08:39 <mattdm> langdon: just trying to put you on the spot :) 13:09:07 <mattdm> and jkurik too. It looks to me from the blocker list that we're probably going to ship the beta this week. 13:09:09 <mattdm> which is good :) 13:09:29 <mattdm> langdon: how do things look for modularity? are there blockers or problems we can help resolve? 13:10:28 <bexelbie> Do we have good messaging for how we want to promote Boltron? 13:10:30 <langdon> actually.. multitasking .. can we do mine before tickets? but not now? 13:10:34 <bexelbie> a clean concise problem statement, etc? 13:11:02 <mattdm> langdon: like, in ten minutes? 13:11:07 <langdon> yeah 13:11:12 <mattdm> #info langdon asks we come back to this in a bit 13:11:23 <mattdm> #topic Flock CFP promotion 13:11:45 <bexelbie> we have people registering for flock - i haven't seen the CFP queue 13:11:48 <mattdm> #info hey everyone. flock registration and CFP is now open 13:11:50 <bexelbie> so the soft launch has worked 13:11:53 <mattdm> #link https://flocktofedora.org/ 13:11:54 <bexelbie> :D 13:12:00 * bexelbie hasn't had time to write a magazine post yet 13:12:08 <bexelbie> while it is in the queue ... the queue is long 13:12:09 <bexelbie> :( 13:12:15 <mattdm> Is that what we are waiting for? That's my main question I guess. :) 13:12:30 <bexelbie> I think so 13:12:41 <bexelbie> I'll email the flock lists and see if I can rustle up a volunteer 13:12:51 <bexelbie> that a good next action? 13:12:53 <mattdm> I would volunteer to help but I still have to write the new mission/values page *and* the beta announcement... so I won't. :) 13:13:02 <mattdm> bexelbie: +1 13:13:20 <bexelbie> I feel your writing pain 13:13:34 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to email flock lists and find a volunteer to write the flock/cfp announcement 13:13:35 <jwb> so 13:13:47 <mattdm> jwb yes? 13:13:50 <jkurik> mattdm: x3mboy has volunteered to write the beta announcement 13:14:10 <jwb> from an "outsider's" perspective, nobody really knows how to submit anything for flock right now 13:14:20 <mattdm> jkurik: yeah I'm working with him 13:14:28 <jkurik> ok 13:14:29 <mattdm> jwb: this is true from an insiders' perspective too :) 13:14:32 <jwb> because we've off-handedly said we want to get away from talks 13:14:42 <jwb> but haven't really elaborated on what fills those gaps 13:14:55 <bexelbie> There is some elaboration on the site about that I thought 13:14:57 * bexelbie goes to look 13:15:24 <bexelbie> fudge - there isn't 13:15:27 <jwb> bexelbie: very brief, but not really enough 13:15:28 <mattdm> bexelbie: it says "This affects the types of session proposals that will be accepted. A team status report is less likely to be accepted than a collaborative team working session or a workshop." 13:15:42 <bexelbie> I really thought I had written or seen more - it must have been in email 13:15:43 <mattdm> bexelbie: yeah, so I think the magazine post has to carry that weight 13:15:51 <bexelbie> yep and lead to a site update 13:16:14 <mattdm> bexelbie: although not necessarily a big one. it can just point to that post 13:16:26 <jwb> all of this is good, but it leads me to wonder how we're going to organize things like "person X needs to be at session Y" 13:16:42 <jwb> or "person X should be there, but didn't submit a session" 13:16:47 <bexelbie> The cfp is supposed to have a place to list the folks you need 13:16:55 <bexelbie> and the funding committee is supposed to take that into consideration 13:16:57 <bexelbie> aiui 13:17:13 <mattdm> bexelbie: it does not currently have that 13:17:15 <jwb> that would be good. i fear people will assume others will be there so we need to make sure it's explicit 13:17:23 <mattdm> jwb++ 13:17:40 <jwb> lastly, this makes it somewhat harder for managers to get people committed 13:17:49 <bexelbie> I know that was in stuff I talked to puiterwijk and mo about 13:17:54 <mattdm> you can add co-presenters but that's all 13:18:23 <mattdm> jwb: yeah. "going to give a talk" is like "special hall pass for attending conference" :( 13:18:31 <bexelbie> :( I'll try to bump this up for a greater follow up 13:18:52 <jwb> mattdm: true in multiple places 13:18:55 <bexelbie> jwb, iirc we said at our FAD that this would require folks to explain to their manager how their presence was important 13:19:13 <bexelbie> which helps us with people hopefully finding funding from their employers 13:19:58 <jwb> bexelbie: it does, yes. but my point is that if person X isn't running a session but is invited(?) to one, that's confusing. particularly since we have very little time before budgets need to be spent for tickets and such 13:20:26 <bexelbie> are you suggesting we change course? 13:20:56 <mattdm> I don't think we should change course 13:21:08 <mattdm> I think maybe we can make some official-looking invitation letters though 13:21:18 <jwb> no. i'm saying we need to move faster. i'm saying we need to really clarify CFP, get the proposals in, and get decisions made on acceptance as fast as possible. it is essentially june, which means Q1 budget is gone 13:21:20 <mattdm> which might help 13:21:31 <bexelbie> I can do letters 13:21:36 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 13:21:52 <jwb> Q2 budget is going to start getting spent. the longer this takes, the less likely funding will be available even in the event of acceptance 13:22:13 <bexelbie> jwb, how would you suggest we move faster - we are trying to get the announcement out asap 13:22:17 <bexelbie> the time is running on CFP submissions 13:22:55 <jwb> bexelbie: what's the turn around time for acceptance after CFP closes Jun 15? 13:23:13 <bexelbie> as fast as possible 13:23:14 <jwb> bexelbie: particularly given that we have essentially a 2 week CFP that isn't announced. 13:23:32 <jwb> and we had to extend CFP last year by 3 weeks, and it was open much longer to begin with 13:24:36 <jwb> so, stay the course, but start sending emails about submissions to devel list NOW. stop waiting for magazine articles 13:24:39 <bexelbie> I understand your concerns and agree with them and this process is moving as fast as I think it can - I don't see other options for speeding this up 13:24:48 <mattdm> We may need to do a second round. 13:25:06 <mattdm> Rather than extending, let's see what we get by the first deadline and approve what we can from that 13:25:11 <bexelbie> the text of a -devel list email is about the same as a magazine article as soon as it is ready it will be sent 13:25:15 <mattdm> and then if need be put out an additional call 13:26:24 <jwb> bexelbie: it doesn't have to be. "Hi Devel List! Flock CFP is open! Please start thinking about your submissions and registration now. We'll send more details on the kind of submissions we're looking for ASAP, but if you already have an idea in mind submit it today! kthxbai" 13:26:44 <mattdm> jwb++ 13:26:51 <bexelbie> that seems to go against what you said about needing a lot more clarity to get submissions we wanted 13:26:56 <bexelbie> but we can definitely get that sent 13:27:35 <mattdm> bexelbie: maybe add in a sentence or two above focus on hackfest/do-sessions? 13:27:39 <jwb> bexelbie: there's a chicken-egg here. we want quality submissions, but our timeframe is very short and people aren't generally aware CFP is even open. so we need submissions period, and can refine 13:28:06 <jwb> i'm happy to email devel list if that helps 13:28:12 <bexelbie> that woudl be great 13:28:15 <jwb> will do 13:28:17 <mattdm> awaesome. thanks jwb 13:28:39 <jwb> hopping on a work meeting, so multi-tasking but i'll try to keep up 13:28:47 <mattdm> ok, that seems like a plan for now. next item -- langdon, you ready? 13:28:51 <mattdm> #topic Back to Boltron 13:28:56 <langdon> ha.. mostly 13:29:25 <mattdm> I guess the main things are: 13:29:33 <langdon> ok.. so what kind of update are you looking for.. 13:29:34 <mattdm> 1. How does the technical side look right now? 13:29:53 <mattdm> 2. Are there non-technical/political/social/resource blockers we can resolve? 13:29:54 <langdon> actually pretty good 13:30:00 <mattdm> 3. How should we promote? 13:30:14 <langdon> ok.. actually single-tasking now 13:30:19 <langdon> so.. 1) 13:30:51 <langdon> the modules are building pretty well, containers are building, cleaning up some of deps and modules still 13:31:09 <langdon> we have a container with a hacked in dnf and some modules local to the container 13:31:19 <langdon> qcow is getting there.. but not built yet 13:31:24 <langdon> problems: 13:31:29 <langdon> 1) no qcow yet 13:31:37 <langdon> 2) brt container not in osbs yet 13:31:43 <langdon> 3) koji still slow 13:31:49 <langdon> otherwise.. cooking with gas 13:32:03 <langdon> questions before I hit the next items? 13:32:04 <mattdm> are #1 and #2 likely to be resolved by the beta release next week? 13:32:13 <mattdm> or are we looking for a post-beta deliverable? 13:32:24 <mattdm> this has impact on #3 :) 13:32:25 <langdon> mattdm, not connnected.. hoping for asap.. 13:32:33 <mattdm> *nod* 13:32:41 <langdon> mostly relying on brt and factory 13:32:45 <mattdm> on, so, #2... blockers? 13:32:49 <langdon> and i think all of us being hurt by #3 13:33:03 <mattdm> oh I meant the other #3 from *my* list 13:33:10 <mattdm> one of us should have used letters 13:33:12 <langdon> ok.. now i am confused by numbers..i should have used letters 13:33:14 <langdon> :) 13:33:23 <langdon> ok.. mine are abc 13:33:25 <mattdm> nice. 13:33:46 <langdon> so a,b not connected to beta release per se.. 13:33:55 <langdon> but impacted by c 13:34:05 <mattdm> is B based on a layered image, or is it a docker/oci base image? 13:34:20 <langdon> b = base image based on the brt module 13:34:25 <bexelbie> brt? 13:34:31 <langdon> base runtime 13:34:32 <langdon> sorry 13:34:33 <mattdm> bexelbie: Base RunTime 13:34:41 <langdon> team slang 13:34:45 <mattdm> not to be confused with BuildRooT 13:34:53 <bexelbie> ahh 13:35:13 <mattdm> so, is that being produced in koji and just not a "from" option in OSBS? 13:35:28 <langdon> currently not a FROM option is the problem 13:35:43 <langdon> i don't know the details why.. need to talk to contyk 13:35:57 <mattdm> ok. i won't dwell on that here then. :) 13:36:20 <mattdm> so, what about my item 2.... anything the council can do to help? 13:36:27 <langdon> yeah... i don't think there is anything anyone can "do" besides let them "work" 13:36:51 <langdon> i think on #2 we will need help in 2-3 weeks.. when we have a "beta".. 13:37:15 <langdon> i am not sure we will hit the "real" beta date .. but it will be nearby.. 13:37:19 <mattdm> ok. let's make sure to have groundwork in place before so no surprises 13:37:34 <mattdm> knock on wood beta is next tuesday. so probably not :) 13:37:56 <mattdm> on my item 3, communication... 13:37:59 <mattdm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_talking_points 13:38:16 <bexelbie> We can also talk this up at OSS Japan and LinuxCon China 13:38:16 <mattdm> there's nothing in the talking points. it would be nice if there were. something to take to the team please? 13:38:33 <langdon> and "beta" is a tough term... like we may have something by tues.. but i don't think we will be happy with it.. I am really looking for something im semi-happy with the week of the 5th 13:38:41 <mattdm> although obviously that section should say it will be post-beta 13:39:15 <mattdm> langdon: ok, that's helpful. by beta here I just mean "the main Fedora release beta" 13:39:24 <langdon> yeah.. i get it.. 13:39:47 <mattdm> we should have *at least* a Magazine article lined up ready to go at that point, too 13:39:59 <langdon> yes.. ugh.. work :) 13:40:08 <mattdm> langdon: yes. writing assignments for everyone! :) 13:40:18 <mattdm> ok, that's 10 minutes on this. more, or next topic? 13:40:23 <langdon> we are imagining a qcow and a container that people can play with .. 13:40:36 <langdon> maybe we should have a "special" meeting to talk about outreach? 13:40:43 <langdon> or slot it in to marketing or something 13:40:46 <bexelbie> If we can get your crib notes about that mag article, I can have them as part of our pitch in Japan next week 13:40:54 <langdon> like I am not sure this is council .. but I could sure use hte help 13:41:01 <mattdm> langdon: let's slot it in to marketing. 13:41:13 <mattdm> langdon: can you post to the marketing list? 13:41:31 <langdon> sure.. but i may need your (mattdm) help on composition 13:41:42 <mattdm> langdon: sure 13:41:51 <mattdm> okay, moving on? 13:42:10 <mattdm> #topic LATAM FAD -- any update? 13:42:24 <mattdm> this is from a ticket, but hold on, pagure is suddenly slow 13:42:33 <langdon> yeah... i think that is all i have to update... but i think ill try and come back with a formal story next time or the time after on the marketing situation (and I am sorry i am always laggy ;) ) 13:42:42 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/116 13:42:58 <mattdm> this may be quick. do we have any update from the LATAM community? 13:43:22 <bexelbie> They are looking at other city options per email traffic 13:43:30 <bexelbie> but alexove didn't give me a specific update to share 13:43:44 <mattdm> bexelbie: okay, thanks. so I guess this will just wait 13:43:46 * bexelbie waits on pagure to load 13:43:58 <mattdm> there it's loaded for me 13:44:50 <mattdm> but anyway I guess the action there is "wait on LATAM" 13:44:58 <mattdm> #topic FAmNA budget increase request 13:45:04 <bexelbie> ye 13:45:05 <mattdm> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/108 13:45:29 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/108 13:45:37 <bexelbie> I saw that this got discussed in the NA meeting - I did not see resolution in that meeting or updates here 13:45:45 <bexelbie> I have received no updates from NA Ambassadors or award directly 13:46:01 <langdon> bexelbie, award? 13:46:02 <mattdm> last correspondence in the ticket is that the request is for media, and then your response that media did not seem like a good use of money, and then nothing 13:46:17 <mattdm> langdon: "andrew ward". not literally an award :) 13:46:29 <bexelbie> yes 13:46:29 <langdon> mattdm, ha.. sorry.. did not parse 13:46:44 <bexelbie> The work with the Federator seems promising 13:46:45 <langdon> "award money" was how i read it 13:46:46 <bexelbie> and may resolve this 13:46:58 <bexelbie> the question I think we may have to answer at some point is about printing USB sticks 13:47:07 <bexelbie> but I'd like to see it both asked and justified before we answer it :) 13:47:59 <mattdm> bexelbie: ok, so, any action here? I guess my main comment is that Q1 is gone, so we should be talking about Q2/Q3 expendentures 13:48:12 <bexelbie> yes, but we haven't authorized additional budget 13:48:18 <bexelbie> we were waiting for the mission to resolve, iirc 13:48:32 <mattdm> bexelbie: okay, so we're basically waiting on me. fair. :) 13:48:58 <bexelbie> :D 13:48:59 <bexelbie> sorry 13:48:59 <mattdm> although I think we're resolved with the mission update enough that we can probably move forward 13:49:50 <mattdm> but anyway I'll get that written soon so you can point to it 13:50:38 <bexelbie> at our FAD we had discussed the idea of allocating smaller Q2-4 budgets to the regions to allow for ideas to bubble up related to the mission 13:50:46 <bexelbie> and to give robyduck some room to drive mindshare 13:50:51 <mattdm> bexelbie: AIUI right now we have allocated $0. 13:51:02 <bexelbie> iirc, we had said $3K/quarter for q2-4 per region 13:51:13 <bexelbie> that is correct, today we have not allocated any budget for Q2-4 for the regions 13:51:39 <mattdm> bexelbie: ok, can you put together a proposal to allocate that $3k? 13:51:45 <mattdm> I don't think we have time to decide it now 13:51:55 <bexelbie> so do we want to authorize $9K/region ($3K/quarter) to be used for continuing work and local priorities with the balance to go through council/robyduck related to the new mission - holding back stuff for "big ideas"? 13:52:00 <bexelbie> alright, I'll work on a ticket 13:52:28 <bexelbie> or would you prefer a council-discuss email? 13:52:37 <mattdm> I'm generally in favor of the words you just now said. but yeah, let's ticket it 13:52:37 <langdon> im a little concerned here.. bexelbie are you not seeing requests? 13:53:16 <bexelbie> langdon, no, we aren't. APAC appears to have no plans at all so far this year - I am trying to find the time engage with them - but my focus has been in China with LinuxCon and Japan with Open Source Summit 13:53:30 <bexelbie> LATAM is planning a FAD to figure out how to work within their budget and plan new activities 13:53:38 <langdon> that i think is good 13:53:38 <bexelbie> they seem to understand the challenges FUDCon has had 13:53:49 <langdon> didn't apac also have a fad? or about to have one? 13:54:05 * langdon doesn't remember the dates 13:54:07 <bexelbie> EMEA is currently moving forward with ides - they have not made requests for new money - and may be slightly overspent on the current money 13:54:17 <bexelbie> APAC has not had a FAD in my recent memory 13:54:22 <bexelbie> there was not one at their last FUDCon 13:54:41 <bexelbie> EMEA may just need a prod - I'll try ot deliver that along with the new allocation we approve, if any 13:54:56 <mattdm> bexelbie APAC had a planning FAD in 2015 13:54:57 <langdon> ok.. i just want to be sure we spend the money... 13:54:58 <mattdm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015 13:55:03 <bexelbie> NA seems to be disengaged from the rest of the Ambassadors and has plans but is otherwise in the same boat as EMEA 13:55:09 <bexelbie> langdon, yes 13:55:19 <mattdm> however, those plans did not really pan out 13:56:01 <langdon> ok.. we can move on from my comments.. im just worried 13:56:17 <bexelbie> I will suggest a FAD for APAC as that may be needed - it'd be nice to see what happens in China and Japan first though 13:56:21 <mattdm> langdon: yeah. it's a fair worry. 13:56:26 <bexelbie> very fair worry 13:56:37 <bexelbie> I know robyduck has plans that should start moving in June, iirc 13:56:44 <bexelbie> and minshare should help drive htis 13:56:45 <bexelbie> I hope 13:56:49 <bexelbie> mindshare, this 13:56:50 <langdon> btw.. i did submit a modularity talk for linuxcon na.. and plan too for emea 13:56:52 <mattdm> *nod* 13:56:57 <mattdm> langdon: cool. 13:57:05 <mattdm> where is linuxcon na this year? 13:57:12 <bexelbie> langdon, we have booth opportunities to test the message in Japan and China langdon 13:57:14 <langdon> west coast somewhere 13:57:40 <mattdm> langdon can you make sure bex has what he needs for that message testing? 13:57:47 <langdon> bexelbie, im hesitant cause i don't have anything to "show" next week.. but we can give you the pitch deck we have been using like at rh summit 13:57:56 <bexelbie> Japan is next week 13:58:01 <bexelbie> China is 19 June 13:58:04 <bexelbie> sure, let's do that 13:58:13 <langdon> ohh china would be good then 13:58:22 <langdon> i thought you were saying they were both next week 13:58:29 <bexelbie> nope 13:58:43 <mattdm> #topic meeting wrap up 13:58:48 <mattdm> okay one minute left 13:58:56 <mattdm> we didn't get to "next steps with diversity advisor" 13:59:07 <mattdm> I'll bring that to the mailing list because we really should get moving 13:59:35 <mattdm> and, unless anyone has an emergency comment, ending the meeting.... 13:59:52 <mattdm> #endmeeting