13:01:30 <bexelbie> #startmeeting Council (2017-06-28) 13:01:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 28 13:01:30 2017 UTC. The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2017-06-28)' 13:02:04 <bexelbie> #meetingname council 13:02:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 13:02:04 <bexelbie> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck bexelbie 13:02:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck 13:02:04 <bexelbie> Note: mattdm is unable to fully attend today (and may not make it all) and has asked me to run the meeting. 13:02:04 <bexelbie> This is a tickets meeting. I've reviewed the open issues in our queue 13:02:10 <bexelbie> .hello bex 13:02:11 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 13:02:27 <jwb> absent today. work meeting. my regrets. 13:03:07 <langdon> .hello langdon 13:03:08 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 13:03:49 <bexelbie> hi langdon without robyduck or jkurik_mtg we are not really at quorum 13:04:03 <langdon> bexelbie, im 1/2 in another meeting to.. 13:04:07 <bexelbie> hahha 13:04:09 <langdon> wonder if we should skip this one 13:04:16 <bexelbie> I think so 13:04:18 <jkurik> .hello2 13:04:18 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 13:04:33 <bexelbie> I suggest given how few people we are that we look at 6 specific tickets 13:04:40 <bexelbie> and then I'll hand out action items like candy 13:04:49 <bexelbie> these 6 are ones I am not sure, on first glance, what hte next step should be 13:04:53 <bexelbie> wdyt? 13:05:05 <jkurik> I am fine with it 13:05:20 <bexelbie> langdon, ? 13:06:18 <langdon> bexelbie, sorry .. took me like 5 reads to process that 13:06:21 <langdon> sounds fine 13:06:33 <bexelbie> Contestant #1 is a nice little ticket from the islands to our north 13:06:34 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/112 13:07:06 <bexelbie> This is about setting FAS IDs inactive after some period of time 13:07:12 <bexelbie> there are some proposals intermixed in there. 13:07:29 <bexelbie> The secondary issue in the ticket, of a single workinggroup/sig being able to inactivate a fas id has been resolved 13:07:42 <bexelbie> so the remaingin question seems to be do we want to inactivate inactive FAS IDs 13:08:08 <langdon> yeah .. but doesn't robyduck say famsco took this on? 13:08:16 <langdon> or am i not getting enough context 13:08:39 <bexelbie> famsco, as I understand it, only voted on whether they wanted to ask for a person's account to be made inactive 13:08:47 <bexelbie> they decided they didn't need that 13:08:51 <bexelbie> aiui 13:08:53 <langdon> ahh i see 13:09:09 <bexelbie> but I am not sure if we as a council want to move forward with thinking about a policy for marking inactive accounts 13:09:47 <langdon> yeah .. i want a policy for smooge's point .. but someone needs the action of writing a proposed policy .. thne, new ticket, then vote 13:10:20 <bexelbie> ok 13:10:25 <bexelbie> I'll find a champion for that or close it 13:10:51 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to find a champion for this or close it #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/112 13:11:00 <jkurik> I will be in favor to not make fas id inactive 13:11:20 <bexelbie> jkurik, do you suggest we just close this ticket or do you want a chance to weigh in on a policy proposal? 13:11:22 <bexelbie> #undo 13:11:22 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bexelbie at 13:10:51 : bexelbie to find a champion for this or close it #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/112 13:11:23 <langdon> jkurik, well.. smooge gives the example of spam accounts 13:11:39 <langdon> and he has no official authority to close those accounts 13:11:46 <jkurik> langdon: ah, yes, that makes sense then 13:11:52 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to find a champion for this or close it https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/112 13:11:55 <bexelbie> ok, #2 13:11:56 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/103 13:12:32 <bexelbie> I believe this should be closed. I think that we should encourage this to be more directed to specific people in direct communication 13:12:41 <bexelbie> we've also pointed the requester at various resources 13:13:16 <jkurik> bexelbie: yeah, I agree 13:13:28 <langdon> yeah.. its not really a "council action" .. i am sure the humans on the council would love to help .. but that isn't the same 13:13:40 <bexelbie> ok, closing 13:13:46 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/75 13:13:56 <bexelbie> #undo 13:13:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bexelbie at 13:13:46 : bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/75 13:13:59 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/10 13:14:01 <bexelbie> #undo 13:14:01 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by bexelbie at 13:13:59 : bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/10 13:14:03 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/103 13:14:05 <bexelbie> got it that time 13:14:07 <bexelbie> next ticket 13:14:09 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/75 13:14:11 <langdon> lol 13:14:53 <langdon> close it 13:14:54 <bexelbie> it has been 4-6 months wihtou a response from the requester 13:14:56 <bexelbie> I move to close 13:15:35 <bexelbie> jkurik, ? 13:15:41 <langdon> if my +1 wasn't obvious.. +1 :) 13:15:53 <jkurik> +1 to close 13:15:55 <langdon> "won't fix" -> marketing 13:16:01 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to close #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/75 13:16:03 <bexelbie> nexxt 13:16:05 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/69 13:16:32 <bexelbie> I'd like approval to just budget the $750 13:16:35 <bexelbie> second to last entry 13:16:40 <bexelbie> then I can drive this to close on the printing/shipping side 13:16:47 <bexelbie> I don't think we ever actually allocated the money 13:17:02 <bexelbie> I think we can do that as the three of us given the age and lack of objections 13:17:34 <langdon> +1 13:17:36 <jkurik> perhaps lazy concensus set for one week might work ? 13:17:53 <bexelbie> jkurik, given the age I feel like lazy consensus happened without a vote 13:17:58 <bexelbie> but I am ok with holding it another week if we want 13:18:42 <jkurik> I am fine either way; if you feel noone might object, than go on 13:18:48 <bexelbie> #agreed to budget $750 to resolve https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/69 bexelbie will help get the tickets actions resolved 13:18:52 <bexelbie> taking that as consensus :) 13:18:54 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/63 13:18:56 <bexelbie> next ^^ 13:19:02 <bexelbie> jkurik, what do we need to do next, anything? 13:19:30 <jkurik> hmm, PRDs are more-less ready 13:19:58 <jkurik> #action jkurik to check the status of PRDs and solve the issue #63 13:20:21 <bexelbie> cool! 13:20:23 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/60 13:20:39 <langdon> wow! excited to see new PRDs 13:21:37 <bexelbie> jkurik, I've assigned the ticket to you 13:21:41 <langdon> im for deferring this one 13:21:56 <langdon> or, assign to jkurik works for me too :) 13:22:06 <bexelbie> jkurik, opinons on #60? 13:22:09 <jkurik> bexelbie: ok 13:22:21 <bexelbie> #agreed closing #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/60 as deferred 13:22:23 <bexelbie> yes? 13:22:28 <jkurik> yes 13:23:10 <bexelbie> ok 13:23:33 <bexelbie> 5 tickets are either mattdm's or need his direct follow up 13:23:33 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/120 13:23:33 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/117 13:23:33 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/114 13:23:33 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/107 13:23:35 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/99 13:23:35 <bexelbie> Anyone want to open those up and visit them, or can we move on? 13:23:58 <bexelbie> +1 to moving on :) btw 13:24:03 <jkurik> lets move on 13:24:07 <langdon> +1 13:24:10 <bexelbie> #action mattdm to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/120 13:24:10 <bexelbie> #action mattdm to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/117 13:24:10 <bexelbie> #action mattdm to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/114 13:24:10 <bexelbie> #action mattdm to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/107 13:24:10 <bexelbie> #action mattdm to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/99 13:24:18 <jkurik> :) 13:24:21 <bexelbie> 3 are mine for the same reasons 13:24:21 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/113 13:24:22 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/109 13:24:23 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/108 13:24:24 <bexelbie> Anyone want to open those up and visit them, or can we move on? 13:24:28 <bexelbie> +1 for making these all assigned to langdon 13:24:29 <bexelbie> :P 13:24:36 <bexelbie> and am also happy to move on 13:24:45 <langdon> noses! 13:24:56 <bexelbie> ?? 13:25:08 * robyduck late but here 13:25:23 <jkurik> robyduck: hi 13:25:36 <bexelbie> Hi robyduck 13:25:41 <robyduck> hi jkurik bexelbie 13:25:47 <bexelbie> can we move on from my tickets to the next batch? 13:25:57 <jkurik> robyduck: we are just looking for someone to assign ticket to 13:26:09 <jkurik> bexelbie: I am fine to move on 13:26:27 <bexelbie> taking that as unanimous :) 13:26:28 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/113 13:26:28 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/109 13:26:29 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/108 13:26:29 <bexelbie> 4 tickets appear to just need some mechanical processing to move forward. I am happy to do that, they are tickets 13:26:32 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/119 13:26:34 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/92 13:26:38 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/88 13:26:40 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/53 13:26:42 <bexelbie> Anyone want to open those up and visit them, or can we move on? 13:26:44 <bexelbie> these last 4 seem to literally just need to have the handle cranked 13:26:59 <bexelbie> (well not last 4 - there are two more tickets left + private ticket(s)) 13:27:32 <bexelbie> I will bring these to the council if they need a non-mechanical action 13:27:40 <bexelbie> agreed to let me process? 13:27:41 * robyduck is for moving on, but I didn't read all the backlog 13:27:54 <langdon> sorry dropped hook ... back now 13:28:35 <langdon> noses! == what my kids say when they want to avoid something .. last person to put their finger next to their nose gets the action item 13:28:36 * bexelbie lets langdon read back and waits for jkurik's opinion 13:28:55 <jkurik> bexelbie: you have my trust to process :) 13:28:56 <bexelbie> noses, also apparently the command to drop your network connection 13:29:10 <bexelbie> that's 3 ... langdon moving on :) 13:29:11 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/113 13:29:11 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/109 13:29:11 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/108 13:29:11 <bexelbie> 4 tickets appear to just need some mechanical processing to move forward. I am happy to do that, they are tickets 13:29:11 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/119 13:29:13 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/92 13:29:15 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/88 13:29:17 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/53 13:29:19 <bexelbie> Anyone want to open those up and visit them, or can we move on? 13:29:25 <bexelbie> doh! 13:29:31 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to process https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/119 13:29:33 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to process https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/92 13:29:35 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to process https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/88 13:29:38 <robyduck> 92 can be closed IMHO 13:29:39 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to process https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/53 13:29:41 <bexelbie> that's the right block 13:29:51 <robyduck> (as wontfix) 13:29:51 <bexelbie> robyduck, I will crank that widget unless you get there first :) 13:30:01 * langdon mutters bexelbie is way to quick for me :) .. 13:30:11 <bexelbie> ok 13:30:21 <bexelbie> that leaves us with two tickets and one or more private tickets 13:30:31 <bexelbie> The private tickets, if any, deal with issues we are not going to talk about in this meeting 13:30:34 <bexelbie> I am going to leave them alone 13:30:35 <langdon> ack 13:30:39 <bexelbie> if anyone would like the numbers, pm me 13:30:44 <bexelbie> and be a council member :P 13:30:50 <bexelbie> The other two public tickets are 13:30:52 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/123 13:30:52 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/121 13:30:56 <langdon> ha.. and we can see them ourselves if logged in :) 13:31:09 <bexelbie> Both of these seem to need reading and responses from us 13:31:10 <langdon> hey! i made that one! 13:31:14 <bexelbie> I haven't had time to do them yet 13:31:26 <bexelbie> I suggest we assign them as I am not sure we have any discussion to be had today 13:31:27 <langdon> 123 isn't urgent 13:31:30 <bexelbie> does anyone have any discussion? 13:31:36 <langdon> i just wanted it in before the change proposal deadline 13:31:44 <jkurik> I started to review the guidelines in https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/123 but have not finished it yet 13:32:23 <bexelbie> #action all council members to read and follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/123 13:32:23 <bexelbie> #action all council members to read and follow up on https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/121 13:32:24 <bexelbie> ok? 13:32:31 <jkurik> ok 13:32:32 <langdon> yeah 13:32:39 <langdon> is 121 urgent? 13:33:40 <bexelbie> ? 13:33:45 * bexelbie needs to read it fully 13:33:53 <robyduck> 121 has too many TBDs for me, mking decisions on something which is not clear is rather unusual 13:33:56 <langdon> you have a very long reply in it :) 13:34:00 <langdon> ^^ bee2502 13:34:04 <langdon> sorry.. 13:34:08 <langdon> bexelbie, i meant 13:35:02 <bexelbie> yes, but that doesn't mean I appreciate the urgency of it 13:35:03 <bexelbie> :) 13:35:30 <langdon> bexelbie, lol .. ok .. no worries.. 13:35:34 <bexelbie> and given the lack of response it must not be urgent 13:35:37 <bexelbie> I wrote that 13 days ago 13:35:44 <bexelbie> that's like forever ago :P 13:35:45 <langdon> point 13:36:02 <langdon> so .. is that a wrap? 13:36:12 <langdon> this is much more efficient without mattdm </snark> 13:36:19 <bexelbie> #topic Open Floor 13:36:25 <jkurik> I will be on a leave for the upcoming 3 weeks, mostly having no internet connection 13:36:35 <bexelbie> jkurik, have fun!! 13:36:40 <bexelbie> I will be out next week as it is a public holiday here 13:36:51 <langdon> jkurik, nice! (well... i can't handle the no internet part) 13:36:53 <bexelbie> and probably the week after that as I will be in transit or possibly without internet 13:37:22 <langdon> i am out tomorrow->next tues.. which has no effect on any of you :) 13:37:31 <robyduck> wow, anyone around next week except me? 13:37:34 <robyduck> :) 13:37:36 <bexelbie> langdon, it does if you don't get me the stuff you owe for flock 13:37:43 <bexelbie> like seriously 13:37:46 <langdon> bexelbie, uhh .. 13:37:59 <langdon> i think i have it.. and i think i forgot to send it 13:38:12 <bexelbie> please make sure I am in the to/cc directly, if possible 13:38:16 <jkurik> robyduck: I hope anyone will be around as we should have go/no-go meeting for F26 13:38:17 <bexelbie> I want to get those emails sent 13:38:34 <bexelbie> I vote go but rename F25-retro :P 13:38:35 <bexelbie> j/k 13:38:36 <langdon> bexelbie, pm me the subject? in case I am mis-remembering what you need? 13:38:49 <robyduck> jkurik: oh, it's already that time again? 13:39:15 <jkurik> yeah, as we slipped for 5 weeks already... 13:39:24 <robyduck> :) 13:39:46 <langdon> ok.. endmeeting? 13:39:50 <jkurik> +1 13:39:51 <robyduck> +1 13:39:58 <bexelbie> +1 13:40:01 <bexelbie> #endmeeting