14:02:19 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2018-01-10) 14:02:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 10 14:02:19 2018 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-01-10)' 14:02:21 <mattdm> #meetingname council 14:02:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:02:21 * cverna will lurk around then 14:02:23 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck bexelbie dperpeet 14:02:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie dperpeet jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck 14:02:25 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:02:35 <jkurik> .hello2 14:02:36 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 14:02:42 <mattdm> hi everyone! 14:03:13 <langdon> .hello2 14:03:14 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:03:15 <dperpeet> .hello2 14:03:16 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 14:03:20 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 14:03:23 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 14:03:30 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:03:31 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:04:05 <mattdm> welcome y'all! 14:04:29 <mattdm> ooh Amita should be in the list too 14:04:33 <mattdm> #chair Amita 14:04:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bexelbie dperpeet jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck 14:04:36 <bexelbie> that's "howdy y'all" 14:04:51 <mattdm> hold on a second while I update the wiki page so I don't forget next time 14:05:07 <mattdm> also hmmm josh does not seem to be in channel 14:05:35 * x3mboy is on spy mode 14:06:18 <jwb> hi, apologies 14:06:24 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 14:06:26 <bexelbie> o/ 14:06:40 <mattdm> Okay, this is a Tickets and Ongoing meeting 14:07:02 <langdon> if we had people other than council members.. it would be.. howdy all y'all 14:07:15 <mattdm> #info The council aims to be active and not just reacting to tickets, but we have regular "Tickets and Ongoing" meetings to make sure we don't drop things on the floor 14:07:24 <langdon> quick q.. when is the decision for flock due? 14:07:32 <mattdm> #info open tickets can be found at https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues?status=Open&order_key=priority&order=desc 14:07:43 <bexelbie> langdon, we are working on validating the bid that was selected before announccing it publicly 14:07:47 <mattdm> langdon: you mean, when is the Flock committee going to announce? 14:07:49 <bexelbie> so RSN 14:08:03 <langdon> yeab 14:08:10 <mattdm> basically jen madriaga has to validate that we're not insane :) 14:08:20 <langdon> ha.. good luck! 14:08:41 <jwb> we are all insane 14:08:48 <mattdm> okay, so, #agenda, though :) 14:09:23 <mattdm> I was talking to bex and we picked a handful of tickets to close off 14:09:38 <mattdm> also right before the meeting we closed another handful which seemed obvious 14:09:39 <bexelbie> That's a peck in metric 14:09:53 <mattdm> which is the kind of thing having a meeting forces, so that's The Process Working :) 14:10:02 <mattdm> Here's the list: 14:10:07 <mattdm> 1. #166 Community domain request for Fedora Zhongwen User Group 14:10:18 <mattdm> 2. #167 Request for approval for APAC vFAD 2018 14:10:34 <mattdm> 3. #143 Mindshare FAD 14:10:46 <mattdm> (Note that that's a private ticket right now....) 14:10:52 <mattdm> 4. 14:10:54 <mattdm> #126 Direction of Ambassador Program 14:11:01 <mattdm> (whee, that's not small....) 14:11:07 <mattdm> 5. 14:11:10 <mattdm> #155 We need to re-charter the Modularity objective 14:11:15 <mattdm> 6. 14:11:17 <mattdm> #146 Council Members please submit a short bio 14:11:25 <mattdm> those last two are going to be very short. :) 14:11:28 * bexelbie didn't include that one on the list :D 14:11:39 <mattdm> Is there anything else urgent anyone sees? 14:11:45 <robyduck> is this the agenda for the next month? 14:12:10 <robyduck> :) 14:12:14 <mattdm> robyduck: ha 14:12:26 <bexelbie> month, that's metric for an hour, right? 14:12:41 <mattdm> okay, clearly, let's get started. :) 14:12:51 <mattdm> #topic Community domain request for Fedora Zhongwen User Group 14:13:12 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/166 14:13:25 <robyduck> I think the domain request is pretty good, they would need the license agreement signed 14:13:59 <mattdm> it seems reasonable to me 14:14:26 <mattdm> #action mattdm to ask legal for the paperwork 14:14:30 <mattdm> anyone opposed to this? 14:14:40 <robyduck> the fcomm.org subdomain is just a redirect we do from infra side 14:14:56 <bexelbie> I believe we should try to provide hosting, but that is a policy issue, of which there are ramifications I may not appreciate 14:15:30 <bexelbie> I'd just note that China has some things that require a physical human's ID to be tied to them which makes somethings harder. That may not be true with hosting, I don't know. 14:15:56 <mattdm> bexelbie: Yeah, I don't have a full understanding of all of those issues. 14:16:06 <mattdm> In any case, that doesn't block this request. 14:16:14 <bexelbie> Not today, I think we should revisit why we prohibit hosting - but yes, lets not block 14:16:24 <mattdm> Do you want to make a ticket about that? :) 14:16:31 <bexelbie> and I suggest we encourage a waiver ticket to be opened if this is a problem on the hosting side in country 14:16:40 * bexelbie will open a general ticket 14:17:00 <mattdm> thanks :) 14:17:25 <mattdm> okay, that was simple 14:17:31 <mattdm> #topic APAC VFAD 14:17:37 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/167 14:17:54 <mattdm> As noted, since this is a VFAD, there's no budget request... 14:18:02 <mattdm> I'm not sure council approval is even needed. 14:18:12 <robyduck> nod nod 14:18:13 <mattdm> Do we have a policy saying we need to approve VFADs? 14:18:19 <mattdm> if we do, we should drop that policy :) 14:18:46 <bexelbie> I think the confusion was because normally FADs have a budget associated with them 14:19:07 <bexelbie> we have an open ticket on FAD policy, I'll add a note to note that vFADs and budgetless FADs do not need approvals - when we fix that 14:19:16 <langdon> are we sure v-cookies and v-pizza have no cost?!? :) 14:19:20 <bexelbie> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/138 14:19:45 * robyduck agrees to both, to vFad and to drop the vFad policy if we have this 14:20:00 <mattdm> done! 14:20:07 <mattdm> bexelbie: thanks for picking all easy tickets :) 14:20:16 <jwb> yeah, i'm not sure why we'd need to approve that 14:20:18 <robyduck> langdon: v-pizza ok, but what about v-beer?? 14:20:26 <mattdm> #topic Mindshare FAD 14:20:31 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/143 14:20:32 <langdon> robyduck: point 14:20:42 <mattdm> #info note link is currently council-members only 14:20:51 <mattdm> dperpeet, Amita -- can you see that? 14:21:12 <dperpeet> mattdm, no, I can't 14:21:29 <robyduck> so, that's my thing I guess. There is still the plan to make it happen, we have budget set aside for that 14:21:32 <mattdm> dperpeet: hold on a sec 14:21:39 <mattdm> and yeah, robyduck's thing :) 14:21:46 <robyduck> council member's inputs in the ticket are really welcome 14:22:15 * robyduck wanted to start to make a concrete plan with dates once we have the new Mindshare Committee members elected 14:22:22 <robyduck> (and appointed) 14:22:33 <bexelbie> My comment stands - we need to get it bought before March 1 if you are going to use this year's funding :) 14:22:47 <mattdm> dperpeet: okay you are now in the right group 14:22:54 <mattdm> sorry about that 14:22:56 <robyduck> bexelbie: that's the first condition, yes 14:23:08 <bexelbie> I suggest a "when is good" of the nominees ... it's going to be made from them so that gives a good idea on dates 14:23:13 * langdon wonders why no modularity representation is required in pretty pretty south tyrol :) 14:23:44 <dperpeet> mattdm, can't see it, but don't worry about it now, it'll probably work eventually :) 14:23:52 <mattdm> robyduck: can we make this public? 14:23:58 <robyduck> langdon: we can add that :D 14:24:07 <robyduck> mattdm: yes, sure 14:24:25 <mattdm> #info made public 14:24:32 <mattdm> I think we're generally agreed on the things you wanted to sort out. 14:24:42 <mattdm> and yeah, let's get tickets bought quickly 14:25:03 <mattdm> It is my understanding from Bex that we have a decent amount of remaining budget 14:25:14 <mattdm> And this is high priority for ... me, Fedora, and the Council in general 14:25:20 <langdon> mattdm: +1 14:25:24 <mattdm> So let's do what's needed to make this a success. 14:26:32 <bexelbie> robyduck, let me know how I can help you 14:26:48 <robyduck> bexelbie: sure, thanks! 14:26:56 <mattdm> we also budgeted a big chunk *just* for Mindshare and I don't think that any of that is spent 14:27:00 <mattdm> ($9k) 14:27:10 <robyduck> mattdm: exactly 14:27:19 <robyduck> we will use that for the FAD 14:27:28 <mattdm> so basically I think: robyduck work with bex and spend up to that amount, and if you need more, also work with bexelbie 14:27:35 <bexelbie> #info https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/overall.html 14:27:41 <mattdm> does that sound reasonable to everyone? 14:27:42 <robyduck> oki doki 14:28:03 <bexelbie> +1 14:28:32 <langdon> +1 14:29:24 * mattdm is marking this approved 14:29:42 <mattdm> robyduck: if you *want* to invite langdon you can :) 14:30:20 <mattdm> I'm going to now skip forward to the easy ones :) 14:30:27 <langdon> lol 14:30:37 <mattdm> #topic Council Bios 14:30:44 <mattdm> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/146 14:30:50 * langdon starts typing bio... 14:31:05 <mattdm> #info all council members please submit a short description of yourself 14:31:15 <mattdm> no need to be humble :) 14:31:31 <mattdm> one day, this will go in your wikipedia article :) 14:32:10 * mattdm grumbles that every minor-league basketball player gets a wikipedia page... you'd think society would care that much about people in open source :) 14:32:16 <langdon> like this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mattdm 14:32:29 <mattdm> langdon: lol 14:32:41 <mattdm> #topic Modularity objective 14:32:46 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/155 14:33:01 <mattdm> this is short because there's still no proposal 14:33:11 <mattdm> but langdon and I are going to work on one, like, *tomorrow* 14:33:23 <langdon> tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... 14:33:32 <robyduck> :D 14:33:38 <mattdm> but, literally, I'm going into westford and we can rope in sgallagh and get it done. 14:33:38 <langdon> https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56964/speech-tomorrow-and-tomorrow-and-tomorrow 14:33:39 <bexelbie> Please do 14:33:45 <bexelbie> I think it is critical what with the upcoming demos 14:33:56 * sgallagh ducks 14:34:00 <langdon> yeah.. the change is pretty good.. but it needs to tie back to the mission 14:34:09 <langdon> on me.. to much zelda over xmas 14:34:10 <mattdm> #info the _project_ has been undergoing some serious rethinking, so that's delayed the rechartering.... 14:34:24 <mattdm> which is maybe backwards, but the cart was rolling forward 14:34:31 <mattdm> so now we need to chase after it with the proverbial horse 14:34:43 <mattdm> so anyway expect a real proposal for this... RSN. 14:34:48 * langdon will be taking a bus to westford.. not a horse 14:34:48 <sgallagh> Kidding aside, tomorrow is good for me. I have only one meeting (9-10 EST) then I'm available 14:35:08 <mattdm> I think we'll want to handle it in tickets rather than via meetings, though 14:35:14 <mattdm> because of devconf and timing and stuff 14:35:21 <mattdm> so everyone please be ready for that 14:35:23 <bexelbie> This horsepowered canoe better get rechartered soon :D 14:35:34 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 14:35:34 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for bex changed to 8 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:35:42 <mattdm> okay, so, now.... 14:35:42 <langdon> wait... handle what in tickets? 14:35:53 <mattdm> langdon: when we have an objective proposal 14:36:02 <langdon> oh.. like to ask for review? 14:36:10 <mattdm> yes. review and approval in tickets 14:36:28 <langdon> gotcha.. i agree 14:36:41 <mattdm> how are we doing for actually having a demo for devconf/fosdem? 14:37:01 <Amita> .hello amsharma 14:37:02 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 14:37:05 <Amita> sorry to be late 14:37:24 <mattdm> oh hi Amita! welcome! 14:37:29 <langdon> mattdm: also RSN 14:37:47 <langdon> we have some hacked up ones already.. but a prettier one is coming.. 14:37:54 <mattdm> langdon: good luck :) 14:38:06 <mattdm> okay, so, let's get to the Ambassador's topic 14:38:08 <langdon> i need to coordinate with sgallagh and geppetto on it.. i think we have 3 different ones in progress :/ 14:38:19 <mattdm> #topic Direction of Ambassador Program 14:38:28 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/126 14:38:43 <mattdm> We left this several months ago with 14:38:48 <mattdm> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ambassadors-fedora-strategy/ 14:38:53 <sgallagh> langdon: I haven't started mine, so I'm perfectly happy to collaborate 14:39:03 <mattdm> #info "A proposal: Ambassadors and Fedora strategy" 14:39:23 <mattdm> Which I put a lot of work into and thought was good, and then, like *crickets*, y'all. 14:39:54 <mattdm> robyduck, do you have any thoughts on this? 14:40:20 <robyduck> second 14:40:23 <bexelbie> I am not trying to just push this away, but I think this is a perfect thing to ask Mindshare to work on during their FAD 14:40:29 * mattdm assumes everyone is reading :) 14:40:50 <langdon> didn't i write some of this? i am obviously +1 .. but don't technically have a vote 14:40:57 <robyduck> mattdm: I agree with bexelbie here, this is high priority for Mindshare 14:41:30 <bexelbie> This is where the Ambassador reps to Mindshare (hint hint Ambassadors) need to be involved in repping their folks 14:41:47 * langdon also notes.. if mattdm want the community involved he should have said "all y'all" above .. ./me here making southern slang just a little bit more widespread 14:42:12 * bexelbie looks at langdon then at map then points 14:42:16 <mattdm> langdon: I think I ended up rephrasing all of your words, but your ideas are included :) 14:42:18 <robyduck> and having other teams inside Mindshare can even help to give a better direction to ambassadors, even for their strategy 14:43:46 <mattdm> So what is the specific thing? Ask Mindshare to talk about this at the FAD? Ask Mindshare to talk about it and then tell FAmSCo to adopt it as policy? 14:44:06 <mattdm> Adopt it as Council policy and FAmSCo can follow? 14:44:27 <Amita> Measurable Results in the proposal looks little hard 14:44:28 <mattdm> That's rather top-down, but since there doesn't seem to have been any FAmSCo response, I'm not sure what else we can do 14:44:29 <bexelbie> I suggest: Ask Mindshare to come back with an answer to Council for direction 14:44:33 <robyduck> FAmSCo will not exist anymore 14:44:38 <bexelbie> then adopt policies/set goals as needed 14:44:46 <mattdm> robyduck: Finally :) 14:44:54 <Amita> so Mindshare will work on the same guidelines which are given in the proposal 14:45:01 <x3mboy> ! 14:45:06 <robyduck> Mindshare to work it out and get back to the Council for direction 14:45:08 <mattdm> x3mboy: feel free to jump in :) 14:45:09 <bexelbie> I think Mindshare should interpret them and come back with a suggested answer 14:45:18 <mattdm> bexelbie: what is "them"? 14:45:26 <robyduck> bexelbie: yeah, that's it 14:45:28 <Amita> proposal I guess 14:45:31 <bexelbie> the policy ideas in the document that Amita referred to 14:45:37 <mattdm> Amita: I agree that measuring things is hard 14:45:47 <bexelbie> Amita, referred to the policies, you linked the document 14:45:51 <bexelbie> you == mattdm 14:45:56 * bexelbie is having a hard time Englishing today 14:46:40 <jkurik> bexelbie: shall we use a different language for the meeting today ? 14:46:41 <mattdm> But I think it's reasonable to ask for, still. 14:46:55 <langdon> we know bexelbie is outstanding in polish 14:46:55 <x3mboy> I remember this discussion in Latam. Specifically the term "Measurable" looks hard and was hard to implement, some people thought about count new "users" or "contributors" gained per event, calculate expectations of atendees 14:46:58 <bexelbie> Tak, mowimy po Polsku 14:47:11 <x3mboy> And that was kind of war-cause 14:47:18 <mattdm> war-cause? 14:47:27 <x3mboy> motive for a war 14:47:38 <bexelbie> x3mboy, I think that one thing we can ask Mindshare is to help figure out what measurable means. For one thing we can adopt better language for that 14:47:39 <mattdm> between different people in latam? 14:47:45 <bexelbie> value of outcome, etc. 14:47:49 <mattdm> between fedora and other distros? 14:47:57 <x3mboy> bexelbie, +1 14:48:08 <x3mboy> mattdm, between latam ambassadors 14:48:20 <x3mboy> Some of them agreed the idea, others don't 14:48:22 <Amita> I agree that ambassadors need better guidelines and this proposal can be base of the mindshare group discussion for the same 14:48:47 <mattdm> x3mboy: Okay, I'll bite -- what's the other side? 14:49:05 <robyduck> yeah, sometimes definitions are not clear in other languages or countries and get a wrong interpetation. We can sort that out and MIndshare initially can also answer directly or help to solve problems if they come up, I think. 14:49:40 * mattdm isn't good with other languages, unfortunately 14:49:50 <Amita> we need to clearly mention who is the goto person for the clarifications if needed 14:50:03 <x3mboy> That we can't measure, e.g.: atendees for an event that is not being planned by yourself 14:50:20 <Amita> for example if we are not getting Measurable Results then what we need to improve upon 14:50:39 <mattdm> x3mboy: That's true. Maybe that's not the thing to measure for that event then 14:50:52 <mattdm> but... how can we demonstrate that going to that event had value? 14:50:54 <x3mboy> Finally we dropout this discussion and just trust 14:51:09 <bexelbie> I suggest we shift this to the Mindshare discussion - I think robyduck has a good feel for what the council means by "measurable" and can work with Mindshare to interpret it 14:51:37 <Amita> as if in some region we are not able to get Measurable Results consistently , then what should be the next step - That is not covered in the proposal and mindshare can add that part to it 14:51:38 <x3mboy> mattdm, yes, that's the point. We need to have a better guide about what to measure 14:52:03 <mattdm> x3mboy: okay, I understand that 14:52:11 <mattdm> this is a hard topic in general. 14:52:29 <mattdm> Okay, so, I think the plan here is: 14:52:48 <mattdm> * Mindshare to take this up as topic at the upcoming FAD, and come back with a concrete policy proposal 14:52:59 <robyduck> Amita: one of the goals of MIndshare actually "is" to get all of these things _rolling_ again, if you get what I mean. We are stuck in too many areas 14:53:27 <Amita> robyduck, yeah got that 14:53:27 <mattdm> * Mindshare to help figure out globally-understandable explanation of what we mean by "measurable" 14:53:46 * x3mboy on quite mode again 14:53:55 <mattdm> x3mboy: thanks for your input! 14:54:03 <mattdm> are those things correct? 14:54:03 <bexelbie> x3mboy++ thanks for your input - keep it coming 14:54:03 <zodbot> bexelbie: Karma for x3mboy changed to 13 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:54:18 <Amita> mattdm, should we include this too -> as if in some region we are not able to get Measurable Results consistently , then what should be the next step - That is not covered in the proposal and mindshare can add that part to it 14:54:25 <Amita> .thank x3mboy 14:54:25 <zodbot> Amita thinks x3mboy is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to x3mboy++ also) 14:54:32 <Amita> x3mboy++ 14:54:33 <zodbot> Amita: Karma for x3mboy changed to 14 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:54:33 <bexelbie> +1 to that mattdm 14:54:57 * mattdm writing that in the ticket 14:54:58 <x3mboy> mattdm, bexelbie no problem. And again, my apologies to interrupt 14:55:12 <bexelbie> Amita, I understand why you suggest that, but rather than put in a policy, why not just ask Mindshare to monitor what's going on? Let's not figure out the answer before we have the problem. 14:55:12 <mattdm> x3mboy: not an interruption :) 14:55:29 <bexelbie> as it may be caused by something we don't expect 14:56:11 * bexelbie is afk 14:56:22 <mattdm> Note that I'm not suggesting every single action needs to have a list of measurable results 14:56:23 <Amita> and how do they monitor 14:56:44 <mattdm> However, the spending should be tied to objectives, and those *objectives* should list measurable results 14:57:06 <Amita> ok, makes sense 14:57:38 <mattdm> For example, the objective could be "increased usage in latam" and a measurable result could be "double the number of IP addresses connecting to the mirrors from LATAM regions" 14:57:58 <mattdm> and maybe "we're going to a bunch of installfests" is tied to that 14:58:12 <mattdm> doesn't mean we need to count things at the installfest per se 14:58:38 <mattdm> but at the end of the year, we can say "we thought going to installfests would increase usage" and see if it did or did not move the measurement we thought it would 14:58:42 <mattdm> does that make sense? 14:58:48 <Amita> yupp 14:58:55 <Amita> thanks 14:58:56 <mattdm> x3mboy? 14:59:05 <x3mboy> Sorry, let me read 14:59:47 <x3mboy> Oh for sure! 14:59:54 <x3mboy> It makes a lot of sense 14:59:59 <mattdm> ok, cool. I'll put that in a comment 15:00:05 <mattdm> and we're at time for the meeting 15:00:21 <mattdm> #topic real quick open floor 15:00:25 <mattdm> anyone else have anything? 15:01:18 <mattdm> okay then, ending meeting in a few seconds 15:01:22 * bexelbie is double calling 15:01:22 <mattdm> #endmeeting