14:09:29 <nb> #startmeeting Council (2018-02-21) 14:09:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 21 14:09:29 2018 UTC. The chair is nb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:09:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:09:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-02-21)' 14:09:29 <nb> #meetingname council 14:09:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:09:29 <nb> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck bexelbie dperpeet Amita nb dgilmore 14:09:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bexelbie dgilmore dperpeet jkurik jwb langdon mattdm nb robyduck 14:09:38 <nb> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:09:47 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:09:47 <Amita> hello 14:09:48 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:09:51 <nb> .hello2 14:09:52 * bexelbie is in a bjn 14:09:52 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 14:09:54 <bexelbie> so slow 14:09:55 <bexelbie> sorry 14:09:58 <dperpeet> .hello2 14:10:00 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 14:10:01 <dperpeet> same here :) 14:10:03 <langdon> .hello2 14:10:04 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:10:31 * langdon on mobile for a few so slow typing 14:10:56 <bexelbie> one topic is getting the remaining folks to answer the whenisgood 14:11:05 <Amita> .hello amsharma 14:11:06 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 14:11:10 <jkurik> .hello2 14:11:11 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 14:11:34 <nb> #topic whenisgood 14:11:42 <nb> Please answer the new whenisgood if you haven't already 14:11:56 <nb> bexelbie, FYI I had a change at work and this time works ok now, i think i didn't mark it on whenisgood 14:11:59 <nb> and i doubt i have the update link 14:12:26 <nb> #link http://whenisgood.net/fedora-council-2018-take2 14:13:12 <jwb> hi 14:13:59 <nb> #topic Today's Open Floor Agenda 14:14:04 <nb> anyone have topics? 14:14:19 * bexelbie goes to look for the people who still owe on the when is good 14:15:15 * langdon needs to write a bot the scours the internet for whenisgood links and fills in arbitrary not free times 14:15:32 <bexelbie> Amita, and dperpeet please answer the when is good - you're the ones missing :) 14:15:46 <Amita> oh I did that 14:15:58 <Amita> is it the new one? 14:16:12 <bexelbie> yes, we have a second one 14:16:17 <Amita> ok 14:16:30 * bexelbie goes to look at topics and tickets now the he is off the bjn 14:16:52 <Amita> done 14:17:43 <bexelbie> none of the open tickets, except maybe #186 seem to need immediate action that isn't "go do something people" 14:18:19 <bexelbie> the history behind #169 should be found out and it'd be ideal to get opinions in the ticket 14:18:50 <dperpeet> bexelbie, sorry about that, I filled out 3 whenisgoods already this week, must have missed one :) 14:19:13 <bexelbie> dperpeet, it'd be nice if we could get an aggregating service for those :P 14:20:30 <Amita> I am +1 for #186 14:20:40 <Amita> I will leave a comment in the ticket 14:20:45 <langdon> be nice if all the calendaring companies would stop vendor-locking people and agree to some standards 14:21:19 <bexelbie> we should come up with a newer meta standard .. and <end scene> 14:21:38 <bexelbie> I am not hearing any particular topics getting raised for an "open mic night with the council" 14:21:40 <bexelbie> anyone? 14:21:41 <langdon> ill just leave this here: https://xkcd.com/927/ 14:23:13 <dperpeet> I submitted to whenisgood 14:23:33 <langdon> dperpeet: was there a "good" ? :) 14:23:41 <pingou> how was it? 14:24:08 <bexelbie> I think only mattdm has hte "answers" link langdon 14:24:25 <dperpeet> langdon, lots of good :) 14:24:38 <langdon> bexelbie: i just meant did dperpeet have any "yes i am free" .. because, if he did, we should fix that :) 14:25:24 <bexelbie> heh 14:26:53 <dperpeet> lots of afternoon times, so that's good :) 14:27:19 <Amita> I got 3 good slots, good for me as well :) 14:27:31 <bexelbie> again, :) I am not hearing any particular topics getting raised for an "open mic night with the council" 14:29:28 <langdon> im +1 on bexelbie doing stand up 14:30:09 <bexelbie> as I am no longer on an engineering team, I don't get to do standups anymomre :( 14:30:14 <bexelbie> *rimshot* 14:30:31 <langdon> bexelbie: lol.. terrible 14:31:13 <bexelbie> barring objections ... I'd like to call this meeting. I think getting the whenisgood is a good accomplishment 14:31:25 * bexelbie has year-end to deal with and could use the 30 min back 14:31:39 <bexelbie> nb, thank you again for starting us off 14:31:40 <bexelbie> nb++ 14:31:40 <zodbot> bexelbie: Karma for nb changed to 7 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:32:24 <langdon> bexelbie: +1 14:32:43 <nb> oops sorry, i got distracted 14:32:49 <dperpeet> +1 14:33:48 <bexelbie> Amita, nb ok to close? 14:33:55 <Amita> yupp 14:34:02 <Amita> thanks 14:34:06 <bexelbie> nb, ? 14:35:19 <nb> yes 14:35:19 <nb> ok 14:35:21 <bexelbie> nb silence is consent :) 14:35:24 <bexelbie> thank yuou all 14:35:26 <bexelbie> #endmeeting