14:00:05 <bcotton> #startmeeting Council (2018-09-05) 14:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 5 14:00:05 2018 UTC. 14:00:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-09-05)' 14:00:07 <bcotton> #meetingname council 14:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:00:18 <bcotton> #chair amsharma ausil bex dperpeet jkurik jwboyer langdon mattdm robyduck tyll bcotton pbrobinson 14:00:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: amsharma ausil bcotton bex dperpeet jkurik jwboyer langdon mattdm pbrobinson robyduck tyll 14:00:35 <bcotton> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:00:47 <bcotton> raise your hand if you're not here 14:01:06 * dperpeet lowers hand 14:01:42 * mattdm also lowers hand 14:01:48 <mattdm> dperpeet: awesome glad you could make it 14:02:11 <langdon> .hello2 14:02:12 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:02:24 <dperpeet> thanks, well rested :) 14:02:42 <mattdm> bcotton: can we slip "quick update from dperpeet" into the beginning of the agenda? 14:02:44 <bcotton> look at mattdm closing one of my "i'm going to close these tickets" tickets right before the meeting starts. sneaky! 14:02:49 <bcotton> mattdm: you got it 14:03:02 <mattdm> we haven't had a ci objective update for a while so i'd find it helpful 14:03:53 * pbrobinson o/ sort of 14:03:58 * mattdm continues sneakily closing tickets 14:04:07 <dperpeet> I can give a brief update 14:04:15 <mattdm> dperpeet: awesome 14:04:17 <tyll> .hello till 14:04:18 <zodbot> tyll: till 'Till Maas' <opensource@till.name> 14:04:28 <bcotton> okay, i think we'll get started 14:04:41 <bcotton> #topic Today's agenda 14:04:42 <bcotton> 0. Quick update from dperpeet 14:04:44 <bcotton> 1. Tickets recommended for close 14:04:45 <bcotton> 2. Permission for making embroidered Fedora shirts 14:04:47 <bcotton> 3. Code of Conduct Updates 14:04:48 <bcotton> 4. Recreate FAD templates / planning resources 14:04:50 <bcotton> 5. Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 14:04:51 <bcotton> 6. Council Members please submit a short bio 14:04:53 <bcotton> 7. Explain why people should create an Objective 14:04:54 <bcotton> 8. Other open tickets 14:04:59 <bcotton> #topic Quick update from dperpeet 14:05:05 <bcotton> dperpeet: the floor is yours 14:05:42 <dperpeet> thanks 14:05:57 <dperpeet> so fesco approved opt-in gating 14:05:59 <dperpeet> #link https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1966 14:06:26 <dperpeet> with the improvements to the user experience around CI and gating much improved over the previous state when gating was disabled 14:06:53 <dperpeet> in this case I'm speaking about "effectively enabling", since on a technical level not everything was off 14:07:13 <dperpeet> the CI pipeline is running smoothly for fedora 29 14:07:17 <dperpeet> #link https://jenkins-continuous-infra.apps.ci.centos.org/view/Fedora%20All%20Packages%20Pipeline/job/fedora-f29-build-pipeline/ 14:08:04 <dperpeet> we will soon make sure all the feedback goes to the right places 14:08:18 <mattdm> dperpeet: can you elaborate on that? 14:08:19 <dperpeet> and are checking up on the test results to see if anything has gone stale 14:08:27 <mattdm> is there any work on making fedpkg build include ci feedback? 14:09:14 <dperpeet> I believe yes for waiving 14:09:35 <dperpeet> to elaborate on what I said 14:09:55 <dperpeet> with the changed user experience, in some places, we need to add end to end testing and monitoring 14:10:17 <dperpeet> to make sure that users are exposed to the right level of information 14:10:42 <mattdm> dperpeet: yeah. as a user, that's the problem I've faced 14:10:47 <dperpeet> i.e. enough to go on, but not too much 14:10:50 <mattdm> both not enough, and being overwhelmed 14:10:52 <mattdm> exactly! 14:11:11 <mattdm> anyone else have any questions here? :) 14:11:24 <dperpeet> sorry if that was a bit hand wavy 14:11:44 <mattdm> dperpeet: could you do something for me? we have a list of key results for the objective at 14:11:46 <mattdm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Continuous_Integration_and_Delivery_of_Fedora_Atomic_Host#Key_Results 14:12:08 <mattdm> could you go through those and add a sub-bullet to each with the current date and estimated % done for each? 14:12:18 <mattdm> and maybe green/yellow/red for current state/progress? 14:12:25 <dperpeet> I think one topic would be to say whether we want to change this scope to non-atomic 14:12:34 <dperpeet> but that's a larger discussion for which I need some preparation :) 14:13:01 <mattdm> dperpeet: yeah; I think we should get to the point where we can close out this initial atomic-focusedobjective as complete 14:13:07 <mattdm> and launch a more ambitious next phase 14:13:13 <dperpeet> I will go through the page and update 14:13:38 <mattdm> dperpeet: thanks! 14:13:43 <bcotton> anything else? 14:13:48 <dperpeet> thanks for the questions / feedback 14:13:52 <mattdm> dperpeet++ 14:14:03 <mattdm> I guess I used that cookie already :) 14:14:41 <bcotton> okay, to the tickets! 14:14:47 <mattdm> yay! 14:14:49 <bcotton> #topic Tickets recommended for close 14:14:55 <bcotton> #info Tickets will be closed in 24 hours unless someone objects 14:14:56 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/188 14:14:58 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/112 14:15:32 <bcotton> anything to discuss on these? closing them seems pretty unobjectionable and mattdm has already closed two that were on my list 14:16:18 <mattdm> I think #188 can be closed and we can deal with any followup separately 14:16:40 <mattdm> (note for the record this is a private code of conduct ticket) 14:17:13 <bcotton> ack 14:17:30 <bcotton> okay, now to the tickets that are still in progress 14:17:38 <bcotton> #topic Permission for making embroidered Fedora shirts 14:17:40 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/182 14:17:41 <bcotton> #info Vote is currently +2,0,0 after 3 months 14:18:01 <mattdm> so, technically that needs one more +1 14:18:21 <tyll> +1 14:18:25 <mattdm> i'm sorry I missed it :) 14:18:30 <bcotton> sold! 14:18:47 * mattdm will mark approved 14:19:00 <bcotton> #agreed Ticket #182 is approved 14:19:12 <bcotton> #topic Code of Conduct Updates 14:19:13 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/145 14:19:14 <bcotton> #info Blocks 71, 91, 105, 109, 111 14:19:43 <mattdm> I know bexelbie is still working on this one 14:19:45 <bcotton> so i know bexelbie is working on this. i don't think there's much to add at this point 14:19:48 <bcotton> jinx 14:19:58 <bcotton> this is mostly here to keep it visible 14:20:01 <bcotton> anything on this topic? 14:20:48 <mattdm> guess not :) 14:20:58 <bcotton> groovy 14:21:08 <bcotton> #topic Recreate FAD templates / planning resources 14:21:09 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/138 14:21:10 <bcotton> #info Waiting on bexelbie 14:21:35 <bcotton> bexelbie: are you around? 14:22:32 <mattdm> he'son vacation 14:22:41 <bcotton> ah! 14:22:45 <bcotton> so he'd better not be around 14:22:48 <bcotton> okay, moving on then 14:22:59 <bcotton> #topic Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 14:23:00 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/198 14:23:02 <bcotton> #info ausil is waiting for feedback 14:23:38 <bcotton> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tfYKaG6ANeEvMYfitA8uRo8Kk9OnC08gcgWE4xbxSyo/edit?usp=sharing 14:23:42 <mattdm> ooh. I will read and review. 14:23:48 <mattdm> Missed that in all the Summer Chaos. 14:23:59 <bcotton> yeah, i don't think i've looked at it either :/ 14:24:47 <bcotton> let's all try to look at this soon and give ausil feedback so we can move forward with this 14:25:00 <mattdm> yeah 14:25:05 <bcotton> anything else on this ticket for now 14:25:10 <bcotton> question mark 14:26:40 <bcotton> nope! 14:26:55 <bcotton> #topic Council Members please submit a short bio 14:26:56 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/146 14:26:58 <bcotton> #info tyll, robyduck, langdon, dperpeet, pbrobinson all are missing bios 14:27:29 * dperpeet ducks 14:27:30 <pbrobinson> bcotton: noted 14:27:32 <mattdm> I threatened individual tickets 14:27:36 <mattdm> must it come down to that? :) 14:27:45 <dperpeet> it mustn't! :D 14:27:54 <bcotton> we can go with the "i will write a bio for you if you don't submit one" approach that i've heard used at some conferences 14:28:02 <langdon> ha 14:28:12 <langdon> mine is in gravatar.. 14:28:21 <langdon> but.. you know.. c/p is time consuming 14:28:42 <mattdm> Yeah it's nice to have a generic one you can copy and paste when you need it for a conference too 14:28:50 <mattdm> so if you don't have that already, we're _helping_ :) 14:29:09 <bcotton> langdon: for a sufficient bribe, i'll copy/paste for you ;-) 14:29:17 <langdon> we could also just source from gravatar (or the open source one which i am blanking on ).. 14:29:41 <tyll> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/blob/master/f/council/modules/ROOT/pages/members.adoc 14:29:51 <tyll> I will submit a PR to add my bio 14:29:59 <bcotton> tyll++ 14:29:59 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for till changed to 10 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:30:35 <langdon> bcotton: im not sure I have the money for that size bribe 14:30:46 <bcotton> #proposal Bios that are still empty in 1 week will be lazily researched and submitted by bcotton with no guarantees as to quality or accuracy 14:31:11 * langdon wonders if a third party might write a better one ;) 14:32:33 <bcotton> okay, anything else on bios? or votes on the proposal :p 14:32:40 <mattdm> +1 to proposal 14:32:56 <mattdm> and then you can patch it if you don't like it :) 14:32:57 <dperpeet> +1, I guess I need the pressure :D 14:32:59 <bcotton> +1 to proposal 14:33:09 <bcotton> any -1? 14:33:22 <langdon> +1 14:33:36 <bcotton> #agreed Bios that are still empty in 1 week will be lazily researched and submitted by bcotton with no guarantees as to quality or accuracy 14:33:43 <mattdm> bcotton: you okay with making this the SoP for future council members? 14:33:58 <bcotton> mattdm: works for me 14:34:07 <langdon> why not submit a bio during interview questions? 14:34:13 <bcotton> langdon++ 14:34:13 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for langdon changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:34:34 <bcotton> good idea, langdon 14:34:57 <tyll> most council members are not elected, though 14:35:02 <langdon> and.. for objective leads, add bio to the objective perhaps? 14:35:12 <langdon> tyll: point.. however, they are the ones that change the most 14:35:47 <bcotton> true. we could gate the FAS group membership on having the bio complete :-) 14:36:25 <bcotton> but let's see how the threat of me writing bios works 14:37:15 <bcotton> and here's the last one on my list... 14:37:20 <bcotton> #topic Explain why people should create an Objective 14:37:21 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/180 14:37:23 <bcotton> #info mattdm says it is on his plate 14:37:48 <mattdm> it's right next to the peas and creamed corn 14:38:12 <langdon> mattdm: im already hungry.. not that those items sound all that appealing 14:38:29 <mattdm> I do have this on my own todo list... we can keep the ticket open or close it 14:38:57 <bcotton> i'd like to keep it open for visibility. it seems like a good thing for us to have 14:39:20 <bcotton> but i also won't complain if we decide to close it 14:39:51 <mattdm> ok, open is fine with me 14:40:50 <bcotton> cool. and feel free to ask for help. i'm sure the current objective leads probably have some thoughts on the matter :-) 14:41:11 <langdon> or at least the counterpoints ;) 14:42:30 <bcotton> and with that, we've reached all the tickets i artisinally hand-selected 14:42:34 <bcotton> #topic Other open tickets 14:42:35 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues 14:42:58 <bcotton> any discussion on other tickets? or we can go to open floor. or we can call it a day 14:43:23 <mattdm> I have to be somewhere in an hour so I'm okay with calling it a day 14:43:39 <bcotton> okay. i'll wait a minute to see if anyone raises their hand 14:43:49 * dperpeet still has his hand lowered :o 14:43:51 <mattdm> dperpeet: check out https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/217 14:44:18 <dperpeet> mattdm, will do 14:45:06 <bcotton> okay, that's it then. thanks everyone! 14:45:16 <dperpeet> thanks everyone! 14:45:18 <mattdm> thanks for running bcotton! 14:45:24 <mattdm> thanks dperpeet for the updates! 14:45:33 <tyll> thank you everyone 14:45:35 <bcotton> #info Next meeting is open floor 14:45:39 <bcotton> #endmeeting