14:00:26 <bcotton> #startmeeting Council (2018-10-31) 14:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 31 14:00:26 2018 UTC. 14:00:26 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:26 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-10-31)' 14:00:28 <bcotton> #meetingname council 14:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:01:02 <dgilmore> hi bcotton 14:01:19 <bcotton> #chair jonatoni bex contyx dgilmore dperpeet langdon mattdm sumantrom tyll bcotton pbrobinson 14:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bex contyx dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson sumantrom tyll 14:01:21 <bcotton> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:01:25 <bcotton> good morning, dgilmore! 14:01:38 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:01:38 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 14:02:21 <mattdm> good morning everyone 14:02:56 <mattdm> i am distracted by several other things 14:03:02 <mattdm> including the conference I am at 14:03:03 <dgilmore> .weather 61571 14:03:11 <dgilmore> just for you bcotton 14:03:37 <bcotton> you heard him, everyone! #action all the things to mattdm 14:03:42 <bcotton> dgilmore: you're too kind 14:04:07 <dgilmore> bcotton: :D 14:05:15 <bcotton> small group today, but i guess we can go ahead and get started 14:05:22 <mattdm> yes that's an excellent way for things to not get done right now :) 14:05:27 <bcotton> #topic Today's agenda 14:05:29 <bcotton> 1. Taiga.io service through the end of FY19 14:05:30 <bcotton> 2. Fedora Council Hackfest 14:05:35 <bcotton> 3. New objective: Lifecycle 14:05:36 <bcotton> 4. Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 14:05:38 <bcotton> 5. Recreate FAD templates / planning resources 14:05:42 <bcotton> 6. Explain why people should create an Objective 14:05:44 <bcotton> 7. Revisit providing hosting for official community subdomains 14:05:45 <bcotton> 8. Classifying types of Fedora 14:05:47 <bcotton> 9. Other open tickets 14:05:56 <bcotton> #topic Taiga.io service through the end of FY19 14:05:58 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/222 14:06:08 <bcotton> #info We are currently at +3/-0 on this 14:06:15 <jonatoni> .hello2 14:06:16 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 14:06:25 <bcotton> any objections to calling it approved? 14:06:26 <langdon> .heelo2 14:06:30 <langdon> .hello2 even 14:06:33 <bcotton> hello jonatoni and langdon 14:06:35 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:06:43 <jonatoni> hello everyone :) 14:06:44 <bexelbie> .helios :P 14:06:47 * langdon did not get notified for some reason 14:07:02 <bexelbie> I believe this passes 14:07:29 <dgilmore> +1 still 14:07:46 <bcotton> #agreed Funding approved 14:07:53 <mattdm> yep! 14:08:08 <bcotton> #topic Fedora Council Hackfest 14:08:10 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/219 14:08:16 <bcotton> bexelbie, sounds like the dates may still be in flux? 14:08:28 <bexelbie> we are moving to the second week of december 14:08:35 <bexelbie> I'll get the hotel contract fixed and send out updates ASAP 14:08:52 <bcotton> #info Hackfest is moving to the second week of December 14:08:58 <langdon> bexelbie: date? 14:09:02 <langdon> dec. 10? 14:09:19 <dperpeet> sorry I'm late, time is a confusing concept sometimes :) 14:09:21 <bexelbie> langdon, yep 14:09:26 <bexelbie> specific travel dates coming 14:09:52 <langdon> bexelbie: well.. based on the confirmed dates we already had.. i already have to be somewhere else the week of the 10th.. so i am likely out 14:10:27 <bexelbie> this is a tough group to schedule 14:10:31 <bexelbie> so so tough 14:10:45 <bexelbie> ok 14:10:47 <bexelbie> so dates are still in flux 14:10:57 <bexelbie> I'll work with the two problem calendars and get this done 14:11:03 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 14:11:03 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for bex changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:11:05 <mattdm> soon though 14:11:11 <mattdm> ooooh new cookies!!!!! 14:11:20 <bcotton> bexelbie can you commit to a delivery date? 14:11:21 <bcotton> #undo 14:11:21 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by bcotton at 14:08:52 : Hackfest is moving to the second week of December 14:11:27 <dgilmore> bexelbie++ 14:11:27 <zodbot> dgilmore: Karma for bex changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:11:29 <bexelbie> bcotton, this week, assuming hotel responds 14:11:45 <sumantro> bexelbie++ 14:11:46 <zodbot> sumantro: Karma for bex changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:11:47 <langdon> bexelbie: i am beginning negotiations on moving meetings on the 10th.. because I have a third place to be on the 14th anyway 14:11:54 <bcotton> #info Dates are still in flux 14:12:06 <bcotton> #action bexelbie to have a finalized date by the end of this week 14:12:11 <bcotton> hashtag no pressure ;-) 14:12:16 * langdon doesn't hold his breath 14:12:27 * mattdm holds his breath UNTIL HE TURNS BLUE 14:12:35 <mattdm> (fedora blue of course) 14:12:49 * langdon notes mattdm should work on his cardio if he turns blue that fast 14:13:02 <bcotton> anything else on this topic? 14:13:24 <bexelbie> langdon, answer your PM not your breath talent meter :P 14:14:08 <bcotton> #topic New objective: Lifecycle 14:14:10 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/223 14:14:11 <bcotton> #info Vote is currently (+1,0) 14:14:16 <bcotton> stickster: are you around? 14:16:09 <mattdm> I am +1 to this. I just wanted to wait to see on comments or input 14:16:41 * sumantro too is +1 on the proposal 14:16:47 <mattdm> does anyone have any objections? we just need the plusses 14:16:56 <mattdm> sumantro: put it in the ticket and then we can mark approved 14:16:58 <bcotton> we're now at the threshold for plusses, so....... 14:17:14 <sumantro> mattdm, done :) 14:17:16 <bcotton> #agreed Objective is accepted 14:17:29 <bcotton> #info final vote is +3,0 14:17:55 <bcotton> #topic Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 14:17:56 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/198 14:17:57 <mattdm> bcotton: now add stickster to the list of people added to the council :) 14:17:58 <bcotton> #info dgilmore is waiting for feedback 14:18:09 <bcotton> maaaaaaan 14:18:10 * mattdm I need to make another pass at this 14:18:15 <dgilmore> :D 14:18:26 <bcotton> i reviewed this yesterday and i'm happy with it 14:19:07 <bcotton> can we say the deadline for final feedback is friday and after that we'll put it to a full consensus vote? 14:19:19 <sumantro> sounds good 14:20:08 <bexelbie> +1 14:20:19 <bcotton> #agreed Deadline for final feedback is Friday of this week, after which time it will be put to a full consensus vote 14:21:15 <bcotton> #topic Recreate FAD templates / planning resources 14:21:16 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/138 14:21:18 <bcotton> #info Waiting on bexelbie 14:21:48 <bexelbie> I am not going to get to this until mid-December at the earliest ... if some details come out of hte council hack I'll fold them in 14:21:56 <bexelbie> but that is just how bad my schedule is right now 14:22:10 <bcotton> okay, we'll call it on hold until after the Hackfest then 14:22:23 <bcotton> #topic Explain why people should create an Objective 14:22:24 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/180 14:22:26 <bcotton> #info mattdm says it is on his plate 14:23:02 <mattdm> and it really is! 14:23:09 <mattdm> it's, like, item #3 on my taskwarrior list 14:23:19 <bexelbie> that's your fourth priority task list, right? 14:23:22 <bcotton> how many are number 0? 14:23:24 <bexelbie> :P 14:23:32 <mattdm> shhhhhhh 14:24:07 <bexelbie> my taskwarrior deserted 14:24:33 <bexelbie> it's funny because that's an "army word" ... Narrator: It isn't funny 14:24:42 <bcotton> bexelbie++ 14:24:42 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for bex changed to 4 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:24:52 <bcotton> #topic Revisit providing hosting for official community subdomains 14:24:54 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/169 14:24:55 <bcotton> #info jperrin says infra is in discussion about what they can support but it is currently not a priority 14:25:31 <bcotton> so the last time we talked about this, it seemed like a forever discussion. bexelbie left some comments on the ticket, but it doesn't seem to be a priority for infra or council 14:26:57 <bcotton> i'm not oppoosed to us doing it, but there's no one with the bandwidth to push it forward 14:27:11 <bcotton> i propose we say "we revisted it and we're taking no action at this time" and close the ticket 14:27:40 <bexelbie> let's talk about it at the hack - it could help align our messaging ... 14:27:49 <bcotton> okay 14:27:51 <bexelbie> but no action is good with me as we have no action containing people 14:28:15 <bcotton> #info This is put on hold until after the Council Hackfest 14:28:23 <bcotton> #topic Classifying types of Fedora 14:28:25 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/208 14:30:17 <bexelbie> I keep re-reading that as "we aren't yet at consensus" 14:31:00 <bcotton> there's also not a clear proposal, imo 14:31:27 <bcotton> but yeah, there's definitely not a consensus on the terms or even how many terms are needed 14:31:48 <bexelbie> words describing words are hard 14:32:58 <mattdm> yeah :-/ what do we want to do with this, then? 14:33:18 <bexelbie> is there someone who can write a concrete proposal ? 14:34:25 <bcotton> i guess i will, in the interests of getting this closed 14:34:37 <bcotton> unless someone else really wants to 14:34:40 <langdon> i think this work should be part of the lifecycle objective 14:35:07 <bexelbie> +1 14:35:17 <langdon> bexelbie: to which? 14:35:21 <bcotton> langdon: it seems orthogonal to me (although i am happy to let someone else do the work) 14:36:30 <langdon> ha.. well.. i think the "flavors of fedora" has a lot to do with how we build and manage those flavors... which is a lot about lifecycle (/me hopes he is recalling the ticket correctly) 14:36:52 <bexelbie> to it being part of lifecycle :) 14:37:07 <bexelbie> also, Paul is good with words ... 14:37:09 <bexelbie> just sayin' 14:37:22 <langdon> but maybe this ticket is meant to be scoped to "what word can we use instead of 'legacy'" ... i read it more as "our naming pattern is kinda dumb and weird, let's fix it" 14:37:50 <bcotton> yeah, i'm taking the narrower view of the scope 14:38:00 <bcotton> although there's a good case for our names being hella dumb :-) 14:38:06 <mattdm> I'll put half an hour of brainstorming on this on the council hackfest agenda :) 14:38:49 <bcotton> well then i'd say that can is kicked! 14:39:04 <bcotton> #info Council will brainstorm this at the Hackfest 14:39:12 <bcotton> that agenda is filling up really quickly :-) 14:39:25 <bexelbie> glad we are having a meeting :D 14:40:06 <bcotton> #topic Other open tickets 14:40:08 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues 14:40:18 <bcotton> Okay, anything else we want to cover on tickets? 14:40:37 <bcotton> Or i can #topic something else if folks have non-ticket items to discuss 14:41:26 * bexelbie is good 14:41:56 * mattdm wouldn't mind running off 14:42:06 * langdon has a parade to get to 14:42:25 <bcotton> okay, well that settles it 14:42:27 * dgilmore is distracted with other meetings now 14:42:28 <bcotton> thanks everyone! 14:42:30 <bcotton> #endmeeting