15:00:45 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Council meeting - 2022-11-23 15:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 23 15:00:45 2022 UTC. 15:00:45 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:45 <zodbot> The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_council_meeting_-_2022-11-23' 15:00:55 <jwf> #meetingname council 15:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 15:01:17 <dcantrell> .hello2 15:01:18 <zodbot> dcantrell: dcantrell 'David Cantrell' <dcantrell@redhat.com> 15:01:26 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> .hello t0xic0der 15:01:27 <zodbot> AkashdeepDhar[m]: t0xic0der 'Akashdeep Dhar' <akashdeep.dhar@gmail.com> 15:01:30 <jwf> #info About the Council: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/council/ 15:01:32 <jwf> .members council 15:01:33 <zodbot> jwf: Members of council: jflory7, mattdm, sumantrom, bt0dotninja, spot, bcotton, siddharthvipul1, t0xic0der, dcantrell 15:01:52 <jwf> #chair dcantrell Akashdeep Dhar mattdm 15:01:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: Akashdeep Dhar dcantrell jwf mattdm 15:02:02 <mattdm> hello! 15:02:03 <jwf> #topic Hellos & welcomes 15:02:43 <jwf> Howdy folks! 15:02:45 <mattdm> oh hello :) 15:02:56 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> o/ 15:03:48 <jwf> Looks like we have a pretty good group today :) 15:04:04 <jwf> Hope folks are having a good week so far! And that the U.S. folks are gearing up for a good holiday. 15:04:39 <dcantrell> I am nearly done with my day then I get on an airplane 15:05:13 <jwf> dcantrell: Where to? 15:05:22 <dcantrell> this year it's to Atlanta 15:05:32 <mattdm> say hi to Justin, then! 15:05:33 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> I plan on going to help plan a friend's wedding after the meeting's done with so there's that ;P 15:06:14 <jwf> dcantrell: Oh hey! 👋 It's a beautiful week here in ATL :) 15:06:21 <jwf> AkashdeepDhar[m]: Oh wow! 15:06:33 <SumantroMukherje> Hello All! 15:06:40 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Hi Sumantro Mukherjee :D 15:06:43 <jwf> Then maybe we jump in today and keep today's meeting lean. 15:06:51 <jwf> Howdy Sumantro Mukherjee 👋 15:07:02 <jwf> #chair Sumantro Mukherjee 15:07:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: Akashdeep Dhar Mukherjee Sumantro dcantrell jwf mattdm 15:07:16 <mattdm> yep 15:07:19 <SumantroMukherje> Howdy Justin W. Flory (he/him) 15:07:40 <jwf> #topic Ticket discussion 15:08:15 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues?status=Open&priority=2 15:08:35 <jwf> There are a few tickets here, but if we can cover two, I think we will be in good shape 15:09:12 <jwf> #topic Ticket #423: 3-day Council hackfest in Jan/Feb 2023 15:09:14 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/423 15:09:34 <jwf> There is also a discussion thread to go along with it too: 15:09:37 <mattdm> two sounds good to me. 15:09:37 <jwf> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/3-day-in-person-council-meeting-around-fosdem/44070/21?u=jflory7 15:10:22 <jwf> The big thing to lock down here are dates and location for the hackfest. 15:10:32 <jwf> The current proposal we have is for the week after FOSDEM. 15:10:57 <jwf> This would be from Monday, 6 February to Thursday, 9 February in Frankfurt, Germany. 15:11:21 <dcantrell> that works for me 15:12:16 <mattdm> Which days is FOSDEM, again? 15:12:33 <jwf> mattdm: FOSDEM is Saturday, 4 February to Sunday, 5 February 15:13:18 <jwf> Not sure if any folks have questions about this plan or want to discuss anything about logistics? 15:13:32 <jwf> I'm thinking we would spend part of Monday in travel and part of Thursday would be reserved for return travel. 15:13:57 <jwf> Trains from Brussels to Frankfurt are about 3-4 hours, which is about the same amount of time you would spend going through airports and planes too. 15:14:00 <dcantrell> could we say the council gathering is Tue-Thu? because yeah, Mon feels like travel 15:14:03 <mattdm> Yeah, I think we should leave Monday as a travel day, which kind of makes me want Friday as the return day. 15:14:16 <dcantrell> I don't know if I can make FOSDEM or not, so I may just be coming right to the council gatehring 15:14:38 <jwf> TBH I wouldn't mind an easier day after FOSDEM without trying to have a packed agenda. 15:15:00 <mattdm> In my experience, FOSDEM is exhausting, so full day in between for travel and recuperation is going to be important for those who are there... 15:15:11 <mattdm> ... and hopefully won't matter to those who are not. 15:15:45 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> jwf: Works for me, as well 15:16:29 <mattdm> any counter-proposals? I think we have enough buy-in on the Discussion thread that we should go ahead -- it's been so long. Hopefully, we can get everyone there... 15:16:34 <jwf> mattdm: +1 15:16:47 <mattdm> and if we can't, let's not let that stop us. 15:17:05 <spot> sorry i'm late, is the proposal for it to start one full day after fosdem ends? 15:17:26 <jwf> Howdy spot 👋 15:17:29 <jwf> #chair spot 15:17:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Akashdeep Dhar Mukherjee Sumantro dcantrell jwf mattdm spot 15:17:34 <jwf> spot: Yes. 15:17:35 <SumantroMukherje> AkashdeepDhar[m]: +1 15:17:41 <spot> then, +1 15:17:54 <mattdm> cool. 15:17:58 <jwf> So, now we are looking at Tuesday, 7 February to Thursday, 9 February. 15:18:05 <mattdm> ... off to book travel :) 15:18:10 <jwf> Let me right that for the minutes and we can take a quick +1/0/-1 vote 15:18:53 <jwf> #PROPOSED The Council face-to-face hackfest will happen from Tuesday, 7 February to Thursday, 9 February. The Monday and Friday of that week will be reserved for travel. We will convene in Frankfurt, Germany. 15:18:53 <jwf> +1 15:19:02 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> +1 15:19:20 <dcantrell> +1 15:19:25 <spot> +1 15:19:33 <SumantroMukherje> +1 15:19:49 <dcantrell> jwf: is the plan the hotel you posted in the ticket in Frankfurt? 15:20:36 <jwf> I think we have an agreement :) 15:21:01 <jwf> dcantrell: dcantrell: Likely? I'm not sure yet whether it would be in hotel or RH office. 15:21:05 <jwf> #agreed The Council face-to-face hackfest will happen from Tuesday, 7 February to Thursday, 9 February. The Monday and Friday of that week will be reserved for travel. We will convene in Frankfurt, Germany. 15:21:57 <jwf> I'll try to have a formal plan for the venue early next week 15:22:09 <dcantrell> jwf: ok, sounds good 15:22:17 <jwf> Now that we are aligned on dates, I am going to work on pushing this one forward quickly 15:23:02 <jwf> Anything else on the face-to-face meeting? 15:23:33 <mattdm> +1 ftr :) 15:24:19 <mattdm> (FWIW: I'm for doing our meetings in the hotel if we can, but a visit to the RH office might be also fun.) 15:24:41 <spot> mattdm: do they still have my face at security? ;) 15:25:21 <mattdm> As I understand it, it's a sales office, so not sure if that's better or worse for you spot :) 15:26:54 <jwf> We have enough time to figure out the details. But I'll start looking at hotels with some space for smaller groups. 15:27:07 <jwf> OK then! That was easy. 15:27:35 <jwf> Let's see if we can look at one more ticket today, especially since we have a full house! 15:28:36 <jwf> The remaining three tickets for meeting are not urgent, but are good things to be looking at and will probably come up at a Council face-to-face 15:28:57 <jwf> #topic Ticket #419: Reviving contributor hackfests in 2023 15:28:58 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/419 15:29:06 <jwf> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-419-reviving-contributor-hackfests-in-2023/43916?u=jflory7 15:29:32 <jwf> So far, me, Ben, and mattdm were discussing about bringing back contributor hackfests next year. 15:30:20 <jwf> It would be good to bring these back, but there are some open questions around how a team or group would get funding, and perhaps trying a more organized call for proposals instead of first come, first serve 15:31:00 <mattdm> I am in favor. They can be incredibly productive, and it'll help re-establish in-person connections in our teams 15:31:50 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> The one thing that I have learned from the most recent in-person event, is that it helps retaining contributors a lot. 15:32:05 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> (So, yeah... more of it helps) 15:32:49 <SumantroMukherje> +1 with Akashdeep Dhar (on PTO until 21 Oct): It also brings back a lot of our old contributors to the same page. 15:34:09 <mattdm> Would anyone like to volunteer to help 1) come up with the "more organized call for proposals" and 2) run that CFP? (Does not need to be the same person.) 15:34:46 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> I would like to help with 1, if I am paired/grouped with someone. 15:34:58 <SumantroMukherje> I can start 15:35:32 <jwf> #info We want to try bringing back small-group contributor hackfests in 2023, possibly up to three hackfests. 15:35:45 <mattdm> Perfect, thank you! Akashdeep Dhar and Sumantro Mukherjee 15:35:50 <jwf> mattdm: I would appreciate that help :-) 15:36:22 <mattdm> What timeline makes sense? Plan developed by the end of the year, CFP in January? 15:37:07 <mattdm> Actually, I suggest we 1) budget for three hackfests, 2) hold a CFP in January and take the top two, and then have a second CFP in July for the final one. 15:37:26 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> mattdm: Sounds good to me. 15:37:47 <SumantroMukherje> mattdm: Sounds very doable.. and +1 with the idea 15:38:15 <spot> ltgm 15:38:32 <jwf> mattdm: +1 15:40:06 <jwf> Alright, let me mark this up for the minutes :) 15:41:00 <jwf> #agreed Budget for three hackfests, run a CFP in January for two, and then run a second CFP at June/July for the third. 15:42:02 <jwf> I'd encourage folks to check out the Discussion thread as well to keep up with the topic. I'll follow up with Akashdeep Dhar and Sumantro Mukherjee on coordinating this as the time gets closer! 15:42:12 <mattdm> thank you all! 15:42:45 <jwf> OK, so… we have about 15 minutes left. Do we want to squeeze in another ticket, or move to open floor and wrap early? 15:43:29 <mattdm> move to move on :) 15:44:22 <jwf> #topic Open floor 15:45:29 <jwf> Oh, one thing I'll call out here from the Mindshare end of things… 15:46:37 <jwf> For FOSDEM 2023, I put together a proof of concept for how we can handle applications for travel 15:46:39 <jwf> https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/fosdem-2023 15:47:18 <jwf> In Mindshare, we agreed to try an open process for applying and managing requests for funding. I am still working out the details, but more to come soon. 15:47:24 <jwf> That's all from me! 15:47:29 <jwf> Anyone else have something to flag for open floor? 15:47:33 <mattdm> Thanks Justin! 15:47:36 <mattdm> I have one thing, which is continued apologies for not having posted the next-steps Fedora Strategy posts I owe everyone. There have been a lot of fires, high-stress situations, and just a lot of general Stuff To Do. They're coming, I promise. 15:47:49 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> jwf: Nothing from my end. 15:48:03 <SumantroMukherje> jwf: Not from my side 15:49:00 <jwf> mattdm: It's OK. Also, it might be helpful to break it into smaller topics or conversations too so it does not feel so overwhelming. I think at this point, we're all just thinking aloud 🙂 15:49:14 <jwf> Alrighty, final topics for today, going once… 15:49:26 <jwf> Going twice… 15:49:49 <jwf> Going thrice… 15:50:10 <jwf> And sooooooold 🔨 🧑‍⚖️ 15:50:39 <jwf> OK, we'll return ten minutes back to y'all. Thanks everyone for being here, whether it is 9:30pm or 10am for you :) 15:50:49 <dcantrell> thanks, jwf++ 15:50:52 <jwf> Until next time! For folks on holidays this week, enjoy the holiday. 15:50:53 <jwf> #endmeeting