14:01:07 <bcotton> #startmeeting Council (2023-03-15) 14:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 15 14:01:07 2023 UTC. 14:01:07 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 14:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2023-03-15)' 14:01:12 <bcotton> #meetingname council 14:01:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:01:18 <bcotton> #chair dcantrell siddharthvipul1 jwf bookwar mattdm bcotton sumantrom bt0 t0xic0der 14:01:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bt0 dcantrell siddharthvipul1 jwf bookwar mattdm bcotton sumantrom t0xic0der 14:01:26 <bcotton> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 14:01:33 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> .hello t0xic0der 14:01:34 <zodbot> AkashdeepDhar[m]: Something blew up, please try again 14:01:37 <zodbot> AkashdeepDhar[m]: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 14:01:52 <bcotton> hello, who is around to help stab Caesar? 14:01:52 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> I would like to punch if ye don't mine ;P 14:01:57 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> s/mine/mind/g 14:02:10 <dcantrell> .hello2 14:02:11 <zodbot> dcantrell: Something blew up, please try again 14:02:14 <zodbot> dcantrell: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. 14:02:44 <dcantrell> well that wasn't fun 14:03:08 <dcantrell> bcotton: at any rate, I am here 14:03:24 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Howdy dcantrell! 14:03:34 <bcotton> well who cares what zodbot thinks then? ;-) 14:05:08 <bcotton> is it just going to be the three of us? 14:05:15 <dcantrell> mattdm is on PTO 14:05:22 * jwf waves 14:05:25 <bcotton> yeah, i know 14:05:28 <bcotton> hey justin 14:05:29 <jwf> Apologies, just came from the Badges roundtable! 14:05:35 * jwf reads the scrollback 14:06:09 <jwf> OK, didn't miss too much 🙂 14:06:33 <jwf> Did we have an agenda in place for today? I was at a conference on Monday and Tuesday, and still climbing back into email/Discussion/Chat/all the things 14:06:50 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Hey Justin W. Flory (he/him) ! 14:07:05 <bcotton> alright, well I guess we'll start with what we have 14:07:16 <bcotton> Justin W. Flory (he/him): same place it always is https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/council-meeting-agenda-2023-03-15/79445 14:07:20 <bcotton> #topic Today's agenda 14:07:23 <bcotton> #info New meeting time 14:07:25 <bcotton> #info Flock 14:07:38 <bcotton> #info Strategy2028 reminders 14:07:43 <bcotton> #info General ticketry 14:07:46 <bcotton> #info Your topics here 14:07:57 <bcotton> #topic New meeting time 14:08:03 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/439 14:08:22 <bcotton> I proposed Wednesdays at 8:30 AM Eastern in the ticket 14:08:33 <bcotton> all times are terrible, based on the feedback. i tried to pick a least-terrible option 14:08:35 <dcantrell> that is right in the middle of my weekly team meeting 14:09:15 <bcotton> there are literally no times that aren't a conflict for someone 14:09:32 <jwf> bcotton: This works for me, with the caveat that once a month, I will miss because of the Fedora Badges monthly roundtable 14:09:41 <dcantrell> understandable. but of all the meetings I can skip, this is not one of them. so I would only ever be able to attend if my team meeting is cancelled 14:09:42 <bcotton> and that's with only ~60% of the council providing feedback in the first place 14:09:44 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> 1800 my time. Works 14:10:36 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> jwf: +1 to this. 14:10:39 <jwf> Ben Cotton (he/him): Maybe you could pitch a second and third best time? This meeting is important and if need be, I might be able to rearrange a meeting I have to fit this in. 14:11:31 <bcotton> i'll make the link public and put it in the ticket 14:11:31 <jwf> Also, I think my response might already be out of date with some specific slots… 14:11:52 <bcotton> but to be perfectly blunt, i'm tired of trying to drag this to completion 14:13:06 <jwf> Very fair 14:13:31 <jwf> It is exhausting to wrangle. 14:13:41 <dcantrell> I say just schedule it and then those of us with conflicts can deal 14:13:55 <dcantrell> I may be able to have my team shift it's meeting or pick another day, I dunno 14:14:03 <dcantrell> but that's likely easier than finding a time that works for all of us 14:14:05 <bcotton> #info Proposed time doesn't work. Results link is posted to the ticket for anyone who wants to make an alternate proposal 14:14:14 <bcotton> #topic Flock 14:14:36 <bcotton> #info Prospectus link for review 14:14:36 <jwf> dcantrell, perhaps one option to consider is you choosing a secondary time that works best for you, then looking at the Whenisgood and suggesting a second time. We could also try alternating slots, every week doesn't have to be at the same time. 14:14:37 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/446 14:14:48 <dcantrell> let me look 14:16:25 <bcotton> justin do you have the feedback you need here or is there still more to work on? 14:16:25 <jwf> dcantrell: 👍️ 14:16:25 <jwf> bcotton: I'd like a ticket vote and tagged the ticket accordingly, but I am just seeing the feedback on Discussion now 14:16:40 <jwf> I can follow up there today. 14:16:42 <bcotton> ok 14:17:21 <jwf> The feedback on booths and keynotes is fair 14:17:34 <jwf> I had a conversation with someone who remembered that we had a table at least once in the past, but maybe that was the Red Hat UX clinic with the caricatures and podcasts 14:17:46 <jwf> At 2017 Cape Cod Flock 14:17:49 <jwf> That was nice, but it was definitely not your typical "booth" 14:18:10 <bcotton> yeah, that matches a point matthew made 14:18:12 <jwf> I'm not that sold on booths either, but I was trying to think through the right balance of what is a competitive sponsorship offer or not. 14:18:51 <jwf> I put the booth at a higher tier so we could try to have something thematic and ideally have just a handful of them, but maybe it needs more guidance than just a booth 14:19:00 <jwf> Because a traditional booth/stand would be a waste, I feel… 14:19:21 <jwf> Not sure how to codify something like that UX clinic booth in 2017 into the prospectus 14:19:51 * jwf is thinking aloud here 14:20:16 <jwf> If there are no immediate questions or clarifications, then we can probably go to the next topic. But feedback in the Fedora Discussion topic is definitely appreciated and needed 14:20:20 <bcotton> i wonder if we should just wait and see if any prospective sponsors as fo ra booth 14:20:55 <bcotton> we should also see if i can learn to type :-) 14:20:55 <jwf> A final vote in one week would be nice so the Design Team can get us something before end of March. 14:21:25 <bcotton> but at the higher levels, we could definitely negotiate if having a table presence of some kind is a must-have for them 14:21:25 <jwf> bcotton: This is also an option, and then we have a conversation with the prospective sponsor about what a booth would look like for Flock. 14:22:01 <jwf> bcotton: Yeah. And if a sponsor had a cool thing to bring, that would be cool. I saw an AWS booth at All Things Open that was an arcade cabinet booth. People just came and played arcade games together there. 14:22:05 <bcotton> #help Please provide feedback like nowish in the Discussion thread https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-446-flock-2023-sponsorship-prospectus-levels/79256/ 14:22:27 <bcotton> #info Justin would like to have the final vote in 1 week in order to give the Design Team time to create the assets 14:22:38 <jwf> 💯 14:23:35 <bcotton> in other Flock-related news, do you want to say anything about venue now or wait until the announcement is ready 14:23:44 <jwf> I mean, it is as final as final can be. 14:24:00 <bcotton> that doesn't mean you want to pre-announce :-) 14:24:03 <jwf> #info This year, Flock will be Monday, 1 August to Friday, 4 August in Cork, Ireland. 14:24:24 <jwf> I am content with zodbot meeting logs being as close to a "pre-announce" as it gets. Kudos to anyone reading the logs :P 14:24:30 <jwf> But right, the venue name… 14:24:32 <dcantrell> that's the location, what about the venue? 14:25:08 <dcantrell> I assume it'll be in a castle 14:25:51 <jwf> That would be nice. 14:26:00 <jwf> I am pretty sure it is Clayton Hotel Silver Springs. My browser is deadlocked right now though so I am not confident enough to zodbot that. 14:26:22 <jwf> But I am more sure than I am unsure, so that puts it at 60% odds. I have an #action to make a CommBlog post today. 14:26:24 <jwf> The details will definitely be there. 14:26:30 <dcantrell> reasonable 14:26:57 <bcotton> #action jflory7 to write Community Blog post announcing Flock dates and location 14:27:23 <bcotton> anything else Flocky? 14:27:24 <jwf> I think that's all. 14:27:28 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Not sure if we should mention the FMS part here 14:27:56 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> (FMS = Fedora Mentor Summit) 14:28:42 <jwf> Yeah, we are exploring a satellite one-day event on mentoring after Flock. It may or may not share the same venue, but I have some follow-ups to do before I write this post. I don't have much to share on that right now. 14:29:03 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Noted 14:29:33 <bcotton> cool 14:29:48 <bcotton> #topic Strategy2028 reminders 14:30:08 <bcotton> #info Reminder that we have Focus Area and Objective review posts live 14:30:30 <bcotton> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/strategy2028 14:30:49 <bcotton> #info The accessibility focus area thread closes in 3 days 14:30:52 <bcotton> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-strategy-2028-focus-area-review-accessibility/46898/ 14:31:15 <bcotton> I don't think there's much to discuss in meeting, just more for reminder's sake. But if anyone has something, raise your hand now 14:32:14 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> Nothing from my end, no. 14:32:15 <jwf> Looks good to me, I have nothing more to add. 14:32:32 <dcantrell> nothing from me 14:32:48 <bcotton> #topic General ticketry https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues 14:33:40 <bcotton> #info The CoC license ticket currentl sits at (+2,1,-0) 14:33:41 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/445 14:34:06 <bcotton> so it would be good to get some more votes on that, but if not, Justin W. Flory (he/him) , i think you can consider it approved 14:34:30 <jwf> dcantrell and Akashdeep Dhar (He/Him), your feedback there would be nice 14:34:43 <dcantrell> I can read and vote in the ticket 14:34:46 <jwf> I can relay the outcome to Marie if she is not already following the ticket 14:34:52 <AkashdeepDhar[m]> On it 14:34:56 <jwf> Thanks! 14:35:33 <bcotton> sadly bookwar and sumantrom are not here to comment on #434 and #435 14:35:55 <bcotton> #action bcotton to ping assignees in tickets 434 and 435 14:36:23 <bcotton> i believe #436 is in progress and partially blocked by #434 14:37:08 <bcotton> #info Code of Conduct Committee proposal (#442) is in the public comment period through Monday 20 March 14:37:20 <bcotton> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/council-policy-proposal-code-of-conduct-committee/ 14:37:30 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/442 14:37:54 <jwf> bcotton: Seems like a fair assessment, although there is definitely a comms side to that worth exploring. I am also thinking we should flip the bit on #436 to public but… it is a side-topic for this exact moment and not urgent. 14:38:51 <jwf> bcotton: Voting begins in two weeks, so we should wait for community comments and questions first before casting a vote. Is this a correct understanding? 14:39:31 <jwf> Cool 14:39:31 <bcotton> yes, that's the process 14:40:49 <bcotton> anything else on tickets at this point? 14:41:11 <jwf> #426 can be closed when my CommBlog post goes live. 14:41:20 <bcotton> ack 14:41:56 <jwf> Also, we should bring the contributor hackfest ticket back into view. A Council topic of teams or groups we would like to support on hackfests we want would be nice. 14:42:18 <jwf> There is a budget piece there that would reward us for coming up with a list of hackfests sooner than later. 14:42:39 <jwf> Nothing to solve now, but for next time… 14:42:41 <jwf> (#419) 14:43:00 <bcotton> didn't we have that conversation? or am I imagining that? 14:43:11 <jwf> I think we have had it informally over the last many months. 14:43:30 <jwf> But I'd like to have one and drive an outcome. An outcome where I am also not organizing the hackfests. 14:44:09 <bcotton> yeah, i think the teams requesting the hackfest are the ones who should organize them 14:44:40 <jwf> If we are chatty about it, I know Mindshare/CommOps and Fedora Badges are two that are top of mind for me. I might be more hands-on with the Mindshare/CommOps one but realistically I would have capacity for one and only one hackfest and it would also most likely be post-Flock. 14:45:20 <jwf> bcotton: Agreed, although some encouragement and an overview of the general process would be nice. I feel like we had docs for this once upon a time, but for the life of me I can't remember where that is, or even what the instructions were 14:45:26 <jwf> I know I did it in 2016 and 2017 :-) 14:46:53 <jwf> Also, depending on the scope for each hackfest, there is an unknown probability that we might not be able to get all three that we planned for, so planning earlier is better than later so we can prioritize. 14:47:16 <jwf> But, I am thinking out loud again and rambling, I wasn't prepped to have this discussion right now. But priming it for next time would be good 14:47:21 <jwf> so the timing is good for next meeting's agenda 14:47:43 <jwf> That's all on the ticket queue from me for now 14:48:23 <bcotton> ack 14:48:49 <bcotton> oh, there's not a ticket on it, but any update on Mindshare selecting a rep? 14:49:11 <jwf> Negative. I have a window full of tabs with Mindshare stuff to do but will try to prioritize it for end of the week 14:49:32 <jwf> Flock first though… 14:50:05 <bcotton> ack 14:50:09 <bcotton> #topic Open floor 14:50:10 <bcotton> anything else for today? 14:50:24 <jwf> I squeezed in all my other topics elsewhere. Nothing more from me. 14:52:36 <bcotton> alrighty, I guess that's it 14:52:37 <bcotton> thanks everyone 14:52:37 <bcotton> #endmeeting