17:00:04 <bpepple> #startmeeting cwg -- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Community_Working_Group 17:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 15 17:00:04 2011 UTC. The chair is bpepple. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:07 <bpepple> #meetingname cwg 17:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cwg' 17:00:18 <bpepple> #topic roll call 17:00:35 <bpepple> ping rbergeron nirik mjg59 17:00:47 <nirik> hey. 17:03:13 <nirik> humm... might be a short meeting. ;( 17:03:18 * bpepple waits a few more minutes to see if we will have enough people to run the meeting. 17:03:34 <bpepple> nirik: yeah, my fault. forgot to send out a meeting reminder. 17:03:59 <nirik> yeah, I forgot about it too... need to add it to my regular todo/calendar. 17:04:45 <bpepple> I sent an e-mail to spot about if it's feasible to add the fyi to the cla signing. Don't expect to hear back from him until after sxsw. 17:05:42 <nirik> yeah. 17:05:46 <bpepple> ok, it looks like we should probably cancel the meeting since we're the only ones here. I'll send a notice to the list that we'll plan on having a meeting next weel. 17:05:48 <nirik> I slacked on the mailman info. 17:05:53 <bpepple> s/weel/week/ 17:05:59 <nirik> I will try and get that for next week. 17:06:05 <bpepple> nirik: cool. 17:06:19 <bpepple> ok. I'm going to head back to work then. 17:06:40 <bpepple> #endmeeting