13:01:31 <mizmo> #startmeeting design-team 13:01:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 10 13:01:31 2016 UTC. The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'design-team' 13:01:31 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.start -- duffy started meeting "design-team" in #fedora-design 13:01:41 <mizmo> #topic roll call! 13:01:41 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "roll call!" in #fedora-design 13:01:44 <mizmo> .hello duffy 13:01:46 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> 13:02:39 <finalzone> .hello luya 13:02:40 <zodbot> finalzone: luya 'Luya Tshimbalanga' <luya_tfz@thefinalzone.net> 13:02:58 <mleonova> .hello mleonova 13:02:59 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <marialeonova.design@gmail.com> 13:03:46 <gnokii> mizmo: take a look to the ambassadors list 13:03:51 <gnokii> yeah me :D 13:04:12 <mizmo> gnokii: jona's post? 13:04:20 <elioqoshi> Hey guys 13:04:35 <mizmo> hi elioqoshi! 13:04:48 <elioqoshi> Good to see you here? Did I miss anything yet? :) 13:04:55 <elioqoshi> !* hehe 13:05:37 <gnokii> mizmo: yes 13:05:39 <gnokii> thats definitely code of conduct generation 13:05:39 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 13:05:40 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 13:05:49 <mizmo> elioqoshi: not yet :) 13:05:56 <mizmo> gnokii: yeh that came up during the diversity meeting 13:05:58 <mizmo> okay 13:06:03 <mizmo> lets get designery :) 13:06:06 <mizmo> #topic open floor 13:06:07 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "open floor" in #fedora-design 13:06:18 <mizmo> i wanna start with an open floor since it's been 3+ months since i've been around lol 13:06:30 <mizmo> i'm wondering if anything came up that we should take care of, that's urgent, etc. 13:06:49 <mizmo> one main thing that gnokii and i have been working on in the past couple days is planning for a july design team FAD 13:07:14 <elioqoshi> I have something rather urgent if there isn't anything else with priority 13:07:36 <mizmo> elioqoshi: sure what's up 13:08:37 <elioqoshi> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/429#propertyform 13:08:37 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- elioqoshi linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/429#propertyform" 13:08:52 <elioqoshi> Created this badge for a conference Fedora Albania is coorganizing 13:09:06 <elioqoshi> If you could have a look to get it approved and move on with it 13:09:19 <elioqoshi> mleonova already gave feedback on it 13:09:44 <mizmo> elioqoshi: oh okay, it looks great, i can approve now 13:10:07 <gnokii> I am still there? 13:10:24 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the fedora-badges trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/429 13:10:34 <elioqoshi> Thank you mizmo 13:10:35 <mizmo> gnokii: yep - having internet issues? 13:10:39 <mizmo> npp elioqoshi 13:10:55 <gnokii> mizmo: yes 13:11:05 <mizmo> :( 13:11:14 <mizmo> do we want to talk about the FAD? 13:11:35 <gnokii> we can 13:11:48 <gnokii> I will just turn of the fan 13:13:00 <mleonova> gnokii, does it affect your internet?) 13:13:38 <gnokii> mleonova: no but my neck 13:13:59 <mleonova> gnokii, oh, we don't want that 13:14:10 <sam08> hi all 13:14:16 <elioqoshi> Hi Sam08 ! 13:14:16 <gnokii> he sam08 13:14:25 <mizmo> hey sam08! 13:14:33 <mleonova> hey sam08 =) 13:14:37 <finalzone> hi sam08 13:14:55 <mizmo> so here's the draft proposal i put together yesterday for the FAD - very much *draft*, i'm thinking now it is going to need some major reworking... 13:15:07 <mizmo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_DesignTeam_2016 13:15:08 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_DesignTeam_2016" 13:15:20 <mizmo> we haven't done an open call for participants yet... 13:15:44 <mizmo> i was just trying to get some kind of rough budget number as soon as possible since i wasn't able to do that before my leave, and we're running out of time 13:15:56 <mizmo> so, in advance, apologies, i don't want anyone to feel left out or snubbed 13:16:51 <mizmo> it seems it might end up being a bit more expensive per person, not only because of some folks' moving locations, but also bc the hotel and flights in summer in/to boston is a little more expensive 13:16:59 <elioqoshi> What's with us newcomers? Are we eligible to get involved? I'm still a bit confused on ways to get involved :) 13:17:20 <mizmo> elioqoshi: this meeting is probably the best way to start :) 13:17:26 <mizmo> elioqoshi: where are you located? 13:17:37 <elioqoshi> Great to hear 13:17:42 * mizmo doesn't have an irc client with functioning /whois right now lol 13:17:42 <elioqoshi> Tirana, Albania 13:17:48 <mizmo> ah okay 13:17:57 <mizmo> how far are you from krakow? 13:18:03 <mizmo> you might want to try to go to flock in august 13:18:11 <elioqoshi> I applied for Flock yes 13:18:16 <mizmo> cool :) 13:18:19 <elioqoshi> Jona is going there too 13:18:29 <mizmo> oh okay, great! 13:18:35 <elioqoshi> Krakow is rpetty near, maybe direct flights 13:18:43 <elioqoshi> 1 layover if not 13:18:49 <gnokii> yeah CoC ppl 13:19:42 <mizmo> gnokii: so do you think we should drop the badges activity? 13:19:54 <mizmo> gnokii: i could run the idea by a couple council members before we make the formal proposal to see how they feel about it 13:20:04 <mizmo> i just feel like badges is a really good first-time contributor activity 13:20:07 <finalzone> I haven't decided yet about FAD. Trying to catch up 13:21:48 <mizmo> sure, here's the link again for convenience since it's scrolled up a lot: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_DesignTeam_2016 13:23:16 <elioqoshi> Badges is great. As someone new to design at Fedora I grasped the idea pretty quickly 13:23:19 <tatica> mizmo, may I join remotely the FAD? 13:23:20 <tatica> hello all 13:23:29 <mizmo> tatica: absolutely :) we'd love to have you! 13:23:33 <mleonova> hi tatica 13:23:41 <elioqoshi> hi tatica! 13:24:45 <finalzone> hola tatica 13:25:19 <tatica> mleonova, finalzone elioqoshi :*** 13:28:11 <finalzone> I will check my availability at FAD event, July is usually busy and I will see if I can manage to free up 13:28:19 <mizmo> i have to jump on a phone conference now, but i'll still be around (just a little slow) 13:29:06 <elioqoshi> Who is eligible to request budget to attend for the FAD? As I lead design at Mozilla, they might pay my accommodation expenses 13:29:08 <finalzone> anything else related to FAD? 13:29:24 <fedmsg-design> mailman.receive -- On the badges list, trac@fedorahosted.org replied to '[badges] Re: [fedora-badges] #429: OSCAL 2016' http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/badges@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/HWCONYRCOBS72J5KZEOLRGUJIB64DKQI/ 13:31:14 <mizmo> elioqoshi: we don't really have a very defined policy on that, but the general guidance that funding is limited and the council when approving the budget is going to want justification for individual folks needing to be there / their relevancy to the topic of the event 13:32:06 <elioqoshi> I understand. Yeah well, let's see until then, lots of stuff still to do, I'm just getting started :) 13:33:16 <elioqoshi> On this note, I'd be happy to work on any design material which still needs work done, I am still trying to find my way around here 13:34:02 <mleonova> mizmo, are we doing tickets today, too? 13:34:02 <finalzone> Hmm, no scribus on the list in FAD 2016? 13:34:05 <mizmo> okay i gotta jump into my other meeting now 13:34:15 <mizmo> mleonova: i have to run, but feel free to start going thru tickets if you have time / inclination 13:35:27 * mizmo apologies for this :( it was a last-minute thing 13:35:47 <mleonova> uhm.. I'd rather you took a look at them =) maybe next time.. 13:36:09 <mleonova> mizmo, ^^ 13:36:19 <mizmo> okay 13:36:26 <mleonova> riecatnor and I have gone through them already 13:36:27 <mizmo> we can end meeting then unless anybody has anything else they wanna bring up 13:37:01 <finalzone> has anyone packaged f24-background yet? 13:37:36 <mleonova> finalzone, if you mean the alpha wp, I think so 13:37:43 <elioqoshi> I have something from the local community 13:38:06 <mleonova> elioqoshi, what's that? 13:39:23 <elioqoshi> We are doing a FAD in Prishtina, Kosovo end of the month 13:39:30 <elioqoshi> at the Prishtina Hackerspace 13:39:38 <elioqoshi> to grow the community efforts there 13:39:47 <elioqoshi> 1st day will be Fedora, 2nd will be Mozilla focused 13:40:08 <elioqoshi> So we try to keep the efforts combined, as our cities are pretty small :) 13:40:13 <elioqoshi> And I created these banners for the event 13:40:28 <elioqoshi> http://elioqoshi.me/owncloud/index.php/s/ynswHP21nKfcxj1 13:40:28 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- elioqoshi linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "http://elioqoshi.me/owncloud/index.php/s/ynswHP21nKfcxj1" 13:40:45 <elioqoshi> http://elioqoshi.me/owncloud/index.php/s/5Efm1CXhqba54Nx 13:40:45 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- elioqoshi linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "http://elioqoshi.me/owncloud/index.php/s/5Efm1CXhqba54Nx" 13:42:32 <elioqoshi> Will also do a gray poster in one 13:42:53 <elioqoshi> Would like to get your feedback on this 13:43:01 <mleonova> elioqoshi, The 'TM' trademark symbol must always be visible and readable for both the Fedora logomark (infinity symbol) and the Fedora logotype ('fedora' text) in the placements shown in these guidelines. You may not remove or obfuscate either of the TM symbols in the Fedora logo. 13:43:28 <elioqoshi> Right, I forgot that 13:43:44 <mleonova> I personally like the blue one more, orange seems way too bright. 13:44:12 <mleonova> like really hard to look at =) 13:44:15 <elioqoshi> I don't like it either too much, might make it dark red instead 13:45:18 <mleonova> elioqoshi, can you just make the one banner with both logos? why have two? 13:45:33 <elioqoshi> I will do that too, with gray cubes 13:46:00 <elioqoshi> In a lot of conferences, there are 3 versions of a poster, for 3 different elements, I thought it was a nice touch 13:46:06 <elioqoshi> Day 1 the red one 13:46:10 <elioqoshi> Day 2 the blue one 13:46:21 <elioqoshi> General the gray one 13:46:30 <mleonova> I see 13:47:08 <mleonova> was just interested in the reason to have 2 13:48:25 <elioqoshi> Yeah, because of 2 Days event 13:48:34 <elioqoshi> Wouldn't do it if it was 1 day probably 13:51:37 <mleonova> mizmo, I think we can end meeting? 13:51:48 <mizmo> coolio 13:51:50 <mizmo> #endmeeting