18:02:33 <mizmo> #startmeeting design-team 18:02:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 26 18:02:33 2019 UTC. 18:02:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:02:33 <zodbot> The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:02:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:02:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'design-team' 18:02:33 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.start -- duffy started meeting "design-team" in #fedora-design 18:02:55 <mizmo> #topic f30 wallpaper 18:02:55 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "f30 wallpaper" in #fedora-design 18:03:04 <mizmo> i wanted to talk about this first because we have a deadline to get this packaged for beta 18:03:29 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/625 18:03:29 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/625" 18:03:35 <mizmo> any thoughts on the latest mockups? 18:03:53 <mizmo> sam08, micahtron around? 18:04:20 <terezahl> i like the second and the third one 18:04:46 * mizmo is waiting for them to load :) 18:05:24 <mizmo> i like the 2nd, i think the third could be distracting 18:05:31 <mizmo> my favorite is still micah's first mockup though 18:06:04 <terezahl> agree with that 18:07:13 <mizmo> im trying it out now as a background, it's ok. we need higher res for packaging though 18:07:34 <sam08> hey 18:07:48 <fm-design> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket design#625: "Fedora 30 Wallpaper" https://pagure.io/design/issue/625#comment-556643 18:07:56 <mizmo> hey sam08 18:08:01 <mizmo> we were just talking about the wallpaper 18:08:19 <sam08> uh, perfect timing, lol 18:08:27 <mizmo> :) 18:08:39 <mizmo> im trying out the second of the latest batch now and i think it's pretty close to what we need 18:08:44 <mizmo> can you generate a higher res version for packaging? 18:09:06 <mizmo> also just want to share screenshots of how it looks, i think a little gimp manipulation to darken it / richen the darks would go far, one sec 18:09:06 <sam08> yup, but it might take some time 18:09:52 <mizmo> https://imgur.com/a/MtJ5l6o 18:09:52 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://imgur.com/a/MtJ5l6o" 18:10:07 <mizmo> today is the deadline for having something ready to package. 😞 let me see what the final packaging deadline is 18:10:14 <mizmo> by some time what are you thinking? hours? days? 18:10:51 <mizmo> beta freeze is 2019-03-05 18:11:04 <sam08> let me ask blender 18:11:10 <mizmo> LOL 18:11:18 <mizmo> we do have a solid plan b - package the lower res one :) 18:13:04 <sam08> blender says about three hours for the full 4096x4096; i could try using a lower amount of samples, but it will probably render with some speckles here and there 18:15:04 <fm-design> pagure.issue.comment.added -- sam08 commented on ticket design#625: "Fedora 30 Wallpaper" https://pagure.io/design/issue/625#comment-556644 18:15:53 <sam08> i've just uploaded the .blend to the ticket, in case you wanna see if yours renders in less 18:15:53 <mizmo> okay, i think 3 hours is workable, can you post on the ticket as soon as the render is ready and email luya@fedoraproject.org to have it packaged? 18:16:52 <sam08> yup, i just hope the estimate it's giving me is correct 18:17:05 <mizmo> lemme see - probably not bc im on the laptop today - but ill see what it says :) 18:17:54 <mizmo> i get 3 hours 45 min 18:18:19 <sam08> okay, i'll let mine render then :) 18:19:17 <mizmo> now it's changed, up to 5 hours 18:19:52 <mizmo> i think your system is beefier than mine for sure :) 18:20:09 <mizmo> ok cool. if you have any issues ping me here and we can work out plan b 18:20:10 <mizmo> sound good? 18:20:36 <sam08> yup, i'll be back in 10 minutes or so in case you need me again :) 18:20:52 <mizmo> sweet :) 18:20:58 <mizmo> okay lets see what other tickets we have 18:21:01 <mizmo> #topic ticket triage 18:21:02 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "ticket triage" in #fedora-design 18:21:13 <mizmo> terezahl: do you have any you're working on that feedback would be helpful at this point? 18:21:35 <terezahl> maybe this one - https://pagure.io/design/issue/621 18:21:57 <terezahl> it's the digital sign to promote Fedora 29 18:22:13 * mizmo looks 18:23:10 <mizmo> gosh pagure is a bit slow now for me 18:24:09 <terezahl> yup same for me 18:25:00 <mizmo> well it finally loaded - looks perfect to me! 18:25:49 <terezahl> ok, cool thanks :) hopefully it's going to be ok with @benzea as well 18:25:56 <mizmo> how did you make it? is it a bitmap on the slide? 18:26:14 <mizmo> im thinking we'd want to graphic source to use so we could update for f30 - basically use as a template each release 18:27:03 <mizmo> oh the text on the bottom is editable text, that is great 18:27:24 <terezahl> i can change it so the 'Fedora 29 is out' is also an image 18:27:40 <terezahl> So it can be change to Fedora 30 if needed 18:27:44 <mizmo> ah i see the f29 is baked into the background. do you have a plain version of it for updating later? 18:28:19 <terezahl> yeah sure I can update it 18:30:07 <mizmo> awesome that would be perfect 18:30:32 <mizmo> oh sorry, it looks like there's a lag with freenode, sorry if i seem dopier than is typical lol, your replies just appeared 18:31:16 <terezahl> ok :D 18:31:41 <mizmo> any other tickets you can think of terezahl ? 18:32:13 <terezahl> nope 18:33:06 <mizmo> sam08: still there? i just noticed - i had left the render going - it looks like it's the third version and not the seond 18:33:22 <mizmo> sam08: wanted to make sure yours was rendering the right version 18:33:25 <mizmo> ok im going to grab some tickets from the main queue then, let's see 18:33:53 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/627 (neurofedora sticker request) 18:33:53 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/627 (neurofedora sticker request)" https://pagure.io/design/issue/627 18:34:14 <mizmo> this one is pretty well triaged now and needs a designer. there was a newbie who messaged me looking for something to work on a week or so ago and i pointed them to this but i haven't heard back in some time 18:34:29 <mizmo> #info https://pagure.io/design/issue/627 needs a designer to work on it 18:34:30 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.info -- duffy raised a point of information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/627 needs a designer to work on it" 18:34:49 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/626 18:34:49 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/626" 18:34:55 <mizmo> now that im on an actual computer i can approve this one 18:36:13 <mizmo> ok approved it :) 18:36:40 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/design/issue/623 fedora 15th anniversary placards 18:36:40 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://pagure.io/design/issue/623 fedora 15th anniversary placards" https://pagure.io/design/issue/623 18:37:18 <mizmo> do you need help with ideas for this one terezahl? i think i have the fedora 5 or 10 years design around here somewhere if its any help 18:37:53 <terezahl> yup that would be awesome as I'm still pretty new to Fedora 18:40:27 <mizmo> im still digging for it. there was a t-shirt. i think it had a cake. 18:41:25 <sam08> mizmo, it's the right version, i processed the separate passes in gimp to get to what i posted on pagure 18:41:31 <mizmo> oh the 5 year one was the cake. this is the 10 year one - altho it looks like the outline is misaligned https://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/thumb/e/e6/Fedora-20-installationmedia-label-32.png/600px-Fedora-20-installationmedia-label-32.png 18:41:35 <mizmo> sam08: ahh ok perfect 18:41:53 <mizmo> sam08: just wanted to check :) 18:42:18 <sam08> if you let it complete, it will save all the rendering passes in a dir named F30_WP in your home dir :) 18:45:14 <mizmo> sam08: i might, although its made my desktop a bit slow :) 18:45:32 <mizmo> terezahl - i cant seem to find the 5 year cake 18:46:11 * mizmo tries a wiki search 18:46:19 <terezahl> I can look into closed tickets - maybe I can find some older designs and such 18:47:38 <mizmo> the 10 year one might be there but hte 5 year one predated our having a ticket system i think 18:48:26 <terezahl> oh, okay 18:48:30 <mizmo> 5 years would be.... 2008 maybe? 18:48:42 <mizmo> the design team list started in 2009 but i think there was an art list before that started in 2006 18:53:27 <terezahl> maybe I'll find it somewhere 18:54:37 <mizmo> ha! https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-art-list/2008-September/msg00303.html 18:55:02 <terezahl> great! thanks 18:55:05 <mizmo> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-art-list/2008-September/pngTy9x6Pm0Bj.png 18:55:06 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in the "design-team" meeting in #fedora-design: "https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-art-list/2008-September/pngTy9x6Pm0Bj.png" 18:55:22 <mizmo> this is the one i was thinking of https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-art-list/2008-September/pngNVswikyYJX.png 18:55:36 <mizmo> neither may be particularly helpful though :-/ 18:55:45 <mizmo> but ill post htem to the ticket so theyre there as a reference 18:58:01 <mizmo> all right 18:58:04 <mizmo> anything else we should cover? 18:58:08 <mizmo> #topic open floor 18:58:08 <fm-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's "design-team" meeting changed to "open floor" in #fedora-design 18:58:28 <terezahl> can't think of anything else 18:58:50 <mizmo> cool thanks for coming everybody :) 18:58:52 <mizmo> #endmeeting