14:00:18 <zoglesby> #startmeeting 14:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 31 14:00:18 2014 UTC. The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:25 <zoglesby> #meetingname docs 14:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 14:00:32 <zoglesby> #meetingtopic Docs Weekly Meeting 14:00:39 <zoglesby> #topic Roll Call 14:00:40 <lnovich> /me is here 14:00:48 <zoglesby> hello /me 14:00:48 <lnovich> here! 14:00:51 * jjmcd 14:01:19 <lnovich> multi-tasking not working like it should 14:01:20 <zoglesby> #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" 14:01:53 * pkovar is here 14:02:26 * yruseva 14:02:50 * Capesteve waves 14:03:09 * rkratky is here 14:04:29 * pbokoc 14:04:59 <zoglesby> Let's get started 14:05:01 <zoglesby> #topic New Writers 14:05:17 <zoglesby> Anyone here new to Docs? 14:07:34 <zoglesby> I will take that as a no. 14:07:37 <zoglesby> #topic SEO with DocBook & Publican 14:07:50 <zoglesby> lnovich: Do you have any more information about this? 14:08:18 <lnovich> Haven't really had a chance to talk to Rudi about it 14:08:37 <zoglesby> lnovich: okay 14:08:45 <zoglesby> Anyone have anything more about SEO? 14:09:07 <lnovich> i will try to find my notes from the training session i did 2 yrs ago 14:09:18 <zoglesby> #action lnovich to talk to Rudi about SEO for Docbook and Publican 14:09:28 <lnovich> and if I can get them written up by next week i will present something 14:09:36 <zoglesby> #action lnovich to find notes about SEO 14:09:46 <zoglesby> #undo 14:09:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by zoglesby at 14:09:36 : lnovich to find notes about SEO 14:10:07 <zoglesby> #action lnovich to find notes about SEO, will talk about it again next week 14:10:39 <zoglesby> Anything else? 14:11:31 <zoglesby> #topic Publican/Publishing 14:11:41 <zoglesby> jsmith: You around to talk about this? 14:11:57 * jsmith is double-booked, but will multi-task 14:12:02 <rkratky> zoglesby, i'm new to docs 14:12:02 <jsmith> OK... 14:12:23 * jsmith takes a deep breath and dives into Publican/Publishing 14:12:41 <jsmith> So, in theory, publishing docs on a website with Publican is supposed to be really easy 14:13:02 <jsmith> It's supposed to be a three step process: 14:13:08 <jsmith> 1) Install the homepage 14:13:13 <jsmith> 2) Install a document 14:13:15 <zoglesby> rkratky: okay we will come back to that in a bit, welcome! 14:13:34 <jsmith> 3) Run 'publican site_update" 14:13:51 <lnovich> hello rkratky! welcome to docs! 14:14:02 <jsmith> And in the infamous words of Jeff Fearn: The 4th secret is to use "web_style: 2" in your site because "web_style: 1" is horribly borked :( 14:14:11 <jsmith> That being said, I ran into lots of complications 14:14:16 * Sparks is here 14:14:30 <jsmith> 1) Sometimes we still get weird results, even with web_style: 2 14:14:42 <lnovich> define weird jsmith 14:14:49 <jsmith> 2) There seem to be some weird issues with SELinux labels not being applied correctly 14:15:16 <jsmith> 3) From time to time, installing a new doc (or running publican site_update) reports corrupted entries in the database 14:15:34 * sclark arrives late 14:16:09 <lnovich> maybe we need to file a ticket/bug so it can get tracked taken care of? 14:16:31 <jsmith> lnovich: I'm going to do some more testing on a fresh VM, and then I'll be filing tickets like mad :-) 14:16:39 <zoglesby> jsmith: What do you think the best process is to get this moving forward? 14:16:41 <lnovich> you go jsmith 14:16:42 <jsmith> There's also a wiki page where we're tracking progress 14:16:53 <jsmith> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Building_the_docs_site 14:16:55 <lnovich> file until they pay attention! 14:17:10 <zoglesby> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Building_the_docs_site 14:17:30 <zoglesby> #action jsmith to test publishing in a new VM 14:17:49 <Sparks> jsmith: It looked like rudi had it all figured out based on the last iteration of that wiki page I saw. 14:18:02 <lnovich> jsmith what timezone are you in? 14:18:08 <jsmith> Sparks: Right, but I haven't been able to reproduce with precision 14:18:24 <jsmith> lnovich: Depends on where in the world I'm traveling at any given time -- but mostly Eastern Daylight Time 14:18:31 * jsmith travels a lot for work 14:18:32 <lnovich> currently? 14:18:46 <Sparks> jsmith: When I looked at the page I was less than impressed. 14:19:00 <jsmith> lnovich: Today, I'm in EDT :-)_ 14:19:09 <jsmith> lnovich: and with any luck, I will be for the next week or so 14:19:17 <lnovich> how late will you be up tonight? 14:19:33 <jsmith> Can't be up late tonight -- I have a family obligation this evening 14:20:18 <lnovich> ah - ok I was going to suggest I get up early - bug the bageebers out of rudi to get on the docs channel so we can have a meeting and discuss the issues 14:20:37 <jsmith> Yeah, let me do some testing on a fresh VM first, so I can ask more intelligent questionsw 14:21:01 <lnovich> but the earliest I can do that is at 530AM my time which is 1030 PM EST 14:21:03 <jsmith> I think the current docs01.dev.cloud.fp.o site and my own VM are now thoroughly jumbled enough that it's hard to tell what works 14:21:15 <jjmcd> I've been seeing rudi here almost every night in the scroll, but he's usually gone before I wake up 14:21:30 <jsmith> I could also do early morning my time, if that helps 14:21:42 * jsmith is usually awake by 5:30am EDT (but not online) 14:21:45 <lnovich> he leaves by 10AM my time 14:21:58 <lnovich> which is 3AM your time 14:22:11 <nb> #info see nb if you want a openstack VM to test with 14:22:36 <jsmith> nb: Will do :-) 14:22:51 <zoglesby> Anything else on this topic? 14:23:09 <Sparks> . 14:23:19 * jsmith has nothing further to add at this time 14:23:24 <Sparks> jsmith: Are we (you) supposed to be building all this stuff into ansible? 14:23:44 <jsmith> Sparks: Aye, randomuser is focusing on that 14:24:05 <jsmith> Sparks: From last I checked, he had a pretty good start on it 14:24:07 <Sparks> jsmith: Okay, so lets make sure that rudi can examine those files as that's really what needs to be validated. 14:24:45 <zoglesby> #info randomuser is working on ansible setup for the new server 14:24:59 <jsmith> Sparks: Aye... my plan is to crawl (get it working manually), then walk (get it working reliably on several machines) and then run (get it into ansible and test it) 14:25:08 <Sparks> jsmith: +1 14:25:54 <Sparks> zoglesby: That is all from me. 14:26:14 <zoglesby> Anyone else? 14:27:14 <zoglesby> rkratky: are you still around? 14:27:26 <rkratky> zoglesby, yep 14:27:36 <zoglesby> #topic New Writers redux 14:28:02 <zoglesby> rkratky: Welcome! 14:28:12 <zoglesby> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_contribute_to_Docs 14:28:15 <rkratky> zoglesby, thanks! 14:28:35 <zoglesby> rkratky: Have you looked at the above wiki page yet? 14:28:40 <rkratky> been there, read that 14:29:06 <zoglesby> rkratky: Have you been added to the Docs group in FAS? 14:29:19 <rkratky> not yet 14:29:32 <zoglesby> rkratky: Did you send an introduction email to the list? 14:29:42 <lnovich> rkratky - that is something you need to do in order to be a contributor 14:30:05 <rkratky> lnovich, zoglesby, will do 14:30:54 <lnovich> if you want a more "guided" approach - there are members of the docs team who are willing to guide/mentor you along the way 14:31:16 <zoglesby> rkratky: Please introduce yourself on the list to move the process forward. For now can you please tell us what you are looking at helping with? 14:31:45 <lnovich> we can either match you with someone who is in a similar location/ has similar background or if there is someone you already know on the list, you can be matched to them...your choice 14:32:45 <rkratky> zoglesby, i've recently joined red hat in brno as a tech. writer. i work directly under jhradilek. i have just started to wok on ABRT docs, so i thought i could help fedora with that as well. 14:33:26 <zoglesby> rkratky: great! Since you are in Brno, you have lots of people who can help you get started! 14:33:50 <zoglesby> rkratky: But fell free to ask question on the list or in #fedora-docs any time. 14:34:35 <jjmcd> Don't even have to fall down 14:35:03 <zoglesby> rkratky: Anything else you would like to add? 14:35:07 <lnovich> welcome to the club rkratky - you have a fantastic team leader in jhradilek 14:35:26 <rkratky> zoglesby, no, thanks for the intro. 14:35:27 <lnovich> but if his hours aren't helpful - feel free to give me a yell 14:35:33 <jjmcd> lnovich, yep, tough to beat 14:35:49 <rkratky> lnovich, i know! i've worked with him before 14:36:00 <zoglesby> jjmcd: oops. just got that :) 14:36:10 <lnovich> I am usually online most of the time you are awake - as I am 1 hour ahead 14:36:10 <zoglesby> #topic Fedora.next Product Updates 14:36:19 <jjmcd> zoglesby, sorry, couldn't resist 14:36:36 <zoglesby> jjmcd: I had it coming 14:37:14 <zoglesby> randomuser as introduced himself on the desktop list, and I am working with the server group to start a guide for them 14:37:23 <zoglesby> s/as/has/ 14:37:44 <lnovich> has anyone done a "write-up" / summary on FAD or Fedora Next? 14:38:07 <zoglesby> jsmith: have you reached out to the cloud group 14:38:21 <jsmith> zoglesby: a bit, but I'll reach out to them again 14:38:34 <zoglesby> lnovich: randomuser and I both wrote blog posts, but nothing formal. 14:38:39 * jsmith is still working on his FAD blog post 14:38:50 <zoglesby> jsmith: great, thanks 14:39:06 * Sparks needs to do a write up 14:39:09 <zoglesby> #action jsmith to talk to the Cloud WG about docs 14:39:21 <jsmith> Especially about the system I setup to automagically pull in the latest published docs :-) 14:39:33 * randomuser pops in 14:39:34 <zoglesby> #action jsmith and Sparks to write up posts about the FAD 14:39:41 <zoglesby> #info randomuser is here! 14:40:07 <zoglesby> randomuser: anything for Desktop WG? 14:40:12 <lnovich> did anyone take pictures? 14:40:39 <zoglesby> lnovich: no one wants to see my desk at home :) 14:40:56 <Sparks> lnovich: At the FAD? I have a couple. 14:41:08 <randomuser> sorry, skimming scrollback 14:41:13 <jsmith> lnovich: I have a few photos of the whiteboard 14:41:29 <randomuser> I sent an introduction email to desktop@ that was not acknowledged 14:41:40 <lnovich> sorry to hear randomuser 14:41:42 <randomuser> afaik there are no scheduled meetings of the WG upcoming 14:42:09 <randomuser> the PRD/tech spec as I understand it is GNOME, eof 14:43:13 <zoglesby> randomuser: Okay, can only help as much as they are willing to let us. If no one from the WG has feedback, they will get what they get. 14:43:22 <randomuser> indeed 14:43:38 * zoglesby can't make full sentences today. 14:43:47 * randomuser will try not to be too passive-aggressively disparaging when writing his beat 14:43:56 <zoglesby> Anything else for this topic? 14:44:00 <zoglesby> randomuser: sounds good 14:45:06 <randomuser> nothing else from me on this topic 14:45:10 <zoglesby> #topic Guide Status 14:45:17 <zoglesby> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Docs_Project_tasks 14:45:29 <zoglesby> Any guide related new? 14:46:04 * nb should make a blog post about the FAD 14:46:11 <randomuser> nb, +1 14:46:22 <zoglesby> #action nb to blog about the FAD 14:46:28 <nb> well, for guide status, /me and smith have worked on instructions about the Yubikey NEO for openpgp 14:46:29 <lnovich> nb I still have some receipts to send in 14:46:38 <nb> and i have gotten it working for SSH also 14:46:41 <lnovich> will get them out tonight 14:46:43 <nb> using gpg-agent 14:46:54 <nb> lnovich, sure, nb@fedoraproject.org and rsuehle@redhat.com 14:47:09 <nb> zoglesby, yeah, i just made myself a blog finally using openshift :) 14:47:32 * nb has receipts to send in also 14:47:48 * nb is planning on either adding more stuff to security guide or perhaps making a Security Hardware Guide or something 14:47:56 <ciupicri> nb: what's the address? 14:48:09 <lnovich> I finally pushed into git the new Virtualization Deployment and Admin. Guide - but I am assuming it will take a while for it to get on the web 14:48:11 <nb> i want to document regular yubikey stuff, different types of gpg smart cards, etc 14:48:18 <nb> ciupicri, http://blog-nbebout.rhcloud.com 14:48:34 <nb> or i thought that was it, its giving me an error 14:48:40 <randomuser> lnovich, great! - do you want reviews, patches, anything? 14:48:45 <ciupicri> me too: "Service Temporarily Unavailable" :-D 14:50:08 <zoglesby> #info nb and jsmith adding two factor topics to security guide 14:50:17 <lnovich> not yet randomuser - have some more stuff to add 14:50:27 <nb> it seems to work now 14:50:29 <randomuser> lnovich, ack 14:50:40 <zoglesby> #info lnovich is working on new Virtualization Deployment and Admin 14:50:41 <randomuser> nb, something on two factor sudo would be nice too 14:51:38 <zoglesby> Anything else? We are running low on time. 14:51:40 <nb> yeah, i wanna do that 14:52:13 <zoglesby> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:52:20 <zoglesby> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:52:30 <zoglesby> Lots of bugs 14:52:42 <zoglesby> Sparks bugs... 14:52:45 <zoglesby> #link http://tinyurl.com/agh4mg6 14:52:52 * Sparks has bugs? 14:53:18 <nb> is https://blog-nbebout.rhcloud.com/?feed=rss2 what i add to planet? 14:53:42 <zoglesby> Sparks: that what it is called on the wiki 14:53:55 <lnovich> no more bugs! 14:54:03 <zoglesby> Any info on bugs? 14:54:16 <randomuser> ! 14:54:39 <randomuser> did we talk bug process for Changes, zoglesby 14:54:40 <randomuser> ? 14:54:52 <zoglesby> randomuser: nope, I forgot about that! 14:55:25 <zoglesby> #info Changes for the release notes will be tracked in the original ticket's 14:55:29 <zoglesby> #undo 14:55:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by zoglesby at 14:55:25 : Changes for the release notes will be tracked in the original ticket's 14:56:08 <zoglesby> #info Changes for the release notes will be tracked in the original ticket's "Docs Contact" field 14:56:22 <randomuser> #info volunteers to cover changes will be solicited in future meetings, irc, mailing list, wherever we can find you 14:56:44 <zoglesby> #info Changes to guides will be tracked in deplicate bugs 14:57:31 <zoglesby> randomuser: Anything more? 14:57:43 <randomuser> that covers it, i think 14:57:47 <zoglesby> #topic Open floor discussion 14:57:50 <randomuser> i'll send a more comprehensive mail later 14:57:55 <zoglesby> randomuser: indeed! 14:57:58 <randomuser> jreznik, ^^ 14:58:16 <zoglesby> #action randomuser to mail list about tracking changes 14:58:35 <randomuser> #info thanks zoglesby for chairing the meeting 14:58:45 <zoglesby> The floor is open, and we are about out of time. Anyone else have anything? 14:59:12 <lnovich> not from me! 14:59:54 <zoglesby> Thank you everyone for your time. 15:00:10 <jjmcd> nice job, Zack 15:00:19 <zoglesby> #info Docs Office hours for Americas will be Thur at 1800 UTC 15:00:36 <zoglesby> #endmeeting