18:00:40 <zoglesby> #startmeeting 18:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 10 18:00:40 2014 UTC. The chair is zoglesby. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:46 <zoglesby> #meetingname docs 18:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:00:55 <zoglesby> #meetingtopic Docs Office Hours 18:01:08 <zoglesby> #info Please ask questions, talk about bug, or any discuss anything else about Docs. 18:02:32 <zoglesby> #undo 18:02:32 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by zoglesby at 18:01:08 : Please ask questions, talk about bug, or any discuss anything else about Docs. 18:03:02 <zoglesby> #info Please ask questions, talk about bug, or discuss anything else about Docs. 18:05:34 * zoglesby is working on the Docs Beats page 18:07:11 <randomuser> #info randomuser shows up 18:07:32 <randomuser> are you reorganizing, zoglesby ? 18:08:00 <zoglesby> randomuser: yes 18:08:36 <randomuser> zoglesby, i'm going to monitor this board meeting as well, but i think i'll work on some outlines in the talk pages for each beat 18:08:42 <randomuser> some todo stuff for beat writers 18:25:12 <randomuser> thanks for joining us, mprpic ! 18:26:03 <mprpic> eh? 18:26:09 <zoglesby> Did I miss something? 18:26:35 <zoglesby> randomuser: You said you think that networking needs moved? 18:27:00 <randomuser> zoglesby, yeah, i think it makes more sense with kernel/systemd/base stuff 18:27:22 <zoglesby> randomuser: okay 18:28:08 <randomuser> mprpic, we're doing an office hours working session; preliminary Release Notes stuff today 18:28:27 <randomuser> happy to see you decided to join and help :) 18:30:45 <zoglesby> randomuser: wiki edits are done (unless you see anything else), I will need to make changes to git later 18:30:57 <randomuser> nice 18:43:14 <zoglesby> I don't want to talk in the board meeting, but this is stupid. 18:43:59 <zoglesby> Would the board be okay with adding bookmarks to all of these services to firefox by default? Just like we add fedora content now? 18:51:20 <randomuser> good question, zoglesby 18:59:29 <zoglesby> #endmeeting