18:30:42 <pboy> #startmeeting docs 18:30:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 28 18:30:42 2023 UTC. 18:30:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:30:42 <zodbot> The chair is pboy. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:30:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs' 18:30:54 <pboy> #topic Roll call 18:31:04 <pboy> Welcome everyone 18:31:15 <ChristopherBush[> .hello riddled 18:31:17 <zodbot> ChristopherBush[: riddled 'Christopher Bush' <cdbush1002@gmail.com> 18:31:20 <pboy> Let's wait some minutes for everyone to show up. 18:31:34 <ChristopherBush[> ok 18:34:11 <pboy> Well, obviously a small group today. Small but great. :-) 18:34:20 <pboy> Let’s start 18:34:25 <ChristopherBush[> lol 18:34:34 <pboy> #topic Agenda 18:34:44 <pboy> #info Action item followup & Announcements 18:34:53 <pboy> #info Tickets review on GitLab 18:35:05 <pboy> #info Continuing discussion of our work plan 18:35:15 <pboy> #info Tickets review on Quick Docs 18:35:30 <pboy> #info Open floor 18:35:47 <pboy> Anything to add here? 18:36:11 <pboy> OK, next 18:36:24 <pboy> #topic 1. Action item followup & Announcements 18:36:34 <pboy> Open action: 18:36:44 <pboy> #action still to remove outdated installation guide 18:36:56 <pboy> Announcment 18:37:08 <pboy> #info This year we'll have a in-person Flock again, after 3 years. 18:37:08 <pboy> #link https://flocktofedora.org 18:37:23 <pboy> We have submitted 2 proposals in time (June 20) but no feedback yet. 18:37:24 <pboy> The clock is ticking. It's all pretty tight in terms of time this year. 18:37:34 <pboy> Can someone add information here? 18:37:43 <pboy> Somebody already decided to join? 18:37:49 <pboy> (besides me) 18:38:44 <pboy> Obviously no additional info 18:39:02 <pboy> #topic 2. Tickets review on GitLab 18:39:20 <pboy> #link https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/docs/-/issues 18:40:05 <pboy> I think, we shouldn't step through each ticket, but have a look at the bunch. 18:40:21 <ChristopherBush[> ok 18:40:24 <pboy> Something important? soemething easy to resolve? 18:41:49 <ChristopherBush[> Well right now I am working on going through the contributor docs and learning the workflow. After that I will get started on these issues. 18:43:10 <pboy> That is very helpful. If it is accepted, I will contest a session with it on Flock. Feedback beforehand would be very helpful. 18:43:29 <pboy> I wonder if we need all those internal tickets? Or do they rather obscure the view of the essentials? 18:44:36 <pboy> I'm trying to figure out if there's anything urgent. 18:44:54 <ChristopherBush[> All the internal tickets are kind of distracting from the essentials. How important are the internal tickets? 18:45:18 <ChristopherBush[> And would there be any way to maybe group them together? 18:46:16 <pboy> When F39 reaches beta, we have to branch release notes. And probably the generic intro with references to the frelease notes. But don't know about the other 18:47:15 <pboy> And I suppose, F40 is really early at hte moment. 18:48:02 <pboy> And I can't identify something really urgent. 18:48:07 <ChristopherBush[> Yes, that is a while into the future. 18:48:44 <pboy> Update links is the oldest one and probably urgent. Or no longer needed after that time (7 months) 18:49:09 <pboy> And docs builder on mac I'm working on with my new MacBook 18:50:05 <pboy> Well, we agree, nothing specifically urgent here. 18:50:13 <pboy> ? 18:51:01 <pboy> OK, next topic. 18:51:17 <pboy> #topic 3. Continuing discussion of our work plan 18:51:48 <pboy> #link https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/possible-docs-team-work-plan-for-the-f39-f40-period/81122/38 18:52:16 <pboy> We have basically aggreed about the topics. 18:52:46 <pboy> Still open: how can we start to automate release notes creation. 18:53:32 <pboy> We need someone familiar with bash scripting or other means to extract specific test from wiki pages. 18:53:56 <pboy> Any idea, how we can find someone? 18:55:10 <pboy> Well, no brilliant idea yet. :-) 18:55:16 <pboy> Let's switch 18:55:27 <pboy> #topic 4. Tickets review on Quick Docs 18:55:39 <pboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs/issues 18:56:08 <pboy> Same as with gitlab here, I suggest. Let's try to find urgent ones 18:57:11 <ChristopherBush[> The installation guide review is probably pretty urgent. 18:58:00 <pboy> Yeah, indeed 18:58:52 <ChristopherBush[> and probably #207 19:01:06 <pboy> #207 is quite complex, and out of track. Wondering, how we can restart this. 19:02:59 <pboy> I think, I'contact the participants in #207. And we deal with #605 when Hank is back next week 19:03:16 <ChristopherBush[> okay 19:03:52 <pboy> Well, that's all we can do at the moment. 19:04:06 <pboy> So, let's switch to open floor 19:04:25 <pboy> #topic 5. Open floor 19:04:41 <pboy> Well, the floor is open. 19:05:11 <pboy> Open for those,too, who might have been lurking until now 19:05:57 <ChristopherBush[> as far as automating release notes. I think hank is working wiht @ankursinha 19:06:31 <ChristopherBush[> I know they have been talking about a bash script on matrix. 19:06:46 <pboy> Is he working on frelease notes? I understood, they are working on mass update of Quick Docs? 19:07:09 <ChristopherBush[> You are correct i believe. 19:07:24 <ChristopherBush[> That is what it is. 19:07:35 <pboy> Well. maybe the can extend it "a bit". :-) 19:08:07 <ChristopherBush[> Maybe. I know nothing about bash scripting 19:08:29 <pboy> Unfortunate! 19:08:51 <ChristopherBush[> I need to learn. 19:09:02 <pboy> I know, but am "overbooked" yet 19:09:47 <pboy> It would be a good opportunity. (wink wink) 19:10:20 <pboy> But at the moment the contributor docs are more urgent. 19:11:17 <ChristopherBush[> While I have been going through contributor docs I have made a few changes to clarify some of the language. I am doing this to practice the workflow with the web editor. I have submitted a merge request. 19:12:13 <pboy> Yes, I thjink a have merged them earlier today. Wasn't it yours? 19:12:55 <ChristopherBush[> I haven't looked today. I've been swamped. 19:13:19 <pboy> Christopher Bush created a merge request: !93 19:13:36 <ChristopherBush[> Thats me 19:13:49 <pboy> Many thanks! 19:15:12 <pboy> Well, if we have nothing else and nobody else would like to discuss 19:15:27 <pboy> I guess, we should close. 19:15:40 <ChristopherBush[> That is it for me 19:16:03 <pboy> OK. Until next week or probably on Matrix. 19:16:20 <pboy> #endmeeting