13:10:22 <bcotton> #startmeeting 13:10:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 31 13:10:22 2011 UTC. The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:10:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:11:41 <bcotton> #topic Roll call 13:12:01 * blackened is here. 13:12:05 * randomuser` is present yet groggy 13:12:20 <bcotton> randomuser`: aren't we all? 13:12:27 <randomuser`> :) 13:12:29 <Southern_Gentlem> bcotton, you may also want to set the #meetingname 13:12:49 <N1tr0g3n> roll call? 13:12:54 <N1tr0g3n> what meetgin is this? 13:12:59 <bcotton> Southern_Gentlem: thank you! 13:13:03 <bcotton> #meetingname Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 13:13:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 13:13:25 <bcotton> #meetingname Docs Project Meeting 13:13:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting' 13:13:32 <N1tr0g3n> docs 13:13:55 <bcotton> sorry N1tr0g3n 13:14:03 <N1tr0g3n> for what? 13:14:34 <bcotton> N1tr0g3n: for forgetting the meetbot-fu :-) 13:14:43 <N1tr0g3n> :) it's ok 13:15:18 <bcotton> so now that we know what we're meeting about, anyone else want to claim presence? 13:15:58 <bcotton> #chair jsmith 13:15:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton jsmith 13:16:29 * jsmith sneaks in late 13:16:42 <bcotton> Okay, let's move on. The wiki looks a little dated, but that's why we have FearlessLeader here 13:16:56 <bcotton> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 13:17:30 <bcotton> zoglesby, Sparks are you there? 13:17:35 <bcotton> i don't see jjmcd around 13:17:36 <pkovar> hi! 13:18:28 <bcotton> okay, i'll just copypasta their todos for posterity 13:18:45 <bcotton> #action jjmcd to send Project Wide-Final Release Notes Deadlines 13:18:54 <bcotton> #action zoglesby to send reminder to Trans that Final Guides POT files are coming 13:19:03 <bcotton> #action Sparks to send a message to the Docs list discussing the QA discussion at OLF. 13:19:12 <bcotton> #action Sparks to work on the Docs QA wiki page to start with goals, then process, then tools. 13:19:24 <bcotton> #topic F16 Schedule 13:19:31 <bcotton> #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-16/f-16-docs-tree-tasks.html 13:20:02 <bcotton> so looking at the schedule, a week from tomorrow is the GA release date 13:20:31 <bcotton> we should have the release announcement done by today. I don't know if Marketing has done anything with it, but the Docs contribution is done 13:20:59 <bcotton> so assuming we're roughly on schedule with what the task list says, we should be ready 13:21:17 <bcotton> any comments or questions about the schedule? 13:21:28 <pkovar> great guys! thanks to all who contributed to RN! 13:21:37 <randomuser`> none here. 13:22:22 <pkovar> OK, so i see a recent mail from jjmcd to the trans list 13:22:51 <pkovar> looks like that's done then 13:22:59 <pkovar> ta 13:23:28 <bcotton> anything else about the schedule? 13:23:44 <pkovar> also, the lang codes are correct for RN, great! :-) 13:24:12 <bcotton> pkovar: i'm sure someone will find another one that's wrong in about 2 months :-) 13:24:17 <bcotton> #topic FUDcon Blacksburg 13:24:24 <bcotton> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 13:24:30 <bcotton> #info Docs is sponsoring two classes at FUDCon Blacksburg: Introduction to Docs and DocBookXML/Publican 13:25:17 <bcotton> so yeah... virginia! anything we need to discuss about it this week? 13:25:43 <randomuser`> quite far from me, i have no opinion on the subject 13:26:48 <bcotton> randomuser`: i'm with you. the travel isn't so bad, but the being able to get away is the challenge 13:27:31 <bcotton> okay, i guess there's not much to say about FUDcon Blacksburg 13:27:55 <bcotton> Sparks isn't here and I don't recall that he's sent a QA proposal to the list yet 13:28:13 <bcotton> so we'll just skip that this week 13:28:17 <pkovar> OK, one more think on guides: to all guide owners here: please check that you have updated the lang code mappings. please see my email to the docs list for details 13:28:21 <bcotton> #topic Guide Status 13:28:28 <jsmith> pkovar: Thanks for the reminder on that :-) 13:28:38 <pkovar> no problem :-) 13:29:02 <pkovar> there might be problems when running tx pull with the old config file 13:29:10 <pkovar> so better e prepared :-) 13:29:16 <pkovar> *be 13:29:57 <pkovar> also make sure you are running the dev version of the tx clent 13:30:07 <pkovar> details are on wiki 13:31:27 <bcotton> anything else on guides? 13:31:31 <pkovar> wrt packagers guide: 13:32:15 <pkovar> i'll publish a chapter on spec file reference and chapter with topics on rpm building pretty soon 13:32:32 <pkovar> will try before the GA day 13:32:39 <randomuser`> I'm working on the docs guide still, for the record. I may soon become frustrated with bootstrapping and recycle content, but for now its good experience 13:32:48 <jsmith> randomuser`: Awesome :-) 13:33:13 <jsmith> pkovar: Can you please send me a link to the packagers guide? I'd love to take a look at it 13:33:41 <pkovar> jsmith: http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=docs/packagers-guide.git 13:34:12 <pkovar> will do some additional things and then submit it for community review 13:34:26 <pkovar> on the docs list, planet fedora etc. :-) 13:35:07 <pkovar> randomuser`: are you working on the style guide part of the docs guide? 13:35:17 <pkovar> or something else? 13:35:23 <randomuser`> pkovar, that was the area of my last commit, yes 13:35:35 <pkovar> OK, thanks 13:35:59 <pkovar> i'd like to work on improving the translation chapter 13:36:12 <pkovar> but the packagers guide is a higher prioroty now 13:36:26 <pkovar> *priority 13:36:30 <randomuser`> pkovar, i'm bouncing around as I read through sources, really - I'll leave the translation guide alone 13:37:05 <pkovar> feel free to fix anything there, it's open content :-) 13:37:23 <pkovar> just that this is my plan 13:38:19 <pkovar> i was also experimenting with screencasting a litle bit 13:38:34 <pkovar> has anybody here some good experiences with it? 13:38:54 <pkovar> has anybody done any fedora docs related screencast 13:38:56 <pkovar> yet? 13:39:01 <randomuser`> pkovar, i worry we're stretching out out meeting a bit, another group may need the channel soon 13:39:16 <bcotton> i think we're starting to get off-topic, maybe we can continue this thread in #fedora-docs later? 13:39:26 <bcotton> last call for guide discussion 13:39:30 <pkovar> sure, sorry guys 13:39:59 <bcotton> #topic Outstanding BZ tickets 13:40:10 <bcotton> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 13:40:18 <bcotton> 124 of these bad boys/girls 13:40:38 <bcotton> i think zoglesby mentioned having a bug-squashing party soon, didn't he? 13:41:23 <pkovar> he planned for this week, right? IIRC 13:41:45 <bcotton> #action bcotton to poke zoglesby about a bug squashing party 13:41:59 <pkovar> from his email: As we are approaching the release of Fedora 16 I am proposing that we 13:41:59 <pkovar> have a QA day next Monday 13:42:30 <bcotton> pkovar: hm. I wonder if that's still the plan. 13:42:36 <bcotton> I guess we'll find out. 13:42:48 <pkovar> yep 13:42:56 <bcotton> anything else on BZ tickets? 13:43:30 <bcotton> #topic Open floor discussion 13:43:43 <bcotton> Anything we haven't yet covered? 13:44:49 * bcotton hears crickets 13:45:05 <randomuser`> I can't think of anything i need addressed 13:45:28 <randomuser`> oh, yes, just a comment 13:45:41 <bcotton> randomuser`: comment away 13:46:15 <randomuser`> the wiki is useful for a contributor, though a bit cluttered everything is there 13:46:38 <bcotton> yeah, the hard part about wikis are keeping them well-gardened 13:46:42 <randomuser`> but the end user support documents are mixed in with meeting notes and proposals 13:47:26 <randomuser`> bcotton, i'm not sure there is a reachable degree of gardening that will make a wiki used this way effective for end user support 13:47:57 <bcotton> randomuser`: nuking from orbit is a form of gardening :-) 13:48:04 <randomuser`> ha! 13:48:40 <bcotton> if you have some specific suggestions, perhaps we can discuss them on the list or in next week's meeting 13:48:55 <bcotton> i'm inclined to agree with you, but i'm not sure how we can/should improve things 13:49:03 <pkovar> basically, i think we should just move a lot of end user content to the guides and the just archive the relevant wiki pages 13:49:09 <randomuser`> I don't, but I'll ponder it. I wanted to gauge the sentiment of others 13:49:28 <pkovar> the proposals should stay there though 13:50:01 <bcotton> pkovar: the difficulty is that some of the wiki pages are effectively upstream for the guides. there's a lower barrier to entry for new and non-docs contributors on the wiki 13:50:26 <randomuser`> personally, i would think a dedicated mediawiki or other instance would be appropriate 13:50:41 <pkovar> yes, that's complicate things 13:50:57 <pkovar> that complicates i mean 13:51:16 <bcotton> fortunately, the FPL is here. i'm sure he'll fix everything for us, right jsmith? 13:51:40 <pkovar> we have trac wikis on fedorahosted for guides, wfiw 13:51:54 <pkovar> but they aren't used much 13:51:54 <jsmith> bcotton: What?!? Where?!? Who?!? 13:53:00 <bcotton> okay, well this is clearly a topic that will need further exploration. does anyone have anything else to discuss 13:53:12 <bcotton> my five month old is making it very clear that she's tired of being in this meeting 13:54:00 * randomuser` moves for meeting close 13:54:35 <bcotton> hearing no objections... 13:54:38 <bcotton> #endmeeting