13:58:17 <Rhea> #startmeeting Fedora DotNet (2017-08-31) 13:58:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 31 13:58:17 2017 UTC. The chair is Rhea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:58:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:58:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_dotnet_(2017-08-31)' 13:58:23 <Rhea> #meetingname dotnet 13:58:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dotnet' 13:58:24 <Rhea> #nick dotnet 13:58:30 <Rhea> #topic Agenda 13:58:32 <Rhea> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_latest 13:58:35 <Rhea> #info (1) Roll Call 13:58:38 <Rhea> #info (2) Announcements 13:58:41 <Rhea> #info (3) Action items and Tickets 13:58:45 <Rhea> #info (4) Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 13:58:54 <Rhea> #topic Roll Call 13:58:56 <Rhea> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 13:59:07 <aslice> .hello aslice 13:59:08 <zodbot> aslice: aslice 'Andrew Slice' <andrew.slice@redhat.com> 13:59:15 <kus_ubuntui686> .hello kus 13:59:16 <zodbot> kus_ubuntui686: kus 'kushal hada' <kushaldeveloper@gmail.com> 13:59:31 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 13:59:32 <aslice> Andrew Slice; GMT -4; C#, C++, Perl 13:59:34 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 13:59:34 <Rhea> #chair aslice bt0 13:59:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea aslice bt0 13:59:37 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-5;CommOps (Metrics, Community engagement), DotNet (Testing), Infrastructure(Apprentice), Marketing (Member) 14:01:20 <Rhea> hmm 14:02:06 <Rhea> #chair omajid tmds pcreech 14:02:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea aslice bt0 omajid pcreech tmds 14:02:29 <tmds> hi all 14:02:34 <pcreech> \o 14:02:38 <bt0> o/ 14:02:49 <aslice> 7o 14:03:26 <Rhea> So first things... hmm 14:03:33 <Rhea> #topic Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 14:03:49 <kus_ubuntui686> yes please 14:04:21 <Rhea> Not worth a ticket topic so i'll just mention, i'll poke some of you after the meeting whether you're going to devconf and stuff 14:04:50 <Rhea> packaging progress - omajid did some black magic to get the thing building for rawhide with the latest glibc 14:05:06 <Rhea> omajid: is that in copr too? 14:05:08 <omajid> s/black magic/disgusting hacks/ 14:05:09 <pcreech> \o/ 14:05:10 <omajid> yup, built now 14:05:22 <omajid> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/dotnet-sig/dotnet/build/596040/ 14:05:29 <Rhea> grrrreat 14:05:51 <bt0> awesome 14:05:53 <Rhea> tmds: I've seen you were doing some upstream stuff for Fedora, wanna give us a TLDR? :] 14:06:19 <kus_ubuntui686> so if I do the copr thing, it has the dependency built in now? 14:06:29 <tmds> well just pushed some more packages and on my fedora 25, I got a 'Build succeeded.' 14:06:55 <omajid> kus_ubuntui686: yeah. please yell loudly if you run into any issues. 14:06:56 <Rhea> #info .NET Core 2.0 builds for rawhide with the latest glibc 14:07:01 <tmds> still need to have a look if what was build actually works 14:08:04 <tmds> if someone wants to checkout that branch and try n build it on their fedora 26 (or whatever flavor of linux) 14:08:11 <tmds> ... 14:08:16 <tmds> microsoft ci builds failed 14:08:20 <tmds> ubuntu ran out of disk space 14:08:27 <Rhea> lol 14:08:27 <tmds> not sure what's up with the rhel build 14:09:12 <tmds> my msbuild.log file is 161MB 14:09:16 <kus_ubuntui686> looks good to me 14:09:31 <Rhea> So the next step for us is to keep the pressure on Microsoft towards source-build improvements and nullifying the packaged binaries? 14:09:47 <omajid> pretty much. 14:10:48 <kus_ubuntui686> what is wrong with source-build and what does microsoft need to do? 14:10:48 <Rhea> oh well 14:12:32 <Rhea> kus_ubuntui686: they, we, everyone, needs to work on the source build, to be able to build everything, without prebuilt binaries being packaged into it 14:13:46 <rmartinelli> .hello rimolive 14:13:47 <zodbot> rmartinelli: rimolive 'None' <ricardo.martinelli.oliveira@gmail.com> 14:13:56 <Rhea> Anyone got anything to add to the meeting or are we gonna call it then? :] 14:13:58 <rmartinelli> sorry I'm' late 14:14:01 <rmartinelli> (as usual) 14:14:19 <tmds> nothin to add 14:14:30 <pcreech> +1 to ending 14:14:45 <Rhea> One more thing actually 14:14:52 <Rhea> Who's going to devconf? 14:15:22 <kus_ubuntui686> ah so this is one of the things that prevents it from being in the default fedora repositories, right? there shouldn't be prebuilt binaries? 14:15:47 <omajid> yeah. 14:16:19 <kus_ubuntui686> also I would like to thank omajid for his work in making dnf install dotnet-sdk-2.0 work 14:16:32 <tmds> omajid++ 14:16:32 <zodbot> tmds: Karma for omajid changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:16:43 <kus_ubuntui686> i don't have to install anything else manually anymore 14:17:07 <pcreech> omajid++ 14:17:07 <zodbot> pcreech: Karma for omajid changed to 3 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:17:12 <omajid> thanks :) 14:17:14 <Rhea> I'd like to somehow coordinate talks if you guys are submitting something, so we're not doing the same thing. I plan to talk about C# IDEs and really light "i can do this on Linux" followed by Fedora packaging and dotnet sig stuff, the story of how did our lovely team get to the point... where we will be in a few months :p 14:17:27 <Rhea> tmds: you coming to do the dbus talk? 14:17:38 <tmds> not sure when this is discussed at RH 14:17:50 <tmds> If I can, I want to 14:17:54 <Rhea> What do you mean? 14:18:47 <tmds> that we haven't had that discussion in our team at Red Hat 14:18:52 <tmds> not sure when that is 14:19:14 <Rhea> I'm bringing it up because CFP opens soonTM, I don't see anything to discuss internally o.o 14:19:15 <tmds> FOSDEM is in Belgium, so it's very likely I'll go there 14:19:22 <tmds> devconf is not a certainty at all 14:20:03 <tmds> if I can't go, certainly, you'll give a great D-Bus talk :) 14:20:42 <Rhea> I want to see you talk about it from the under the hood point of view... >_< 14:21:07 <Rhea> I would just say "this is Tom's library and it can do cool stuff..." 14:21:10 <Rhea> :D 14:21:20 <tmds> that's a great way to present it ;) 14:22:12 <Rhea> You've seen my short talk about it, took me literally 5 minutes to present it in a way "look, it spits out stuff when i connect my keyboard" 14:22:46 <bt0> :P 14:23:06 <Rhea> #endmeeting