14:32:47 <Rhea> #startmeeting Fedora DotNet (2018-08-23) 14:32:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 23 14:32:47 2018 UTC. 14:32:47 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:32:47 <zodbot> The chair is Rhea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:32:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:32:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_dotnet_(2018-08-23)' 14:32:49 <Rhea> #meetingname dotnet 14:32:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dotnet' 14:32:52 <Rhea> #nick dotnet 14:33:07 <Rhea> #topic Roll Call 14:33:11 <Rhea> .hello rhea 14:33:12 <zodbot> Rhea: rhea 'Radka Janek' <radka.janek@redhat.com> 14:33:22 <aslice> .hello aslice 14:33:23 <zodbot> aslice: aslice 'Andrew Slice' <andrew.slice@redhat.com> 14:33:29 <Rhea> #chair axeld aslice omajid 14:33:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea aslice axeld omajid 14:36:08 <Rhea> #topic Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 14:37:07 <Rhea> #info dev portal PR was merged, it contains more generic instructions to install dotnet 14:37:12 <Rhea> #link https://github.com/developer-portal/content/pull/274 14:39:09 <Rhea> omajid++ did a whole lot of updating and we have err... what do we have? :D 2.1.401 is there i think 14:39:32 <aslice> Yeah, I think it should be. 14:39:35 <Rhea> Yup, it was built 14:39:53 <pcreech> .hello pcreech17 14:39:54 <zodbot> pcreech: pcreech17 'Patrick Creech' <pcreech@redhat.com> 14:39:55 <Rhea> I mean i know the PR happened, just wasn't sure if it was already built 14:40:02 <Rhea> pcreech hi 14:41:32 <Rhea> Are there even any problems with the packages on our end? (Other than waiting for source-build-2.0 basically) 14:42:25 <aslice> Not sure. I don't remember omajid mentioning any issues. 14:42:45 <Rhea> @Patxi was talking about writing some C#-basics magazine article... You around? o.o 14:45:24 <Rhea> Guess not :P 14:46:08 <Rhea> So yeah anyway, would be cool to have that kind of article with the first steps. It will talk about installing things, and probably a bit about vscode and some csharp 14:47:43 <Rhea> Okay, no issues, no more meeting agenda o.o 14:47:53 <Rhea> sorry for bugging you pcreech :D 14:48:05 <pcreech> O.o, 14:48:09 * pcreech not bugged 14:48:28 <Rhea> But hey it makes me happy that we have packages up to date in Fedora, synced with MS's and RHEL releases 14:48:32 <Rhea> \o/ 14:48:41 <Rhea> omajid++ 14:48:45 <aslice> And at right about the same time as the official release too! 14:48:50 <aslice> omajid++ 14:48:51 <Rhea> yup 14:49:06 <Rhea> Anyone would like to talk about anything? 14:50:24 <Rhea> Right actually, 2.0 is gonna poof soon... 14:50:32 <aslice> Yep. 14:50:43 <Rhea> But yeah that's about it... not much else to add :D 14:51:02 <Rhea> #endmeeting