17:00:23 <StephenGallagher> #startmeeting ELN SIG (2022-01-14) 17:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 14 17:00:23 2022 UTC. 17:00:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:00:23 <zodbot> The chair is StephenGallagher. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 17:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln_sig_(2022-01-14)' 17:00:23 <StephenGallagher> #meetingname eln 17:00:23 <StephenGallagher> #topic Init Process 17:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'eln' 17:01:15 <StephenGallagher> .hello sgallagh 17:01:16 <zodbot> StephenGallagher: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 17:01:35 <StephenGallagher> #topic Init Process 17:02:09 <StephenGallagher> #undo 17:02:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7fb5eefd47b8> 17:02:21 <StephenGallagher> Anyone around today? 17:03:07 <michel> .hello salimma 17:03:08 <zodbot> michel: salimma 'Michel Alexandre Salim' <michel@michel-slm.name> 17:03:28 <dcavalca> .hi 17:03:29 <zodbot> dcavalca: dcavalca 'Davide Cavalca' <dcavalca@fb.com> 17:04:25 <StephenGallagher> Hello folks 17:04:35 <michel> Howdy Stephen 17:05:22 <StephenGallagher> OK, I don't really have an agenda for today. 17:05:37 <StephenGallagher> But I wanted to at least provide some status updates and invite discussions. 17:05:46 <StephenGallagher> #topic ELN Status 17:06:00 <StephenGallagher> Currently, the compose is broken due to fallout from the libffi upgrade in Rawhide. 17:06:31 <StephenGallagher> We are awaiting the merging of f36-build-side-49348 to unbreak it 17:07:08 <StephenGallagher> I've been monitoring the situation and will have it back up ASAP 17:07:38 <StephenGallagher> #topic Upcoming Changes 17:07:59 <StephenGallagher> I've been talking with the toolchain folks about their intentions for RHEL 10. 17:08:33 <StephenGallagher> Among other things, they intend to match at least the CPU baseline of RHEL 9, which we are actually behind on in ELN at the moment. 17:08:55 <StephenGallagher> Which means that we need to resolve https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/79 and https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/78 in the relatively near future. 17:09:11 <michel> Ah, ELN is still using Fedora's configuration? 17:09:25 <StephenGallagher> We're also considering (not decided yet) the possibility of requiring x86_64-v2 for that architecture. 17:10:01 <StephenGallagher> Yes, until recently we had no choice, because the builders in Fedora were not recent enough. That has been resolved. 17:10:15 <michel> RHEL9 requires x86_64-v2 right? 17:10:55 <StephenGallagher> Oops, sorry. I meant x86-v3 17:11:15 <StephenGallagher> But that's still in early discussion and hasn't been formally proposed yet. 17:11:21 <michel> Ah, interesting. I remember the Fedora discussion on that 17:12:11 <michel> Given the two issues are for architectures most people don't run, this should be fine. Um, should we propose that for Fedora too? At least the s390 one 17:12:53 <StephenGallagher> I think they want ELN to put it through its paces first. 17:13:21 <michel> ELN becoming a two way bridge, exciting 17:14:03 <StephenGallagher> So that's pretty much all I have for updates today. 17:14:07 <StephenGallagher> #topic Open Floor 17:14:13 <StephenGallagher> Ask me anything :) 17:16:00 <michel> Are there any ELN workflows right now that can only be done by internal people? 17:16:26 <StephenGallagher> Could you rephrase that? I'm not sure what you mean by "workflows" 17:18:51 <michel> Ah, I mean, any of the tasks that are open 17:19:19 <michel> (sorry for the delay, dealing with baby) 17:20:01 <StephenGallagher> I haven't really had time to shepherd https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues/75 if you wanted to get involved there. 17:21:16 <michel> Oh, I'll take a look 17:21:28 <michel> Thanks! 17:21:37 <StephenGallagher> No, thank you 17:22:50 <michel> The profile part anyway, for the integration looks like morucci has to do something 17:24:30 <StephenGallagher> The profile sounds like a perfect place to begin 17:24:56 <StephenGallagher> OK, any other topics for today? If not, I'll give you a half-hour back 17:25:20 <michel> I can use nap time before linux.conf.au. thanks Stephen Gallagher ! 17:25:37 <StephenGallagher> Thanks for coming 17:25:43 <StephenGallagher> #endmeeting