#fedora-meeting: EMEA ambassadors 2012-11-21

Meeting started by sesivany at 21:01:32 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (sesivany, 21:01:50)
  2. Announcements (sesivany, 21:04:35)
    1. If you're going to EMEA FAD in Rheinfelden, please let GeroldKa know when you will arrive. (sesivany, 21:07:03)
    2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Reimbursement (sesivany, 21:09:50)
    3. FAmSCo ratified changed in budget request and reimbursement guidelines. All expenses up to $2000 are now handled by regions. (sesivany, 21:11:28)
    4. ACTION: sesivany to remove all means of payment in the reimbursement guidelines except Paypal. (sesivany, 21:24:22)

  3. Requests (sesivany, 21:32:38)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/190 (sesivany, 21:33:48)
    2. Request #190 was approved. (sesivany, 21:37:47)

  4. Ambassadors Schedule (sesivany, 21:39:08)
    1. http://jreznik.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-18/f-18-ambassadors-tasks.html (sesivany, 21:39:45)
    2. AGREED: delays of Fedora should be properly announced and published. (sesivany, 21:51:32)
    3. ACTION: sesivany to send FLP our opinion on not announcing the last delay of Fedora. (sesivany, 21:52:29)

  5. EMEA FAD (sesivany, 21:54:15)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2012 (GeroldKa, 21:54:57)
    2. ACTION: sesivany to find out what's the best way to request travel budgets for EMEA FAD (sesivany, 22:05:55)

  6. Events (sesivany, 22:06:30)
    1. ACTION: cwickert to apply for FOSDEM booth (cwickert, 22:13:07)
    2. ACTION: cwickert to call for an Xfce FAD (cwickert, 22:29:48)

  7. Action items from previous meetings (sesivany, 22:31:58)
    1. ACTION: sesivany to ask for quotes to produce Fedora logo stickers (sesivany, 22:32:50)
    2. If you requrest sponsoring for your travel to FAD Rheinfelden, please file a ticket in FAmSCo's trac and let it block ticket #302 (cwickert, 22:37:08)

  8. openfloor (sesivany, 22:42:25)

Meeting ended at 22:47:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sesivany to remove all means of payment in the reimbursement guidelines except Paypal.
  2. sesivany to send FLP our opinion on not announcing the last delay of Fedora.
  3. sesivany to find out what's the best way to request travel budgets for EMEA FAD
  4. cwickert to apply for FOSDEM booth
  5. cwickert to call for an Xfce FAD
  6. sesivany to ask for quotes to produce Fedora logo stickers

Action items, by person

  1. cwickert
    1. cwickert to apply for FOSDEM booth
    2. cwickert to call for an Xfce FAD
  2. sesivany
    1. sesivany to remove all means of payment in the reimbursement guidelines except Paypal.
    2. sesivany to send FLP our opinion on not announcing the last delay of Fedora.
    3. sesivany to find out what's the best way to request travel budgets for EMEA FAD
    4. sesivany to ask for quotes to produce Fedora logo stickers

People present (lines said)

  1. sesivany (136)
  2. GeroldKa (51)
  3. giallu (42)
  4. cwickert (24)
  5. robyduck (18)
  6. gnokii (17)
  7. mailga (16)
  8. zoltanh72111 (14)
  9. cmpahar (14)
  10. zodbot (13)
  11. thunderbirdtr (11)
  12. twohot (3)
  13. anishjp (3)
  14. dmaphy (2)
  15. netSys_phone (1)
  16. jreznik (1)

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