20:00:11 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-11-23
20:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 23 20:00:11 2016 UTC.  The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
20:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-11-23'
20:00:17 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors
20:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
20:00:21 <ardian> #topic Roll Call
20:00:27 <ardian> .hello ardian
20:00:28 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org>
20:00:29 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni
20:00:31 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com>
20:00:32 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev
20:00:34 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com>
20:00:59 <ardian> Hi everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait some minutes for others to show up.
20:01:11 <ardian> Hope we don't have timezone issue again this week
20:01:43 <nmilosev> I expected a cookie for showing up on time :D
20:01:50 <ardian> nmilosev++
20:01:50 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for nmilosev changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:01:56 * nmilosev \o/
20:02:02 * ardian Here you go :D
20:02:06 <bee2502> .hello bee2502
20:02:06 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com>
20:04:04 * ardian hello jonatoni, bee2502
20:04:21 <bee2502> o/ ardian jonatoni
20:04:21 * jonatoni hello ardian :)
20:04:40 * jonatoni bee2502 o/
20:06:51 <ardian> #topic Announcements
20:06:59 <ardian> #info Fedora 25 released!
20:07:06 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-25-released/
20:07:12 <ardian> The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Fedora 25, the next big step our journey into the containerized, modular future!
20:07:27 <sesivany> .fas eischmann
20:07:27 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com>
20:07:33 <ardian> #info Introducing Fedora Hubs
20:07:39 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-hubs/
20:07:44 <ardian> The goal of the Fedora Hubs project is to provide a consistent contributor experience across all Fedora teams. Hubs serve as an “intranet” for the Fedora Project. The many different projects in Fedora each have different processes and workflows. Hubs will be a single place where contributors can learn about and contribute to these projects in a consistent way.
20:07:56 <ardian> #info Where to point newcomers to Fedora
20:08:01 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/where-point-newcomers-fedora/
20:08:25 <ardian> This might help you in release parties :)
20:08:30 <mitzie> .fas mitzie
20:08:30 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com>
20:08:33 <ardian> That's all I have
20:09:02 <nmilosev> All really good news ardian++
20:09:02 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for ardian changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:09:14 <ardian> Congratz to everyone for F25
20:09:25 <jonatoni> ardian++
20:09:25 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for ardian changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:10:21 <ardian> Any other announcements?
20:11:41 <ardian> #topic Requests
20:11:59 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1
20:12:15 <ardian> #info Funding request: 33C3 (Chaos Communication Congress) Ticket #624
20:12:25 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/624
20:12:31 <ardian> Please review the ticket
20:13:01 <ardian> The ticket speaks for its self
20:13:31 <ardian> Time to vote!
20:13:41 <jonatoni> Btw how much budget do we have for CCC?
20:14:05 <Kohane> Hi!
20:14:16 <lesik> Hey
20:14:17 <Kohane> .fas lailah
20:14:18 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com>
20:14:22 <ardian> Let's see jonatoni
20:14:23 <lesik> .fas pidgornyy
20:14:24 <zodbot> lesik: pidgornyy '' <pidgornyy@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de>
20:14:28 <ardian> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IAt2udlv-gwTjUYfhqvNOnwL_1FH_NC4AhobdFH1tNU/edit#gid=0
20:14:36 <sesivany> Is the event owner OK with that?
20:15:12 <ardian> Looks like it's $1,514
20:15:28 <ardian> sesivany, I am not sure, I saw there are a lot of emails for this event
20:15:32 <sesivany> If I have info that the person who organizers the booth counts on pidgornyy, I have no problem to +1
20:16:39 <Kohane> Sorry I'm late...
20:17:12 <ardian> Looks like Pidgornyy is in the wiki
20:17:14 <sesivany> Kohane: are you in charge of Fedora presence at CCC?
20:17:21 <ardian> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Congress_2016_(33C3)#Fedora_Project_Attendees_.26_Assembly_Staff
20:17:49 <sesivany> Ok, then I'm fine with it.
20:17:51 <Kohane> Well... I thought that was Till because I have no ticket
20:17:57 <giannisk> .fas giannisk
20:17:57 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc>
20:18:03 * giannisk waves at everyone.
20:18:05 <ardian> #chair giannisk
20:18:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk
20:18:12 <nmilosev> +1 then from me
20:18:13 <sesivany> I just wanted to make sure it's done in a coordinated way and people don't randomly ask for funding.
20:18:21 <sesivany> +1
20:18:26 <jonatoni> sesivany: I think is Till
20:18:34 <ardian> I wasn't able to follow up all emails on that topic
20:18:49 <jonatoni> giannisk has more information i think
20:18:57 <giannisk> Is that related to 33C3? Anything I can do to help?
20:19:01 <giannisk> Fill me in please. :)
20:19:02 <ardian> giannisk, yes
20:19:07 <mitzie> +1 sesivany
20:19:18 <ardian> This ticket https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/624
20:19:47 * giannisk is having a look.
20:20:28 <giannisk> Any issues? Apart from choosing a hotel which works for everyone.
20:21:04 <Kohane> I don't know of any issues. Well, getting tickets is quite difficult now. But besides that...
20:21:19 <giannisk> Kohane: True, I tried last Saturday but it was chaotic.
20:21:50 <ardian> giannisk, no, just to be sure the event organizer is ok and is counting for pidgornyy,
20:21:56 <Kohane> Yeah, I know I tried too. :(
20:22:12 <giannisk> ardian: tyll is the event organizer
20:22:38 <ardian> +1
20:23:04 <Kohane> +1
20:23:07 <giannisk> As long as there is budget, I don't see any issues. We should count in for pidgornyy :)
20:23:31 <giannisk> For the record, along with mitzie we have been searching for hotel deals.
20:23:45 <giannisk> But we don't know yet how much confirmed Fedora contributors to expect.
20:23:58 <jonatoni> +1
20:23:58 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #624 Approved
20:24:00 <giannisk> And the ticket obtain process for 33C3 is quite messy.
20:24:01 <giannisk> +1
20:24:12 <giannisk> ardian: please don't rush :)
20:24:37 <giannisk> I think it would be ideal if we can find a hotel for everyone, to co-ordinate better.
20:24:58 <ardian> #undo
20:24:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by ardian at 20:23:58 : Ticket #624 Approved
20:25:24 <ardian> Alright, I guess we should look for a better solution
20:25:44 <ardian> And you can approve this ticket later ?
20:25:46 <giannisk> For now, I suggest approving pidgornyy's hotel expenses in addition - but we should strongly consider booking everyone under the same hotel if there are no objections
20:26:30 * nmilosev_ wifi died
20:26:35 <giannisk> So, for example, If we later book everyone under the same hotel, pidgornyy can cancel his current hotel booking.
20:26:40 <giannisk> Thoughts?
20:26:56 <ardian> Looks like a plan to me
20:26:59 <giannisk> I know this has gotten messy, but it doesn't really depend on us exclusively.
20:27:00 <jonatoni> than you can approve his ticket later
20:27:16 <sesivany> My opinion is that everyone should be in the same hotel if possible to save costs.
20:27:36 <lesik> I can cancel my hostel booking up until a few hours upon arrival.
20:27:51 <giannisk> jonatoni: 1. We approve it right now, for the whole amount 2. If we later book everyone under the same hotel, pidgornyy will cancel his previous reservation
20:28:07 <jonatoni> okay, perfect
20:28:28 <giannisk> sesivany: I strongly agree. However right now, we don't know how many rooms to book unfortunately
20:28:33 <Kohane> I think it will save costs as long as that hotel is cheap
20:28:47 <Kohane> Otherwise, I'm not sure if it will make any difference
20:28:50 <giannisk> lesik = pidgornyy?
20:28:57 <Kohane> Yes
20:29:11 <lesik> giannisk: yes
20:29:14 <ardian> giannisk, that's fair +1
20:29:15 <giannisk> lesik: Did you manage to obtain a ticket?
20:29:31 <lesik> giannisk: yes
20:29:36 <giannisk> lesik: Awesome :)
20:29:38 <giannisk> +1
20:29:39 <lesik> :)
20:30:10 <giannisk> Everyone else, thoughts?
20:30:17 <giannisk> Everyone okay with what I proposed?
20:30:26 <jonatoni> I agree with you
20:30:30 <jonatoni> so +1
20:30:46 <nmilosev> giannisk +1
20:31:00 <giannisk> Once again,  1. We approve it right now, for the whole amount 2. If we later book everyone under the same hotel, lesik will cancel his previous reservation
20:31:01 <Kohane> +1
20:31:25 <sesivany> +1
20:31:39 <giannisk> ardian: feel free to proceed with #agreed :P
20:31:48 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #624 Approved
20:32:06 <ardian> great!
20:32:09 <ardian> giannisk++
20:32:09 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for giannisk changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:32:16 <giannisk> Sorry again about the mess, but the situation is complicated and things don't really depend on us.
20:32:44 <giannisk> ardian++
20:32:44 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for ardian changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:33:02 <ardian> Thanks for the clarification
20:33:07 <ardian> #info F25 Release Party Novi Sad Ticket #625
20:33:13 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/625
20:34:03 <ardian> Alright, the ticket speaks for its self
20:34:10 <Kohane> yeah
20:34:12 <nmilosev> I tried to put everything there
20:34:16 <ardian> And its ok budget vise
20:34:22 <sesivany> +1
20:34:26 <nmilosev> We just announced the schedule today :)
20:34:30 <Kohane> +1
20:34:33 <nmilosev> Five talks this time
20:34:36 <ardian> +1
20:34:39 <giannisk> +1
20:34:47 <giannisk> Good luck w/ the event :)
20:34:55 <nmilosev> Thanks giannisk++
20:34:55 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for giannisk changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:35:00 <giannisk> nmilosev++
20:35:01 <lesik> +1
20:35:03 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for nmilosev changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:35:21 <jonatoni> +1
20:35:35 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #625 Approved
20:35:47 <ardian> nmilosev, good luck with the party, sounds great!
20:35:49 <nmilosev> Thanks everyone :)
20:35:56 <Kohane> I'll be there!
20:36:10 <ardian> #info F25 Release Party - Funding request Ticket #626
20:36:21 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/626
20:36:52 <nmilosev> "What's new with Fedora 23" :D
20:36:56 <nmilosev> in the wiki
20:37:16 <ardian> giannisk, mitzie anything to add :P?
20:37:18 <Kohane> Isn't it a bit too old that...?
20:37:21 <Kohane> Just saying
20:37:35 <giannisk> nmilosev: check again :D
20:37:46 <ardian> giannisk, a.k.a the flash!
20:37:49 * nmilosev sneaky giannisk
20:37:57 <mitzie> Sorry guys, I used the wiki page of our previous release party as a template :P
20:37:57 <ardian> +1 from me
20:38:01 <mitzie> Apologies, again
20:38:03 <giannisk> Hehe, it's basically the same layout like our previous release party, only with different content
20:38:03 <jonatoni> +1
20:38:04 <sesivany> +1
20:38:07 <nmilosev> +1
20:38:07 <Kohane> +1
20:38:10 <giannisk> :D
20:38:18 <lesik> +1
20:38:31 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #626 Approved
20:38:40 <nmilosev> Good luck with the event, guys :)
20:38:45 <giannisk> Thank you all!
20:38:54 <ardian> Good luck giannisk, mitzie!!
20:39:18 <ardian> That's all for tickets
20:39:28 <sesivany> !
20:39:35 <ardian> sesivany, yes
20:39:51 <sesivany> I haven't created a ticket because I got the price just today...
20:40:07 <sesivany> but I'm planning to order 1000 DVDs as we talked about.
20:40:26 <sesivany> the unit price should be the same as last time - $.40
20:40:31 <giannisk> sesivany: we can do it even right now, on the fly :)
20:40:49 <sesivany> it's ~$400 in total
20:40:53 <giannisk> 400 USD for 1k DVDs
20:40:59 <mitzie> +1 sesivany
20:41:13 <Kohane> +1 sesivany
20:41:14 <giannisk> +1
20:41:15 <jonatoni> +1
20:41:17 <ardian> +1
20:41:19 <nmilosev> That's a really good price, +1
20:42:03 <sesivany> they say they will produce and deliver them in 2 weeks, it's before Chrismas and they're almost fully booked now.
20:42:03 <ardian> #agreed $400 in total for 1k F25 DVDs
20:42:05 <giannisk> So, whenever sesivany opens that ticket, we will mention the request was approved during this meeting.
20:42:14 <sesivany> ok
20:42:20 <Kohane> Cool
20:42:30 <ardian> yes, I'll point a link to the logs
20:43:17 <ardian> Alright, anything else for requests?
20:43:50 <Kohane> Not from my side.
20:44:07 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule
20:44:25 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html
20:44:54 <giannisk> Fedora release parties are coming, brace yourselves :D
20:44:56 <ardian> Time to make parties
20:45:27 <ardian> Don't forget you can send pictures
20:45:48 <ardian> and promote them on the official social media accounts
20:45:49 <lesik> sorry, am on 3G
20:45:57 <giannisk> A reminder to all communities in EMEA that you're more than welcome to submit your budget requests to organize F25 Release Parties
20:45:58 <ardian> Check the last meeting notes for the link
20:46:31 <nmilosev> !
20:46:34 <ardian> nmilosev, yes
20:46:53 <nmilosev> Just a reminder, that you can get the F25 release party poster
20:47:13 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/485
20:47:23 <nmilosev> eof
20:47:24 <Kohane> Oh! I didn't know there's a poster
20:47:53 <ardian> nmilosev, great!
20:47:57 <ardian> .thank nmilosev
20:47:57 <zodbot> ardian thinks nmilosev is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to nmilosev++ also)
20:48:18 <Kohane> nmilosev++
20:48:28 <ardian> Anything else?
20:48:36 <jonatoni> nmilosev++
20:48:36 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for nmilosev changed to 5 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:48:41 <giannisk> nmilosev++
20:48:51 * nmilosev cookie overflow
20:49:03 <ardian> #topic Events
20:49:23 <ardian> Any events you are attending, or have planned to do one ?
20:51:06 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-25-awesome-release-party/
20:51:18 <jonatoni> !
20:51:20 <ardian> Another link, you might check for release parties
20:51:25 <ardian> jonatoni, yes please
20:51:42 <lesik> (sorry, unstable connection on 3G)
20:51:58 <jonatoni> I was in Sofia, Bulgaria https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenFest_2016
20:52:22 <jonatoni> for OpenFest, together with Suela. We had a booth and a talk about women in source
20:52:39 <jonatoni> also a workshop: intro to non tech contributions in FOSS
20:52:48 <ardian> jonatoni, I saw the livestream, great work!
20:52:50 <ardian> jonatoni++
20:52:50 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for jonatoni changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:52:52 <giannisk> jonatoni++
20:52:54 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for jonatoni changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:53:06 <jonatoni> Lots of people were interested, and came to our booth asking different questions
20:53:11 <jonatoni> ardian thanks :)
20:53:24 <nmilosev> jonatoni++
20:53:24 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jonatoni changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
20:53:31 <jonatoni> eof
20:53:58 <jonatoni> I will write also a blogpost soon, sorry for being late :/
20:54:01 <ardian> Anyone else?
20:55:01 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meetings
20:55:05 <giannisk> !
20:55:05 <mitzie> +1 jonatoni
20:55:24 <ardian> giannisk, yes
20:55:30 <giannisk> FYI
20:55:37 <giannisk> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/76
20:55:42 <giannisk> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/77
20:56:21 <giannisk> About considering alternative reimbursement methods & considering workarounds to reimbursements
20:56:57 <sesivany> this will be a long shot...
20:57:13 <giannisk> I know several of our fellow contributors have been experiencing issues. This is not okay and I personally would love to put effort and try to have some changes.
20:57:13 <ardian> giannisk, thanks for the initiative
20:57:20 <giannisk> sesivany: it will be indeed
20:57:32 * sesivany knows how finances in RH work
20:57:59 <ardian> Let me list the actions here
20:58:05 <ardian> #info 1. giannisk reach out to kmrstiko, check the status of the remaining EMEA swag.
20:58:17 <giannisk> #undo
20:58:17 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by ardian at 20:58:05 : 1. giannisk reach out to kmrstiko, check the status of the remaining EMEA swag.
20:58:36 <giannisk> ardian: I did reach out to Kveta as well. Awaiting further news. :)
20:58:47 <lupinix> .hello lupinix
20:58:47 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org>
20:58:53 <lupinix> good evening everyone
20:58:54 <JacobCZ> .hello jacobcz
20:58:55 <zodbot> JacobCZ: jacobcz 'Jakub Sycha' <jakubsycha@gmail.com>
20:58:56 <ardian> giannisk, Just wanted to list all the actions that are on the link ...
20:59:00 <nmilosev> On a slightly related news...
20:59:13 <giannisk> ardian: Ah, fair enough, please move ahead :)
20:59:17 <JacobCZ> hi y`all, still not used to DST being off, sorry
20:59:27 <nmilosev> The shipping tips wiki page seems to work :) I have sucessfully received a FedEx package in Serbia
20:59:35 <ardian> #info 1. giannisk reach out to kmrstiko, check the status of the remaining EMEA swag.
20:59:56 <ardian> #info 2. giannisk reach out to mitzie, investigate whether we have budget to produce more swag.
21:00:15 <ardian> I think mitzie clarified this last meeting.
21:00:26 <ardian> #info 3. giannisk update the EMEA Trac, add a notice regarding deadline to submit requests in order to make things even more clear.
21:00:35 <ardian> #info 4. thunderbirdtr contact bexelbie regarding the alternative reimbursement methods.
21:00:53 <ardian> That's all
21:01:27 <giannisk> Everything is being taken care of, except #3 - I am unable to edit the main page on the EMEA Trac.
21:01:42 <ardian> I think it's a good idea if everybody that has trouble with PayPal, to write to that topic, maybe express the country where he/she lives
21:01:47 <giannisk> We used to have edit capabilities, but not anymore.
21:02:12 <giannisk> I can ask jsimon from FAMA to edit the EMEA Trac page and add a notice.
21:02:44 <ardian> giannisk, that would be cool
21:03:45 <ardian> I don't have anything else to add here, thank you giannisk for taking care
21:03:47 <giannisk> #action giannisk reach out to FAMA, ask for a notice to be added on the EMEA Trac regarding deadline to submit requests.
21:04:14 <giannisk> Now, considering the issues with reimbursements.
21:04:42 <giannisk> What do you think about opening a wiki page, to gather information about countries where Paypal is not being supported?
21:04:58 <giannisk> Then we can present that to the council and ask for workarounds.
21:05:06 <nmilosev> Thats a good idea
21:05:41 <ardian> nmilosev, I was wondering does PayPal work in Serbia?
21:05:52 <nmilosev> Yes, works just fine
21:06:14 <nmilosev> I used it twice, once for F24 release party and for EuroPython
21:06:48 <ardian> nmilosev, do you delays after getting the funds on your paypal account, does it take 30Days to get them to your bank account?
21:07:17 <nmilosev> Nah, it took couple days, but no where near 30. Maybe 3-4 work days
21:07:35 <giannisk> In general, this is not going to be easy process. However, I personally feel really bad to see contributors struggling with getting reimbursed. I don't think that's acceptable.
21:07:51 <ardian> jonatoni, I think Albania has an issue with this 30days
21:08:00 <jonatoni> yeah ardian :/
21:08:08 <jonatoni> we need to wait at least 30 days
21:08:19 <giannisk> jonatoni: Woah. Every time?
21:08:23 <nmilosev> ardian, 30 days is better than not working at all like some countries (Turkey, I believe) :(
21:08:32 <jonatoni> giannisk: yep every time
21:08:45 <ardian> nmilosev, yes, same problem in Kosovo.
21:09:09 <giannisk> jonatoni: So, 2-4 weeks for the reimbursement to be processed by RH and then stuck for another month in Paypal?
21:09:13 <nmilosev> :(
21:09:54 <jonatoni> giannisk exactly :/ I get my reimbursement after 2 months :P
21:10:09 <giannisk> jonatoni: ...
21:10:43 <ardian> Anyone wants to create the wiki page for the PayPal problem?
21:10:54 <giannisk> ardian: I can open it also.
21:11:27 <ardian> giannisk ok, great!
21:11:33 <giannisk> I need everyone's help though. :) Does Paypal not work in your country? Please report it on the wiki page!
21:11:54 <ardian> giannisk, yep, sending an email to the mailing list should do the job
21:11:58 <nmilosev> giannisk++
21:12:00 <giannisk> Does Paypal impose any other restrictions (i.e. freezing your money)? Please report that also!
21:12:06 <jonatoni> giannisk++
21:12:08 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for giannisk changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
21:12:09 <giannisk> s/money/balance
21:12:45 <giannisk> #action giannisk reach out to the ambassadors ML regarding the issues w/ getting reimbursed
21:12:45 <bee2502> giannisk++
21:12:46 <zodbot> bee2502: Karma for giannisk changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
21:13:38 <giannisk> #action giannisk create a wiki page in addition to gather information regarding the issues w/ getting reimbursed
21:13:43 <ardian> giannisk, not sure if you are doing an action atm
21:13:57 <giannisk> ardian: ready :)
21:13:58 <ardian> oh xD
21:14:10 <giannisk> #undo
21:14:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by giannisk at 21:13:38 : giannisk create a wiki page in addition to gather information regarding the issues w/ getting reimbursed
21:14:16 <giannisk> #action giannisk create a wiki page to gather information regarding the issues w/ getting reimbursed
21:14:37 <giannisk> more accurate :P
21:15:02 <ardian> I guess that's all for this topic?
21:15:04 <Kohane> Hi again! Sorry, I had to leave
21:15:57 <ardian> #topic Open Floor
21:16:10 <ardian> Everything else should go in this topic
21:16:21 <nmilosev> You guys upgraded to F25? :)
21:16:32 <ardian> I was wondering what the progress/problem is with migrating the EMEA trac to pagure
21:16:55 <JacobCZ> nmilosev: planning to do it tomorrow :D
21:16:58 <Kohane> nmilosev: Not yet, I'm about to travel abroad and I want to upgrade my hard disk as well
21:17:27 <jonatoni> nmilosev yes ;)
21:17:47 <jonatoni> ardian you are right about this
21:17:47 <Kohane> JacobCZ: I've been wondering too. I thought Justin Flory was helping on that. Am I wrong?
21:17:52 <jonatoni> we need to ask Justin
21:17:59 <Kohane> yes
21:18:27 <nmilosev> I believe there were some issues with pagure, like assigning the ticket (issue) to someone etc.
21:18:33 <ardian> jflory7, ping
21:18:33 <zodbot> ardian: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings
21:18:44 <JacobCZ> savage zodbot
21:18:51 <ardian> nmilosev, I think FAMNA has moved
21:19:41 <ardian> and I belive you are right someone reported an issue
21:19:51 <ardian> Though was wondering if anyone as more info on that
21:20:01 <Kohane> Yes, FAMNA already moved to Pagure.
21:20:03 <nmilosev> Well we definitely need to ask jflory7, I just remember getting an email stating that there were issues
21:20:45 <Kohane> Mainly with private tickets
21:20:49 <Kohane> I think
21:20:55 <ardian> yes
21:21:14 <Kohane> There's another trac that already migrated but I can't recall which one
21:21:35 <Kohane> And LATAM was planning to migrate too but I don't know when.
21:22:08 <ardian> Alright, that's it from me, nothing else to add here.
21:22:43 <nmilosev> One question still, can we have a private repository in pagure
21:22:56 <nmilosev> Because we are exchanging sensitive data in the tickets
21:23:06 <nmilosev> Like bank stuff, and personal data
21:23:13 <nmilosev> AFAIK all pagure repos are public
21:23:40 <jonatoni> afaik not all pagure repos are public
21:24:00 <jonatoni> because of the sensitive informations that we have included at our tickets
21:24:44 <ardian> nmilosev, what do you mean by private? not indexed in search engines?
21:25:09 <nmilosev> ardian, not accessible without FAS account or without ambassadors group membership
21:25:40 <nmilosev> I think that was one of the main issues with FAmNA
21:25:40 <Kohane> Tickets are always like that from what I know. You need a FAS account to login.
21:25:42 <nmilosev> migration
21:25:54 <ardian> nmilosev, If I correctly recall, that was the issue
21:26:40 <nmilosev> We should check with jflory7 but we have enough time until February
21:26:47 <ardian> yep
21:27:08 <ardian> So if there isn't anything else to be discussed I will end the meeting in 3min
21:28:01 <giannisk> Thank you very much everyone for being here today!
21:28:05 <giannisk> ardian, too, for chairing!
21:28:16 <nmilosev> ardian++ for chairing
21:28:20 <giannisk> ardian++
21:28:21 <nmilosev> See you all :)
21:28:48 <ardian> Thank you everyone for participating, see you in two weeks.
21:28:51 <jonatoni> see you all :)
21:28:56 <Kohane> ardian++
21:28:57 <JacobCZ> see ya all!
21:29:05 <Kohane> See you
21:29:41 <jonatoni> ardian++
21:29:56 <ardian> Good night all
21:30:03 <ardian> #endmeeting