#epel: EPEL

Meeting started by smooge at 16:00:43 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Meets and Greets (smooge, 16:01:21)
  2. Agenda Listing (smooge, 16:03:46)
    1. Greetings and roll call (smooge, 16:04:24)
    2. Old Business? (smooge, 16:04:24)
    3. New Business? (smooge, 16:04:24)
    4. EPEL governance (smooge, 16:04:24)
    5. EPEL.dot proposal (smooge, 16:04:25)
    6. cloud-init convergence (smooge, 16:04:25)
    7. website cleanup (smooge, 16:04:27)
    8. Open Floor (smooge, 16:04:29)

  3. Old Business (smooge, 16:04:59)
  4. New Business (smooge, 16:07:34)

Meeting ended at 16:49:00 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. smooge (57)
  2. dgilmore (26)
  3. nirik (13)
  4. stahnma (5)
  5. zodbot (4)
  6. bstinson (3)
  7. bzbot (2)
  8. Evolution (1)
  9. bharper (1)

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