20:43:03 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL (2011-01-10) 20:43:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 10 20:43:03 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:43:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:43:03 <nirik> #meetingname epel 20:43:03 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda 20:43:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:43:17 <nirik> Any folks around for an epel meeting? 20:43:25 * tremble lurks 20:43:36 <derks> i'm here for epel meeting 20:43:42 <nirik> derks / tremble / dgilmore / abadger1999 / rsc ? 20:43:49 * abadger1999 lurking 20:43:51 * nirik doesn't really know who wants to be pingged. ;) 20:43:53 <jness> I'm here as well 20:44:15 <nirik> So, what do we have for topics? At least: 20:44:21 <nirik> * EPEL6 beta status 20:45:02 <nirik> any folks have others? 20:46:29 * nirik listens to crickets. 20:46:35 <nirik> #topic EPEL6 beta status 20:46:50 <nirik> so, before the holidays we were thinking of moving out of beta on 2011-01-11. 20:46:53 <nirik> thats tomorrow. ;) 20:47:08 <nirik> we still have broken deps. 20:47:15 <derks> do we know the status of centos 6? 20:48:02 * nirik isn't sure... last I saw was on the centos twitter feed. 20:48:25 <nirik> CentOS-6? not yet, were still looking at a couple of weeks for when its done. 4:01 PM Jan 7th 20:48:31 * nirik gets another phone call. 20:49:14 <nirik> #chair derks jness tremble 20:49:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: derks jness nirik tremble 20:49:24 * nirik has to deal with call... please go on with out me. 20:49:53 <derks> I guess waiting for centos on a new release isn't the same as delaying for point releases... 20:50:44 <nirik> I know there are a few things still in flux in epel... 20:50:51 <nirik> abadger1999 is pondering on turbogears. 20:50:57 <nirik> I'd like to look at Xfce 4.8 20:51:04 <nirik> we need to fix all the broken deps. 20:51:35 <nirik> so, I would personally be ok with pushing out a bit more. 20:51:37 <tremble> did we have a list of broken deps? 20:52:09 <nirik> it's posted to the list on each push as well as mailing the maintainer. 20:52:38 <derks> i haven't seen a broken deps report for epel beta in a while 20:52:52 <derks> err... i guess it is in the beta report 20:53:04 <nirik> it should be on the list every day. ;) 20:53:23 * derks was looking for 'broken deps' in the subject 20:54:38 <derks> are the maintainers of those packages emailed directly as well? 20:55:21 * derks reads above, answers own question 20:58:53 * dgilmore is here 20:59:33 * nirik is still on the phone. 20:59:36 <derks> dgilmore, nirik I think is tied up with a phone call 20:59:37 <derks> yeah 20:59:48 <nirik> #chair dgilmore 20:59:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: derks dgilmore jness nirik tremble 20:59:48 <dgilmore> ok 21:00:23 * dgilmore notes he will generally be unavailable the rest of this week 21:00:50 <derks> discussing EPEL 6 beta... was talked about going out of beta tomorrow (in previous meeting)... but that its looking like we need to push it back 21:01:21 <dgilmore> derks: i think at least for 1 week 21:01:44 <derks> what would be the process of resolving broken deps if the maintainers aren't responsive? 21:02:05 <derks> provenpackagers take over, or drop the packages? 21:02:16 <dgilmore> derks: we will need to move the packages to dist-6E-epel-testing-candidate 21:02:29 <dgilmore> and then the maintainers will need to create updates in bodhi 21:02:30 <tremble> open a bug, if no response ask a pp to help or ask for commit rights 21:02:38 <derks> right on 21:03:07 <dgilmore> derks: we will drop the packages until we have no broken dependecies 21:06:30 <nirik> ok, back now. ;) 21:06:46 <nirik> so, how about we start looking at the 25th for going out of beta? 21:07:22 <derks> sounds good to me 21:07:54 <derks> do we have something in place to automagically move all the broken deps to testing-candidate and open BZ trackers for them? 21:08:08 <nirik> not that I know of. 21:09:01 <nirik> it would probibly have to be manual. 21:09:48 <dgilmore> nirik: i wont be available that week at all to help 21:10:03 <nirik> dgilmore: oh right... when do you get back? 21:10:09 <nirik> I guess we could look at after fudcon... 21:10:18 <dgilmore> ill be at LCA that whole week 21:10:26 <dgilmore> i fly back for fudcon on the 28th 21:10:40 <dgilmore> next week im working from the brisbane office 21:10:45 <dgilmore> so i could help then 21:10:47 <nirik> we could look at the 18th... but then I think you are out then too? 21:10:49 <dgilmore> or after fudcon 21:10:52 <nirik> ah, ok. 21:11:24 <nirik> so 18th, or feb 8th I would say. 21:11:55 <nirik> we could ask for thoughts on list? 21:11:56 <dgilmore> im ok with either 21:12:15 <dgilmore> asking fo thoughts will lead to the latter date i think 21:12:30 <nirik> possibly. 21:12:36 <nirik> abadger1999: any thoughts? 21:12:57 <abadger1999> nirik: I'll flex to whatever everyone else wants. 21:12:58 <derks> waiting till the 8th should give sufficient time to iron out broken deps... compared to jan 18th 21:13:25 * abadger1999 has the feeling that nothing he decides will be ideal no matter how much time he gets to work on it. 21:13:36 <dgilmore> abadger1999: i agree 21:13:54 <nirik> it would be nicer for me to wait, but I have this feeling that if we keep waiting for things we will never get there. ;( 21:14:00 <dgilmore> derks: we cant resolve broken deps properlly until we stop the target from moving 21:14:05 <dgilmore> and only move it slowly 21:14:33 <derks> dgilmore, true 21:15:16 * dgilmore says we announce and scream as loud as we can. that on Jan 18 epel-6 will go ga and bodhi will be required 21:15:45 <dgilmore> we then retarget builds 21:16:05 <dgilmore> and move the tags broken packages are in 21:16:13 <dgilmore> mashing when we thing we have it right 21:16:20 <dgilmore> until we have it right 21:16:22 * nirik would be ok with that. 21:16:34 <dgilmore> its probably going to take a day or so to clean it all up 21:16:38 <nirik> I might untag the existing Xfce packages so I can push 4.8 in later. 21:16:51 <nirik> or try and get them in before then. 21:17:00 <dgilmore> nirik: :) get em in 21:17:09 <nirik> final release is the 16th. 21:17:31 <nirik> so, any objections to the 18th? 21:17:58 <derks> no objections 21:18:16 <dgilmore> nirik: lets make final freeze the 18th release will be a day or 2 later 21:18:41 <nirik> ok. 21:18:51 <dgilmore> we should make it clear there will be a freeze and make sure i's are dotted and t's crossed phase 21:19:03 <nirik> #agreed 2011-01-18 for final epel6 beta freeze, release to be a day or two later. 21:19:16 <nirik> it would be good to have a real release day, so we could announce it and generate some press. 21:19:26 <nirik> #undo 21:19:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0x12c4e0d0> 21:19:39 <nirik> so, perhaps it would make since for the final freeze to be earlier? 21:21:17 <nirik> How about 13th for freezing, 18th for release? 21:21:45 <nirik> give us a few days to get the tree happy, a weekend for anyone to see any big issues, and then monday to get bodhi happy, tuesday to release? 21:21:45 <dgilmore> nirik: thats probably ok 21:22:12 <nirik> any objections to that proposed plan? 21:22:17 <derks> that's sounds like a good plan 21:22:56 <dgilmore> that means chainbuilds will only work until the 13th 21:23:00 <nirik> right. 21:23:04 <dgilmore> buildroot overrides after that 21:24:09 <nirik> and request to tag into the tree from the 13th-17th, on the 18th bodhi should be active as normal. 21:24:31 <nirik> sounds fine to me. 21:24:46 <nirik> someone want to write up a detailed thing and mail the list about it? 21:25:19 <dgilmore> i can 21:25:44 <nirik> dgilmore: excellent. thanks. 21:26:06 <nirik> #agreed will freeze 2011-01-13, then release 2011-01-18. 21:26:19 <nirik> #action dgilmore to notify list about the changes around beta->released version. 21:26:26 <nirik> Anything else on this topic? 21:27:00 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 21:27:05 <nirik> anything for open floor? 21:27:31 <nirik> Oh, I had one thing: 21:27:45 <nirik> do we want to do any epel related sessions or hackfests at fudcon? 21:27:50 <nirik> who all is going to make it there? 21:28:36 * nirik will be there. 21:28:51 <nirik> anyhow, I guess we are out of time. will close out in a few if nothing else comes up. 21:29:27 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 21:29:30 <nirik> #endmeeting