20:30:13 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL (2011-01-17) 20:30:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 17 20:30:13 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:30:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:30:13 <nirik> #meetingname epel 20:30:13 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda 20:30:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:30:19 <nirik> who all is around for a epel meeting? 20:30:21 * nb 20:30:35 * jsmith lurks 20:31:04 <nirik> I have a few agenda items: 20:31:14 <nirik> * EPEL6 status 20:31:17 * delhage is sitting in the back 20:31:22 <nirik> * RHEL5.6 20:31:29 * abadger1999 half here 20:31:34 <nirik> * RHEL4 repo issue. 20:31:41 * tremble lurks 20:32:13 <nirik> anyone have other agenda items? 20:32:55 * nirik will wait a minute or so more for any other agenda items before we dive in. 20:33:51 <nirik> ok, I think I will do them in reverse order. ;) 20:33:59 <nirik> #topic RHEL4 repo issue 20:34:33 <nirik> There's currently a issue with our builder repo for rhel4... it's not been updating with updates properly. 20:34:41 <nirik> we are working on fixing it. ;) 20:35:01 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/4333 if anyone wants to track the issue. 20:35:14 <nirik> builds should still be fine unless they need something from the most recent 4.x updates. 20:35:24 <nirik> #info RHEL4 build repo out of date, working on fixing it. 20:35:34 <nirik> #topic RHEL5.6 20:35:48 <nirik> The EPEL5 build repo is updated to 5.6 properly now. 20:35:54 <nirik> so, you can use/depend on things in 5.6. 20:36:03 <nirik> #info EPEL5 build repo is up to date with 5.6 20:36:17 <nirik> #topic EPEL6 status 20:36:17 <derks> anyone have any thoughts about php53 in rhel 5.6? 20:36:23 <nirik> #undo 20:36:23 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2b025cf769d0> 20:36:35 <nirik> derks: yeah, noticed that... 20:36:42 <nirik> you mean if we should build stuff for it? 20:37:09 <derks> nirik, not necessary... just wondering if anyone else was thinking, "WTF?" ... seems out of character for rhel 20:37:23 <nb> what? they made a separate php53 package? 20:37:24 <nirik> they did it with postgresql too tho... 20:37:26 <nirik> nb: yes. 20:37:29 <derks> gcc44 was good... postgresql84 understandable.. but php? 20:37:50 <nirik> I suspect it was pushback from web hosting places that needed something in 53. 20:38:27 <tremble> I presume customers of some form or other were requesting it. 20:38:28 <derks> yeah. i was just curious. we (jness and I) maintain IUS... so it put a damper in our step 20:38:40 <nirik> yeah... 20:38:55 <nirik> I would suppose php53-foo packages would be ok if reviewed, etc... 20:39:02 <nirik> just makes things complex. 20:39:11 <derks> yeah I'd imagine those will start to pop up... php53-pecl-xxxx 20:39:18 <nirik> yeah. 20:39:49 <nirik> ok, anything more on 5.6? 20:40:32 <derks> not from me 20:40:39 <nirik> ok, moving along... 20:40:45 <nirik> #topic EPEL6 status 20:41:02 <nirik> ok, dgilmore was working on composing us a nice broken dep free tree last night. 20:41:17 <nirik> not sure where he is (and this is not a good time likely for him since he's in .au right now) 20:41:43 <nirik> things with broken deps are moved to dist-6E-epel-testing-candidate. 20:42:07 <nirik> once we have a good tree, we can push it out to mirrors in the new/correct locations (hopefully with hardlinks to the beta tree) 20:42:13 <tremble> the build target now points to dist-6E-epel-testing-candidate 20:42:30 * abadger1999 actually like that -- TG is now in testing candiadte :-) 20:42:30 <nirik> then we need to adjust bodhi and Mirrormanager and we should be ready to go. ;) 20:42:32 <nirik> tremble: yep. 20:42:51 <nirik> I have whipped up the bare bones of a announcement... 20:42:58 * nb noticed that two of the wordpress packages were moved from dist-6E-epel to testing-candidate 20:43:11 <nb> which is fine, since they need work to work with the new 3.x wordpress (without -mu) 20:43:19 <nirik> http://fpaste.org/WufO/ 20:43:20 <nirik> nb: yeah, had broken deps. 20:43:22 <derks> abadger1999, did you package TG 2.1 for EPEL 6? 20:43:23 <nb> nirik, yeah 20:43:30 <nb> i need to fix them 20:43:41 <nirik> I can stick that on a wiki page or if folks have feedback/corrections on it, let me know. 20:43:50 <abadger1999> derks: That would be lmacken 20:43:59 <abadger1999> derks: I'm working on TurboGears-1.1.x 20:44:08 <derks> eww ;) 20:44:17 <abadger1999> yeah :-) 20:44:37 <smooge> here 20:45:00 * abadger1999 sees dgilmore is aroung in another channel too. 20:45:10 <nirik> so can anyone think of other items we need for epel6 launch? 20:45:32 <nirik> does anyone know how we can do a 'press release' or get red hat to note the release in their info channels? 20:46:28 <tremble> jsmith: ? 20:46:36 <rbergeron> nirik: whatcha doin? 20:46:48 <rbergeron> oh 20:46:54 <nirik> rbergeron: hey. ;) Looking at announcing EPEL6 release. ;) 20:47:09 <rbergeron> soooooo - it might be something that could be done via red hat press blog. 20:47:10 <nirik> far and wide. ;) 20:47:14 <rbergeron> what's your timeline? 20:47:43 <nirik> well, not sure what status our tree is in yet... we were hoping for tomorrow, but that might slip a bit if we need more work on the tree before release. 20:48:03 <rbergeron> Okay. 20:48:17 <rbergeron> So I'm pretty sure they'd need a slight bit more lead time. ;) 20:48:52 <rbergeron> But it could be something that maybe like... next week... i don't know. 20:48:53 * dgilmore just woke up 20:48:54 <nirik> yeah. ;( I meant to ask around about it, but didn't get a chance. 20:48:58 <rbergeron> They usually have that schedule fairly filled out. 20:49:01 <rbergeron> I mean... there are other things 20:49:10 <nirik> morning dgilmore 20:49:19 <rbergeron> write the announcement that goes to mailing lists, we can kind of nudge it in the way of lwn, etc. 20:49:46 <dgilmore> abadger1999: did you see i moved TurboGears ysterday? 20:49:52 <nirik> cool. I have a rough draft, but additional wordsmitthing would be welcome. 20:49:59 * rbergeron doesn't mean to totally cut in here ;) 20:50:07 * nirik is not wise in the ways of press releases. ;) 20:50:09 <dgilmore> :) 20:50:14 <nirik> rbergeron: not at all. ;) happy for any help. 20:50:16 <abadger1999> dgilmore: Yep, and that definitely works for me. 20:50:19 * rbergeron doesn't mean to bring up the phrase, but i'm curious who the target audience of your announcement is :) 20:50:44 <dgilmore> abadger1999: :) i had to move fedora-packager also 20:50:46 <nirik> rbergeron: people who are using/testing RHEL6 and want additional packages to get the stuff done that they need to do. 20:50:53 <dgilmore> since bodhi was broken 20:51:14 <nirik> also, people using RHEL6 who might like to join in and help maintain/test packages and help us. 20:52:32 <rbergeron> nirik: can you send your draft-ish announcement to the marketing list? 20:52:44 <nirik> rbergeron: http://fpaste.org/WufO/ 20:52:52 * jsmith is happy to help coordinate with Red Hat's PR department 20:52:57 <nirik> I could, but I'm not subscribed there. I guess I can. 20:53:52 <nirik> dgilmore: so do you have a non broken dep tree yet? 20:54:02 * rbergeron is peering at it 20:54:03 <rbergeron> possibly 20:54:08 <rbergeron> .............. 20:54:18 <dgilmore> nirik: just running the broken dep check now 20:55:02 <rbergeron> nirik: so i'm having a problem loading the page... mktg list might be a better idea 20:55:08 <nirik> rbergeron: can do. 20:55:12 <nirik> Just ask for feedback? 20:55:22 <rbergeron> Sure. 20:55:58 <rbergeron> jsmith: you can ping kara and see what her availability is over the next week or so? 20:56:09 <rbergeron> (without tripping us into fudcon blog territory if she's planning that) 20:56:14 <rbergeron> (not that i'm entirely selfish or anything) 20:56:17 <rbergeron> (:D) 20:56:44 <jsmith> rbergeron: Absolutely! 20:56:45 <rbergeron> nirik: so you're thinking... this week sometime perhaps? if not tomorrow? 20:56:59 <nirik> rbergeron: yeah. 20:57:01 <rbergeron> nirik: throw that man a pound action :) 20:57:30 <rbergeron> nirik: okay - so send the mail - once you figure out what the release timeline is, that would be helpful info too. 20:57:36 <nirik> just sent. ;) 20:57:49 <nirik> #action jsmith to check with RH folks about PR/marketing 20:58:08 <rbergeron> if need be, I can do a "interview" via the emailz or irc with you to go along with the release note so there's some extra substance in there 20:58:11 <rbergeron> or i can interview anyone else 20:58:17 <rbergeron> whatever 20:58:20 <rbergeron> :) 20:58:21 <dgilmore> we should be ready before i leave the office today 20:58:28 * dgilmore still needs to go to the office 20:58:34 <dgilmore> its 7am 20:58:37 <nirik> dgilmore: cool. 20:58:55 <nirik> I'll note that we could send an announcement to mailing lists, and we can always have other channels pick up the news later in the week. 20:59:02 <nirik> or next week, or whatever. 21:00:24 <nirik> ok, any further epel6 issues/concerns/ideas? 21:01:55 <nirik> oh... 21:02:13 <nirik> I started a https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL6-FAQ page a while back. 21:02:24 <nirik> Thinking about it, should I just merge that into the main epel faq page? 21:02:33 <nirik> our wiki pages really could use a serious revamp. ;( 21:03:19 <nirik> perhaps at fudcon we could sit down and redesign them... 21:04:06 <smooge> yes 21:04:19 <smooge> I would like that. 21:04:51 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 21:04:55 <nirik> anything for open floor? 21:06:01 * nirik listens to crickets 21:06:08 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 21:06:10 <smooge> other than cleanups no 21:06:18 <smooge> nirik, thanks 21:06:24 <nirik> #endmeeting