20:30:03 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL (2011-03-07) 20:30:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 7 20:30:03 2011 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:30:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:30:04 <nirik> #meetingname epel 20:30:04 <nirik> #topic init process/agenda 20:30:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 20:30:16 <nirik> anyone around for an epel meeting? 20:30:36 <nirik> I'm a bit swamped today, so it will be a short one on my side. I do have a few more pages done on the wiki redesign 20:31:04 <smooge> here 20:31:08 <smooge> chair me 20:31:56 <smooge> nirik, do you have urls for the updated/new pages. I liked what you had done previously and was going to say +eleventyzillion to making them the default 20:32:10 <nirik> #chair smooge 20:32:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik smooge 20:32:17 <nirik> smooge: yeah, let me dig them up. 20:32:24 <nirik> #topic Wiki redesign 20:32:29 <smooge> np I need to get lemon water for my throat 20:32:46 <rsc> I'm also around 20:32:51 <nirik> new main page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/new_EPEL 20:33:12 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/new_EPEL_Package_Maintainers 20:33:23 <abadger1999> hola 20:33:32 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/new_EPEL_QA 20:33:51 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/new_EPEL_Updates_Policy 20:34:13 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/new_Joining_EPEL 20:34:30 <nirik> Those are the ones I have initial versions of now. 20:34:51 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/EPEL_Wiki_Redesign is the overall plan. 20:35:00 <smooge> tres tres cool 20:35:39 <nirik> so, we need about 3-4 more and then can polish and put them in place. 20:36:04 <nirik> editing on any of those welcome, or if some folks would like to sign up to make a few of the other ones feel free. 20:36:18 * nb is here now 20:37:38 <smooge> ok thanks 20:37:48 <smooge> I think the front page can go now :) 20:38:13 <nirik> well, it points to some of the others, so I was thinking we could wait for them to exist... 20:38:22 <nirik> but I suppose we could add them in later. 20:38:27 <nirik> many people just hit the front page. 20:38:57 <smooge> yeah. I like it and we can just put a [this is a work in progress] sticker on it 20:39:04 * stahnma is here 20:39:06 <stahnma> and late 20:39:23 <nirik> yeah. ok. I can look at doing that later this week unless someone beats me to it. 20:39:50 <smooge> I was wondering where we could deal with questions about "I want package X in EPEL goes." 20:40:15 <smooge> I am probably rather grumpy in my 2 replies today 20:40:37 <nirik> yeah, should go on the package maintainers page. 20:40:43 <nirik> I would think. 20:40:58 <nirik> we could also do a faq page, but the current faq page is pretty long. 20:41:55 <smooge> I want to kill the faq 20:42:05 <smooge> ok kill whats in the faq 20:42:14 <nirik> yeah, it's very verbose. 20:42:17 <smooge> I guess I should try that tomorrow 20:42:46 <nirik> I did have a link to the wishlist somewhere... that might also apply to people wanting packages in. 20:42:56 <nirik> ie, we could note on the wishlist what they could do, who to bug, etc. 20:43:14 <stahnma> the wishlist is just a link to the fedora wishlist IIRC 20:44:58 <stahnma> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/WishList 20:45:00 <smooge> basically if you want the package, ask the current Fedora package maintainer. If it is not in the package list, look to maintain it yourself. if you can't here is the contract number for Smoogen & Associates LLC. We package software for big bucks 20:45:30 <nirik> stahnma: we could change that... 20:45:39 <nirik> smooge: :) 20:45:50 <stahnma> yeah, we may want to, at least for EPEL6, while we are still building it out 20:46:07 <nirik> ok, I can add that to the list of pages to make. 20:46:19 <maxamillion> sorry I'm late, didn't se the ping :/ 20:46:38 <smooge> seargeant at arms, fine maxamillion for his lateness. 20:46:59 <smooge> needs to lay off the head-cold medicine 20:47:25 <maxamillion> lol 20:47:45 <smooge> nirik, I can put a list of the pages you have edited to the list. We will ask for comments til next Monday. After that they go live 20:48:19 <nirik> cool. sounds good to me. 20:48:26 <stahnma> yes 20:51:24 <smooge> alright. other than that.. does anyone have topics for the SIG? 20:52:13 <nirik> how about clamav progress? 20:52:17 <nirik> #topic clamav 20:52:21 <nirik> nb: any progress? 20:52:32 <nb> yeah 20:52:36 <nb> el6 is in testing 20:52:38 <nb> and el4 is 20:52:48 <nb> el5 is waiting on kanarip to figure out about amavisd-new 20:52:56 <nb> but el5 is built, and can be gotten from kojipkgs 20:53:18 <stahnma> SL6 is out...centos is still pending 20:53:31 <nirik> nb: there was a person on the epel-devel list that would like to help with amavisd-new. 20:53:34 <nirik> might also ping them? 20:53:46 <stahnma> oops, missed the topic change 20:53:51 * stahnma ducks 20:54:10 <nb> nirik, ill look at the archives, I actually am not subscribed to epel-devel (yet) 20:54:12 <nb> i need to do that 20:54:21 <nb> is epel-devel the one that's still @redhat? 20:54:35 <smooge> we have more lists? 20:55:15 <nirik> yeah, it is. 20:55:17 <nirik> needs to move. 20:56:12 <maxamillion> crap 20:56:36 <nirik> ok, anything else anyone has? 20:56:55 <smooge> not for me. 20:57:01 <smooge> oh wait status 20:57:06 <smooge> #topic OS status 20:57:08 <nb> i built clamav 0.97 for fedora also and ensc doesn't seem to be complaining, but that's not for this meeting 20:57:32 <stahnma> last I checked, mock for epel6 wasn't work all that well. Maybe we could look at using SL6? 20:57:33 <smooge> did you use his spec or the right one 20:57:44 <smooge> ? 20:58:01 <nb> smooge, his spec for fedora 20:58:17 <nb> smooge, nirik spec for epel 20:58:17 <smooge> ok <<shudder>> 20:58:25 <smooge> oh thats better 20:58:44 <nirik> stahnma: ask mock maintainer folk? 20:58:47 <smooge> stahnma, what do you mean wasnt working all that well? 20:59:51 <stahnma> last time I tried and epel6 build in mock, I think it timed out 20:59:52 <stahnma> or failed 21:00:03 <stahnma> but it could have been my setup 21:00:07 <stahnma> I don't remember 21:00:18 <smooge> ok I have not seen that. but I need to rebuild my box today 21:00:27 <smooge> (backing it up right now) 21:00:34 * stahnma has $DAYJOB meeting 21:00:36 <stahnma> bye 21:00:40 <smooge> stahnma, there is a big problem in the past with using SL 21:00:55 <stahnma> really? 21:00:57 <smooge> it contains patches which are not trademark 21:01:05 <stahnma> wish I could stick around to hear it... 21:01:05 <stahnma> oh 21:01:05 <smooge> they add stuff for kerberos and cluster 21:02:06 <smooge> and in the past there were issues in how it is setup which show up in cobbler/mock that did not show up in centos. I don't know details at the moment 21:02:11 <smooge> have a good real life meeting 21:02:21 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 21:04:03 <smooge> or maybe I should go with closing in 5 ? 21:04:48 <smooge> ok closing in 5 21:04:58 <smooge> #endmeeting