18:00:42 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 1 18:00:42 2016 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:42 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:42 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij 18:00:42 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:55 <bstinson> hi all 18:01:13 <smooge> Hello 18:01:24 <avij> hello 18:01:34 <smooge> not much for this meeting so we will hopefully be down to a short and sweet one 18:02:35 <smooge> we are waiting on Evolution and nirik 18:03:36 <smooge> #topic Outstanding issues 18:03:36 <smooge> #info Orphans and removals [done] 18:03:36 <smooge> #info Recharter EPEL [slow reading] 18:03:36 <smooge> #info Removing EL-5 in 10 months. [not 7 like I said last meeting] 18:03:37 <smooge> #info alternative arch issues for CentOS 18:04:18 <smooge> OK tyll did a bunch of orphaning and I think that is done. At our current rate, I expect that EPEL-5 will be empty around March 18:04:36 <bstinson> good place to be :) 18:04:39 <bstinson> tyll++ 18:04:39 <zodbot> bstinson: Karma for till changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:04:47 <smooge> tyll++ 18:04:48 <zodbot> smooge: Karma for till changed to 6 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:05:06 <smooge> virtual beer for tyll :) 18:05:36 <smooge> ok I am making my way through the various charters I could find and will cut and paste one for EPEL later this evening 18:05:39 <Evolution> sorry I'm late. coffee run 18:05:48 <smooge> Evolution, did you bring enough for everyone? 18:06:04 <Evolution> I didn't, no. 18:06:06 <Evolution> apologies. 18:06:17 <smooge> accepted. 18:06:26 <nirik> sorry I am late, was gathering xwayland crash 18:06:26 <smooge> :) 18:06:37 <smooge> nirik, I thought you stopped using that 18:06:50 <bstinson> thank goodness nirik didn't bring enough for everyone :) 18:06:52 <smooge> since it seemed to do it every 2 hours 18:06:54 <nirik> naw, just trying to actually get it fixed. ;) 18:07:17 <smooge> good luck sir. 18:07:54 <smooge> The charters I am reading through: 18:07:55 <smooge> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Governance_Charter 18:08:09 <smooge> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks/Governance_Charter 18:08:23 <smooge> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/desktop/2013-November/008263.html 18:08:43 <smooge> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Governance 18:09:24 <smooge> I guess for desktop/workstation it should be https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Governance but google put that on page 2 for my search 18:09:51 <smooge> They are all a lot a like so I think that putting it and the FESCO one together should be an evening of writing for me 18:10:16 <smooge> Evolution, how goes alternative arch stuff? 18:10:30 <Evolution> smooge: cycling through. 18:10:49 <Evolution> we've got 1 builder for epel, and it's not the fastest box on the planet 18:11:05 <Evolution> or for the epel srpms rather. 18:11:07 <smooge> Understood 18:11:13 <avij> I can witness that there's progress 18:11:23 <avij> I've been reading the build reports for quite some time now 18:11:39 <smooge> oh is there a list on those? 18:11:49 <smooge> I thought i was on all the lists for things 18:12:18 <Evolution> there's a restricted irc channel where the bot reports, but essentially -> http://buildlogs.centos.org/c7-epel.a64/ 18:13:01 <smooge> cool. ok hanks 18:13:02 <avij> this seems public as well: https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-build-reports/ 18:13:47 <smooge> avij, thanks. I was not on that one. Ok fixed 18:14:14 <Evolution> I think may being 6MB compressed is likely my fault for the epel builds :-) 18:14:14 <avij> prepare for a flood of emails now 18:14:50 <smooge> avij, I get a ton of stuff from fedora.. I think centos is probably a wheee bit smaller :) 18:15:21 <avij> alright, I think you can handle it then 18:15:29 <smooge> ok I made a mistake last week. I said we had 7 months until retirement of EL-5. I was wrong. 18:15:34 <smooge> We have 10 months. 18:16:22 <smooge> I will work on an EPEL counter sometime to put on a webpage that can count down like the python one nirik showed earlier 18:16:43 <nirik> heh 18:16:46 <smooge> #topic Current opportunities 18:16:46 <smooge> #info Will people be available for reviewing a charter via email? 18:17:03 <Evolution> yes. 18:17:04 * bstinson 18:17:07 <nirik> sure 18:17:09 <smooge> Like I said.. I have put words into an emacs window which means that I can get this done soon. 18:17:10 <avij> yea 18:17:31 <smooge> so I will email it out for the list as draft00 hopefully tomorrowish 18:17:44 <smooge> any other current items? 18:18:31 * nirik didnt have anything off hand 18:19:29 <Evolution> nothing from me, no. 18:20:11 <avij> I'm not sure if I will be around next week. there's a kind of a test I'm taking Wednesday evening next week, and I don't know how long it's going to take. 18:21:19 <smooge> ok no problem 18:22:04 <smooge> #topic Open Flood 18:22:33 <smooge> ok for people in the peanut gallergy if there is something that would like to be brought up 18:22:42 <smooge> please do so 18:22:56 <smooge> otherwise I will close and end the meeting in 2 minutes 18:23:30 <smooge> gallery.. wow. that was a mis-something or another with peanut gallergy 18:24:07 * smooge goes to cook himself bacon for lunch 18:24:18 <smooge> thank you all for coming 18:24:23 <smooge> #endmeeting