18:00:23 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL
18:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 18:00:23 2016 UTC.  The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
18:00:32 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL
18:00:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
18:00:40 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs
18:00:41 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com>
18:00:44 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij
18:00:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge
18:00:49 <yselkowitz> .hello yselkowitz
18:00:50 <zodbot> yselkowitz: yselkowitz 'Yaakov Selkowitz' <yselkowi@redhat.com>
18:00:54 <nirik> morning
18:00:55 <smooge> #topic Aloha
18:00:58 <avij> hello world
18:01:02 <bowlofeggs> hello!
18:02:11 <bstinson> woo EPEL meeting!
18:02:11 <smooge> #topic Where are we
18:02:23 <nirik> #fedora-meeting? ;)
18:02:24 * nirik runs
18:02:47 <smooge> is having a senior moemnt
18:02:55 <smooge> #topic Outstanding issues
18:02:59 <smooge> there that is better
18:03:09 <smooge> hi guys what items do we have currently to be looked at?
18:03:32 <nirik> There was bowlofeggs's bodhi1->bodhi2 upgrade
18:03:50 <nirik> There was aarch64 / alt arch status
18:03:58 <smooge> I see we have bowlofeggs bodhi item
18:04:03 <smooge> alt arch
18:04:17 <smooge> or I could watch what nirik is writing
18:04:21 <smooge> sorry :)
18:04:25 <nirik> jinx.
18:04:37 <smooge> anything else?
18:05:40 * nirik can't think of anything off hand
18:07:23 <smooge> waiting for Evolution and bstinson to pipe up
18:07:34 <smooge> #topic bodhi upgrade
18:08:12 <smooge> bowlofeggs, https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/CQFQTIBGRGBDDFSA5PVHTMGNXL5DECHM/
18:08:24 <smooge> #info https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/epel-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/CQFQTIBGRGBDDFSA5PVHTMGNXL5DECHM/
18:08:26 <Evolution> I had a talk with pbrobinson yesterday. once the hw is ready to go, I can start working on the aarch64 bits.
18:08:29 <nirik> so, in this case the old server no longer exists, so I think it's completely reasonable to update the client side.
18:08:43 <smooge> nirik, me too
18:08:51 <smooge> I don't think the name change is needed either
18:09:05 <Evolution> and yes. I'm ++ on the bodhi update
18:09:31 <smooge> bowlofeggs, anything else you needed to talk about here?
18:09:44 <avij> sure, go on with updating
18:09:51 <bowlofeggs> smooge: not from me, i just wanted to see if everyone thinks it's a good proposal
18:10:10 <nirik> bowlofeggs: side note: how many things are needed for bodhi2 in fedora? (not epel)
18:10:16 <bowlofeggs> i know that i'm supposed to write epel-announce once i do it, is that all i need to do?
18:10:33 <nirik> yep
18:10:38 <bowlofeggs> nirik: i've got a little checklist here: https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi/issues/142#issuecomment-236288423
18:10:46 <bowlofeggs> see the end of that comment for the summary
18:12:02 <nirik> ok, we want to spin up a fedora bodhi2 backend soon to see if we can get around a weak dep issue caused by rhel7 rpm... so might be good to get at least a copr for fedora with bodhi2 for that
18:12:10 <bowlofeggs> thanks for your consideration everyone!
18:12:32 <bowlofeggs> nirik: i think lmacken has a copr with bodhi2 already
18:12:40 <nirik> yeah, but it's epel7 only
18:12:55 <bowlofeggs> ah, so it is
18:12:58 <smooge> oh you mean for fedora 24/25/26
18:13:37 <bowlofeggs> nirik: my plans were already to put bodhi2 in rawhide - but if you want a copr for 23/24/25 or a subset i'm happy to
18:13:53 <nirik> 24 would be super. ;)
18:14:03 <bowlofeggs> cool, i'll add that to my list
18:14:33 * nirik has nothing more on this, sorry for the off topic. ;)
18:18:14 <smooge> ok
18:18:44 <smooge> #topic alt arch # aarch64 i486 sparc
18:18:57 <smooge> oops one last thing
18:19:30 <smooge> #agreed bowlofeggs will announce to epel-announce change and go through list of items in https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi/issues/142#issuecomment-236288423 to move bodhi1 -> 2 in EPEL
18:19:43 <smooge> Evolution, yselkowitz I think this is now for you?
18:19:55 <bowlofeggs> thanks so much everyone!
18:20:20 <yselkowitz> pbrobinson ^^^
18:20:25 <nirik> as Evolution noted soon we should have some aarch64 builders and can look at adding that to epel
18:21:14 <yselkowitz> timeframe?
18:22:17 <nirik> we are waiting on a firmware update.
18:22:23 <nirik> hopefully in the next week or two
18:22:54 <Evolution> nirik: who will I need to work with to start cycling through those builds?
18:23:04 <Evolution> is that you/smooge/pbrobinson?
18:23:17 <nirik> pbrobinson I think, but we will need to check with him
18:23:24 <smooge> well it would only be me if I got trained and allowed to touch the builders
18:24:25 <smooge> so I would say pbrobinson -> nirik -> dgilmore -> some guy under a bridge -> me
18:24:46 <Evolution> heh, fair.
18:25:37 <smooge> yselkowitz, with pbrobinson on the other side of the world.. I am not sure he is available for meeting. is there anything else we need to get from him?
18:26:11 <yselkowitz> idk, pretty sure he was planning on driving the builds
18:26:36 <nirik> yeah, it should be just like the ppc64le bringup
18:26:41 <Evolution> by "driving the builds" I think he was planning on telling me to do it, with him supervising/helping
18:26:53 <yselkowitz> we have fixed up most of the development issues based on scratch builds, so hopefully no major issues should be found
18:26:58 <Evolution> at least that's how yesterday's chat with him went
18:27:05 <yselkowitz> oh ok
18:27:24 * yselkowitz should review the remaining build issues and push them through
18:28:32 <Evolution> nirik: do you know if these builders will use centos, or rhelsa as the os for the buildroots?
18:29:04 <yselkowitz> imo should be rhelsa
18:29:11 <nirik> not sure on that.
18:29:39 <Evolution> yselkowitz: agreed, but then we're back to your redhat-rpm-config ticket.
18:29:43 <smooge> is rhelsa available? or was that a 7.3 (i am way behind)
18:29:57 <Evolution> we pushed our fix early, but it's not in rhelsa yet that I know of.
18:30:32 <Evolution> smooge: it's available as a dev preview.
18:31:47 <yselkowitz> the redhat-rpm-config change is necessary for ghc, but that anyways requires manual intervention for bootstrapping
18:32:02 <yselkowitz> it shouldn't affect most packages
18:32:33 <Evolution> fair enough
18:36:24 <smooge> ok anything else?
18:36:32 <Evolution> not from me.
18:36:46 <smooge> #topic Open Floor
18:36:54 <smooge> Alright I have something for the open floor
18:37:12 <smooge> Is this meeting time still good for people?
18:37:49 <nirik> works for me unless I get swamped and forget it. ;)
18:38:06 <avij> this time is ok
18:38:35 <bstinson> wfm
18:40:24 <Evolution> wfm
18:40:34 <smooge> ok in that case.. see you all next week at this time.
18:40:56 <smooge> I am done with the physical move and now just the unpacking.
18:41:13 <smooge> so I hope to find my backups I had with EPEL writeups and will get that done
18:41:30 <smooge> Anything else for open floor or should I tell Frank to punch the button?
18:41:53 <avij> nothing from me, thanks
18:42:00 <nirik> nothing here
18:42:58 <smooge> #endmeeting