18:00:33 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2017-11-29) 18:00:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 29 18:00:33 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2017-11-29)' 18:00:34 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:00:34 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:35 <smooge> #chair avij bstinson Evolution nirik smooge 18:00:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:37 <smooge> hello all 18:00:57 <nirik> oh, a meeting. 18:02:06 <smooge> This is my meeting. There are many like it, but this one is mine. 18:02:09 <bstinson> hi folks 18:03:04 <smooge> this should be a pretty short meeting. I didn't have an agenda so will probably go to open floor and ask for items to be looked at 18:03:45 <Evolution> my agenda item is limited to consuming holiday leftovers. 18:04:37 <nirik> I just have that I am bad and still havent' switched the aarch64 repos in koji 18:04:51 <smooge> #topic AARCH64 18:05:16 <smooge> so aarch64 will need to be moved to the new release. 18:05:23 <smooge> does this also affect ppc64le? 18:05:24 <nirik> I will try and get this done... today! 18:05:33 <nirik> nope. just aarch64 18:05:36 <smooge> ok cool 18:06:00 <smooge> I wasn't sure what was on the "speedy delivery" release set 18:06:00 <nirik> there is power9 also, but we don't have any of that yet. 18:06:06 <smooge> ah yeah 18:06:15 <smooge> how are those called? 18:06:25 <smooge> as in ppc64le9? 18:07:06 <nirik> it's just ppc64le I think, but for only power9 18:07:07 <smooge> wondering in case someone tried to install a 9 on an 8 18:07:14 <smooge> ah ok 18:07:43 <smooge> well then #info AARC64 will be updated soon to the newer release rpms. 18:07:55 <smooge> #info unknown breakages may occur 18:08:09 <smooge> #topic Updating Python3x 18:08:43 <smooge> I would like to just put out that next year it might be good to look at updating python3 in EPEL to a newer release 18:08:59 <nirik> yeah, abompard was looking into this... 18:09:03 <nirik> I am not sure where he is at. 18:09:33 <smooge> me either. It isn't critical but I wanted to put it on there as a wish list 18:09:39 <smooge> actually that does give me a topic 18:09:49 <smooge> #topic 2018 Wishlist 18:10:29 <smooge> Since next week we won't have ameeting and the year becomes quickly next year with various vacations.. I figure we should put down some things for next year 18:10:51 <smooge> #info Update python3 in EL6/7 18:11:03 <smooge> #info Look at python27 in EL6 18:11:59 <smooge> #info Make EPEL into regular 'releases' that can be archived 18:12:06 <smooge> those are my major items 18:12:11 <smooge> any from others? 18:12:20 <nirik> will want to keep an eye on modules... as that may be very good for us 18:13:50 <smooge> agreed 18:14:15 <smooge> though I am not sure the tooling etc will work with EL6/EL7 due to RPM and other things needed 18:14:38 <nirik> yeah, likely not. would need to wait for some future release... 18:15:45 <smooge> ok anything else? Evolution bstinson ? 18:16:34 <bstinson> the python rebases are relevant to a couple of my interests, have we had anyone volunteer yet? 18:17:10 <avij> hello, sorry, I was away :-/ 18:17:27 <smooge> abompard was looking at it for his interest in Mailman but I don't know beyond that 18:17:28 <nirik> bstinson: yeah, abompard was poking at it... he needed newer for mailman3 18:19:02 <smooge> bstinson, if you are interested in helping on that it would be useufl 18:19:23 <smooge> other than that I don't have anything else for a wish list. 18:19:29 <orc_fedo> smooge: is the assertion in comment 5 accurate? if so, why? ( I don't mirror binary EPEL ) https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1484963#c5 18:19:41 <orc_fedo> making that work may be a wish list item, if not already doing so 18:20:00 <bstinson> smooge: i'll ping him and see what i can do 18:20:08 <smooge> orc_fedo, I am putting it in Make EPEL into regular 'releases' that can be archived 18:20:32 <smooge> the reason older items are not kept is because EPEL is built like a daily release like rawhide 18:20:46 <avij> orc_fedo: it is accurate, "yum downgrade" won't work for that reason. 18:21:26 <smooge> so the old rpms aren't kept. In order to change that a process and rules need to be set where EPEL has a regular 'release' and packages are put into updates. 18:21:27 <avij> it would work between versions in epel and epel-testing, though. 18:22:09 <orc_fedo> complete life SRPMS (additive) are only: 18:22:20 <orc_fedo> 11G /share/MD0_DATA/Mirror/redhat/epel/6 18:22:21 <orc_fedo> 17G /share/MD0_DATA/Mirror/redhat/epel/7 18:22:27 <smooge> However that will require more work in both writing policy and possible 'this isnt Kansas anymore' changes in procedure 18:22:44 <orc_fedo> ... rathide is many tiomes that, and don't ge me started as to other stuff 18:23:24 <orc_fedo> 393G /share/MD0_DATA/Mirror/redhat/rawhide2017 18:23:28 <Evolution> nope. nothing here. 18:23:49 <Evolution> bah, lag. 18:23:49 <orc_fedo> but the epel binary corpus, thse days seems ... small 18:24:20 <smooge> and then there would be changes in koji/bodhi/etc as they were written with the assumption that EPEL was rolling. 18:25:08 <smooge> it isn't impossible. It just takes me taking a week or two of vacation to piece it out :) 18:25:14 <smooge> brb 18:26:13 <nirik> I've suggested it before, but it's always been shot down. I don't know how hard it would be to implement... 18:27:18 <nirik> it would also mean at times we would be publishing known exploitable stuff. 18:27:31 <orc_fedo> nirik: I think you are thinking about existing tooling, rather than an additive mirror, and a once a day createrepo for it 18:27:46 <orc_fedo> nirik: is exim still in testing for epel 6? 18:28:06 <orc_fedo> it was yesterday, and I assume it isstill it 18:28:16 <orc_fedo> we are not an admin's 'keeper' 18:29:03 <avij> exim in epel6 testing: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2017-977c974584 18:29:05 <nirik> existing tools work by creating the entire repo every push 18:29:13 <orc_fedo> avij: heh 18:29:17 <smooge> nirik, my take on it is that we don't take down known exploitable packages out of archives or out of regular Fedora releases and Red Hat does not remove known exploitable packages from their releases. They just assume you will update to a newer one or not use it 18:29:33 <avij> if folks think an update is important, why don't they test it and give it positive karma to release it faster? 18:29:54 <avij> current karma: 0 18:30:03 <nirik> sure I am just saying thats one thing that has come up when people wanted this in the past... 18:30:31 <smooge> yeah. I understand and sorry for implying you were saying that was your take 18:31:01 <smooge> it has come up and the policy needs to clarify that this is a risk you as a user of EPEL are taking just like anything else in life :P 18:31:27 <smooge> argh.. I am going to have to step away again. can someone take over for a few or end meeting if nothing else 18:32:44 <smooge> ok repair people doing their thing 18:33:53 <smooge> in any case, orc_fedo I want to make it so releases can allow for both archived away old packages and updates to existing packages with a regular cadence of moving stuff to archives 18:34:34 <orc_fedo> smooge: ty 18:34:37 <smooge> Some policy, procedures, what you should expect if you are using this repo, and changes to some code need to be looked at 18:34:59 <smooge> I don't have much else 18:35:02 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:36:24 <smooge> if no one has anything for the floor I will end the meeting in 1 minute 18:36:50 <avij> ok 18:37:52 <smooge> thank you all for coming today. see you again on the 13th 18:37:57 <smooge> #endmeeting