21:00:40 <tdawson> #startmeeting EPEL (2020-06-19)
21:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 19 21:00:40 2020 UTC.
21:00:40 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
21:00:40 <zodbot> The chair is tdawson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2020-06-19)'
21:00:41 <tdawson> #meetingname epel
21:00:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel'
21:00:43 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson Evolution pgreco carlwgeorge
21:00:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson carlwgeorge nirik pgreco tdawson
21:00:44 <tdawson> #topic aloha
21:00:54 <carlwgeorge> howdy yall
21:01:01 <tdawson> hi carlwgeorge
21:01:26 * nirik is sort of here, sort of busy
21:01:55 <tdawson> hi nirik ... understood.  We'll be sure to ping if it's pressing.
21:03:26 * pgreco arrives a bit late
21:03:34 <tdawson> hi pgreco
21:03:46 <tdawson> I'll wait about two more minutes, see if anyone else shows up
21:04:21 <pgreco> I'm not allowed to say howdy since I'm not texan, but still, howdy ;)
21:04:30 <tdawson> :)
21:05:35 <tdawson> #topic Old Business
21:05:47 <tdawson> #info EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12
21:05:48 <tdawson> #info THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
21:06:25 <tdawson> We didn't have a meeting last week, and I didn't have anything written down as leftover from two weeks ago ... so, as far as I know, no new business.
21:06:43 <tdawson> .... no ... old business
21:06:59 <pgreco> just let it die silently...
21:07:16 <tdawson> :)
21:07:22 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7
21:07:51 <tdawson> I haven't seen any issues for EPEL7.  Does anyone else know of any?
21:07:59 <pgreco> carlwgeorge: oniguruma/jq rebuilt for armhfp too
21:08:02 <pgreco> no issues
21:08:22 <carlwgeorge> excellent
21:09:15 <pgreco> oh, I have an issue in 7, let me get the package names
21:09:29 <tdawson> ok
21:10:35 <pgreco> I'm trying to rebuid perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions for armhfp, and it fails due to missing BR
21:10:55 <tdawson> gotta love that name. :)
21:11:11 <pgreco> hehe, yeah
21:12:23 <pgreco> as soon as it fails again, I'll get the missing name, hopefully it is just something that just needs releasing
21:12:29 <pgreco> let's move on while this builds
21:12:35 <tdawson> OK
21:12:52 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8
21:13:40 <tdawson> I have a question on this one, dealing with this pull request
21:13:48 <tdawson> https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/epel-rpm-macros/pull-request/15
21:14:04 <pgreco> I saw that one, do we have unversioned /usr/bin/python ?
21:14:30 <tdawson> Basically it's requesting that some macros that got put into the fedora macro's get put into epel8 ... wait is it using unversioned python?
21:15:00 <pgreco> old name (without version)
21:15:26 <pgreco> iirc, 8 only has /usr/bin/python2 and /usr/bin/python3, but no /usr/bin/python
21:15:30 <pgreco> I may be mistaken
21:15:32 <carlwgeorge> there are macros that use %{__python} without necessarily defining it, to allow spec files to define it themselves
21:16:05 <carlwgeorge> i.e. using `%py_shebang_fix` will fail if you don't define `%{__python}` yourself (i think)
21:16:06 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: correct
21:16:26 <pgreco> yeap, that's where I was going
21:16:58 <carlwgeorge> i do that in a spec file that is py2/py3 compatible, define __python different based on the default python for the distro, then use unversioned macros in the rest of the spec file
21:18:29 <carlwgeorge> ah, it's even more explicit than i thought:
21:18:31 <carlwgeorge> `error: attempt to use unversioned python, define %__python to /usr/bin/python2 or /usr/bin/python3 explicitly`
21:19:23 <pgreco> good, I like that
21:19:54 <tdawson> So, do you think this will break that?  Or work with it?
21:20:33 <carlwgeorge> i think it will be fine
21:21:07 <tdawson> OK.  I really needed a second opinion.
21:21:27 <tdawson> I'll merge, build, and do the usual.
21:21:28 <pgreco> I like having compatible macros for in epel/fedora
21:21:49 <carlwgeorge> yup, keeps spec files cleaner and makes it easier to bring stuff to epel8 from rawhide
21:21:53 <tdawson> I do too ... at least for the latest epel ... for the older ones, I always get nervous.
21:22:21 <pgreco> well, 7 has 4 more years to go, we may need to add them eventually
21:22:49 <tdawson> True ... and we have added some.  But some of these python ones don't work on epel7.
21:23:20 <tdawson> Any other epel8 things?  Cuz I think carlwgeorge has an issue that sorta lands on open floor, since it covers all releases.
21:24:21 <tdawson> #topic General Issues / Open Floor
21:25:39 <tdawson> carlwgeorge: I believe the issue you wanted to bring up was from xavierb
21:26:10 <carlwgeorge> ha, i told him to come to the meeting and champion it
21:26:40 <tdawson> :)
21:27:00 <carlwgeorge> i can summarize it i guess.  the suggestion was to modify policy to allow epel maintainers to leave packages in epel after they are added to rhel, until the corresponding centos is built.
21:27:28 <tdawson> The time between a RHEL and a CentOS release is a real pain for EPEL.
21:27:51 <tdawson> We at least have the archive now that we do for each RHEL release.
21:27:52 <nirik> if the new rhel one was always 'newer' it would be less of a problem doing this.
21:28:14 <carlwgeorge> considering that several 8.1 additions were missed by all of us and stayed in epel until 8.2, i think the impact is pretty low.  but that will of course be case by case.
21:29:04 <tdawson> True .. to both of you
21:29:06 <carlwgeorge> i'm on the fence about it honestly, i see the benefit of the change and i also see the benefit of the policy being strict
21:29:29 <carlwgeorge> another reason i didn't want to champion it :D
21:29:43 <pgreco> I think this may be based on the zstd issue
21:30:14 <carlwgeorge> which was made worse by the epel maintainer jumping the gun and pulling it early before rhel 8.2 was even GA
21:30:23 <pgreco> if epel is older than rhel, I don't mind keeping it around for a while, since it will be updated anyway
21:30:43 <pgreco> but in the zstd case, epel was newer, so the earliest we remove it, the better
21:31:09 <pgreco> and those who actually need it, can use the archive
21:31:10 <carlwgeorge> i think when the rhel build is newer is usually the case when it gets missed for a long time
21:31:50 <carlwgeorge> we also have stream now, so it was trivial for people to get zstd from there
21:32:01 <pgreco> yeap, exactly
21:32:08 <tdawson> And the archive.  Yep.  Two places.
21:32:28 <carlwgeorge> based on that, i'm -1 to the proposal i'm "champinoning"
21:32:55 <tdawson> :)
21:33:16 <nirik> it's got tradeoffs... hard to tell which way is worse... neither is clearly better
21:33:57 <tdawson> What about some halfway policy.  If it's newer than RHEL's, we remove it immediately.  If it's not, let it sit the the CentOS release.
21:33:58 <pgreco> my take is, if you notice it, you know how to solve it :)
21:34:41 <pgreco> tdawson, yeap, that's what I think
21:34:47 <carlwgeorge> tdawson: codifying what already happens, works for me
21:36:04 <tdawson> Does anyone have a nice easy "compare what's in epel to rhel" script?
21:36:44 <pgreco> I may have some repodiff scripts somewhere
21:38:41 * pgreco boots an old laptop to try to find repodiff....
21:39:48 <tdawson> I was looking to see if we had this on a policy or FAQ somewhere.  I don't see it.
21:40:19 <tdawson> Closest I found was this - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#Does_EPEL_replace_packages_provided_within_Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_or_layered_products.3F
21:40:25 <pgreco> tdawson, we can talk after the meeting if you want, we'll come up with something
21:40:36 <tdawson> OK.
21:40:49 <tdawson> pgreco: Did your build fail yet?
21:41:14 <pgreco> 'perl(DateTimeX::Easy) >= 0.085'
21:42:24 <tdawson> pgreco: Looks like there is an updated version for that in EPEL7 ... did it not build on your arm builds?
21:42:32 <tdawson> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1519745
21:42:45 <pgreco> built yes, but maybe not released yet
21:43:14 <pgreco> not enough karma yet?
21:44:17 <tdawson> Huh ... it says it's released ... yet I'm not seeing it.
21:44:34 <pgreco> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-cdf9943b6a
21:45:04 <pgreco> it was pushed an hour ago!
21:45:13 <tdawson> Ah ... just an hour ago ... gotta filter through the system.
21:45:38 <pgreco> well, all is good then :)
21:46:43 <tdawson> Anything else for open floor?
21:47:55 <tdawson> I don't have anything else either.
21:48:14 <pgreco> nothing here
21:48:27 <tdawson> Thanks for coming.  I'll talk to ya'll next week.
21:48:47 <pgreco> bye, thanks!
21:48:50 <tdawson> #endmeeting