19:00:25 <rbergeron> #startmeeting F16 Alpha Release Readiness Meeting 19:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 11 19:00:25 2011 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:27 <dgilmore> hi rbergeron 19:00:43 <rbergeron> noriko: i may jus try to resubscribe, I may not actually be for some reason, which would be weird 19:00:45 * nirik is around, but in another meeting too. 19:00:47 * rbergeron wonder sif she just is on gmail. 19:00:53 * jsmith is here 19:00:56 <rbergeron> #meetingname F16 Alpha Readiness Meeting 19:00:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f16_alpha_readiness_meeting' 19:01:05 <rbergeron> #topic Who's here? 19:01:07 <noriko> rbergeron, thank you for your time, please do so. 19:01:38 <rbergeron> #info Present: noriko for translation, dgilmore for rel-eng, nirik for infra/fesco, jsmith in all his glory, rbergero as herself 19:01:39 * noriko from Localization 19:01:48 <rbergeron> sorry. localizatoin ;) 19:01:53 <rbergeron> man, i am off today. 19:01:58 <noriko> he 19:02:05 <jsmith> rbergeron: It's catching... 19:02:08 * rbergeron looks around for a few other people 19:02:14 <rbergeron> jsmih: no kidding 19:02:44 <rbergeron> I still need docs, design, ambassadors (i can fill in there), QA, websites. 19:04:37 <tatica> o/ 19:04:44 <rbergeron> #info mizmo here for design, jjmcd for docs. 19:04:57 <jjmcd> I see Sparks here already 19:05:10 <rbergeron> oh, he is in deed. 19:05:14 <rbergeron> not piping up though :) 19:05:29 <jjmcd> oh 19:05:38 <rbergeron> Alrighty, I pinged QA and websites, so we'll see if they roll in. :) 19:06:14 <rbergeron> As you all know, this meeting is to make sure everyone's on track for Alpha release, which is NOT next tuesday, due to slip, but will be on the following tuesday, August 23. 19:06:30 <rbergeron> I'll roll through the groups present - if anyone is blocked on anything, now's the time to discuss with other teams. 19:06:36 <rbergeron> #topic Design 19:06:43 <rbergeron> (I'm going alphabetically) 19:06:49 <rbergeron> mizmo: how goes it? 19:07:10 <mizmo> we're in good shape, we have banners ready for the website and an alpha wallpaper already packaged and ready in alpha 19:07:33 <rbergeron> wahoo :) 19:07:37 <rbergeron> very nice. 19:08:06 <rbergeron> can i assume you guys have been in contact with websites folks and that they know (since nobody is here from that group, though I'll follow up with them in email anyway)? 19:09:09 <mizmo> no, we have a standard place we post the banners 19:09:17 <rbergeron> ah, okay. 19:09:27 <rbergeron> no issues with anything then? 19:09:32 <mizmo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F16_Artwork/Submissions/Banners 19:09:34 <mizmo> nope 19:09:49 <rbergeron> cool. Thanks! :) 19:09:52 <rbergeron> #topic Docs 19:10:09 <jjmcd> Alpha is pretty straightforward for us so no issues 19:10:10 <rbergeron> jjmcd: other than the alpha announcement, anything outstanding? 19:10:13 * rbergeron nods 19:10:24 <jjmcd> I see a lot of folks have contributed to the announcement ;-)) 19:10:26 <rbergeron> yup. 19:10:36 <jjmcd> So for alpha pretty good shape 19:10:50 <jjmcd> There is an alpha RN 19:10:53 <rbergeron> hooray. :) 19:10:54 <jjmcd> single page 19:11:10 <jjmcd> I see rahul shrunk it and pointed to announcement - fine 19:11:15 <jjmcd> no point in duplication 19:11:32 <rbergeron> :) 19:11:44 <jjmcd> Beta is a lot scarier for us 19:11:50 <rbergeron> Yeah. 19:12:20 <rbergeron> Alrighty. Thanks for the update :) 19:12:32 <rbergeron> #topic Infrastructure 19:12:41 <rbergeron> nirik: everything looking good? 19:13:13 * rbergeron is happy to hear if FESCo is fine here as well, and assumes they are. 19:13:18 <nirik> yep. I think we are pretty set. 19:13:29 <rbergeron> okay. 19:13:32 <rbergeron> :) 19:13:33 <nirik> we have our usual release tickets open and being watched. 19:13:46 <rbergeron> #topic Marketing 19:14:06 * rbergeron talks to herself, and determines that things look okay, other than needing talking points, but we'll get there soon enough. 19:14:18 <rbergeron> #topic QA 19:14:28 <rbergeron> do we have anyone from QA-land yet? 19:14:46 <rbergeron> I think they pretty much stated everything yesterday - we still have blockers on the blocker list. 19:15:30 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers 19:15:35 <rbergeron> Does anyone need anything from QA? 19:16:11 <rbergeron> I'll take that as a no. 19:16:14 <rbergeron> #topic Release Engineering 19:16:24 <rbergeron> dgilmore: HAI, how's rel-eng land going? :) 19:16:57 <dgilmore> rbergeron: waiting on fixes for rc4 19:17:26 <rbergeron> okeedokee. 19:18:13 <rbergeron> #topic Localization 19:18:19 <rbergeron> noriko: how are things looking? 19:18:36 <noriko> No issue. 19:18:36 <noriko> After string freeze, teams are translating software packages actively. 19:18:43 <noriko> As transifex moved to tx.net, I like the packgers to make sure that they have updated POT files for translation for this release. 19:18:51 <rbergeron> awesome. :) 19:18:55 <noriko> Due to this slip, some packages may need string freeze break. 19:19:02 <jsmith> Understood 19:19:12 <noriko> Please consult trans list, it is usually accepted. 19:19:25 <rbergeron> Do you guys have that coordinated with the package owners, or do you need help? 19:20:24 <noriko> it all up to packgers for moving. 19:21:04 <noriko> I am sure that dimitris is looking after that side :-) 19:21:09 <rbergeron> okay. 19:21:16 <rbergeron> any other issues? 19:23:47 <rbergeron> I'll take that as a no. :) Thanks! 19:23:59 <rbergeron> #topic Websites 19:24:03 <rbergeron> Anyone here from websites? 19:24:22 <rbergeron> If not, i'll follow up via email. 19:24:29 <nirik> I'm not, but I talked with them a bit ago 19:24:33 <rbergeron> nirik: and? :) 19:24:43 <nirik> they said things were on track and they should have a alpha site ready soon. 19:25:01 <rbergeron> excellent. 19:25:02 <nirik> s/site/branch/ or whatever it is. ;) 19:25:04 <rbergeron> thank you :) 19:25:31 <rbergeron> #topic Any other Business or Issues 19:25:46 <rbergeron> Does anyone have anything not currently addressed that they need help with relating to Alpha? :) 19:26:20 <rbergeron> Well, gosh. Good job, folks - sounds like everyone is very on track for this release :) 19:26:23 * rbergeron salutes you all! 19:26:43 <rbergeron> Well, if there is nothing else, I'll close out in just a minute. 19:27:58 <rbergeron> Thanks, everyone, for coming. :) 19:28:02 <rbergeron> #endmeeting