17:00:19 <tflink> #startmeeting f18beta-blocker-review-8 17:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 14 17:00:19 2012 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:19 <tflink> #meetingname f18beta-blocker-review-8 17:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f18beta-blocker-review-8' 17:00:23 <tflink> #topic Roll Call 17:00:31 <tflink> Who's ready for some blocker review fun time? 17:00:39 * jreznik is here, fun, fun 17:00:46 * nirik is lurking around. 17:01:10 * kparal here 17:02:39 * kparal inviting some people from #anaconda 17:03:36 <tflink> why is it that people start bugging me as soon as the meeting starts 17:04:23 <kparal> murphy's laws 17:04:59 <jreznik> tflink: sorry :D 17:05:13 <tflink> jreznik: it's not just you 17:05:18 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betablocker: [Bug 875474] Regression: no graphical display after plymouth update <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875474> 17:06:56 <tflink> any volunteers for secretary? 17:07:06 <tflink> adam is out for the day 17:07:12 * Martix pokes kparal 17:07:35 <kparal> I will 17:07:42 * kparal kicks Martix 17:07:42 <jreznik> good to hear adam is out at least sometimes! 17:07:43 <tflink> kparal: thanks 17:08:07 <Martix> .fires kparal 17:08:12 <akshayvyas> adam is feeling older now a days :) 17:08:23 <Martix> kparal: this is how it works ^ 17:08:34 <tflink> Martix: you're just dead set on disrupting the meeting, aren't you :-P 17:08:51 <Martix> tflink: sorry :-P 17:08:56 <tflink> anywho, let's get this party started with some boilerplate 17:09:08 <tflink> party hats firmly in place? Good. 17:09:14 <tflink> #topic Introduction 17:09:20 <tflink> Why are we here? 17:09:20 <tflink> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 17:09:29 <tflink> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 17:09:30 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 17:09:37 <tflink> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 17:09:37 <tflink> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 17:09:42 <tflink> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 17:09:43 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Alpha_Release_Criteria 17:09:43 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Beta_Release_Criteria 17:09:43 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Final_Release_Criteria 17:10:29 <tflink> up for review today, we have: 17:10:32 <tflink> #info 6 Proposed Blockers 17:10:32 <tflink> #info 7 Accepted Blockers 17:10:33 <tflink> #info 6 Proposed NTH 17:10:33 <tflink> #info 15 Accepted NTH 17:11:00 <tflink> any objections to starting with the proposed blockers? (not that there ever are) 17:11:12 <akshayvyas> nope 17:11:17 <tflink> #topic (875393) TypeError: _refresh_device_cfg() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given) 17:11:20 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875393 17:11:23 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, VERIFIED 17:11:47 <kparal> it's verified but we still need to vote on it, because it's not stable 17:12:20 <kparal> see comment 28 for tldr summary 17:13:02 <tflink> we already have +1 from the comments 17:13:21 <akshayvyas> yep +1 17:13:27 <kparal> I'm also +1 blocker 17:13:35 * spstarr grins at that bug 17:14:02 <tflink> spstarr: that's dangerous, you don't know if it'll turn around and bite you :-D 17:14:10 <nirik> +1 blocker 17:14:13 <jreznik> +1 blocker 17:14:21 <spstarr> it seems fixed in 20121112_f18b-smoke18/ 17:14:23 <kparal> I would use following criterion: "The installer must boot (if appropriate) and run on all primary architectures, with all system firmware types that are common on those architectures..." 17:14:57 <tflink> proposed #agreed 875393 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F18 alpha release criterion for machines without a working network connection at boot time: "The installer must boot and run on all primary architectures, with all system firmware types that are common on those architectures ..." 17:15:01 <kparal> or just don't use any particular one, just free-text explanation 17:15:10 <kparal> ack 17:15:11 <akshayvyas> ack 17:15:20 <spstarr> 875393 appears fixed in 20121112_f18b-smoke18 17:15:20 <tflink> we don't generally accept blockers w/o criteria violation 17:15:44 <spstarr> at least my use case now shows the network config dialog screen vs crash 17:15:45 <kparal> spstarr: yes it is 17:15:46 <tflink> spstarr: yep, it's VERIFIED just not stable yet - hence the blocker voting 17:15:50 <spstarr> ok 17:16:02 <tflink> any other ack/nak/patch? 17:16:08 <jreznik> ack (can't imagine better text) 17:16:19 <tflink> #agreed 875393 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F18 alpha release criterion for machines without a working network connection at boot time: "The installer must boot and run on all primary architectures, with all system firmware types that are common on those architectures ..." 17:16:28 <tflink> #topic (876180) KeyError: None 17:16:28 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876180 17:16:28 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 17:16:50 <tflink> I love the descriptive titles we've been getting for libreport anaconda bugs in F18 17:17:03 <tflink> because KeyErrors are so hard to hit in python ... 17:17:37 <tflink> we have -1 from the bug comments 17:17:45 * nirik is also -1 blocker, +1 NTH 17:17:54 <Martix> +1 blocker 17:18:03 <tflink> Martix: criterion? 17:18:16 <tflink> assuming that I understand the bug, I'm also -1/+1 17:18:22 <Martix> tflink: installer should not crash? 17:18:44 <kparal> Martix: so what exactly do you need to do? is that custom partitioning only? 17:18:52 <tflink> Martix: sure, but this is beta - we can't block on every single potential installer crash 17:19:14 <jreznik> seems like not very common use case, -1/+1 17:19:14 <Martix> kparal: I need go to custom partition just to remove existing partitions 17:19:28 <Martix> kparal: I dont see another way 17:19:34 <jreznik> Martix: so it's not as described in comment #15? 17:20:06 <tflink> I can see how comment#15 could describe removing partitions 17:20:11 <jreznik> could you please provide more details/steps to reproduce? 17:20:26 <Martix> jreznik: AFAIK #15 comment is right 17:20:34 <akshayvyas> can we just make it need info 17:20:57 <tflink> we can, yes 17:21:04 <Martix> jreznik: I was poking around adv. partition and trying to find how to remove LUKS 17:21:19 <Martix> akshayvyas: I'm reporter :-P 17:21:24 <akshayvyas> how it is reproduced 17:21:33 <akshayvyas> steps to reprodus ?? 17:21:56 <Martix> akshayvyas: not sure, second time I booted to Anaconda and tried to remove LUKS, it worked 17:22:21 <tflink> then lets reject as blocker - if it becomes more serious after more testing, repropose 17:22:28 <Martix> akshayvyas: as I said AFAIR, reproducer in comment #15 is right 17:22:30 <jreznik> Martix: well in this case you're unable to reproduce it, I'm more -1 blocker 17:22:59 <akshayvyas> Martix: ok i will go with you but still +1 nth 17:23:11 <Martix> jreznik: I think David Lehman have reproducer 17:23:19 <akshayvyas> as tflink said there is a workaround 17:23:29 <tflink> I said that? 17:23:29 <Martix> akshayvyas: fair enough 17:23:31 <akshayvyas> so i am +1 nth 17:23:39 <Martix> ok +1 NTH 17:23:44 <akshayvyas> someone siad not sure 17:23:48 <tflink> -1 on NTH voting 17:23:58 <kparal> -1 blocker +1 nth, please repropose if you find out it is very easy to hit/reproduce 17:24:26 * tflink seems to be outvoted, though 17:24:33 <kparal> tflink: why -1 nth? it's still crashing the manual partitioning, I would rather take that 17:24:46 <tflink> in a way that doesn't always seem reproducable 17:25:02 <kparal> dlehman's description seems to be reproducible 17:25:20 <kparal> dlehman: around? is 876180 easily reproducible? 17:25:43 <dlehman> it's not quite as trivial as I initially thought, but it is reliably reproducible 17:26:01 <kparal> dlehman: what do you think about blocker/nth status? serious enough? 17:26:18 <kparal> can the fix break a lot of other things? 17:26:27 <dlehman> certainly nth 17:26:32 <dlehman> weak -1 on blocker 17:26:34 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876180 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedNTH - This doesn't clearly hit any release criteria for F18 beta but fixing installer crashes is preferred - a tested fix would be considered past freeze 17:26:40 <Martix> ack 17:26:42 <akshayvyas> ack 17:26:44 <kparal> ack 17:26:44 <dlehman> the fix is pretty safe 17:26:55 <tflink> #agreed 876180 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedNTH - This doesn't clearly hit any release criteria for F18 beta but fixing installer crashes is preferred - a tested fix would be considered past freeze 17:27:04 <tflink> #topic (876366) New kernel copies its args from the Upgrade System entry 17:27:04 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876366 17:27:04 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, fedup-dracut, NEW 17:27:19 <tflink> this is a fun one 17:27:34 <tflink> it's not reproducable every time for me but I'm +1 blocker on it 17:27:49 <tflink> it leads to a system that doesn't appear to boot post upgrade 17:27:52 <nirik> tflink: to be clear, fedup-dracut is the part thats in f18? ie, the f18 version needs fixed right? 17:28:00 <tflink> nirik: correct 17:28:08 <nirik> just making sure. ;) 17:28:18 <nirik> +1 blocker 17:28:28 <tflink> I was digging into this earlier this morning and I'm not sure the bug is entirely in fedup-dracut 17:28:46 <tflink> grub.cfg is fine going into the upgrade and fedup-dracut doesn't directly call grubby 17:29:03 <tflink> it is called as /sbin/new-kernel-pkg in kernel %%post 17:29:11 <jreznik> wwoods: are you around? ^^^ 17:29:43 <kparal> I think this is a clear blocker 17:29:52 <tflink> jreznik: he's aware of the bug - I'm not sure farther discussion is going to help at the moment 17:30:10 * nirik nods. 17:30:11 <kparal> since jskladan hit it on first attempt, it is very likely to be broken for most people, if not all 17:30:14 <jreznik> tflink: ok 17:30:22 <tflink> oh, I hit it every single time on a minimal upgrade 17:30:35 <tflink> for some reason, I don't hit it on a graphical upgrade, though 17:30:49 <kparal> I believe he tried GNOME upgrade, not sure though 17:30:51 <jreznik> tflink: so it could be related? missing something in minimal install? 17:30:53 <tflink> not sure what exactly triggers it 17:30:54 <zodbot> Ticket notification - f18betanicetohave: [Bug 876180] KeyError: None <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876180> 17:31:46 <kparal> let's #propose 17:33:28 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876366 - AcceptedBlocker - This is relatively common and not difficult to reproduce - violates the following F18 beta release criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed, using any officially recommended upgrade mechanisms. The upgraded system must meet all release criteria." 17:34:07 <kparal> ack 17:34:08 <jreznik_> ack 17:34:18 <nirik> ack 17:34:24 <tflink> #agreed 876366 - AcceptedBlocker - This is relatively common and not difficult to reproduce - violates the following F18 beta release criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed, using any officially recommended upgrade mechanisms. The upgraded system must meet all release criteria." 17:34:32 <tflink> #topic (876319) Unable to use analog speakers with Asus Xonar DX 17:34:32 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876319 17:34:32 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, kernel, NEW 17:34:47 * tflink dreams of the day when people actually include criteria with blocker proposals :) 17:34:53 <tflink> -1 blocker 17:35:03 <jreznik_> -1 blocker 17:35:14 <akshayvyas> -1 blocker 17:35:18 <nirik> -1/-1 17:35:29 <kparal> -1 blocker, -1 nth, can be fixed by update 17:35:48 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876319 - RejectedBlocker - This doesn't violate any of the F18 beta release criterion and could be fixed by an update. 17:35:53 <akshayvyas> ack 17:35:53 <jreznik_> ack 17:36:38 <tflink> ack/nak/patch? 17:36:41 <kparal> should we reject as NTH as well? 17:36:50 <kparal> I know it's not proposed 17:36:58 <jreznik_> kparal: yep 17:37:02 <tflink> we could, I don't care much either way 17:37:12 <tflink> #agreed 876319 - RejectedBlocker, RejectedNTH - This doesn't violate any of the F18 beta release criterion and could be fixed by an update. 17:37:19 <tflink> whoops, forgot the proposed 17:37:26 <tflink> any objections? I can #undo 17:37:29 <jreznik_> tflink: I think it's ok 17:37:29 <kparal> let's agree on that afterwards :) 17:37:30 <kparal> ack 17:38:21 <nirik> ack 17:38:36 <tflink> #topic (876655) Lorax does not support building initramfs for fedup 17:38:36 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876655 17:38:36 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, lorax, NEW 17:39:03 <tflink> The problem here is that releng can't build the initramfs needed for upgrade until the code is in lorax 17:39:24 <wwoods> hi, I'm back 17:39:42 <tflink> to the best of my knowledge, the patches have been proposed but haven't been pulled to git or included in any official builds yet 17:39:44 <jreznik_> wwoods: hi :) 17:39:55 <tflink> +1 blocker 17:40:06 <nirik> sure, +1 17:40:07 <kparal> +1 blocker 17:40:09 <nirik> hi wwoods 17:40:09 <wwoods> so the 'new kernel gets copy of System Upgrade grubby config' - yeah, that's pretty easily fixable. we need to remove that boot entry anyway; just need to do it before the upgrade gets to the kernel package 17:40:24 <wwoods> was already working on code for that 17:40:27 <nirik> cool. 17:40:37 <jreznik_> +1 blocker 17:40:56 <wwoods> as for lorax: I sent the patches to dgilmore, as he requested 17:41:02 <jreznik_> wwoods: great, when do you expect the code to be packagable? 17:41:14 <wwoods> they're also public at https://github.com/wgwoods/lorax 17:41:16 <jreznik_> wwoods: I'll ping dgilmore or mgracik tmrw 17:41:22 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876655 - AcceptedBlocker - This prevents fedup from doing network upgrades and violates the following F18 beta release criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed, using any officially recommended upgrade mechanisms. The upgraded system must meet all release criteria." 17:41:28 <jreznik_> dgilmore: around? ^^^ 17:41:40 <tflink> wwoods: I think the dgilmore was making some changes but I'm not 100% sure 17:41:45 * nirik very much doubts it. It's the middle of the night there. 17:41:52 <kparal> ack 17:41:58 <tflink> something about media based upgrades 17:42:08 <wwoods> I thought dgilmore was in the US? back in au then? 17:42:14 <jreznik_> nirik: ah, you're right :) 17:42:20 <nirik> he's in au currently. 17:42:20 <jreznik_> wwoods: he's in AU now 17:42:34 <tflink> he was back in the US for a while but I think he went back to AU a week or two ago 17:42:47 <wwoods> heh. someday I will surprise you all by being in a completely different timezone than you expect 17:42:58 <jreznik_> tflink: au, us, eu, us, au :) 17:43:01 <wwoods> "oh, didn't I tell anyone that I moved to Dublin?" 17:43:17 * tflink prepares GPS tracking dart for wwoods 17:43:29 <tflink> anyhow, more ack/nak/patch? 17:43:44 <wwoods> anyway I've tested the lorax patch in a VM and 'fedup-cli --device' Does The Right Thing and the upgrade worked (delta other bugs, of course) 17:43:56 <jreznik_> ack 17:44:18 <tflink> I've also tested the initrd generated by lorax and it works as well as one would expect the current packaged fedup-dracut to work 17:44:38 <tflink> #agreed 876655 - AcceptedBlocker - This prevents fedup from doing network upgrades and violates the following F18 beta release criterion: "... it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed, using any officially recommended upgrade mechanisms. The upgraded system must meet all release criteria." 17:44:46 <wwoods> tflink: so you said elsewhere "We're" 17:44:46 <wwoods> > still 17:44:49 <wwoods> > missing changes in git for the log issue" 17:44:55 <wwoods> ngh, evo 17:45:09 <tflink> wwoods: yeah, did you want the patch for the sync hack? 17:45:19 <tflink> unless I just missed the change 17:45:27 <wwoods> do you mean "the package is missing patches that are in git" or "git is missing some patches that I'm using" 17:45:38 <tflink> git is missing some patches that I'm using 17:45:54 <wwoods> and by "log issue" do you mean "output doesn't go to journal" or "journal doesn't get saved" 17:46:05 <tflink> journal and upgrade.log are empty after reboot 17:46:10 <wwoods> ah 17:46:29 <wwoods> sure - send me the patch for the sync hack 17:46:41 <tflink> will do, there is a change to the initrd to include sync; as well 17:46:46 <wwoods> I will put my name on it and a comment explaining my deep shame and regret 17:46:52 <tflink> instead of running $NEWROOT/usr/bin/sync 17:47:17 <wwoods> 'echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger' should be equivalent 17:47:49 <tflink> that suggested fix led to crashing, a hung upgrade and a non-functional system after upgrade, though 17:47:56 <tflink> the entire thing, anyways 17:48:04 <tflink> but we're getting pretty far off track for the blocker review 17:48:21 <tflink> #topic (875474) Regression: no graphical display after plymouth update 17:48:21 <wwoods> tflink: no, that was doing 's', then 'u', then 'b' 17:48:21 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875474 17:48:21 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, plymouth, NEW 17:48:41 <tflink> wwoods: I can try it with just 's' 17:48:47 <wwoods> anyway. send me what you have and I'll have something committed and a new package.. probably later today? 17:48:55 <wwoods> tflink: that'd be very helpful 17:49:08 <tflink> good point, it was the forcing unmount and reboot that seemed to cause the issue 17:49:45 <jreznik_> I see halfline commented the bug report 17:50:42 <wwoods> tflink: do 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq' first, just to be sure 17:51:19 <wwoods> anyway. 17:51:20 <tflink> wwoods: ok, will do. should be able to test that pretty quick 17:51:22 <kparal> I think we need more info first. because I don't see the problem, so it's not completely generic. and we need to know whether rebuilding initrd fixes the problem 17:51:22 * wwoods steps aside 17:52:00 <tflink> kparal: plymouth upgrade doesn't trigger initramfs regeneration 17:52:23 <kparal> tflink: yeah, I know 17:52:28 <tflink> wait, I might be confused here 17:52:42 <kparal> so that might be the reason why I didn't see it 17:52:48 <kparal> or the reason why they still see it 17:52:53 <kparal> it depends when you update your kernel 17:53:16 * kparal firing up his VM 17:53:47 <tflink> on a side note, I was able to do an upgrade with plymouth- in the upgrade initramfs 17:54:35 * kparal rebuilding initrd 17:55:21 <kparal> works for me 17:55:37 <tflink> I can see how this would cause problems until initramfs is rebuilt, though 17:55:44 <tflink> assuming that I understand all this :) 17:55:44 <kparal> sure 17:56:05 <kparal> but that can't be fixed if you don't want to rebuild it after every plymouth update 17:56:13 <kparal> there are probably some reasons why we don't do that 17:56:26 * jreznik_ is completely lost now... 17:56:44 <tflink> plymouth changes like this are rather rare, I think 17:56:54 <kparal> I say we punt and ask whether dracut -f helps 17:57:03 <jreznik_> kparal: +1 17:57:06 <tflink> I assume that there is a problem when using the old plymouth in the initramfs with a newer installed plymouth 17:57:18 <tflink> either punt or reject 17:58:09 * kparal votes for punt 17:58:09 <tflink> proposed #agreed 875474 - We need more information on whether or not rebuilding the initramfs fixes the issue described here before deciding on blocker status 17:58:20 <tflink> I think this is already in stable as of last night, though 17:58:36 <kparal> it is stable, and the bug report complains about that particular build 17:58:49 <kparal> the build was intended to fix exactly this 17:59:00 <kparal> halfline: welcome 17:59:04 <halfline> hello 17:59:13 <kparal> halfline: can you shed a bit of light on 875474? 17:59:30 <halfline> nope 17:59:34 <kparal> I just proposed punt and ask whether dracut -f helps 17:59:47 <halfline> i think that's a good idea 17:59:56 <halfline> there was a problem 18:00:04 <kparal> halfline: do people generally have to wait for kernel update to have initrd rebuilt, when there is a plymouth problem like that? 18:00:04 <halfline> but it's supposed to be fixed in -3 18:00:14 <halfline> so there's really only two possibilities i guess 18:00:16 <halfline> 1) didn't get fixed 18:00:21 <halfline> 2) he doesn't have -3 in his initrd 18:00:28 <halfline> kparal: yea 18:00:45 <halfline> which is suboptimal but hard to fix 18:01:42 * kparal says punt 18:01:50 <tflink> ack/nak/patch? 18:01:56 <kparal> jreznik__: you're cloning 18:02:07 <tflink> we have 3 now :-D 18:02:08 <jreznik__> kparal: wifi vs docking station :((( 18:02:09 <kparal> tflink: sorry, overlooked #propose 18:02:19 <kparal> ack 18:02:22 <tflink> proposed #agreed 875474 - We need more information on whether or not rebuilding the initramfs fixes the issue described here before deciding on blocker status 18:02:31 <tflink> didn't change anything, just restated it 18:02:42 <kparal> ack 18:03:20 <akshayvyas> ack 18:03:22 <jreznik> well, if it's the same proposal, ack 18:03:30 <tflink> #agreed 875474 - We need more information on whether or not rebuilding the initramfs fixes the issue described here before deciding on blocker status 18:03:47 <tflink> #topic (873576) mdmonitor-takeover.service not started on boot because lorax disables it, results in parted hanging trying to inspect newly-created Intel fwraid RAID-1 array 18:03:50 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873576 18:03:53 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, lorax, NEW 18:04:13 <tflink> damnation, I copied the wrong bug 18:04:16 <tflink> #undo 18:04:16 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x2f33b650> 18:04:18 <tflink> #undo 18:04:18 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x4ad63090> 18:04:20 <tflink> #undo 18:04:20 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x30305850> 18:04:34 <tflink> OK, that's all of the proposed blockers 18:04:51 * tflink might get pulled into the fesco meeting in a bit 18:04:52 <kparal> wohooo 18:05:20 <tflink> #chair kparal 18:05:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: kparal tflink 18:05:41 <kparal> should we end the meeting then? 18:05:42 <kparal> pause? 18:05:49 <kparal> or going on? 18:05:55 <tflink> we still have proposed NTH etc. 18:06:21 <kparal> let's do it 18:06:38 <tflink> and I don't know if they're even going to discuss fedup/freeze for long if at all 18:07:01 * tflink skipps 875393 since it was accepted as blocker 18:07:05 <tflink> #topic (874265) Installation Options screen is too wide for 1024x768 display in German 18:07:08 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=874265 18:07:10 <tflink> #info Proposed NTH, anaconda, VERIFIED 18:07:47 <kparal> I'm +1 NTH here 18:07:52 <kparal> just translation change 18:08:05 <kparal> and it's verified already 18:08:38 <tflink> +1 NTH 18:09:26 * kparal pokes around 18:09:29 <tflink> proposed #agreed 874265 - AcceptedNTH - This is a minor translation and display issue and leads to better usability - a tested fix would be considered past freeze 18:09:33 <kparal> ack 18:10:33 <kparal> we seem to be missing some voting manpower 18:10:36 <tflink> yep 18:10:40 <jreznik> germans should by better LCDs as it's hard to fit it to the screen (always) 18:10:52 <jreznik> seems like easy translation fix, ack 18:10:54 <tflink> and stop using VMs? 18:11:03 <kparal> jreznik: that's an engineering solution, I like it! 18:11:04 <tflink> #agreed 874265 - AcceptedNTH - This is a minor translation and display issue and leads to better usability - a tested fix would be considered past freeze 18:11:19 <tflink> #topic (874753) Can't change keyboard layout in GDM by default 18:11:19 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=874753 18:11:19 <tflink> #info Proposed NTH, control-center, NEW 18:12:33 <tflink> yay! The every-release-nonUS-keyboard-breaks-password kind of bug! 18:12:57 <kparal> btw, are we frozen yet? 18:13:00 <tflink> yeah 18:13:01 <jreznik> kparal: yep 18:13:17 <kparal> jreznik: was there an announcement? 18:13:22 <kparal> anyway, thanks 18:13:24 <jreznik> kparal: yes 18:13:38 * nirik made a devel-announce one 18:13:43 <jreznik> kparal: on devel-announce 18:13:51 <kparal> ah 18:13:55 <kparal> don't read that every day 18:13:56 <jreznik> nirik: I was surprised you freeze before fesco meeting but :) 18:14:24 * tflink still doesn't understand why we unfroze 18:14:25 <nirik> jreznik: the ticket was supposed to be if there were serious objections... I didn't see any in there. 18:14:29 <tflink> for a week 18:14:44 <kparal> this is funny: When you add new keyboard layout, change password using this layout and then remove this layout. You're stuck at Lock Screen 18:15:04 <kparal> however, it's a bit silly workflow 18:15:09 <tflink> that sounds a lot like self-inflicted pain 18:16:17 <kparal> I wouldn't like to have this as NTH. can be always updated. there is another problem with gdm and anaconda (anaconda not setting the layout used for installation), and that should be fixed, but not this one 18:16:34 <tflink> yeah, I'm thinking -1 NTH as well 18:16:56 <kparal> but maybe the bug I'm talking about is already fixed, I didn't have time to test it 18:17:01 <kparal> this one -1 nth 18:17:14 <tflink> wait, where do they talk about removing the layout? 18:17:46 <kparal> the lock screen case 18:17:55 <kparal> the gdm case is the original description 18:18:43 <tflink> does this affect installation? 18:19:00 <tflink> ie, if you install and set root password with a non-US keyboard layout, can you login from GDM? 18:19:00 <kparal> this bug, as it is written, doesn't indicate it 18:19:17 <kparal> tflink: I'll probably try that now, but that would be a different bug 18:19:32 <tflink> it would? 18:19:40 <tflink> not sure I follow 18:19:59 <tflink> the bug here is that adding keyboard layouts to gdm is non-obvious at best, right? 18:20:21 <kparal> yes. but I hope anaconda sets the default correctly 18:20:26 <kparal> so this bug report would apply just for new layouts 18:20:47 <tflink> point 18:21:34 <tflink> proposed #agreed 874753 - RejectedNTH - This could be fixed by an update and has a workaround if someone really wants to add a layout post-install for user creation. 18:21:46 <tflink> ack/nak/patch? 18:21:49 <Viking-Ice> you guys held blocker bug meeting with only what two three people adamw cancelled last one when it was so few... 18:22:14 <kparal> Viking-Ice: welcome. wanna help us? 18:22:15 * nirik notes he had to go to the fesco meeting, but was around eariler, as were a number of others. 18:22:34 <kparal> ack 18:22:52 <tflink> Viking-Ice: we had more people earlier 18:24:04 <Viking-Ice> kparal, Nope I'm gonna clock out I've been busy at work dealing with sweden 18:24:12 <Viking-Ice> tflink, you mean one more ;) 18:24:32 <Viking-Ice> (n)ack your self's out I'm off 18:25:03 <kparal> it is true that if no else appears, we could end the meeting and continue tomorrow or some other time. but we don't know there would be more people then 18:25:06 <tflink> someday, he's not going to be critical and argumentative ... when that day comes, I'm going to fall over from shock 18:25:28 * akshayvyas is back 18:25:44 <kparal> people don't change _that much_ 18:26:05 <tflink> I didn't say permanently, just one time would be enough to cause that kind of shock 18:26:06 <kparal> akshayvyas: talking about 874753 18:26:24 <kparal> Martix: still around? 18:26:35 * akshayvyas is lookking at it 18:27:32 <Martix> kparal: yep 18:27:43 <kparal> Martix: talking about your bug 18:27:47 <Martix> Nice-to-have 18:28:01 <tflink> why? it can be fixed with an update 18:28:08 <kparal> Martix: our current status is "can be fixed by update and it is not very frequent scenario" 18:28:19 <kparal> gdm is a critical part of the system 18:28:58 <Martix> tflink: you can hit this bug before you update, we need to test it with firstsetup 18:29:23 <Martix> tflink: using non en_US keymap in firstsetup for inputing password 18:29:49 <tflink> you can hit lots of bugs before you update 18:30:13 <tflink> installing beta and not updating immediately is tempting fate, in general 18:30:23 <akshayvyas> Matrix: is it 100% reproduceable 18:30:24 <Martix> I have no idea if Anaconda or firstsetup set system keyboard correctly 18:30:32 <tflink> you can log in with the original user, no? 18:30:33 <Martix> akshayvyas: yes 18:30:48 <tflink> can you login on a VT? 18:31:15 <tflink> single mode? 18:32:10 * kparal is trying czech installation and broke anaconda in the process. sigh 18:32:50 <akshayvyas> i am +1 here 18:33:10 <tflink> so we're +1/-2 ? 18:33:31 <tflink> well, +2/-2 with Martix's implied +1 18:33:38 <tflink> so much for acking the proposal 18:33:48 <kparal> :) 18:33:51 <Martix> tflink: right :-D 18:34:18 <kparal> Martix: not funnny 18:34:23 <akshayvyas> #3 of Martix convinced me 18:34:34 <Martix> akshayvyas: great :-) 18:34:48 <kparal> it's Beta, people 18:34:53 <Martix> kparal: this wasn't my intention ;-) 18:35:06 <kparal> this is a very rare use case 18:35:07 <tflink> so we're deadlocked 18:35:19 <kparal> yes, punt and leave for next meeting 18:35:21 <tflink> unless we want to waste more time on this 18:35:47 <kparal> no 18:35:52 <tflink> #info we were unable to come to a conclusion on this bug - stuck at +2/-2 NTH. Will revisit when more people are present 18:36:01 <tflink> #topic (874761) "Log Out" and "Switch User" unavailable after creating second user account in "User Accounts" 18:36:04 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=874761 18:36:07 <tflink> #info Proposed NTH, gnome-shell, NEW 18:36:45 <tflink> I think I'm also -1 NTH on this 18:36:57 <tflink> it shouldn't affect many live use cases and could be fixed by an update 18:37:42 <kparal> Martix: I don't understand the workaround 18:38:17 <tflink> I imagine it has something to do with forcing a refresh of user info in shell? 18:38:18 <kparal> and I also don't understand what 'stuck on' means in comment 1 18:38:29 <tflink> I wonder if a reboot would fix it, too 18:38:30 <kparal> does it mean available or missing? 18:38:44 <akshayvyas> i am -1 blocker 18:38:52 <kparal> Martix: have you tried rebooting? 18:39:00 <kparal> akshayvyas: it's proposed as nth 18:39:07 <Martix> kparal: no 18:39:27 <akshayvyas> oh sorry 18:39:30 <tflink> kparal: I think it refers to the ability to log out of a single user system 18:39:33 <akshayvyas> i am -1 NTH 18:39:46 <tflink> and how there is no situation where a single user would want to log out of a system 18:40:05 <Martix> kparal: workaround is simple: open User Accounts again, unlock and lock it 18:40:15 <tflink> so 'stuck on' means that the menu item stays available even when the second user is removed 18:40:28 <Martix> tflink: it doesn't work even when you create second user 18:40:40 <tflink> Martix: I was referring to mclasen's comment 18:40:48 <kparal> I find it ironic that when I argues sometimes it is necessary to log out even on a single user system because of broken applications, gnome developers told me "they should not be broken". now it's gnome shell that's broken 18:40:49 <tflink> which seems to be related but not quite teh same 18:41:08 <kparal> *argued 18:41:41 <tflink> yes, nothing is _EVER_ broken in a system 18:41:44 <kparal> I just wonder 18:41:46 <kparal> " All release-blocking desktops' offered mechanisms (if any) for shutting down, logging out and rebooting must work " 18:42:04 <tflink> it isn't offered, though 18:42:14 <kparal> that's nitpicking, really 18:42:25 <tflink> for this issue, yes it is :) 18:43:05 <kparal> but the fix can cause regressions 18:43:14 <kparal> let's commonbugs it 18:43:17 <tflink> any other votes? 18:43:17 <kparal> -1 nth 18:43:28 <tflink> why commonbugs? 18:43:54 <kparal> so it's just in the release notes 18:44:04 <kparal> it can be quite a visible bug on multiuser system 18:44:12 <tflink> proposed #agreed 874761 - RejectedNTH - This doesn't hit any common use cases for live images, has a relatively simple workaround and could be fixed with an update - rejected as NTH for F18 beta. 18:44:13 <kparal> not that Beta would be used much for multiple users, I guess 18:44:28 <Martix> +1 NTH Final? 18:44:44 <tflink> I'd still be -1 NTH at final 18:44:53 <kparal> Martix: we can certainly propose it right away, but let's skip the discussion now 18:44:55 * jreznik has to go to make Board call today :( 18:44:56 <kparal> too few people here 18:45:08 <kparal> ack 18:45:10 <akshayvyas> i am -1 NTH 18:45:15 <akshayvyas> ack 18:45:19 <kparal> personally I'd be +1 nth for final 18:45:24 <jreznik> ack (last one ;-) 18:45:26 <tflink> #agreed 874761 - RejectedNTH - This doesn't hit any common use cases for live images, has a relatively simple workaround and could be fixed with an update - rejected as NTH for F18 beta. 18:46:01 <tflink> do we have enough people to continue? 18:46:17 <akshayvyas> lets count :) 18:46:39 <jreznik> tflink: how many bugs do we still have? 18:46:50 <tflink> 2 proposed NTH 18:47:00 * jreznik would like to avoid sitting in the office by 11 pm :( 18:47:06 <kparal> let's leave it to the next meeting 18:47:07 * nirik is back 18:47:18 <jreznik> tflink: go on, I'll survive it if it's going to be fast enough :) 18:47:20 <tflink> 7 accepted blockers - but those don't need as much voting 18:47:31 <tflink> #topic (876258) mate files in updates-testing need to be NTH - MATE install does not work in DVD 18:47:34 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=876258 18:47:37 <tflink> #info Proposed NTH, mate-desktop, NEW 18:47:52 <tflink> +1 NTH - non-blocking DE 18:48:21 * nirik is unclear here... 18:48:24 <jreznik> tflink: I don't understand - do we have mate on dvd officially? 18:48:25 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876258 - AcceptedNTH - This prevents the install of MATE (non-blocking DE) from the DVD. 18:48:35 <rdieter> i think i just saw a commit come through from notting, essentially excluding mate from the DVD for space reasons, so the point may be moot at this point 18:48:35 <nirik> mate is not on the dvd. 18:48:35 <tflink> I think it's available as a DE in anaconda 18:48:41 <nirik> you would need to enable network repos. 18:48:47 <nirik> thats a mistake in tc8. 18:48:54 <tflink> ah, nvm then 18:49:05 <kparal> skip now? 18:49:06 <nirik> mate-polkit was pulled in because pungi pulls in everything. 18:49:22 <jreznik> and then mate-desktop was pulled in to tc7 18:49:42 <nirik> anaconda shows a group (or at least used to) if _ANY_ packages in that group are on the media. 18:50:00 <nirik> so, I think this is moot... you just need to enable network and it should work. 18:50:13 <tflink> proposed #agreed 876258 - RejectedNTH - MATE is not on the DVD and fixed packages are available in network repos. 18:50:25 <nirik> ack 18:51:06 <kparal> so it will be no longer displayed on DVD? 18:51:16 <tflink> sounds like that, yes 18:51:17 <nirik> unless you enable network repos. 18:51:27 <kparal> ok, ack then 18:51:31 <akshayvyas> ack 18:51:39 <tflink> #agreed 876258 - RejectedNTH - MATE is not on the DVD and fixed packages are available in network repos. 18:51:46 <tflink> #topic (847479) Kernel 3.5.0-2 and 3.5.1-1 nouveau driver causes Xorg to abrt after resume from RAM 18:51:49 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=847479 18:51:52 <tflink> #info Proposed NTH, xorg-x11-drv-nouveau, NEW 18:52:35 <tflink> Martix: does this affect F18? 18:52:52 * nirik is +1 NTH as long as it affects a variety of hardware. 18:53:19 <kparal> I have the latest kernel on my nouveau laptop and suspend works fine 18:53:24 * nirik reads more. 18:53:24 * tflink is -1 NTH unless there's something Im missing something here 18:53:44 <nirik> I don't see any f18 reports in there? 18:53:55 <tflink> I have a hard time seeing many people suspending while running a livecd 18:54:02 <kparal> this is reported against f17 18:54:13 * nirik changes to -1 18:54:14 <tflink> especially since on a beta livecd 18:54:29 <akshayvyas> -1 nth 18:54:32 <kparal> Martix: why is this proposed against F18, when it's F17 bug? 18:55:25 <tflink> proposed #agreed 847479 - RejectedNTH - It isn't clear that this affects F18, is unlikely to affect live images and could be fixed with an update 18:55:33 <jreznik> ack 18:55:35 <akshayvyas> ack 18:55:38 <nirik> ack 18:55:44 <tflink> #agreed 847479 - RejectedNTH - It isn't clear that this affects F18, is unlikely to affect live images and could be fixed with an update 18:55:46 <kparal> I would just remove the flag and say this has been proposed by mistake 18:56:13 <Martix> kparal: I have no idea, maybe its duplicate? 18:56:21 <kparal> Martix: you proposed it 18:56:29 <kparal> Martix: with no explanation whatsoever 18:56:37 <tflink> again :) 18:57:02 <tflink> proposed it as a blocker, removed blocker proposal and proposed NTH 18:57:50 <tflink> with no explanation for any of it that I'm seeing 18:57:58 * tflink doesn't think NTH proposal was a mistake 18:58:00 <kparal> Martix: nine-o-cat on you 18:58:17 <Martix> kparal: it was reported during X test week 18:58:21 <kparal> I don't really see how this affects F18 18:58:28 <jreznik> Martix: f18? 18:58:30 <akshayvyas> lets move on.. 18:58:42 <tflink> OK, we're done with the proposed NTH 18:58:56 <tflink> time for some accepted blockers 18:59:08 <tflink> #topic (873762) [zh_CN] [zh_TW] installer hangs in Installation Summary when keyboard spoke clicked 18:59:10 <Martix> jreznik: yes, I found it in adamw report from this test week 18:59:11 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873762 18:59:13 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ON_QA 18:59:58 <kparal> this is waiting for a new compose 19:00:04 <kparal> we need livecds 19:00:11 <Martix> jreznik: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test-announce/2012-October/000527.html look for 847479 19:00:13 <kparal> I didn't see the problem on netinst 19:00:21 <kparal> but I saw a problem on TC8 livecd 19:00:28 <kparal> so waiting for TC9 livecd 19:01:04 <tflink> #info fix is available, waiting for new livecds for testing 19:01:14 <tflink> #info should be testable in the next TC/RC 19:01:21 <Martix> kparal: latest unofficial compose is uploading for KDE 4.9 Test Day, if you want to try, I have it already on my scratch space 19:01:30 <kparal> tflink: should I secretarialize (ignore spelling problems) also for these accepted bugs? 19:01:36 <tflink> #info problem doesn't manifest on livecds 19:01:51 <kparal> tflink: #undo, it does 19:02:09 <tflink> kparal: depends on the bug. usually only when we want to poke for more testing or status update 19:02:14 <tflink> #undo 19:02:14 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x47d09a50> 19:02:22 <kparal> tflink: ok 19:02:30 <tflink> #info seems to be fixed on netinstall but needs testing on livecds 19:02:33 <tflink> kparal: is that better? 19:02:37 <kparal> tflink: yes 19:02:45 <tflink> k, anything else on this bug? 19:02:49 <kparal> nope 19:03:00 <tflink> #topic (875364) Both 18 Beta TC8 install DVDs are > 4.7 GB 19:03:00 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875364 19:03:00 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, distribution, NEW 19:03:16 <tflink> this might be fixed 19:03:22 <tflink> I was asked to do a new smoke build to test 19:03:30 <tflink> right as the meeting started, so I haven't gotten to it yet 19:03:43 <tflink> #info some movement on this, may be fixed 19:03:54 <jreznik> kernel-debug and mate* blocked 19:03:59 <tflink> #info new smoke DVD or TC/RC needed to test 19:04:09 <jreznik> 875380 should fix it but nobody is sure right now 19:04:21 <tflink> I should try a DVD with the lorax that includes upgrade.img 19:04:37 <tflink> I suspect that's going to add ~ 20M to the DVD but I'm not sure 19:04:38 <jreznik> otherwise jnovy has a few ideas how to solve it if this won't be enough 19:04:57 <jreznik> tflink: kernel-debug means approx 27M less 19:05:07 <tflink> we'll see what happens 19:05:35 <jreznik> tflink: yep, please let the comment in the bug once you have smoke 19:05:36 <tflink> either way, nothing we really need to do here - there seems to be progress 19:05:42 <tflink> jreznik: will do 19:05:57 <tflink> anything else? 19:06:05 <jreznik> move on 19:06:10 <tflink> yessir 19:06:13 <tflink> #topic (872047) fedup-dracut builds do not exist in F18 19:06:13 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=872047 19:06:13 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, fedup-dracut, ON_QA 19:06:25 <tflink> this is being worked on indirectly 19:06:43 <tflink> the current build in updates-testing needs stuff in order to solve other blocker issues 19:06:53 * nirik nods 19:07:01 <tflink> I need to test another patch for will after the meeting but we should have a new build later today 19:07:18 <jreznik> great, thanks tflink 19:07:55 <tflink> #info this is being worked on indirectly, waiting for another build before asking for karma to push fedup-dracut to stable 19:08:13 <tflink> #info should have a new build in the next day or so that can be pushed to stablre 19:08:16 <tflink> #undo 19:08:16 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x56ce3b50> 19:08:18 <tflink> #info should have a new build in the next day or so that can be pushed to stable 19:08:22 <tflink> typo 19:08:28 <tflink> #topic (873459) Upgraded system does not reboot if a kernel upgrade is part of the upgrade 19:08:31 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873459 19:08:34 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, fedup-dracut, ASSIGNED 19:08:45 <tflink> #info This is being worked on, most of the fixes for this are in upstream git 19:08:56 <tflink> #info waiting on one last patch before new packages are built 19:09:04 <tflink> #info should see new packages in the next day or so 19:09:26 <tflink> anything else? 19:09:30 * tflink assumes not 19:09:32 <jreznik> no 19:09:36 <tflink> #topic (873576) mdmonitor-takeover.service not started on boot because lorax disables it, results in parted hanging trying to inspect newly-created Intel fwraid RAID-1 array 19:09:39 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=873576 19:09:41 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, lorax, NEW 19:10:31 <tflink> my understnading of this is that lorax failed to remove the service for F17, and everything worked 19:10:42 <tflink> now the service is being removed and no longer works 19:10:45 <tflink> anyhow ... 19:10:54 <tflink> #info this bug is now mostly triaged 19:10:56 <jreznik> something like that 19:11:01 <tflink> #info test boot.iso is available for testing 19:11:11 <jreznik> now we need someone with hw to test it 19:11:42 <jreznik> mdmon has to be runned somehow, does not matter if by anaconda, systemd service etc. 19:11:49 <tflink> adam should be back later today 19:12:05 <tflink> I'll try to test it but I suspect that I'm going to be busy with other stuff today 19:12:21 <tflink> anything else on this? 19:12:26 * jreznik does not have intel raid hw... 19:13:05 <tflink> moving on ... 19:13:08 <tflink> #topic (875380) fileconflicts failure on 18 Beta TC8 DVDs (texlive) 19:13:08 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875380 19:13:08 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, texlive, NEW 19:13:39 <tflink> #info still waiting for packages to be removed from F18 19:13:48 <tflink> #info will need testing @ next TC/RC 19:14:04 <nirik> they should be removed now. 19:14:12 <tflink> #undo 19:14:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x1a6b3e90> 19:14:13 <tflink> #Undo 19:14:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x120cc910> 19:14:32 <tflink> #info the packages in question should be removed now 19:14:44 <tflink> #info this will need re-testing after the next TC/RC 19:14:49 <tflink> nirik: thanks 19:15:08 <tflink> I don't think there is anything else we need to do here 19:15:18 <tflink> that would be all of the bugs on my list 19:15:22 <tflink> anything I missed? 19:15:59 <tflink> then it's time for ... 19:16:03 <tflink> #topic Open Floor 19:16:11 <tflink> Other issues that should be brought up here? 19:16:15 * nirik has nothing. 19:16:41 * jreznik is ok too, seem the things are at least triaged and getting under control 19:16:44 <tflink> #info next blocker review meeting will be 2012-11-21 @ 17:00 UTC 19:16:54 <tflink> which might be a holiday for me 19:17:02 <tflink> I forget when thanksgiving is 19:17:28 * jreznik hopes we will have rc soon :) 19:17:40 <tflink> we'll cross that bridge when we get there 19:17:50 <tflink> if there's nothing else, fuse time 19:18:20 * tflink sets nondeterministic fuse for some [0,inf) time period 19:18:20 <jreznik> tflink: ;-) yep 19:18:28 <tflink> kparal: thanks for secretarializing 19:18:28 <akshayvyas> tflink:i think we are almost there anaconda is working ok now 19:18:30 <jreznik> like 3...2... 19:18:37 <kparal> tflink: thanks for leading 19:18:50 <tflink> jreznik: there is no way to know ahead of time - it's nondeterministic 19:18:57 <kparal> and there's also the benefit that bugzilla doesn't send me all these emails 19:19:00 <tflink> Thanks for coming, everyone 19:19:13 <tflink> kparal: it's irritating me, caused some confusion already 19:19:19 <akshayvyas> tflink: Thanks :) 19:19:26 * tflink will send out minutes shortly 19:19:29 <tflink> #endmeeting