17:00:04 <pschindl> #startmeeting F20-blocker-review 17:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 4 17:00:04 2013 UTC. The chair is pschindl. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:07 <pschindl> #meetingname F20-blocker-review 17:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f20-blocker-review' 17:00:08 <pschindl> #topic Roll Call 17:00:22 * roshi is here 17:00:27 * mkrizek is here 17:00:40 * pwhalen is here 17:00:43 * satellit_ listening 17:00:54 * randomuser is here for now 17:01:02 <pschindl> #chair kparal roshi 17:01:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: kparal pschindl roshi 17:01:12 * kparal here 17:01:21 * danofsatx is present 17:01:24 <pschindl> Hi all. Welcome to the show :) 17:01:41 <cmurf> cmurf materializes from an energy cloud into matter 17:01:51 <pschindl> Ok. It looks like lot of people come. So let's start. 17:02:00 <pschindl> #topic Introduction 17:02:02 <pschindl> Why are we here? 17:02:04 <pschindl> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 17:02:06 <pschindl> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 17:02:07 <pschindl> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 17:02:09 <pschindl> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 17:02:11 <pschindl> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 17:02:14 <pschindl> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 17:02:16 <pschindl> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Alpha_Release_Criteria 17:02:18 <pschindl> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Beta_Release_Criteria 17:02:26 <pschindl> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Final_Release_Criteria 17:02:26 <pschindl> #info 7 Proposed Blockers 17:02:27 <pschindl> #info 15 Accepted Blockers 17:02:27 <pschindl> #info 2 Proposed Freeze Exceptions 17:02:27 <pschindl> #info 14 Accepted Freeze Exceptions 17:02:51 <pschindl> Proposed blockers: 17:02:59 <pschindl> #topic (1026834) method= combined with 'url' in kickstart fails to find packages, in certain situations 17:03:01 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1026834 17:03:03 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:03:20 <cmurf> sounds familiar 17:03:52 <kparal> I'm growing tired of this. annoying bug, still changing 17:03:54 <kparal> heisenbug 17:04:19 <kparal> I can't really say if it can affect post-release users or not 17:04:45 <kparal> however, the workarounds are known 17:04:50 <pschindl> Heisenbug? I thing that those are allowed for F20, or not? 17:04:56 <kparal> so, we might keep it to FE 17:05:13 <kparal> pschindl: a bad choice for a release name then! 17:05:21 <kparal> who have voted for it, anyway?! 17:05:25 <cmurf> i did 17:05:30 <cmurf> did you see the other options? 17:05:33 <pschindl> me too :) 17:05:34 <kparal> me too. but that's not important! 17:05:46 <kparal> a bad choice still! :) 17:05:48 <cmurf> oh right, changing mind just like heisenbug 17:05:51 <cmurf> anyway i'm -1/+1 17:05:59 <cmurf> i'm a scant +1 FE 17:06:12 <pschindl> I'm -1/+1 too. 17:06:13 <kparal> this basically affects only virt-install users, because otherwise you use repo= and not method= 17:06:15 <cmurf> does FE in this case mean anything since it doesn't affect release media? 17:06:19 <kparal> (most probably) 17:06:38 <kparal> cmurf: it does, it can be included in future TCs/RCs 17:06:48 <kparal> otherwise it can't 17:07:08 <roshi> -1/+1 17:07:18 <nirik> -1/+1 17:07:20 <kparal> cmurf: it affects release media, it's an anaconda+dracut+yum bug 17:07:26 <cmurf> got it 17:07:33 <cmurf> combined with the user specifying method= instead of repo= 17:07:42 <kparal> yeah 17:08:09 <kparal> -1/+1 it is 17:08:37 <cmurf> would be nice to hear from James or Martin 17:08:40 <kparal> do we have a secretary? 17:08:54 <roshi> I can do it 17:09:05 <roshi> frees you up for the end of the meeting 17:09:06 <kparal> cmurf: I talked to Martin Kolman. there are probably bugs in multiple components that affect each other 17:09:11 <pwhalen> -1/+1 17:09:13 <cmurf> ick 17:09:14 <kparal> roshi: thanks 17:09:42 <cmurf> heisenmultibug 17:09:49 * ignatenkobrain is here 17:09:52 <mkolman> I am looking at it right now 17:10:01 <mkolman> it is indeed pretty convoluted 17:10:09 <kparal> pschindl: propose something along the lines of too many variables that need to occur to trigger this bug, which are hopefully not likely post-release 17:10:23 <ignatenkobrain> hi tflink, kparal, adamw, nirik, jreznik, roshi 17:10:26 <adamw> sory floks 17:10:32 <kparal> morning 17:10:34 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1026834 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedFreezeException - Non-functional method affects only virt users and post-release users won't be probably affected. Rejected as blocker but it's consider as FE 17:10:41 <adamw> they're shutting our water off today so had to go take a quick shower... 17:10:52 <adamw> ack 17:11:00 <cmurf> ack 17:11:01 <mkrizek> ack 17:11:08 <kparal> ack 17:11:15 * jreznik has another meeting running now 17:11:18 <pschindl> #agreed 1026834 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedFreezeException - Non-functional method affects only virt users and post-release users won't be probably affected. Rejected as blocker but it's consider as FE 17:11:23 <roshi> morning ignatenkobrain 17:11:34 <pschindl> #topic (1037626) AttributeError: can't set attribute 17:11:36 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037626 17:11:38 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 17:11:42 <pschindl> #chair adamw 17:11:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw kparal pschindl roshi 17:11:43 <ignatenkobrain> morning ? seriosly ? :D 17:11:49 <ignatenkobrain> 21:11 PM 17:11:51 <roshi> oh yeah 17:11:53 <roshi> lol 17:11:58 <adamw> ignatenkobrain: he was jus a bit early! 17:12:03 <cmurf> this is really straight forward i think 17:12:09 <kparal> +1 blocker 17:12:20 <kparal> text install broken 17:12:28 <adamw> +1 17:12:29 <ignatenkobrain> +1 17:12:30 <pschindl> +1 17:12:35 <cmurf> yes +1, but strange for it to have regressed like this 17:13:57 <mkrizek> +1 17:14:26 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1037626 - AcceptedBlocker - Broken text installation violates final criterion: "When using the dedicated installer images, the installer must be able to complete an installation using the text, graphical and VNC installation interfaces." 17:14:29 <ignatenkobrain> this is ANACONDA! :P 17:14:31 <ignatenkobrain> ack 17:14:54 <mkrizek> ack 17:14:57 <roshi> +1 ack 17:15:05 <adamw> ack 17:15:13 <pschindl> #agreed 1037626 - AcceptedBlocker - Broken text installation violates final criterion: "When using the dedicated installer images, the installer must be able to complete an installation using the text, graphical and VNC installation interfaces." 17:15:13 <kparal> ack 17:15:18 <pschindl> #topic (1037767) Text install : Error in sys.excepthook 17:15:20 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037767 17:15:22 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST 17:15:37 <cmurf> last comment suggests this is a dup of the one we just agreed is a blocker 17:15:49 <ignatenkobrain> +1 from me, text install the same 17:15:53 <cmurf> if it is a dup we should mark it as a dup of that one 17:15:53 <adamw> huh, i thought that was this bug :P 17:15:55 <cmurf> otherwise +1 17:15:58 * adamw not paying attention 17:16:01 <adamw> +1 cmurf 17:16:40 <ignatenkobrain> actually this is another bug. but yes. broken text install 17:17:44 <kparal> in this bug python-meh crashed when trying to report the text install crash 17:17:46 <cmurf> looks like this could affect other archs 17:18:20 <kparal> I think this violates https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Alpha_Release_Criteria#Failure_reporting 17:18:20 <adamw> so, hm 17:18:22 <roshi> punt until text inst is fixed 17:18:30 <adamw> kparal: yeah, i was about to suggest that. 17:18:35 <adamw> but it depends how often it fails, kinda. 17:18:39 * adamw looks at the patch 17:20:03 <mkolman> those two bugs look different to me 17:20:25 <adamw> mkolman: so to make sure we have the right understanding: 1037626 is the bug for text install being broken, yes? 17:20:38 <mkolman> adamw: yeah 17:20:48 <adamw> 1037767 covers python-meh failing in text mode because it tries to import gtk 17:20:54 <adamw> when reporting a crash that already happened 17:20:55 <mkolman> adamw: fix for it has been pushed 17:21:31 <kparal> +1 blocker per criteria, it would probably happen for any text-mode crash 17:21:32 <mkolman> 1037767 something else, yes 17:21:40 <adamw> kparal: still, does it stop people filing crashes? 17:21:42 <mkolman> *is something else 17:21:50 <adamw> it doesn't seem to, from the number of dupes on 1037626 17:22:05 <kparal> well I think python-meh crashes just on arm 17:22:09 <kparal> it definitely worked for me 17:22:24 <mkolman> well, I can try (if you go to TTY2 there are a few commands stored in history, one of them can be used to trigger an exception) 17:22:25 <kparal> pwhalen: is the bug reproducible on arm? crashes every time? 17:22:41 <pwhalen> kparal, it is 17:22:44 <adamw> urgh, now there's a tricky evaluation 17:22:54 <kparal> python-meh in x86_64 worked OK for me 17:22:55 * handsome_pirate stumbles in late 17:23:18 <adamw> so you can't accurately report crashes in text install on ARM? is that a reasonable evaluation? 17:23:19 <kparal> adamw: can you link the patch? 17:23:20 * Viking-Ice as well 17:23:29 <adamw> kparal: i may have written that on the wrong bug 17:23:34 * adamw goes to look at anaconda-patches-list 17:23:55 <pwhalen> adamw, right 17:24:31 <adamw> yeah, i think that applied to the 'broken text install' bug, not the 'broken python-meh' bug 17:24:56 <pwhalen> c2 says happens in x86 as well 17:25:32 <pwhalen> I did test x86 as well, I didnt see it myself. 17:25:40 <adamw> lnie may have meant she also saw the text install crash 17:25:49 <pwhalen> true 17:26:30 <adamw> mkolman: how invasive would it be to fix this? 17:26:45 <mkolman> that GTK one ? 17:26:50 <adamw> yeah 17:27:06 <adamw> and is the evaluation 'you can't report any crashes in text mode on ARM' accurate? (pwhalen?) 17:27:27 <pwhalen> adamw, yes 17:27:29 <mkolman> not really sure, vpodzime is the python-meh guy 17:28:01 <pschindl> I'm +1. ARM is primary arch and this one violates criterion. 17:28:09 <adamw> yeah, it would be pretty ugly to wave this one away 17:28:10 <mkolman> but I guess one could just check if textmode is running and don't import it - could trigger other exceptions though 17:28:16 <roshi> +1 17:28:19 <adamw> pwhalen: has it been broken through f20 cycle or it recently broke? 17:28:51 <pwhalen> text installs have always worked, so this is the first time encountering it 17:28:53 <cmurf> yeah i'm +1 also, better to get it set as a blocker in this case, and recind if it turns out we're mistaken 17:28:54 <mkolman> for the record, plain TUI seems to be working at the moment 17:29:00 <mkolman> will try the exception handling 17:29:07 <mkolman> (on x86_64 17:29:09 <mkolman> ) 17:29:21 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1037767 - AcceptedBlocker - Reporting failures on ARM violates criterion: "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla, with appropriate information included." 17:29:31 <ignatenkobrain> ack 17:29:34 <cmurf> ack 17:29:37 <pwhalen> ack 17:29:42 <roshi> ack 17:29:48 <kparal> ack 17:29:53 <pschindl> #agreed 1037767 - AcceptedBlocker - Reporting failures on ARM violates criterion: "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla, with appropriate information included." 17:29:58 <adamw> ack 17:29:59 <Viking-Ice> ack 17:30:05 <pschindl> #topic (1037934) 'unable to allocate aligned partition' errors keep occurring when trying to create partitions on iSCSI device, and does...other...odd...stuff 17:30:07 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037934 17:30:09 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:30:12 <pschindl> I'm too quick, sorry :) 17:30:20 <adamw> =) 17:30:31 <adamw> this is the kinda professional bug report adamw turns out at midnight 17:31:05 <adamw> tflink tested it and it worked for him, and it doesn't work for me on f19 either 17:31:06 <Viking-Ice> lost yourself at the summary ey 17:31:12 <adamw> so probably reasonable to say -1 17:31:20 <Viking-Ice> why 17:31:28 <adamw> likely some kind of wackiness with my particular iSCSI config 17:31:34 <cmurf> looks intermittant 17:31:36 <handsome_pirate> adamw: Not hitting this 17:31:44 <cmurf> and if you fiddle with it, it eventually works 17:31:47 <cmurf> but does seem wonky 17:32:05 <adamw> if we look like we're slipping anyway, though, we could punt on it till dlehman or someone takes a look and figures out what the trigger is 17:32:09 <Viking-Ice> for the first is this a) supposed to work b) be blocking 17:32:25 <Viking-Ice> adamw, you probably need andy for this one 17:32:32 <adamw> cmurf: if all iscsi installs behaved like mine, i'd be strongly +1 - it's broken enough to really not be considered workable - but that doesn't seem to be the case 17:32:49 <adamw> handsome_pirate: you tried an iSCSI install and it worked for you too? can you add a comment? 17:32:58 <adamw> Viking-Ice: and, yeah, a) and b) are both true 17:32:59 <cmurf> well we do have a small sample size 17:33:05 <mkolman> <offtopic>just successfully tested exception handling & filled a testing bug in TUI @ x86_64</offtopic> 17:33:11 * jreznik is here, sorry for missing part of the meeting - but I'm leading one call and it's impossible to multitask :D 17:33:20 <adamw> cmurf: if pirate's install worked it's 2:1 for 'success', which is comfortably above fedora standards ;) 17:33:41 <handsome_pirate> adamw: Will do 17:33:41 <roshi> lol 17:33:47 <cmurf> i'd like to see a working storage.log posted 17:33:59 <adamw> yeah, me too, i'd like to see how those bits look when it works properly 17:34:09 <roshi> -1 or punt 17:34:13 <cmurf> and a clean failure storage.log 17:34:15 <Viking-Ice> punt for more data 17:34:26 <handsome_pirate> adamw: I can confirm it works for both x86_64 and arm 17:34:27 <cmurf> and ping andy 17:34:30 <cmurf> all at the same time 17:34:33 <adamw> cmurf: what do you mean 'clean' exactly? 17:34:41 <adamw> handsome_pirate: cool, that's a big help 17:34:49 <adamw> and which andy are we talking about? 17:34:51 <ignatenkobrain> +1 from me 17:35:11 <adamw> and is anyone secretarializing, or shall I do it? 17:35:17 * roshi is 17:35:19 <adamw> yay 17:35:29 <cmurf> adamw: nevermind, i meant clean as in less fiddling but it sems to be fiddling that eventually makes it work 17:35:30 <roshi> I mean, if you want it 17:35:32 <roshi> :p 17:36:19 <pschindl> roshi: thanks for secretar...... thing :) 17:36:27 <roshi> so, two punt votes, one blocker 17:36:31 <roshi> np :) 17:36:34 <kparal> punt 17:36:43 <pschindl> punt from mee too 17:36:44 <danofsatx> punt 17:37:06 <pschindl> ok, let's punt 17:37:13 <ignatenkobrain> ж) 17:37:15 <ignatenkobrain> ;) 17:37:32 <roshi> that looks kinda like a hadoken 17:37:38 <roshi> </offtopic> 17:38:01 <pschindl> #info 1037934 - needs more information. Now it's 2:1 against bug. Punt for more information. 17:38:18 <pschindl> #topic (881624) U.S. keyboard layout used for encryption passphrase entry during fedup second phase 17:38:20 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=881624 17:38:22 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, fedup, NEW 17:39:22 <ignatenkobrain> interesting bug.. 17:39:29 <adamw> so we rejected this for f19 before 17:39:45 <adamw> someone wanted to re-propose it for 20 beta but there's a bug in the blocker proposal app which meant it was considered rejected 17:40:09 <adamw> so i threw it on the list for today for formality's sake. kinda expecting -1 again, though, it would be the consistent call. it is kinda a crappy bug, though. 17:40:20 * adamw goes to find the log where we rejected it 17:40:35 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: have we workaround ? 17:40:38 <Viking-Ice> +1 blocker 17:40:55 <adamw> ignatenkobrain: 'figure out how to type your passphrase with a US layout' 17:40:56 <cmurf> well it seems really late in the process and a complicated bug to fix 17:41:04 <kparal> we rejected it because we expected it to be fixed post-release 17:41:16 <adamw> kparal: ah, yeah. we really need a way to track those. 17:41:23 <Viking-Ice> well obviously it did not get fixed postreleas 17:41:26 <Viking-Ice> after all this time 17:41:26 <adamw> and beat wwoods over the head with them. 17:41:33 <kparal> a good way to track would be to use FinalBlockers 17:41:47 <Viking-Ice> and a good way to get this fixed is to actually block on it 17:41:55 <adamw> kparal: i disagree strongly with your application of the term 'good' :P 17:42:02 <ignatenkobrain> -1 from me, but should re-view in f21 17:42:21 <kparal> right, in 6 months let's read this one again :) 17:42:23 <Viking-Ice> bullshit we block on this bug now or we take it of the radar for good 17:42:23 <jreznik> we are really getting hit with such kind of bugs coming every release :( once it's out of blocker radar... 17:42:26 <ignatenkobrain> if will stay not fixed - add as blocker 17:42:42 <handsome_pirate> adamw: wwoods is one floor below me if he needs beating 17:42:44 <adamw> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-01-03/f18_final_gono-go_meeting.2013-01-03-17.01.log.txt is the log of previous discussion , search '881624' to find it 17:42:45 <nirik> -1 here for f20. but is the bug actually in fedup? 17:42:47 <roshi> +1 blocker - it shouldn't go two releases 17:42:52 <adamw> handsome_pirate: grab a bat and whale away 17:42:57 <Viking-Ice> roshi, right 17:43:02 * handsome_pirate is +1 blocker 17:43:37 <kparal> I haven't found the info why this is relevant for F19->F20. shouldn't F19 contains correct vconsole option on the kernel cmdline? 17:43:42 * adamw is worried about opening the gateway to indefinite slipsville, but i also think it's a really sucky bug 17:43:43 <pwhalen> -1 for f20, attack it early in f21 17:43:56 <Viking-Ice> pwhalen, failed last time 17:43:56 <ignatenkobrain> pwhalen: alright 17:44:09 <roshi> I would be for that pwhalen, but who's going to take it? And actually *fix* it this time around 17:44:10 <adamw> kparal: i thought i hit it in testing 19->20 last night, but it may have been a messy test, i should probably do it again 17:44:15 <jreznik> kparal: anyone to try to investigate? 17:44:16 <Viking-Ice> adamw, we need to start freeing up resources and getting rid of re-occuring bugs is one way to achive that 17:44:21 <kparal> adamw: was it a clean F19 install? 17:44:25 <adamw> while we discuss it, let me run a test with only a non-US layout selected in anaconda 17:44:29 <cmurf> i wonder if the really sucky bug needs a feature since it seems to have multiple components involved rather than a hasty fix that we're unsure of and won't likely get much testing 17:44:32 <adamw> kparal: yes, but i had two layouts selected in f19 anaconda 17:44:39 <adamw> kparal: and it may have written the wrong one to vconsole 17:45:03 <pschindl> Ok, if I found all votes it is +3 - 3 = 0. So any other votes? 17:45:05 <greenlion_> won't the fix for bug break on layouts that does not contain latin characters? (like russian layout) 17:45:30 <handsome_pirate> pschindl: I'm +1 blocker 17:45:36 <adamw> greenlion_: that's one of the tricky bits. it's a complex bug, and i'd have to remember how f19 behaved in that case... 17:45:40 <nirik> IMHO, it needs more investigation as to who is at fault. It's not clear to me that it's fedup... could be systemd, dracut, dunno 17:45:44 <cmurf> pschindl: i'm a -1 for now 17:45:51 <kparal> I would like to make sure that this is really broken for F19 (clean install)->F20. it if is, I'm +1 blocker. it this only affects older installation (upgraded again and again), I wouldn't block on it 17:46:03 <cmurf> i'm with nirik 17:46:38 <adamw> it would probably be easier to investigate and ensure correct behaviour if we reset and re-evaluate from f20 to f21, because we've made keyboard layout handling in anaconda and kbd and xkb a lot better in f20, but that doesn't help existing users 17:46:41 <Viking-Ice> nirik, most likely so yes and or dracut 17:46:48 <nirik> which also makes it unclear if it can be fixed in f19 fedup, or needs an actual fix in f20... or if that fix has to be in base repos or can be an update. 17:46:50 * adamw running an f19 clean install atm 17:47:14 <danofsatx> what criteria is qualifying it as a blocker? 17:47:27 <kparal> danofsatx: can't boot post-upgrade 17:47:34 <kparal> can't decrypt the disk 17:47:39 <danofsatx> ok, missed that one. 17:47:54 <cmurf> well underlying blocker is that it can actually be fixed, and be fixed in something approximating a not totally insane time frame 17:48:02 <adamw> it's not actually post-upgrade 17:48:08 <adamw> it's during-upgrade 17:48:13 <Viking-Ice> cmurf, dont vote on time frame 17:48:20 <Viking-Ice> if we need to slip we slip 17:48:21 * kparal missed that 17:48:31 <cmurf> i have no issue with one or two or maybe three slips 17:48:32 <adamw> when fedup finishes downloading packages and reboots to actually upgrade the system, it needs to unlock the disk at that point, obviously 17:48:35 <cmurf> IF we understand the bug 17:48:36 <cmurf> and the fix 17:48:44 <adamw> it's when you go to enter that passphrase that you hit the bug 17:48:46 <cmurf> but not 4 5 or 6 slips just for one bug 17:48:58 <Viking-Ice> ? 17:49:00 <adamw> cmurf: right, that's my concern too, but on the other hand, we can always reverse the decision 17:49:06 <nirik> right, so if you can't do it there, you can at least go back to your working f19 system 17:49:08 <kparal> adamw: so the upgraded system contains correct vconsole in all cases? it's just the upgrade process that's wrongly configured? 17:49:09 <adamw> if it turns out to be impractical to fix sanely 17:49:17 <Viking-Ice> cmurf, if we need to slip we slip for the time it takes to fix the thing that was slipped for 17:49:29 <adamw> kparal: it may be broken post-install too, at this point i'll wait for the result of my test (and i'll check what's actually set in f19 before doing the upgrade) 17:49:33 <Viking-Ice> kparal, dracut 17:49:45 <Viking-Ice> or rather dracut + fedup 17:49:46 <cmurf> hence why i'd like to understand the scope of the bug 17:49:48 <nirik> perhaps we come back to this with more info? 17:49:57 <nirik> (after adamw's testing?) 17:50:06 * adamw booting to the installed f19 system now 17:50:13 <adamw> i'm using a minimal install, so it shouldn't take long. 17:50:15 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: w/ crypto ? 17:50:20 <adamw> yes. of course. 17:51:03 <ignatenkobrain> so. waiting adamw for testing ? 17:51:39 <cmurf> oh my god coffee time! 17:51:49 <Viking-Ice> good idea take 5 17:52:07 * cmurf pounces on deity beans 17:52:45 <adamw> hah, weaklings - we haven't even been going for an hour yet... 17:53:55 <adamw> i don't mind going to next bug and coming back, or you guys waiting. either way. 17:54:09 <pschindl> ok. So could you vote now for +1/-1/punt please. 17:54:16 <roshi> just put your coffee making next to your monitor 17:54:25 <pwhalen> I say move on for now 17:54:26 <adamw> pschindl: ? 17:54:59 <pschindl> adamw: I just want to move forward. 17:55:09 <jreznik> move to another bug now 17:55:14 <adamw> pschindl: you can move on to the next bug and then move back to this one later 17:55:17 <adamw> doesn't really need a vote 17:55:19 <jreznik> pschindl: we want to hear from adamw first 17:55:29 <pschindl> ah, ok :) 17:55:37 <pschindl> sry. I'm a bit confused :) 17:55:49 <pschindl> #topic (1036961) Setting up bridge via NetworkManager gui in Gnome fails 17:55:51 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1036961 17:55:53 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, NetworkManager, NEW 17:56:20 <ignatenkobrain> oh 17:56:29 <kparal> it would be nice it this worked, but it's not really essential functionality 17:56:33 <kparal> it's a new feature 17:56:57 <kparal> no logs attached 17:56:58 <adamw> yeah, my instinct is -1, it's a bit of a stretch to consider this 'panel functionality' 17:56:59 <kparal> -1 17:57:03 <jreznik> -1 17:57:03 <ignatenkobrain> -1 too 17:57:11 <mkrizek> -1 17:57:17 <cmurf> default panel functionality no less 17:57:20 * handsome_pirate is here 17:57:23 <cmurf> -1 17:57:30 <nirik> -1 (although I sure wish it worked someday) 17:57:31 <ignatenkobrain> but could be good if NM will have support bridges :D 17:57:39 <handsome_pirate> alas, as it is my bug, I am +1 17:57:40 <handsome_pirate> :) 17:57:51 <adamw> you're allowed to change your mind :P 17:58:01 <ignatenkobrain> actually NM works w/ bridges very bad 17:58:05 <kparal> handsome_pirate: add logs, at leasat 17:58:05 <greenlion_> ignatenkobrain, NM promises to support bridges since F-12 :) 17:58:07 <roshi> is it just the GUI that doesn't let you do briding? 17:58:08 <kparal> *least 17:58:17 <handsome_pirate> kparal: That's just it, there weren't any 17:58:21 <ignatenkobrain> greenlion_: but actually..... 17:58:27 <Viking-Ice> -1 17:58:28 <kparal> handsome_pirate: journalctl 17:58:28 <handsome_pirate> roshi: Indeed 17:58:37 <roshi> hrm 17:58:45 <pwhalen> -1 17:58:55 <handsome_pirate> kparal: Actually, I check 17:58:56 <handsome_pirate> ed 17:58:59 <ignatenkobrain> My opinion: should be fixed (as all bugs), but can't be as release blocker 17:59:11 <Viking-Ice> this stuffs going to be thrown out in F21 anyway so ;) 17:59:15 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1036961 - RejectedBlocker - Non-functional bridge NetworkManager setting is not considered as essential funcionality. 17:59:24 <ignatenkobrain> ack 17:59:30 <mkrizek> ack 17:59:31 <pwhalen> ack 17:59:34 <adamw> ack 17:59:40 <roshi> ack 17:59:44 <kparal> ack 17:59:47 <pschindl> #agreed 1036961 - RejectedBlocker - Non-functional bridge NetworkManager setting is not considered as essential funcionality. 17:59:47 <Viking-Ice> ack 17:59:52 <handsome_pirate> Ah, well 17:59:53 <handsome_pirate> I tried 18:00:00 <cmurf> it should work 18:00:01 <handsome_pirate> If it doesn't work, why put it in? 18:00:02 <cmurf> it is a bug 18:00:13 <pschindl> #topic (1037688) /root has 755 permissions - should be 550 18:00:15 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037688 18:00:17 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, rootfiles, MODIFIED 18:00:22 <nirik> +1 18:00:31 <jreznik> +1 18:00:34 <Viking-Ice> +1 18:00:37 <ignatenkobrain> heh! +1 18:00:42 <cmurf> +1 18:00:43 <mkrizek> +1 18:01:19 <pwhalen> +1 18:02:00 <cmurf> unanimous 18:02:29 <jreznik> ovasik is on it 18:03:02 <adamw> yeah, or i can do the build if he doesn't 18:03:03 <adamw> +1 18:03:07 <Viking-Ice> ovasik the arm wrestler I believe ;) 18:03:10 <kparal> haha, thanks for telling me. I just installed F20 on my production system 18:03:13 <kparal> +1 18:03:27 <kparal> it really has 755 for /root 18:03:27 <greenlion_> there is already update - https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/rootfiles-8.1-16.fc20 18:03:35 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1037688 - AcceptedBlocker - Wrong /root permission on livecd is considered to block. 18:03:37 <ignatenkobrain> ack 18:03:37 <pschindl> patch? 18:03:38 <roshi> all installed systems do 18:03:48 <roshi> what criteria for that one? 18:03:55 <kparal> security 18:03:59 <jreznik> roshi: sec 18:04:15 <roshi> I don't really see the security hole here 18:04:52 <ignatenkobrain> roshi: I think all security bugs should be fixed before release. anyway 18:05:33 <ignatenkobrain> + this bug was fixed. 18:05:42 <roshi> I concur ignatenkobrain 18:06:44 <handsome_pirate> +1 18:06:48 <cmurf> get outta my root folder, world! 18:07:11 <adamw> roshi: it's not an obvious exploit hole, it's just unexpected behaviour that could cause badness 18:07:27 <adamw> roshi: sysadmins may well expect /root to be a private space and dump stuff there that users shouldn't be able to see 18:07:39 <cmurf> it's about the last digit for "everyone" which is a 5 and is changing to a 0 18:07:39 <roshi> if they expect that shouldn't they check? 18:07:47 <danofsatx> just a point of note - openSUSE has 700 on /root 18:07:56 <adamw> roshi: they SHOULD, sure. and everyone should get their flu shot. 18:07:57 <roshi> since other distros do similar things 18:08:00 <cmurf> roshi: no root is like god, powerful, but often clueless 18:08:06 <adamw> danofsatx: it's the last byte that's the key one here. 0 good, 5 bad. 18:08:07 <roshi> the flu shot is a farce :P 18:08:17 <adamw> well, yaknowwhatimean 18:08:20 <roshi> lol 18:08:25 <adamw> there's also a practical consideration here 18:08:27 <danofsatx> adamw: I know, I was just tossing out a comparison 18:08:43 <ignatenkobrain> danofsatx: we're not openSUSE. we're Fedora! ;) 18:08:47 <Viking-Ice> uhum let's move on shall we 18:08:50 <pwhalen> I think its an expectation that the perm would be 0, not something that should be checked 18:08:50 <adamw> which is that if we choose not to block on (or even worse, ship with) a 'security bug' like this, the low end of the linux media loses its little mind 18:08:57 <roshi> yeah - I don't have any objections 18:08:57 <adamw> FEDORA DOESN'T CARE ABOUT SECURITY blahblahblah 18:09:16 <jreznik> secuwhat? 18:09:23 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: s/.*/blahblahblah/g 18:09:28 <roshi> sorry to drag this bug conversation out 18:09:31 <adamw> ignatenkobrain: :P 18:10:05 <adamw> we can go back to the layout bug if you like after this 18:10:21 <cmurf> you haz info? 18:10:23 <adamw> yeah 18:10:25 <ignatenkobrain> or :%s/.*/blahblahblah/g 18:10:35 <ignatenkobrain> pschindl: summary of this bug ? 18:11:05 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 1037688 - AcceptedBlocker - Wrong /root permission is a security bug thus considered to block. 18:11:06 <roshi> patch 18:11:24 <roshi> proposed #agreed 1037688 - AcceptedBlocker - Wrong /root permission on livecd is considered to violated Final Security criteria: "The release must contain no known security bugs of 'important' or higher impact..." 18:11:31 <ignatenkobrain> ack 18:11:32 <Viking-Ice> ack 18:11:34 <pwhalen> ack 18:11:36 <jreznik> ack 18:11:37 <nirik> ack 18:11:38 <pschindl> ack 18:11:43 <cmurf> ack 18:12:02 <kparal> ack 18:12:09 <ignatenkobrain> nxt ? 18:12:13 <pschindl> #agreed 1037688 - AcceptedBlocker - Wrong /root permission on livecd is considered to violated Final Security criteria: "The release must contain no known security bugs of 'important' or higher impact..." 18:12:24 <pschindl> ok. So that's all from proposed blockers 18:12:33 <pschindl> now freeze exceptions. 18:12:37 <cmurf> nope 18:12:42 <cmurf> go back to the layout bug 18:12:47 <cmurf> adam has info 18:12:50 <pschindl> cmurf: thx :) 18:12:59 <pschindl> #topic (881624) U.S. keyboard layout used for encryption passphrase entry during fedup second phase 18:13:01 <pschindl> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=881624 18:13:03 <pschindl> #info Proposed Blocker, fedup, NEW 18:13:14 <ignatenkobrain> .fire adamw 18:13:14 <zodbot> adamw fires adamw 18:13:27 <adamw> yo 18:13:28 <kparal> that was sneaky 18:13:29 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: dude! fix zodbot!!!! 18:13:36 <adamw> sorry, i'm typing up a comment in the bug 18:13:41 <adamw> it explains EVERYTHING 18:13:42 <Viking-Ice> type faster! 18:13:45 <adamw> better than doing it twice 18:14:16 <kparal> pschindl: that's not a FE 18:14:31 <kparal> or am I having deja-vu? 18:14:55 <kparal> oh, I get it now. we're back at adamw's bug 18:14:57 <ignatenkobrain> kparal: IIRC we have not voted for this 18:15:02 <ignatenkobrain> alright 18:15:04 <cmurf> correct 18:15:27 * cmurf vaguely hears elevator music 18:16:09 <ignatenkobrain> offtop: have we fedora radio ? :D 18:16:16 <cmurf> hmm yes it's Christmas Muzak 18:16:35 <cmurf> please adamw end the torture! 18:16:36 <roshi> +1 blocker 18:16:50 <adamw> ok, comment types 18:16:52 <adamw> d 18:16:55 * pwhalen hears the audio testcase music 18:17:00 <cmurf> roshi do you have some preview of adamw's imminent comment? 18:17:03 <ignatenkobrain> roshi: after all let me do: s/-/+/g :D 18:17:10 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=881624#c50 18:17:22 * ignatenkobrain reading 18:17:27 <adamw> it boils down to: yes, the bug happens on a very clean test, and I think I know why - no layouts in fedup's initramfs 18:17:38 <Viking-Ice> same as I had suspected 18:18:02 <Viking-Ice> and if that's missing there are probably few other things missing from that initramfs image 18:18:07 <Viking-Ice> ... 18:18:09 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: dracut-related problem ? 18:18:14 <Viking-Ice> fedup 18:18:17 <roshi> no cmurf, I don't 18:18:18 <roshi> lol 18:18:28 <adamw> Viking-Ice: wouldn't surprise me, and could possibly explain some other fedup bugs, i guess 18:18:30 <Viking-Ice> fedup should regenare the image ( anaconda should do that as well after install ) 18:18:39 <adamw> Viking-Ice: anaconda now does 18:18:41 <adamw> in f20 18:18:44 <cmurf> interesting 18:18:46 <adamw> we could probably steal that code for fedup 18:18:50 <Viking-Ice> adamw, oh they fixed it 18:18:53 <kparal> fedup shoud use nohostonly initrd 18:19:02 <adamw> kparal: it's not even a hostonly initramfs 18:19:19 <adamw> the 3.11 kernel (the 'post-update' kernel) in my test is a hostonly initramfs, the 3.9 kernel (the one i got from anaconda) is generic 18:19:20 <Viking-Ice> I 'm still +1 wwoods can just copy paste and fix this 18:19:23 <adamw> generic has *all* kbd layouts 18:19:31 <adamw> hostonly has *only the one from vconsole.conf* 18:19:35 <adamw> fedup's has *none at all* 18:19:44 <Viking-Ice> merrry xmas 18:19:46 <kparal> for reliability sake, it should use a nohostonly initrd anyway 18:19:53 <cmurf> right 18:20:03 <adamw> kparal: that seems a reasonable approach. yeah 18:20:19 <Viking-Ice> kparal, consistent behavior nr1 nr2 nr3 ) 18:20:22 <Viking-Ice> :) 18:20:35 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: what do you say now ? + or - ? 18:20:39 <cmurf> fedup generates its own initramfs correct? 18:20:43 <adamw> but anyway, unless i messed up somewhere, i think we now know the bug is definitely still there, doesn't seem to be specific to any corner case, and we roughly know the cause 18:20:54 <adamw> cmurf: that was the next thing i was gonna look at' 18:20:58 <adamw> maybe we can get will in here 18:21:01 <kparal> and it seems broken for any non-us layout 18:21:15 <cmurf> i was just going to suggest wwoods 18:21:17 <cmurf> ping 18:21:22 <kparal> unless the user password it the same as on us keyboard 18:21:25 <kparal> by chance 18:21:33 <cmurf> so i'm increasingly +1 now that this is better understood 18:21:35 <Viking-Ice> it's a clear blocker 18:21:51 <adamw> yeah, as of right now my inclination would be that we really ought to block on this 18:22:01 <ignatenkobrain> ah... 18:22:08 <cmurf> if it's just a matter of keymaps going into the initramfs, that's an easy fix if it gets all keymaps in a generic initramfs 18:22:12 <cmurf> and low risk 18:22:19 <adamw> for people whose passphrase contains ASCII characters it's a major annoyance, for people who use non-ASCII characters (they apparently exist) it's basically a roadblock 18:22:42 <Viking-Ice> the fact is if any country that has good beer does not have us keyboard layout so if anyone wants to actually drink good beer again vote yes ;) 18:22:52 <cmurf> nothing like umlauts in your passphrases 18:22:57 <ignatenkobrain> I'm still w/ -1 18:23:31 <pschindl> Viking-Ice: +1 :D 18:23:34 <cmurf> we should do a revote for pschindl and also ping wwoods 18:23:39 <cmurf> i've switched from -1 to +1 18:23:41 <pwhalen> I'll +1 now, fix should be easy enough 18:23:49 <kparal> +1 18:23:49 * adamw pinged wwoods 18:23:51 * roshi is still +1 18:23:55 <adamw> we can always re-consider it later, but +1 for now 18:23:57 <mkrizek> +1 18:24:35 <cmurf> that's +6/-1 ? 18:24:36 <pschindl> Can someone help with a criterion? :) 18:25:04 <jreznik> +1 and seems like we can deal with it (unless more bugs would be found once initramfs is fixed) 18:25:28 <adamw> on booting the upgraded system, btw, UK keymap is used correctly. 18:26:14 <cmurf> would be interesting to spoof the reboot to the systemd upgrade unit and inject a generic initramfs to see if that actually fixes the problem 18:26:32 <roshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Beta_Release_Criteria#Upgrade_requirements maybe, pschindl 18:26:39 <adamw> cmurf: yeah, that would be my next stop (fiddle with the initramfs for fedup and see if i can fix it) 18:26:44 <pschindl> proposed #agreed 881624 - AcceptedBlocker - With this bug people with non-US keyboard won't be able to upgrade. Violates criterion: "For each one of the release-blocking package sets, it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed. " 18:26:45 <greenlion_> using umlauts in password is like... shooting oneself in foot 18:26:52 <pschindl> roshi: Thanks 18:26:53 <adamw> pschindl: yeah, it's a conditional violation of the upgrade criterion 18:26:58 <adamw> ack 18:27:00 <roshi> np 18:27:01 <kparal> ack 18:27:01 <roshi> ack 18:27:04 <ignatenkobrain> ack 18:27:08 <jreznik> ack 18:27:15 <pwhalen> ack 18:27:18 <cmurf> fedup might still be calling new-kernel-pkg which then creates the initramfs 18:27:25 <pschindl> #agreed 881624 - AcceptedBlocker - With this bug people with non-US keyboard won't be able to upgrade. Violates criterion: "For each one of the release-blocking package sets, it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed. " 18:27:27 <ignatenkobrain> EvilPinokioitself w/ non-US kbd 18:27:43 <pschindl> ok, so finaly. Proposed blockers are over. 18:28:04 <pschindl> I'm leaving now. So, kparal, could you take it from now? 18:28:11 <kparal> pschindl: sure 18:28:41 <kparal> accepted blockers now? 18:28:53 <pschindl> kparal: Thank you. There are proposed FE just for you, so you don't have to be sad that you have to do only accepted things :) 18:28:59 <pschindl> kparal: proposed FE 18:29:00 <roshi> proposed FE's, right? 18:29:04 <kparal> ah, sorry 18:29:12 <kparal> #topic (1037913) thunderbird in F20 stable incorrectly excludes arm arches 18:29:12 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037913 18:29:12 <kparal> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, thunderbird, MODIFIED 18:29:31 * pschindl is leaving. Bye. 18:29:50 <ignatenkobrain> +1 FE 18:29:50 <jreznik> +1 FE 18:29:56 <ignatenkobrain> pschindl: bye 18:30:01 <Viking-Ice> +1 FE 18:30:01 <adamw> +1 18:30:09 <kparal> +1 FE 18:30:16 <pwhalen> +1 18:30:23 <adamw> cmurf: so, https://github.com/wgwoods/fedup-dracut/ 18:30:34 <cmurf> was just looking for that 18:30:48 <roshi> +1 18:30:51 <kparal> proposed #agreed 1037913 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception. 18:30:58 <Viking-Ice> ack 18:31:01 <pwhalen> ack 18:31:04 <ignatenkobrain> ack 18:31:04 <roshi> ack 18:31:15 <adamw> cmurf: moving to -qa 18:31:17 <kparal> #agreed 1037913 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception. 18:31:27 <kparal> #topic (1037789) Midori segfaults when using default search engine 18:31:28 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1037789 18:31:28 <kparal> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, webkitgtk, ASSIGNED 18:31:48 <Viking-Ice> -1/-1 18:32:21 <Viking-Ice> btw I thought our default search engine was google 18:32:32 <kparal> why -1? 18:32:35 <ignatenkobrain> nirik: webkitgtk ? 18:32:54 <nirik> it's a webkitgtk issue yes, seems to be only on arm. 18:33:02 <nirik> midori's default search engine is ddg 18:33:14 <adamw> Viking-Ice: fedora doesn't have a project-wide default 18:33:21 <ignatenkobrain> nirik: could we reproduce not w/ ddg ? 18:33:26 <adamw> Viking-Ice: browsers set their own 18:33:27 <kparal> will the update influence also intel archs? 18:33:44 <adamw> kinda a close call, you could fix this with an update without setting the world on fire 18:33:51 <adamw> though it'd be broken in the live forever 18:33:52 <nirik> ignatenkobrain: I don't know. I don't have an arm box with gui here. 18:34:06 <adamw> and Xfce is commonly used on ARM 18:34:08 <Viking-Ice> adamw, good point changing to +1 due to live 18:34:09 <adamw> so..probably +1 FE 18:34:20 <ignatenkobrain> -1 18:34:35 <pwhalen> +1 myself, would be nice to see this working again 18:34:37 <kparal> we have ARM Lives? 18:34:42 <nirik> I have no clue where the bug is yet... 18:34:48 <roshi> is it just arm? 18:35:08 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: on arm I think people using FF. not midori 18:35:24 <nirik> roshi: yes. Works fine here on x86 18:35:36 <Viking-Ice> webkitgtk <--- bug in 18:35:39 <adamw> kparal: sure 18:35:41 <roshi> -1 then - unless there is live arm images I don't know of 18:35:45 <adamw> kparal: well, not 'lives' 18:35:53 <adamw> but the pre-generated images...hm 18:35:54 <kparal> we have ARM images, and they are not read-only, they are updated as you run it 18:35:56 <adamw> yeah 18:36:00 <roshi> but you can update packages, right? 18:36:01 * adamw needs to stop doing 3 things at once 18:36:04 <ignatenkobrain> +3/-2 ? 18:36:10 <adamw> eh, still a tough call 18:36:32 <ignatenkobrain> nirik: jreznik? 18:36:41 <adamw> might be -1 now 18:36:43 <kparal> if this requires webkitgtk update, maybe the risk is not worth it 18:37:02 <adamw> still, it kinda looks like we have a week to test. :P 18:37:14 <Viking-Ice> if this is not being shipped by default on any image I'm back to -1 18:37:19 <kparal> there's no fix yet 18:37:42 * adamw and viking do the flip-flop dance 18:37:49 <adamw> it's like we're politicians! 18:37:51 <ignatenkobrain> actually we have more - instead of + ;) 18:38:10 <ignatenkobrain> adamw: take you deflope ;) 18:38:30 <pwhalen> it is default on the xfce image 18:38:38 * jreznik is not very responsible today :( needs at least on more cpu core 18:38:47 <adamw> pwhalen: but we don't have any immutable arm images, right? so it could be fixed with an update 18:38:57 <ignatenkobrain> jreznik: I can send you more cpus ;) 18:39:00 <nirik> it's default on the Xfce image. 18:39:03 <adamw> whereas if we pull something in to fix this and it busts it on x86 or something, then we _did_ break it in an immutable image... 18:39:09 <nirik> if thats not a blocking desktop on arm, then -1 blocker? 18:39:17 <adamw> nirik: we're on FE here 18:39:20 <Viking-Ice> let's pull it in then, if it turns out to be to invasive we simply skip it it's FE 18:39:20 <nirik> ah, ok. 18:39:21 <pwhalen> adamw, it could, I would be okay as an update 18:39:22 <adamw> it's not being considered for blocker 18:39:34 <nirik> note... gnome stuff mostly uses webkitgtk3 18:39:39 <nirik> which is a different package 18:39:49 <pwhalen> if the fix was ready, it would be nice to pull it in 18:40:14 <ignatenkobrain> kparal: results of this bug ? 18:40:34 * kparal waiting to reach some consensus 18:40:37 <nirik> pwhalen: I think I am going to have to build one with different flags to get useful debuginfo. 18:40:42 <Viking-Ice> at this point nobody knows what the problem really is right and shipping an browser with broken search engine to our amr userbase kinda sucks big time 18:40:42 <nirik> so I can get a useful trace 18:40:49 <Viking-Ice> mean arm 18:41:01 <nirik> pwhalen: is it just search? or does it crash other pages? 18:41:17 <nirik> or is it just ddg? 18:41:18 <kparal> Viking-Ice: a single yum update will fix that 18:41:24 <pwhalen> nirik, can test when you're ready.. seems to be just searches, can test more 18:41:43 <nirik> pwhalen: cool. can continue over on #fedora-arm or whatever. 18:41:47 <kparal> I'm mostly -1 18:41:54 <ignatenkobrain> kparal: consensus is not needed ! 18:42:05 <Viking-Ice> kparal, it's an FE so ... 18:42:29 <nirik> pwhalen: oh, sigh. there's a new webkitgtk build... can you try it for grins? 18:42:42 <kparal> Viking-Ice: so... ? 18:42:53 <pwhalen> nirik, sure, will need to re-image, but will do 18:42:53 <jreznik> well, if it uses webkitgtk, not 3 it could be ok 18:43:01 <Viking-Ice> kparal, we dont have to pull it in... 18:43:34 <nirik> pwhalen: one of the webkitgtk comaintainers built a 2.2.3 this morning. 18:43:43 <Viking-Ice> in anycase the workaround is not that drastic type the url in the browser window 18:43:50 <Viking-Ice> for the search engine 18:44:07 <kparal> proposed #agreed 1037789 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception if the fix is timely and does not affect other architectures. 18:44:26 <roshi> ack 18:44:26 <ignatenkobrain> why accepted ? 18:44:30 <Viking-Ice> ack 18:44:31 <pwhalen> ack 18:44:41 <kparal> ignatenkobrain: because we can back out if we don't like it 18:44:48 <roshi> Viking-Ice has a point, we don't have to accept the fix 18:44:59 <roshi> that's why the accepted, AIUI 18:45:01 <ignatenkobrain> ok. ack 18:45:05 <kparal> but, usually adamw decides that when asking for a new TC 18:45:08 <adamw> ack 18:45:16 <adamw> kparal: if i'm unsure i'll consult with relevant people 18:45:27 <kparal> adamw: great, thanks 18:45:28 <jreznik> ack 18:45:29 <adamw> so yeah, my ack is a 'we might decide not to pull it' ack 18:45:34 <kparal> #agreed 1037789 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception if the fix is timely and does not affect other architectures. 18:45:52 <kparal> all from proposed FE 18:46:06 <kparal> shall we move to accepted blockers? 18:46:08 <adamw> sure 18:46:14 <kparal> ============================================================ 18:46:14 <kparal> Accepted Freeze Exceptions 18:46:14 <kparal> ============================================================ 18:46:18 <kparal> damn 18:46:24 <adamw> .fire kparal 18:46:24 <zodbot> adamw fires kparal 18:46:26 <kparal> ============================================================ 18:46:27 <kparal> Accepted Blockers 18:46:27 <kparal> ============================================================ 18:46:38 <kparal> #topic (1020974) incorrectly treats a disk with partially corrupt GPT as having no partition at all 18:46:38 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1020974 18:46:38 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 18:47:28 <cmurf> works 18:47:34 <cmurf> no regressions 18:47:47 <jreznik> thanks cmurf for trying it 18:47:49 <Viking-Ice> there is always regression 18:47:50 <kparal> this seems to be almost done 18:47:51 <Viking-Ice> +1 18:48:06 <adamw> thanks for testing cmurf 18:48:13 <kparal> #info this is implemented and tested, we're waiting for a new build 18:48:19 <cmurf> it depends on parted/pyparted so i suspect a regression is possible but unlikely 18:48:20 <adamw> so we just need to get the update out and tc5 built, that's on me 18:48:41 <cmurf> it's not like the detection code for this bug is all new 18:48:56 * kparal moving on 18:49:07 <kparal> #topic (1027947) Cannot change a partition's size, then return it to the original size 18:49:08 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1027947 18:49:08 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 18:49:22 <danofsatx> I just confirmed that this is fixed in TC4. 18:49:31 <kparal> and I confirmed it isn't 18:49:42 <roshi> I don't need to secretarialize anything for 1020974, do I? 18:49:50 <kparal> c28 use case is still broken 18:49:51 <roshi> since nothing changed, really? 18:49:56 <danofsatx> kparal: then what did we do different? 18:50:12 <kparal> danofsatx: have you tried to follow comment 0 or comment 28? 18:50:31 <kparal> comment 14 or 28, rather 18:50:48 <adamw> roshi: nah 18:50:58 <kparal> c14 was fixed, c28 still not 18:51:00 <roshi> thanks adamw for the sanity check 18:51:02 <kparal> according to my testing 18:51:05 <adamw> so, it's worth explicitly configuring whether we still think this is a blocker 18:51:05 <danofsatx> comment 28 18:51:23 <jreznik> adamw: at least, it's not crasher no more 18:51:26 <adamw> it was accepted as a blocker back when anaconda was crashing 18:51:29 <adamw> now it's just behaving kinda wackily 18:51:37 <adamw> do we still think it's a blocker? 18:51:45 <kparal> danofsatx: hum, ok. something is different, then 18:51:55 <adamw> we really should've filed a new bug report for the new behaviour, but that ship has sailed i think... 18:52:06 <jreznik> yep 18:52:08 <Viking-Ice> +1 blocker 18:52:36 <kparal> oh. initially, it hasn't crashed when following c28. but when I tried it just right now with TC4, it did crash 18:52:42 <kparal> I haven't realized 18:52:49 <kparal> so something is still fishy there 18:52:56 <kparal> I'll add more info after the meeting 18:53:18 <jreznik> ah, ok 18:53:24 <danofsatx> weird, I can't reproduce either of the errors with TC4 in VMware. 18:53:42 <roshi> +1 blocker, as is 18:53:55 <kparal> we're not voting, I think 18:54:05 <Viking-Ice> ? 18:54:16 <Viking-Ice> "do we still think it's a blocker?" 18:54:19 <roshi> well, just saying that it's still a blocker 18:54:22 <roshi> imo 18:54:27 <kparal> it still crashes 18:54:33 <Viking-Ice> hence still a blocker ;) 18:54:34 <kparal> crashed for me 30 minutes ago 18:54:39 <jreznik> and seems like it is 18:54:47 <Viking-Ice> kparal, that's ages ago 18:54:57 <kparal> #info there are still use cases when anaconda crashes, kparal will add more info soon 18:55:19 * kparal moving on 18:55:40 <adamw> oh huh, if it still crashes, sure does seem like a blocker, yeah. 18:55:41 * kparal skipping verified 18:55:50 <kparal> #topic (1036705) BootLoaderError: bootloader install failed when /boot on RAID 10(?) 18:55:50 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1036705 18:55:51 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, NEW 18:56:33 <Viking-Ice> 19:00 my time to exit and meet and greet with the mc later... 18:56:45 <kparal> #info anaconda intends to disallow /boot on LVM, which should prevent this bug 18:56:52 <adamw> so this is the one which dlehman is proposing to 'fix' by disallowing /boot-on-LVM. at least that was the plan last I heard. 18:57:29 * nirik nods. 18:57:45 * kparal moving on 18:57:59 <kparal> #topic (1035531) Fedora 20 final release notes required for GA 18:57:59 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1035531 18:57:59 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, fedora-release-notes, MODIFIED 18:58:25 <kparal> "<randomuser> pschindl, when the time comes, please note that a fix has been pushed, and that if something further is needed for some reason you can ping via bz or email me for a more immediate response" 18:58:51 <kparal> #info a new update is pushed, needs karma 18:59:01 <jreznik> yep, I talked randomuser earlier today 18:59:07 <jreznik> (to) 18:59:15 <jreznik> so built as planned 18:59:22 * kparal moving on 18:59:34 <kparal> #topic (1024223) fedup 19->20 failed with DVD iso upgrade 18:59:34 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024223 18:59:34 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, fedup, MODIFIED 19:00:21 <kparal> #info a patch is pushed, wwoods should create a new build soon 19:00:52 <kparal> there seems to be a lot of stuff missing in fedup's initrd 19:01:03 <kparal> generic one would really help 19:01:41 * kparal moving on, if nobody wants to add further comments 19:02:08 <kparal> #topic (864198) grubby fatal error updating grub.cfg when /boot is btrfs (and anaconda allows the creation of such a layout in custom partitioning) 19:02:08 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=864198 19:02:08 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, grubby, ASSIGNED 19:02:36 <adamw> also being 'fixed' by not allowing it. 19:02:56 <kparal> #info also being prevented by disallowing /boot on btrfs 19:03:10 <ignatenkobrain> wow /boot on btrfs ? so... interesting :D 19:03:10 <kparal> #info patch ready, waiting for new build 19:03:29 * kparal moving on, if nobody wants to add further comments 19:03:41 <jreznik> move on 19:03:44 <kparal> #topic (1004621) plasma-nm doesn't attempt to connect to any listed networks on Fedora KDE live 19:03:44 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1004621 19:03:44 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, kde-plasma-nm, ON_QA 19:03:46 <cmurf> ignatenkobrain: it's a lot more robust than say XFS on LV on md raid6 which is also permitted 19:03:58 <cmurf> (for booting from) 19:04:07 <kparal> no development here it seems 19:04:39 <kparal> the update has -3 karma 19:04:53 <kparal> should we move back to assigned, probably? 19:05:11 <jreznik> kparal: that update is nonsense, the real change was switching to kdm 19:05:30 <jreznik> so it has to be verified now 19:05:34 <kparal> jreznik: is the change effective yet? 19:05:39 <kparal> in TC4? 19:06:11 <jreznik> I hope so 19:06:15 <roshi> yeah - the sddm to kdm switch was supposed to be TC4 19:06:22 <roshi> iirc from what adamw said 19:06:40 <kparal> #info the linked update is not related, TC4 should contain kdm instead of sddm, so that this can be tested 19:06:47 <kparal> roshi: please add that info into the bugzilla, thanks 19:06:58 <roshi> you got it :) 19:07:05 * kparal moving on, if nobody wants to add further comments 19:07:33 <kparal> #topic (1032921) KDE f20 TC2 x86_64 fails to shutdown from menu bar 19:07:33 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1032921 19:07:33 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, kde-workspace, NEW 19:08:07 <adamw> yeah, tc4 should have KDM 19:08:15 <adamw> sorry, i disappeared 19:08:26 <jreznik> this one is really very unpredictable and hard to reproduce reliably, it just happens... sometimes 19:08:45 <adamw> i'll try and find a minute to confirm the fix for 1004621 with TC4 19:08:55 <kparal> #info this needs testing with TC4, instructions are present in the bug 19:08:57 <adamw> state of the art is KDE is blaming the systemd slow startup bug 19:09:08 <adamw> which may be fixed in tc4 or may not. so that's not going to confuse anyone at all. 19:09:15 <jreznik> adamw: mbriza hit today but did not hit slow boot... 19:09:39 <jreznik> hit it - too tired :( 19:09:45 <kparal> #info this also might be influenced by system slow startup bug 19:09:52 <kparal> #undo 19:09:52 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x9313310> 19:09:56 <kparal> #info this also might be influenced by systemd slow startup bug 19:10:04 <jreznik> they are on it but it's really hard to find the root cause for this one... heisenbug 19:10:16 * kparal moving on, if nobody wants to add further comments 19:10:25 <adamw> yeah, i don't think we have much light to shed 19:10:41 <kparal> #topic (1035536) Final spin-kickstarts build required for Fedora 20 GA 19:10:41 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1035536 19:10:41 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, spin-kickstarts, ASSIGNED 19:10:46 <jreznik> I'm in touch with guys... will follow it up (for previous one) 19:11:30 <kparal> #info a new update is ready, needs karma 19:11:33 <nirik> related to spin kickstarts, I was going to bring up: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1023178 19:11:44 * nirik can wait for open floor tho, sorry 19:12:00 <kparal> nirik: I'll mention it after we're done with this section 19:12:10 <nirik> kparal: don't we need a new one now? 19:12:29 <kparal> a new one what? 19:12:38 <nirik> oh, he did submit on. 19:12:42 <nirik> one. nevermind, move on. 19:12:48 <kparal> ok 19:12:48 <nirik> spin-kickstarts package. 19:13:11 <kparal> #topic (1006386) Journal flushing often slow, can prevent system booting correctly 19:13:11 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1006386 19:13:11 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, systemd, MODIFIED 19:13:35 <adamw> nirik: there's an older report for that, i think. 19:13:44 <adamw> nirik: i spent a bit of time looking at it then got distracted by more important things. 19:15:05 <kparal> #info there is an update and some testing going on. more testers welcome 19:15:17 <kparal> does anybody know more details? 19:15:25 <adamw> newp. 19:15:39 <jreznik> well, I talked to Michal today and he's not sure what that backported patches do... 19:16:30 <kparal> so, waiting for a magic fix 19:16:31 <jreznik> so it needs more testers to help with 19:16:53 <kparal> pschindl was the only one to hit it from us 19:16:54 <jreznik> one workaround pschindl confirmed was limiting size of log file... 19:16:58 <kparal> it seems it works for him 19:17:18 <kparal> but the log is rotated every few days with this setup 19:17:27 <jreznik> it is... 19:17:40 <adamw> i'm not convinced by any of the 'confirmations of fixes' yet, tbh 19:17:50 <jreznik> yeah 19:17:58 <adamw> they all seem to come back and say, "er, but, maybe not" 19:18:04 <kparal> a bad choice of the release name, again 19:18:21 <jreznik> and tom london's logs are not very convincing 19:18:47 <kparal> let's finish this section off. the last one accepted blocker: 19:19:01 <kparal> #topic (1026860) Instantiated service is not run, it stays in inactive state (and systemd debug log does not state why) 19:19:01 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1026860 19:19:01 <kparal> #info Accepted Blocker, systemd, NEW 19:19:31 <kparal> still broken 19:19:50 <adamw> hey, at least now we have a clear statement about what needs fixin' :| 19:20:06 <kparal> #info this seems to be still broken and waiting for developers 19:20:39 <jreznik> peter needs more logs 19:20:58 <jreznik> he's trying to fix it, no workarounds available 19:21:07 <jreznik> but he thinks it's in systemd 19:21:29 <jreznik> systemd guys are trying to prepare a build with more debug info available for him 19:21:55 <adamw> good summary, thanks. 19:22:20 <kparal> #topic Open Floor 19:22:26 <kparal> let's start with nirik's bug 19:22:37 <nirik> sure. 19:22:40 <kparal> #topic 1023178 - RPM GPG key not imported on live images 19:22:44 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1023178 19:23:12 <kparal> so, this is related to spin-kickstarts 19:23:17 <kparal> we might need another build 19:23:35 <kparal> but at least we're now consistent with dvd behavior :P 19:23:35 <nirik> so, there's history here... we never used to import keys in the images. 19:23:49 <nirik> but not sure if we relented and started doing that. 19:24:48 <nirik> yeah, we have the import in the base ks file. 19:25:06 <nirik> # work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit 19:25:06 <nirik> rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* 19:25:06 <nirik> rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-$basearch 19:25:08 <adamw> i thought we *did* used to do it in live images, but not in DVDs 19:25:11 <kparal> in previous releases Live installation had the keys trusted, DVD installs not 19:25:16 <adamw> like kparal says, it's 'famous' that this 'works' in live but not DVD 19:25:24 <nirik> see also 998. ;) 19:25:32 <adamw> right 19:26:04 * adamw goes to look at a live image creation log and see what happens with that command 19:26:19 <nirik> yeah. 19:26:44 <adamw> so, er, btw, subtext of this meeting is that we're really not expecting to ship this week, right? we're not going to look at making some dodgy blocker waivers. 19:27:05 <nirik> adamw: it seems unlikely since we don't even have an rc1. ;( 19:27:20 <adamw> well, i've been keeping the option of a 'hero' rc1 this morning open 19:27:26 <roshi> mad testing before tomorrow 19:27:27 <adamw> but it's kinda seeming like we're not going there 19:27:52 <roshi> if there was an RC 19:28:55 <adamw> roshi: that's kinda normal :P 19:29:02 <roshi> lol 19:29:34 <adamw> right now we could actually do an anaconda build and then plausibly claim everything but https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1026860 is 'addressed' 19:29:40 <kparal> #topic Open Floor 19:30:15 <adamw> so...if we wanted some fudge we could try and deny that one blocker status. i'm just listing the possibility. 19:30:22 <nirik> well, I'm happy to help if we can make it... but... 19:30:39 <adamw> in practice, though, it seems highly likely either the systemd-slow-boot or kde bug would still be there. 19:30:48 <adamw> oh, wait, there's the fedup bug too. and we were strongly +1 on that. 19:30:53 <adamw> sorry, thinking out loud 19:30:59 <kparal> there's also 1027947 19:31:12 <kparal> dlehman just confirmed on #anaconda that he still hasn't fixed it yet 19:31:17 <adamw> right 19:31:24 <adamw> i was kinda figuring that got fixed in the anaconda build 19:31:28 <adamw> so yeah, signs point to slip 19:32:03 <kparal> one week doesn't matter, we can still release before Christmas 19:32:05 <nirik> error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora--: import read failed(2). 19:32:15 <kparal> but two weeks slip would go to January 19:32:22 <nirik> no releasever/basearch set in chroot likely 19:32:31 <nirik> kparal: yep. 19:32:36 <jreznik> kparal: yep, it would, one week is still possible 19:32:48 <adamw> ah, that's actually what i thought it was going to be! 19:32:49 <adamw> ten points to me 19:32:55 <nirik> thats why we asked for the week move up of final freeze. ;) 19:33:11 <adamw> you social engineers you 19:33:15 <nirik> adamw+10 19:33:28 * kparal is lost 19:34:01 <kparal> anyway, anything else to discuss? 19:34:55 <jreznik> all set, I'll continue to ping people... 19:35:15 * jreznik has to run now 19:35:21 <danofsatx> what about 1035799? 19:35:22 <kparal> jreznik: thanks, see you 19:35:26 <danofsatx> .bug 1035799 19:35:30 <zodbot> danofsatx: Bug 1035799 f20 tc3, adding a new mount point, desired capacity empty, crash - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1035799 19:35:36 <adamw> i think jreznik and i have our nervous breakdowns nicely scheduled 19:35:49 <adamw> danofsatx: it's fixed and the fix confirmed in TC4, i think? 19:35:57 <adamw> oh, GNOME folks are asking me about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=709027 as an FE 19:36:01 <adamw> might be possible to take it if we slip 19:36:07 <kparal> danofsatx: the status says VERIFIED, I skip those bugs 19:36:25 <danofsatx> Oh, I missed the "verified" part. sorry 'bout that 19:36:30 * danofsatx is still learning 19:36:41 <kparal> #topic GNOME Bug 709027 - List mode has black background 19:36:48 <kparal> #link https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=709027 19:37:15 <adamw> obivously we'll file an rh bug for it if necessary 19:37:22 <adamw> but just thought i'd get it in before the meeting closes 19:37:27 <kparal> funny 19:37:31 <adamw> i guess i'd be a weak +1 with a slip, definite -1 with no slip 19:37:34 <kparal> +1 FE 19:37:39 * nirik is with adamw 19:38:05 <kparal> I wouldn't be so definite, but I agree 19:38:25 <adamw> ok, i guess i'll get an rh bug filed and ping for votes 19:38:31 <kparal> still interesting that I haven't seen this 19:38:40 <adamw> kparal: it apparently doesn't affect many apps 19:38:45 <adamw> possibly only gnome docs 19:38:58 <kparal> ah 19:39:08 <kparal> nobody uses that anyway, so no big deal :P 19:39:11 <roshi> I'm with adamw on the votes, weak or none 19:39:14 <roshi> lol 19:39:21 <roshi> dpending on slip 19:39:27 <adamw> kparal: that was kinda my thought but i didn't want to say it :P 19:39:37 <adamw> kparal: actually, it finds stuff in remote accounts now, which is kind of useful 19:39:38 * roshi just left an 'e' out of "depending" to be efficient 19:39:42 <kparal> oh, I'm very forward 19:39:45 <adamw> 'online accounts' - owncloud etc 19:39:54 <adamw> roshi: very fficint 19:39:58 <adamw> SEE WHAT I DID THERE 19:40:06 <roshi> idid 19:40:16 <roshi> 1337speak for a new generation 19:40:29 <roshi> or, was that us from before? 19:40:54 <kparal> lts skp ll th vwls, jst fr fn 19:41:06 <roshi> snds gd t m 19:41:10 <adamw> h wr gng ll prml scrm 19:41:24 * kparal brain is melting 19:41:26 <roshi> grgl 19:41:34 <adamw> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTRMNTR 19:41:43 * roshi is done 19:41:44 <roshi> lol 19:42:03 <kparal> #topic Open Floor 19:42:07 <kparal> ok, anything else? 19:42:18 <adamw> i don't think so 19:42:27 <adamw> thanks for sticking around, kparal 19:42:29 <kparal> thanks everybody for coming 19:42:40 <kparal> #endmeeting