16:01:31 <tflink> #startmeeting f20alpha-blocker-review-1 16:01:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 21 16:01:31 2013 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:31 <tflink> #meetingname f20alpha-blocker-review-1 16:01:31 <tflink> #topic Roll Call 16:01:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f20alpha-blocker-review-1' 16:01:40 * kparal 16:01:41 <adamw> ahoyhoy 16:01:46 <tflink> kparal: what are you stirring? 16:01:55 * mkrizek is here 16:01:56 * pwhalen is here 16:01:57 <nonamedotc> i am going to hang around as well! :D 16:02:00 <kparal> tflink: the meeting 16:02:18 <tflink> kparal: I was wondering where that gigantic wooden spoon came from :) 16:02:48 * nonamedotc wants to say 'here' as well. 16:02:50 <kparal> .moar tflink chilli 16:02:50 <zodbot> here chilli, have some more tflink 16:02:55 <kparal> heh 16:03:07 * tflink prepares to defend with his shield of +3 blocker rejection :) 16:03:10 * pschindl is here 16:03:35 <tflink> or would it have to be -3 for rejection? 16:03:51 <kparal> right, the cursed shield of blocker rejection 16:03:57 <kparal> can't take it off 16:04:05 * jreznik is around (just not feeling very well, maybe will sound a bit crazy :D) 16:04:27 <kparal> jreznik: we're used to it, no worries 16:05:54 <tflink> kparal: that sounds more like the "cursed gauntlets of blocker review meeting leadership" 16:06:06 <tflink> they won't go away! 16:06:27 <tflink> anyhow, I think we have enough people to get the party started with some always-exciting boilerplate 16:06:29 <adamw> the amount of chickens i had to sacrifice to pass them on to you 16:06:44 <tflink> adamw: so that's how it happened 16:06:55 * tflink searches craigslist for chickens 16:06:59 <tflink> #topic Introduction 16:07:06 <tflink> Why are we here? 16:07:06 <tflink> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and freeze exception bugs. 16:07:11 <tflink> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:07:11 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:07:17 <tflink> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:07:17 <tflink> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:07:25 <tflink> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:07:25 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:07:30 <tflink> #info Up for review today, we have: 16:07:58 <tflink> #info 5 Proposed Blockers 16:07:58 <tflink> #info 0 Accepted Blockers 16:07:58 <tflink> #info 0 Proposed Freeze Exceptions 16:07:58 <tflink> #info 0 Accepted Freeze Exceptions 16:08:21 <tflink> since we only have proposed blockers to cover today, we'll "start" with those :) 16:08:28 <tflink> topic (901917) rescue a fedora system mode doesn't recognize luks installation 16:08:31 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=901917 16:08:32 <tflink> bah 16:08:34 <tflink> #undo 16:08:34 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x27454b90> 16:08:36 <tflink> #undo 16:08:36 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x27e1c0d0> 16:08:39 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 16:08:43 <tflink> #topic (901917) rescue a fedora system mode doesn't recognize luks installation 16:08:46 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=901917 16:08:49 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 16:09:20 <adamw> per the criteria this should be beta 16:09:28 <adamw> alpha says "The rescue mode of the installer must start successfully and be able to detect and mount an existing default installation." 16:09:42 <adamw> beta says "The rescue mode of the installer must be able to detect and mount any installation performed according to the applicable criteria, and provide a shell with access to utilities capable of performing typical recovery operations." 16:09:58 <tflink> yeah, not a default install 16:10:09 <tflink> +1 FE, +1 beta blocker 16:10:20 <pschindl> yes. I'm +1 for beta and +1 FE 16:10:28 <mkrizek> +1 beta blocker 16:10:34 <adamw> same 16:10:45 <jreznik> same as adamw 16:10:50 <kparal> yep 16:11:29 <tflink> proposed #agreed 901917 - RejectedBlocker (alpha) AcceptedFreezeException (alpha) AcceptedBlocker (beta) - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion: "The rescue mode of the installer must be able to detect and mount any installation performed according to the applicable criteria, and provide a shell with access to utilities capable of performing typical recovery operations." 16:11:47 <kparal> ack 16:11:48 <mkrizek> ack 16:11:49 <pschindl> ack 16:12:02 <tflink> #agreed 901917 - RejectedBlocker (alpha) AcceptedFreezeException (alpha) AcceptedBlocker (beta) - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion: "The rescue mode of the installer must be able to detect and mount any installation performed according to the applicable criteria, and provide a shell with access to utilities capable of performing typical recovery operations." 16:12:10 <tflink> #topic (997690) SizeNotPositiveError: bytes= param must be >=0 16:12:10 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=997690 16:12:10 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST 16:12:45 <tflink> oh, any volunteers for secretary duty? 16:13:18 * tflink looks at kparal, mkrizek and pschindl 16:13:43 <kparal> hmm, okay 16:13:58 <kparal> do we have a template? :) 16:14:22 <tflink> I don't think so, I think adam usually makes it up as we go 16:14:33 * adamw is doing it 16:14:45 <adamw> yeah, the template lives in my head i'm afraid 16:15:00 <kparal> no problem, I'll have a look at the old blockers 16:15:11 <adamw> really all it is is "Discussed at $DATE blocker review meeting: <meetbot link>" 16:15:18 <adamw> everything after that is freeform 16:15:41 <adamw> refer to the relevant release criterion in all cases, try to provide comprehensive explanation of the decision 16:16:17 <adamw> kparal: i've done this bug but i'll gladly hand off to you for the rest :) 16:16:29 <kparal> adamw: deal 16:16:54 <tflink> it sounds like this is a showstopper in a default install from livecd 16:17:13 <adamw> yup, seems that way. the good news is the patch fixes it, so it just needs pushing. 16:17:25 <tflink> +1 blocker 16:17:28 <adamw> +1 16:17:33 <pschindl> +1 16:17:58 <kparal> +1 16:18:04 <jreznik> +1 16:18:05 <mkrizek> +1 16:18:24 <tflink> proposed #agreed 997690 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion: "The installer must be able to complete an installation to a single disk using automatic partitioning." 16:18:44 <kparal> ack 16:18:45 <pschindl> ack 16:19:05 <adamw> ack 16:19:07 <mkrizek> ack 16:19:08 <tflink> #agreed 997690 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion: "The installer must be able to complete an installation to a single disk using automatic partitioning." 16:19:18 <tflink> #topic (985342) illegal instructions with glibc-2.17.90 on armv7hl 16:19:21 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=985342 16:19:23 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, glibc, ASSIGNED 16:20:37 * tflink doesn't understand arm well enough to say if this is a blocker 16:20:49 <adamw> i believe this bug is preventing rawhide working on trimslices, if i've got it straight 16:20:53 <adamw> pwhalen: ? 16:20:54 <tflink> installing to a chroot doesn't seem like blocker material to me 16:21:01 <pwhalen> adamw, right, only the trimslice is affected 16:21:10 * tflink found a new person to chide about not justifying blocker proposals 16:21:17 * kparal looking for a list of blocking arm arches 16:21:27 * tflink wonders if this is why his trimslice has been randomly locking up 16:21:49 <pschindl> kparal: I think I've seen somewhere that it is blocking one. 16:21:53 <pwhalen> tflink, you would receive a complaint during install 16:21:54 <kparal> so, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Supported_Platforms says "supported" 16:21:55 <adamw> kparal: arm team is debating the supported platform list for f20, when they decide on it it'll be up at the URL linked in the criteria i believe 16:22:13 <adamw> oh yeah, dgilmore threw one together for us 16:22:16 <tflink> pwhalen: no, install runs fine - it just locks up completely and garbles the screen after running a while 16:22:30 <tflink> but that is a discussion for another channel/time 16:23:07 <pwhalen> we're not sure what we can support in f20, I'd like that as soon as possible and we'll talk about it in todays meeting 16:23:10 <tflink> what criterion would we use for this? is the install not starting? 16:23:21 <tflink> or just not finishing 16:23:54 <pwhalen> the armhfp image which should be used for the trimslice will kernel panic on boot 16:24:00 <kparal> are we talking about anaconda, when we talk about ARM installs? 16:24:24 <tflink> I don't think so 16:24:33 <kparal> so, we're talking about the image creation process 16:24:36 <tflink> the arm images boot into initial-setup 16:24:43 <tflink> no, it's initial boot 16:24:48 <tflink> the "firstboot" criterion? 16:25:03 <adamw> tflink: are you actually testing f20? 16:25:10 <tflink> "A system installed with a release-blocking desktop must boot to a log in screen where it is possible to log in to a working desktop using a user account created during installation or a 'first boot' utility." 16:25:22 <tflink> adamw: no, I was getting F19 "working" first 16:25:32 <tflink> for a very liberal definition of working 16:25:42 * tflink is not a huge fan of his trimslice 16:25:52 <pwhalen> adamw, I've been testing the arm images 16:26:04 <tflink> I can start testing them, though 16:26:17 <tflink> I have a pandaboard and a trimslice - both of which are likely to be supported for F20 16:26:41 <tflink> I don't think there are images for the beaglebone yet, though 16:26:44 <tflink> but I digress 16:26:57 <adamw> pwhalen: so you'd expect that f19 would be ok for tflink? 16:27:11 <tflink> does that sound like an appropriate criterion w/ note that it's only the trimslice? 16:27:17 * nirik has a BBB which he will bring up as soon as there is support and also make available as a test machine for packagers/qa 16:27:21 <adamw> assuming we can trust the information that this bug is causing f20 on trimslice to be doa, i'm +1 16:27:24 <pwhalen> so this bug is glibc is using a capability it shouldnt (neon), so anything with it will not work.. tegra2 16:27:37 <pwhalen> *without it 16:27:50 <pwhalen> adamw, f19 should work with no issues, I would be happy to help 16:27:55 <adamw> tflink: that and/or the one after it, sure. 16:28:14 * tflink is ok with either 16:28:17 <adamw> pwhalen: sure, i'm just clarifying that tflink's experience doesn't question the interpretation of the bug report 16:28:33 <adamw> tflink: me too, doesn't matter which - it violates both of them and the one above, really. :) 16:29:16 <tflink> proposed #agreed 985342 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion for trimslice (and potentially others): "A system installed with a release-blocking desktop must boot to a log in screen where it is possible to log in to a working desktop using a user account created during installation or a 'first boot' utility." 16:29:48 <tflink> no firstboot references for F20 :) 16:30:16 <tflink> ack/nak/patch? 16:30:27 <pwhalen> ack 16:30:28 <adamw> ack 16:30:29 <adamw> tflink: yeah, i finally fixed that :P 16:30:36 <kparal> ack 16:30:42 <pschindl> ack 16:30:42 <mkrizek> ack 16:30:43 <tflink> #agreed 985342 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion for trimslice (and potentially others): "A system installed with a release-blocking desktop must boot to a log in screen where it is possible to log in to a working desktop using a user account created during installation or a 'first boot' utility." 16:30:53 <tflink> #topic (979174) initial-setup-text.service does not run on console 16:30:56 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=979174 16:30:59 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, initial-setup, NEW 16:31:56 <adamw> so this affects you if you're installing the minimal arm image, accessing the installed system via a serial console other than ttyS0, if I read it right 16:32:05 <pwhalen> correct 16:32:12 <tflink> is this limited to ARM? 16:32:12 <adamw> that seems like a fairly specific configuration, but dgilmore is worried about it... 16:32:37 <adamw> tflink: i don't know, but it'd be somewhat less serious on x86 as you'd at least have a chance to set a root password during install 16:32:38 <tflink> it sounds like anything w/o serial console 16:32:44 <tflink> true 16:33:07 <tflink> I think this would hit any of the arm servers, though 16:33:21 * tflink can't remember the name off the top of his head, caldexa? 16:33:39 <adamw> calxeda 16:33:43 <pwhalen> it affects the minimal images if not using the right console 16:34:10 <tflink> pwhalen: is using the right console a possible workaround? 16:34:27 <adamw> i don't think you can control the name of the serial console. 16:34:30 <pwhalen> tflink, no, would be specified by the hardware 16:34:35 <tflink> ok 16:34:36 <adamw> well, the kernel presumably? 16:34:37 <pwhalen> there are two suggested fixes on that 16:34:49 <adamw> yeah, i saw them. i like the custom target. seems more robust all around. 16:35:12 <adamw> anaconda and fedup already use custom targets with pretty good success. 16:35:30 <pwhalen> adamw, I would agree 16:35:57 <tflink> the criterion that jumps out at me first is "A working mechanism to create a user account must be clearly presented during installation and/or first boot of the installed system." 16:36:20 <tflink> w/ headless arm boxes 16:36:56 <adamw> yes, that's the intended one here. 16:37:12 <adamw> i-s is the only "working mechanism" for arm disk image deployments. 16:37:18 <pwhalen> prevents setting the root password 16:37:47 <adamw> pwhalen: i think i put 'user account' in the criteria because you can use a user account with root privileges instead of a root pw if you like 16:37:56 <adamw> but anyhow, it covers teh case 16:37:57 <pwhalen> makes sense 16:38:41 <adamw> oh hey, here's a thing 16:38:42 <tflink> proposed #agreed 979174 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion for headless arm installs that don't always have ttyS0: "A working mechanism to create a user account must be clearly presented during installation and/or first boot of the installed system." 16:38:47 <adamw> nack, for now 16:38:50 <tflink> ok 16:38:59 <adamw> we only actually require serial console to work at beta, as things stand 16:39:10 <adamw> "The installer must be able to complete an installation using the serial console interface." is a Beta criterion 16:39:35 <tflink> this is gonna get confusing with arm and its installation methods 16:39:52 <tflink> I'd argue that it affects koji builders 16:39:57 <adamw> well, not really, you can do an ARM deployment with a keyboard and monitor connected just like a PC one. 16:40:12 <tflink> but I'm not sure that's enough to justify special treatment 16:40:31 <adamw> the argument would have to be that serial console deployment is now sufficiently more common overall on our primary arches that it must move to alpha. 16:40:51 <pwhalen> the koji builders would be installed via kickstart and not affected by this one 16:41:07 <tflink> so this is just one-off installs to headless boxes? 16:41:14 <pwhalen> this would only affect the minimal disk images 16:41:38 <adamw> yeah, 'minimal' installs to headless boxes 16:42:03 <adamw> although...you need some kind of graphics-capable connection to do a non-minimal install to a headless box i guess 16:42:07 <pwhalen> ideally, if the desktop images had no display connected, it would display the initial-setup on the console 16:42:24 <adamw> when we say it 'works' for non-minimal i guess we mean it 'works' in that graphical i-s is displayed 16:42:45 <pwhalen> right 16:43:00 <pwhalen> or should be in an ideal world 16:43:17 <tflink> wait, is caldexa OMAP? 16:43:26 <pwhalen> no, calxeda is highbank 16:43:28 <tflink> or is there more affected HW than just OMAP 16:43:33 <adamw> this isn't hw-dependent 16:43:44 <adamw> it's just an issue with how the running of i-s is implemented 16:44:03 <tflink> adamw: the blockery-ness is, not all hw will use something other than ttyS0 16:44:05 <adamw> to make it actually appear we have the .service file say 'run this service before a tty appears anywhere', more or less 16:44:28 <adamw> the problem is that in specifying that we only considered serial consoles on ttyS0, not anywhere else, so if your serial console is anywhere else, a tty shows up on it, nerfing i-s 16:44:42 <dgilmore> most arm systems use some device other than ttyS0 for serial 16:44:50 <adamw> tflink: from the bug it sounds like just about all arm systems use something else...yeah. 16:45:00 <tflink> ok, I only saw OMAP mentioned specifically 16:45:01 <adamw> so, it sounds like there isn't really a 'workaround' for this unless you have graphical remoting 16:45:27 <pwhalen> right 16:45:31 <tflink> the next question is whether it blocks alpha 16:45:34 <adamw> so the ultimate question is: are we OK shipping alpha such that you can't do an install on most headless ARM boxes? given that by the criteria we've always been OK with shipping x86 Alpha that way? 16:45:37 <dgilmore> adamw: the workaround i did for f19 final was to extend the list to all the known ones 16:45:50 <dgilmore> i did it with a sed in the kickstart 16:45:57 <adamw> dgilmore: egads 16:46:03 * Viking-Ice catches up 16:46:06 <adamw> ahoy viking 16:46:15 <dgilmore> a short term workaround would be to add them in the package 16:46:20 <adamw> dgilmore: sure, we can certainly fix the bug 16:46:32 <adamw> we're now into a philosophical blockeriness debate, which is so much more fun :P 16:46:42 <dgilmore> longer term we probably want systemd to be smarter 16:46:49 * adamw doesn't really know how much more common headless is on ARM 16:47:06 <adamw> are people who want to run f20 alpha on ARM going to really expect to be able to do it headless and be really sad if they can't? 16:47:15 <dgilmore> adamw: so really its a beta criteria today, but i think maybe we need it for alpha 16:47:17 <pwhalen> adamw, I think quite a few use them headless 16:47:23 <adamw> or will they just say 'eh, it's an alpha, that's fine' and plug in a keyboard? 16:48:02 <dgilmore> adamw: if they can 16:48:27 <pwhalen> for an alpha in notes we could also describe how to 'unlock' the root acct 16:48:28 <dgilmore> adamw: im not sure initial-setup runs at all 16:48:39 <pwhalen> dgilmore, as of todays rawhide, no 16:48:45 <dgilmore> there is two workarounds 16:49:00 <dgilmore> adamw: workaround one is to unlock root 16:49:02 <adamw> dgilmore: i don't mean 'plug in a keyboard after booting', i just mean 'plug in a keyboard and do it again'. 16:49:20 <adamw> dgilmore: when you say 'workarounds' do you mean 'workarounds for users' or 'workarounds for devs'? 16:49:25 <dgilmore> workaround two is to edit the service file 16:49:35 <dgilmore> adamw: for users 16:49:35 <adamw> because we don't need workarounds for the devs. it's easy enough to just do the same fix you did for f19. we can do that in five minutes. 16:49:53 <adamw> dgilmore: you mean editing the image file before deploying it? 16:50:01 <dgilmore> adamw: we can just do that as well 16:50:09 * adamw wondering if we're starting to spend more time discussing the blockeriness of this bug than it would take to just fix it 16:50:20 <dgilmore> adamw: yeah 16:50:20 <tflink> :) 16:50:32 <adamw> okay, how about for now we just take it as an FE and beta blocker and fix the damn thing so we can forget about it 16:50:42 <tflink> yeah, that sounds prudent 16:50:48 <Viking-Ice> hmm agetty running on something other then tty in systemd 16:50:54 <dgilmore> adamw: so its not a alpha blocker with todays critera but is sucky 16:51:06 <adamw> dgilmore: right. effectively what we're debating now is whether to change the criteria. 16:51:13 <adamw> but we can probably do that out of the meeting and move on. 16:51:18 <Viking-Ice> well arguably we should be defaulting to empty root password ( mail for that later on 16:51:21 <Viking-Ice> ) 16:51:31 <dgilmore> yeah. lets note it for later discussion 16:51:34 <adamw> Viking-Ice: yeah, i think that's probably off-meeting topic too :) 16:52:06 <tflink> proposed #agreed 979174 - RejectedBlocker (alpha) AcceptedFreezeException (alpha) AcceptedBlocker (beta) - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for many headless minimal arm installs: "The installer must be able to complete an installation using the serial console interface." 16:52:34 <adamw> ack for now - kparal might want to make a passing note that we can consider changing the criteria when updating the bug 16:52:35 <dgilmore> ack 16:52:37 <Viking-Ice> ack 16:52:42 <pwhalen> ack 16:52:53 <kparal> ack 16:52:59 <adamw> er 16:53:04 <adamw> oh well, let it pass. 16:53:21 <tflink> proposed #agreed 979174 - RejectedBlocker (alpha) AcceptedFreezeException (alpha) AcceptedBlocker (beta) - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for many headless minimal arm installs: "The installer must be able to complete an installation using the serial console interface." 16:53:26 <tflink> bah 16:53:46 <tflink> #agreed 979174 - RejectedBlocker (alpha) AcceptedFreezeException (alpha) AcceptedBlocker (beta) - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for many headless minimal arm installs: "The installer must be able to complete an installation using the serial console interface." 16:53:47 <adamw> swing and a miss 16:53:52 <tflink> strike 1 16:54:02 <tflink> #topic (997149) task systemd-udevd:757 blocked for more than 120 seconds. 16:54:05 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=997149 16:54:07 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, kernel, MODIFIED 16:54:34 <adamw> so...this is the 'anaconda hangs on returning from partitioning spoke' bug 16:54:37 * Viking-Ice notes uhum Violates the following F20 beta <--- release 16:55:04 <adamw> Viking-Ice: yes, it was rejected as alpha blocker, accepted as beta blocker. so that's appropriate 16:55:24 <adamw> bcl figured this bug was ultimately due to a kernel issue, but now it's looking like the kernel issue's been fixed and anaconda's still broken, sadly 16:55:24 <Viking-Ice> ah yes just look the tail 16:55:56 <Viking-Ice> the underlying cause in this bug is about educated guess-ess right ;) 16:55:57 <tflink> Viking-Ice: I'm not seeing the issue 16:56:08 <tflink> nvm, being slow today 16:56:25 <adamw> Viking-Ice: it seems like it's one of those "difficult to pin down" bugs :( 16:56:29 <Viking-Ice> punt for more data 16:56:35 <adamw> well, it's a clear +1 blocker 16:56:58 <adamw> Viking-Ice: it's clearer if you read the dupe bug - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=983319 16:57:22 <adamw> we're not very sure what's going wrong or how to fix it, but the bug itself is very obvious: so far as I know no-one who's tried an F20 install has dodged it, it seems to be a complete showstopper 16:57:44 <adamw> we might want to un-dupe 983319 and consider it instead of this one 16:57:52 <Viking-Ice> yeah this is a blocker 16:58:05 <adamw> in fact can I propose that? it should make things much clearer. 16:58:14 <pschindl> +1 one for 983319. It should be reopen if the kernel isn't the issue 16:58:23 <Viking-Ice> agreed 16:58:30 <adamw> ok, let me do the bureaucracy 16:59:14 <tflink> are we moving the proposal around, then? 17:00:03 <adamw> tflink: yeah, i've dropped 997149 as a proposed blocker, and re-opened 983319 17:00:06 <adamw> so can we switch to that bug? 17:00:58 <tflink> #info the blocker proposal was transferred to 997149 when 983319 was closed as a dupe - that bug has been re-opened and the proposal for release blocking status moved back 17:01:32 <Viking-Ice> has this been reproduced on physical hw ? 17:02:11 <tflink> #topic (983319) Install gets stuck returning from Installation Destination spoke 17:02:13 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=983319 17:02:16 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED 17:02:45 <adamw> Viking-Ice: let me check 17:03:00 * Viking-Ice brb 17:03:14 <tflink> do we want to use "The installer must be able to complete an installation using any supported locally connected storage interface." ? 17:03:25 <kparal> VM bugs are also Alpha blockery, aren't they? 17:03:31 <kparal> so +1 blocker 17:03:37 <pschindl> +1 blocker 17:04:08 <adamw> not sure what bcl's testing on 17:04:13 <adamw> but i know others than he and I have seen it 17:04:19 <adamw> +1 for now, i'll try and test this on metal in a bit 17:05:00 <tflink> proposed #agreed 983319 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion: "The installer must be able to complete an installation using any supported locally connected storage interface." 17:05:36 <pschindl> ack 17:05:37 <adamw> ack 17:07:02 * tflink gets out the many-tailed stick of ultimate poking 17:07:11 <tflink> kparal, Viking-Ice - ack/nak/patch? 17:07:19 <kparal> ack 17:07:23 <tflink> #agreed 983319 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 alpha release criterion: "The installer must be able to complete an installation using any supported locally connected storage interface." 17:07:26 * adamw dding a live image 17:07:39 <tflink> OK, that's all of the bugs I have on my list for today 17:08:11 <tflink> assuming that no more were proposed since we started, it's time for ... 17:08:15 <tflink> #topic Open Floor 17:08:30 <tflink> Is there anything that should be brought up in-meeting today? 17:09:43 <tflink> I assume that silence == nothing to bring up 17:09:44 <adamw> nothing specific, but we really need to get the showstopper fixed and do a tc1 :/ 17:09:51 <adamw> we have no idea what's lurking behind the showstopper and no way to find out 17:10:02 <dgilmore> first branched compose is about to land 17:10:05 * tflink needs to get some sd cards ordered 17:10:44 <Viking-Ice> ack 17:11:43 <tflink> if there's nothing else ... 17:11:44 <adamw> i'll yell in the bug if the showstopper doesn't happen on metal 17:12:00 <Viking-Ice> roger 17:12:02 * tflink sets the patent-pending quantum fuse for [0,5] minutes 17:12:37 <Viking-Ice> did we switch to extra time travel fuse this release cycle 17:13:05 <tflink> we applied for the patent during f19, I think 17:13:21 <tflink> started using the fancy fuses during 17 or 18 17:14:07 * Viking-Ice wonders how long the quantum fuse runs in alternative universe 17:15:00 <tflink> Viking-Ice: we could test this, but we have a lack of hardware 17:15:03 <adamw> oh, it's blown up countless alternative universes 17:15:06 <adamw> the casualties are huge 17:15:07 <tflink> and it's not part of the release criteria :) 17:16:09 <Viking-Ice> no funding an alternative universe door from ebay 17:16:14 <Viking-Ice> for an 17:16:26 <tflink> not yet, anyways :) 17:16:44 <tflink> Thanks for coming, everyone! 17:16:50 * tflink will send out minutes shortly 17:16:52 <tflink> #endmeeting