16:03:55 <adamw> #startmeeting F24-blocker-review 16:03:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 21 16:03:55 2016 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:03:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f24-blocker-review' 16:03:55 <adamw> #meetingname F24-blocker-review 16:03:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f24-blocker-review' 16:03:55 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:04:03 <adamw> ahoyhoy folks, who's around for blocker fun 16:04:04 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 16:04:05 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 16:04:26 * satellit_e listening 16:05:15 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 16:05:16 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 16:06:28 <sgallagh> Hmm, attendance is lacking today. 16:06:30 * pschindl_ is here 16:08:04 <adamw> sgallagh: kparal will be along in a bit 16:08:18 <sgallagh> Yeah, I saw that. 16:08:23 <adamw> releng folks are probably splitting time with another meeting again 16:10:05 * pwhalen is here 16:10:52 <adamw> alrighty, let's get rolling and see where we get to 16:11:22 <sgallagh> /me looks for his paddle 16:12:00 <adamw> #chair sgallagh pwhalen 16:12:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw pwhalen sgallagh 16:12:07 <adamw> #topic Introduction 16:12:07 <adamw> Why are we here? 16:12:07 <adamw> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:12:07 <adamw> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:12:07 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:12:08 <adamw> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:12:10 <adamw> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:12:12 <adamw> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:12:14 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Alpha_Release_Criteria 16:12:16 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:12:20 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Final_Release_Criteria 16:13:00 <adamw> we have: 16:13:28 <adamw> #info 5 Proposed Blockers (Alpha), 3 Proposed Blockers (Beta), 6 Proposed Blockers (Final) 16:13:45 <adamw> #info 1 Accepted Blockers (Alpha) 16:13:54 <adamw> #info 7 Proposed Freeze Exceptions (Alpha) 16:14:12 <adamw> who wants to secretarialize? 16:14:20 <adamw> or shall i nominate kparal to do it when he shows up? ;) 16:15:58 <sgallagh> /me cannot stick around for the full meeting, so that rules me out 16:18:21 <adamw> ok 16:18:28 <adamw> #info kparal will secretarialize when he appears 16:18:29 <sgallagh> So here's a fun question: if we don't have quorum for a blocker bug meeting, do we default to assuming that bugs are or are not blockers? :) 16:18:30 <adamw> thanks, kparal! ;) 16:18:40 <adamw> sgallagh: we default to beating people with sticks until they show up 16:18:53 <sgallagh> /me hefts his clue-by-four 16:19:38 <adamw> #info (1315494) C.UTF-8 doesn't actually work as a default locale - the story here is the same as always, this isn't a blocker unless we need a new anaconda build for something else, we are keeping it on the list for tracking that 16:19:44 <adamw> #topic (1319590) Fedora 24 Alpha 1.6 (Server - DVD): Can't close help window, once opened 16:19:44 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319590 16:19:44 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST 16:19:57 <adamw> I'm -1 blocker on this, it's a real bug but it's workaroundable and OK for an Alpha 16:20:11 <adamw> per sgallagh's reasoning probably -1 FE as well, we should just commonbugs it and fix for Beta 16:20:15 <sgallagh> I am also -1 blocker on this and -1 FE 16:20:23 <pschindl_> -1 too 16:20:54 <pwhalen> -1 fe/blocker .. 16:22:14 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1319590 - RejectedBlocker (Alpha), RejectedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is not severe enough to constitute the installer failing to complete, for Alpha (it's a conditional violation only in the case of opening Help, and it's workaroundable). we might usually accept it as FE, but as it's late in the cycle and there is known risk of breakage elsewhere in anaconda with new builds, we are rejected it as FE as well 16:22:22 <adamw> s/rejected/rejecting/ at the end there 16:22:48 <sgallagh> ack 16:22:52 <pschindl_> ack 16:23:30 <adamw> #agreed 1319590 - RejectedBlocker (Alpha), RejectedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is not severe enough to constitute the installer failing to complete, for Alpha (it's a conditional violation only in the case of opening Help, and it's workaroundable). we might usually accept it as FE, but as it's late in the cycle and there is known risk of breakage elsewhere in anaconda with new builds, we are rejecting it as FE as well 16:23:31 <pwhalen> ack 16:23:37 <adamw> #topic (1319770) New backgrounds require desktop-backgrounds change 16:23:37 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319770 16:23:37 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, desktop-backgrounds, NEW 16:23:46 <adamw> sigh, seeing this clown car show up every Alpha makes me sad, but +1. 16:23:57 <adamw> *toot toot* 16:24:02 <sgallagh> +1; I'm attempting to shepherd this through today. 16:24:15 <sgallagh> Hopefully we should have something ready for a compose in the next couple hours. 16:24:15 <adamw> thanks for that sgallagh 16:24:28 <sgallagh> (We're waiting on KDE; poor rdieter was blindsided) 16:25:22 <pwhalen> +1 :/ 16:25:37 <pschindl_> +1 16:26:24 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1319770 - AcceptedBlocker (Alpha) - clear violation of "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:26:37 <pwhalen> ack 16:27:18 <sgallagh> ack 16:27:32 <adamw> #agreed 1319770 - AcceptedBlocker (Alpha) - clear violation of "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:27:49 <adamw> #topic (1319043) Include F24 Alpha backgrounds in next RC 16:27:49 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319043 16:27:49 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, f24-backgrounds, MODIFIED 16:28:03 <maxamillion> (is everyone allowed to +/-1 on things or is there a specific set of people who can vote like FESCo or the Council?) 16:28:05 <adamw> ed. note: this one we already took as an FE with async voting and is in Alpha 1.6, but it's technically a blocker too 16:28:15 <sgallagh> maxamillion: Everyone can vote 16:28:18 * kparal joins 16:28:18 <maxamillion> sgallagh: ah, thanks 16:28:20 <sgallagh> This meeting strives for consensus 16:28:27 <maxamillion> sgallagh: rgr that 16:28:38 <kparal> what have I joined into? have I already received some duties? 16:28:41 <adamw> there is not an absolutely nailed down policy for who can vote and how we decide close votes 16:29:05 <adamw> in theory the stakeholder groups for the meeting are qa, releng and devel (i also count project management - i.e. FPL and FPM - but i don't know if i ever wrote that down in the SOP) 16:29:07 <sgallagh> I thought we agreed last week that adamw has the final say on close votes :) 16:29:14 <adamw> kparal: yes, you're the secretary. :P 16:29:20 <adamw> sgallagh: well, i mean, obviously 16:29:31 <adamw> you didn't know I have the casting vote in everything? 16:29:35 <kparal> pschindl_: we shall talk! 16:29:40 <adamw> best be nice to me if you don't want to wind up with Trump 16:29:44 <sgallagh> But honestly, that rarely comes up. Consensus is more common 16:29:47 <adamw> right 16:29:57 <adamw> so usually we just take votes from whoever shows up and aim for rough consensus 16:30:12 <adamw> aaanyhoo, yeah, this bug! votey time 16:30:23 <sgallagh> That being said, maxamillion if you want to take on the "official" rel-eng vote today, have at it 16:30:30 <kparal> +1 blocker 16:30:47 <sgallagh> +1 blocker 16:31:13 <pschindl_> +1 16:31:19 <maxamillion> sgallagh: I dunno if I'd want to do all that ... it's been an embarrasing amount of time since I participated in Fedora QA in the capacity I'd like to be able to (time permitting) ... I'm mostly just trying to get back into it a bit 16:31:20 <sgallagh> I still feel like we should just have transitive blocker approval: a bug that blocks fixing an approved blocker should just get approved automatically 16:31:21 <pwhalen> +1 16:31:43 <pwhalen> sgallagh, agreed 16:32:06 <sgallagh> But I suppose the process we have usually isn't heavyweight in those situations 16:32:57 <adamw> sgallagh: in fact that's technically the case already, but if you nominate the bug directly it'll get discussed. 16:33:11 <sgallagh> ah, good to know 16:33:28 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1319043 - AcceptedBlocker (Alpha) - clear violation of "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:33:38 <pschindl_> ack 16:34:14 <pwhalen> ack 16:34:15 <sgallagh> ack 16:34:19 <adamw> #agreed 1319043 - AcceptedBlocker (Alpha) - clear violation of "The default desktop background must be different from that of the last two stable releases." 16:34:28 <adamw> #topic (1318541) kde (e.g kscreenlocker) crashes in driDestroyScreen/llvmpipe_destroy_screen/pthread_barrier_destroy 16:34:29 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318541 16:34:29 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, mesa, NEW 16:34:31 <adamw> so, here's the fun one 16:34:38 <adamw> this is the one we were undecided on at go/no-go 16:35:22 <adamw> we've nailed it down a bit harder since then, it appears to be specific to llvmpipe, so probably most virtualization scenarios and metal with no hardware accel 16:35:31 <adamw> ajax is looking at it atm 16:36:04 <sgallagh> I'm not sure how many people run KDE in VMs. 16:36:20 <sgallagh> The bare-metal case to me seems like diminishing value; I wouldn't block if it was *only* that case. 16:36:40 <sgallagh> Since for the last several years even embedded graphics have had accel 16:37:43 <kparal> does the fact that this is KDE and not GNOME influence our opinion? and should it? 16:38:50 <sgallagh> It does further reduce the number of people that will hit it (according to mattdm's statistics, I think we established that KDE was second-most-popular, but it was a distant second) 16:39:02 <adamw> maybe a bit 16:39:15 <adamw> i'm not sure i have real strong feelings on it, it's totally a judgment call, i can live with -1 16:39:16 <pwhalen> likely means it would affect the arm images. (i havent tested kde) 16:39:42 <sgallagh> adamw: I guess I'm leaning towards "If this was the last thing left, would we block on it?" and coming up with "probably not" 16:39:56 <adamw> i'm +1 FE, obviously. 16:39:57 <sgallagh> pwhalen: Don't the ARM images block on XFCE, not KDE? 16:40:03 <sgallagh> Yes, clearly +1 FE 16:40:11 <pwhalen> sgallagh, right. thankfully 16:40:21 <pwhalen> +1 FE 16:40:30 <maxamillion> what's FE? 16:40:38 <kparal> I don't have a strong opinion here. but I would be more +1 if this was GNOME, and that makes me feel a bit guilty 16:40:38 <sgallagh> maxamillion: Freeze Exception 16:40:40 <maxamillion> ah 16:41:00 <sgallagh> Basically, we would be willing to pull in a fix if it was timely and we believed the actual patch was low-risk 16:41:08 <dgilmore> sgallagh: ARM images block on Xfce 16:41:12 <sgallagh> But we won't hold up the release for it 16:41:26 <sgallagh> dgilmore: Right, that's what I thought. 16:41:40 <adamw> kparal: for a conditional violation it's reasonable to factor it how commonly used the image is 16:41:42 <dgilmore> Xfce and Minimal 16:41:51 * adamw brb, call of nature 16:43:13 <dgilmore> +1 FE, given that KDE really requires hardware acceleration support to work well. I doubt there are many users outside of virt 16:43:30 <dgilmore> and then I suspect most virt are just testing and not using as a daily driver 16:43:47 <sgallagh> Yeah, that's my thought as well. 16:43:50 <dgilmore> I am +0.001 on blocker 16:44:17 <rdieter> related issue, last I checked, plasma (essentially) required working accelerated opengl, with an impliciation that llvmpipe was not sufficient. I'll double check, but if that's still true, then we may have to conclude plasma+virt isn't supported (or blockable) 16:44:36 <dgilmore> rdieter: pretty much my thoughts 16:44:37 <sgallagh> I'm a weak -1 to blocker. I think we'd probably agree to fudge it at Go/No-Go if this was all that was left. 16:45:30 <adamw> rdieter: for this particular case, though, it seems like a general mesa bug, not KDE specific (as you found) 16:45:46 <rdieter> <nod> 16:46:25 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1318541 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - it's a close call, but we feel the overall impact of this conditional violation is not quite sufficient enough to constitute an Alpha blocker. It's clearly worth a freeze exception, however 16:46:34 <sgallagh> ack 16:46:35 <pwhalen> ack 16:46:38 <dgilmore> ack 16:46:44 <adamw> #agreed 1318541 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - it's a close call, but we feel the overall impact of this conditional violation is not quite sufficient enough to constitute an Alpha blocker. It's clearly worth a freeze exception, however 16:47:06 <adamw> OK, since we're focused on Alpha right now and there's several of them, I propose we do the Alpha FEs next rather than Beta/Final blockers 16:47:08 <adamw> how does that sound? 16:47:40 <sgallagh> Sounds sensible 16:47:50 <kparal> ok 16:47:59 <pwhalen> wfm 16:48:14 <adamw> OK 16:48:24 <adamw> #info moving onto Alpha proposed Freeze Exceptions 16:48:42 <adamw> #topic (1318615) gnome-initial-setup crashes after choosing a language 16:48:42 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318615 16:48:42 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, gnome-initial-setup, NEW 16:49:02 <adamw> i couldn't reproduce this one when I tried... 16:50:09 <adamw> it's kind FE-ish on the face of it, but doesn't seem to be going anywhere 16:50:37 <kparal> +1 FE and we will evaluate the fix if ready 16:50:54 <sgallagh> Yeah, FE doesn't require us to take it. +1 FE 16:51:08 <adamw> fair enough... 16:51:45 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1318615 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - though this one seems a bit vague at present, there's certainly a potential serious issue here, so we accept it as FE and if a clearly reproducible case is found and fixed, we will look at taking the fix 16:52:03 <pwhalen> sure, +1 FE if someone can reproduce and it can be fixed 16:52:04 <pwhalen> ack 16:52:06 <pschindl_> ack 16:52:31 <kparal> ack 16:52:38 <adamw> #agreed 1318615 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - though this one seems a bit vague at present, there's certainly a potential serious issue here, so we accept it as FE and if a clearly reproducible case is found and fixed, we will look at taking the fix 16:52:50 <kparal> pschindl_: try to provide the traceback 16:52:52 <adamw> #topic (1319506) Can't close initial-setup's help window 16:52:52 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319506 16:52:52 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, initial-setup, NEW 16:52:57 <adamw> is this same as the anaconda help bug? 16:53:34 <kparal> sounds likely 16:54:20 <sgallagh> Seems pretty likely. 16:54:38 <sgallagh> I suspect that the help application is expecting full gnome-shell chrome to be present which isn't there yet in anaconda/g-i-s 16:55:14 <adamw> this isn't g-i-s, it's i-s. two different things. 16:55:37 <adamw> hmm, even if it's basically the same bug, if i-s does its own X / WM setup, it could fix this without anaconda changes being needed... 16:55:38 <pwhalen> i just tested on arm xfce, happens there too. +1 FE 16:55:56 <adamw> we rejected the anaconda one because we don't want to change anaconda, but if we can fix it in i-s without touching anaconda that might be +1 for me 16:56:29 <sgallagh> Yeah, I'm fine with +1 FE for now and deciding later if the actual fix is risky. 16:56:47 <kparal> I'd expect this to be a shared code, no? 16:57:12 <adamw> kparal: the X/WM init isn't, necessarily 16:57:20 <adamw> not sure where exactly the fix for this would be 16:57:29 <adamw> i can ask #anaconda briefly 16:57:40 <adamw> or we can just accept it and say it's OK if it can be fixed without touching anaconda 16:58:15 <sgallagh> I'm fine with just having the anaconda caveat 16:59:23 <adamw> ok 17:00:03 <pwhalen> sounds reasonable 17:00:03 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1319506 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is obviously a serious issue that can't be fixed with an update. If it can be fixed without touching anaconda, we will likely take the fix. However, if the fix requires change to anaconda (the bug is the same as #1319590) we won't 17:00:12 <pwhalen> ack 17:00:49 <sgallagh> ack 17:00:54 <kparal> ack 17:00:59 <pschindl_> ack 17:01:58 <adamw> #agreed 1319506 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is obviously a serious issue that can't be fixed with an update. If it can be fixed without touching anaconda, we will likely take the fix. However, if the fix requires change to anaconda (the bug is the same as #1319590) we won't 17:02:38 <kparal> it's also proposed Beta blocker 17:02:48 <kparal> no, FinalBlocker 17:03:09 <adamw> we'll get there later if we have time 17:03:18 <kparal> ok 17:03:21 <adamw> #topic (1319516) The default browser on LXDE is broken 17:03:21 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1319516 17:03:21 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, LiveCD - LXDE, NEW 17:03:37 <adamw> sure, +1 FE. 17:03:53 * kparal mumbles that it kinda breaks his secretarializing workflow 17:04:46 <sgallagh> This is pretty limited in scope, so sure. +1 FE if they want to squeeze it in 17:04:59 <adamw> kparal: you can always leave two comments :P 17:06:05 <kparal> somebody tell Giulio he can propose CommonBugs without proposing FEs 17:06:21 <kparal> but sure, +1 FE 17:06:53 <adamw> yeah, just did that 17:07:01 <pschindl_> +1 FE 17:07:05 <adamw> if this is only a spin-kickstarts change it doesn't even need an FE, but hey. 17:07:47 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1319516 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a major issue which cannot be fixed with an update for LXDE lives, so it's accepted as a freeze exception issue, so long as any changes needed to address it are limited in scope to the LXDE packages 17:08:03 <kparal> ack 17:08:39 <pschindl_> ack 17:08:40 <satellit_e> ack 17:08:49 <sgallagh> adamw: Doesn't spin-kickstarts no longer exist? 17:08:55 <sgallagh> Isn't everything pungi-fedora now? 17:09:00 <adamw> sgallagh: no?> 17:09:12 <sgallagh> Oh, lovely. 17:09:13 <adamw> #agreed 1319516 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a major issue which cannot be fixed with an update for LXDE lives, so it's accepted as a freeze exception issue, so long as any changes needed to address it are limited in scope to the LXDE packages 17:09:28 <adamw> pungi-fedora pulls in the kickstarts from spin-kickstarts and flattens them (at least afaik) 17:09:38 <adamw> or, pungi does. or whatever! something. 17:09:39 <sgallagh> Yay, yet another running chainsaw to juggle 17:09:45 <adamw> RRRRRrrrrRRRRR 17:09:56 <adamw> #topic (1318303) rolekit cannot deploy domain controller due to missing nss_myhostname 17:09:56 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318303 17:09:56 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, rolekit, NEW 17:10:09 <adamw> I'm +1 FE for this, although it doesn't look like a fix is particularly likely to show up soon 17:11:04 <sgallagh> Yeah, this is turning into a mess 17:12:26 <sgallagh> If I get some time today, I might throw together a rolekit-specific hack for this. 17:12:35 <sgallagh> And bypass the systemd-glibc argument entirely 17:13:19 <adamw> any other votes? 17:13:58 <kparal> +1 FE 17:14:14 <pschindl_> +1 FE 17:14:32 <sgallagh> +1 FE 17:14:42 <sgallagh> /me just realized he hadn't actually voted 17:15:00 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1318303 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is clearly a significant issue for Server that cannot be fully fixed with an update. It's accepted as a freeze exception, if a sufficiently targeted fix is found it will be accepted 17:15:40 <sgallagh> ack 17:15:59 <kparal> ack 17:16:55 <adamw> #agreed 1318303 - AcceptedFreezeException (Alpha) - this is clearly a significant issue for Server that cannot be fully fixed with an update. It's accepted as a freeze exception, if a sufficiently targeted fix is found it will be accepted 17:17:01 <adamw> #topic (1317709) live Workstation install doesn't have a rescue mode entry in the grub menu 17:17:01 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1317709 17:17:01 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, spin-kickstarts, NEW 17:17:52 <kparal> +1 fe 17:18:40 * adamw not really keeping up to date with this one, but if someone wants to change it, it seems worth an FE if the fix is safe 17:18:57 <sgallagh> I'm -1 FE here. I think it's too late in the alpha cycle to be mucking about with changes to the kernel boot in grub 17:19:28 <kparal> valid concern 17:19:45 <kparal> it's Alpha, I'm fine with -1 either 17:20:05 <adamw> any other votes? 17:20:18 <sgallagh> If we weren't already slipped, I might be a little more open to it, but I'm wary of changes that go this deep so close to Go/No-Go 17:21:33 <adamw> well, i don't think the change goes that deep, does it? it's just adding a package to the live 17:21:39 <adamw> but i'm kinda easy 17:22:05 <sgallagh> adamw: I don't know, but I have a deep-rooted awe and fear of the boot process 17:22:27 <pwhalen> +1 FE 17:23:31 <adamw> welp, i'm gonna vote +1 FE just to move us along. :P 17:24:36 <sgallagh> Fair enough. I reserve the right to say "I told you so" in the event of an issue ;-) 17:24:36 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1317709 - AcceptedFreezeException - if we decide the rescue kernel is desired and important to live images, it's reasonable to allow a fix as a freeze exception so long as it's simple, targeted and testable (if it requires package changes to anything boot-related we likely won't take it) 17:24:50 <sgallagh> ack 17:24:52 <kparal> ack 17:24:58 <pwhalen> ack 17:24:58 <satellit_e> ack 17:29:02 <kparal> adamw: have we lost you? 17:29:08 <adamw> sorry! 17:29:10 <adamw> #agreed 1317709 - AcceptedFreezeException - if we decide the rescue kernel is desired and important to live images, it's reasonable to allow a fix as a freeze exception so long as it's simple, targeted and testable (if it requires package changes to anything boot-related we likely won't take it) 17:29:22 <pwhalen> ack 17:29:27 <adamw> #topic (1299088) XPad starts automatically at login (because it provides /etc/xdg/autostart/xpad.desktop file) 17:29:27 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1299088 17:29:27 <adamw> #info Proposed Freeze Exceptions, xpad, ON_QA 17:29:55 <sgallagh> Seems relatively simple; just drop one file from the package. 17:29:57 <sgallagh> +1 FE 17:31:15 <kparal> is it on some install medium? 17:31:22 <kparal> otherwise the FE is not needed 17:31:59 * satellit_e looks like it autostarts on boot...for me is this fixable in .ks 17:32:51 <adamw> yeah, that's what I was wondering... 17:32:53 <kparal> satellit_e: but is it installed by default? 17:33:02 <adamw> seems like maybe it's in LXDE? 17:33:11 <sgallagh> Fedora-Live-LXDE-x86_64-rawhide-20160115.iso 17:33:20 <satellit_e> it autostarts on live and after install for me 17:33:23 <sgallagh> That sounds like it's default on the live 17:33:53 <kparal> in that case +1 FE 17:34:02 <satellit_e> +1 fe 17:34:10 <adamw> sure 17:34:25 <pwhalen> +1 fe 17:34:37 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1299088 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a visible issue on LXDE lives and cannot be fixed with an update, the fix is pretty simple and isolated, thus its accepted as a freeze exception issue 17:34:52 <pwhalen> ack 17:34:59 <satellit_e> ack 17:35:29 <sgallagh> ack 17:35:32 <kparal> ack 17:35:37 <adamw> #agreed 1299088 - AcceptedFreezeException - this is a visible issue on LXDE lives and cannot be fixed with an update, the fix is pretty simple and isolated, thus its accepted as a freeze exception issue 17:35:48 <adamw> OK, that's all the Alpha stuff... 17:35:57 <adamw> we have some more time so let's move onto Beta blockers 17:36:02 <adamw> #info going on to Beta blockers 17:36:11 <adamw> #topic (1288850) [abrt] gnome-settings-daemon: CD_IS_DEVICE(): gnome-settings-daemon killed by SIGSEGV 17:36:12 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1288850 17:36:12 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, gnome-settings-daemon, ASSIGNED 17:37:54 <adamw> you know, i think this might be the thing that causes the Workstation upgrade tests in openQA to fail, which i've been meaning to figure out forever... 17:38:13 <sgallagh> This has been driving me absolutely nuts. 17:38:14 <kparal> g-s-d crashing is pretty bad 17:38:26 <kparal> +1 to Beta seems appropriate 17:38:28 <adamw> funny thing is, i don't see it on my production install, so i'm not sure what triggers it 17:38:29 <sgallagh> It crashes on startup for me every time 17:38:36 <adamw> but given the number of people affected on the bug, +1 Beta blocker 17:38:48 <sgallagh> +1 blocker 17:38:53 <adamw> do we want to give it an Alpha FE too, since there seems to be a fix upstream? 17:39:07 <adamw> or is it ok to fix with an update? 17:40:13 <adamw> hmm, seems like there's like five commits right after 3.19.92 that look relevant 17:40:16 <adamw> https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/log/ 17:40:23 <kparal> it would be risky, but it fixes a serious issue 17:41:26 <pwhalen> +1 BB, fix with an update sounds reasonable for alpha 17:42:03 <adamw> sgallagh: hum, are you using a Wayland session? 17:42:16 * adamw wonders if that's related 17:42:39 <sgallagh> adamw: I've actually had it happen on both sessions 17:42:45 <sgallagh> But yes, I'm currently under wayland 17:42:51 <adamw> ok 17:42:53 <sgallagh> Every time I boot, I have to start g-s-d manually 17:43:01 <adamw> so we're solid +1 beta blocker, need more votes on alpha FE 17:44:14 <kparal> +1 Alpha FE 17:44:33 <kparal> well, it can be fixed with an update 17:44:35 <sgallagh> adamw: I'm not so sure about Alpha 17:44:50 <sgallagh> Yeah, I think I'd be okay with this coming in as an update. 17:45:00 <kparal> sounds reasonable 17:45:03 <sgallagh> Because it's rare that individual fixes get backported to GNOME 17:45:18 <sgallagh> So pulling this in would probably mean grabbing an awful lot of other changes as well 17:45:32 <adamw> well, two things to that: 17:45:41 <adamw> i can always do the backport, they usually let me do that. :P 17:45:51 <adamw> 2) there aren't actually many other interesting changes between 3.19.92 and 3.20 anyway 17:46:10 <adamw> well, hmm, i take that back, more than i noticed 17:46:17 <adamw> they're all in the same general area... 17:46:29 <adamw> still, maybe I'm more -1 FE given the amount of change 17:47:03 * kparal nods 17:47:55 <adamw> the only solid votes we have so far are -1 from me and an initial +1 from kparal 17:47:56 <adamw> any other votes? 17:48:03 <kparal> -1 17:48:17 <sgallagh> -1 17:48:31 <sgallagh> It's annoying, but fixable in an update 17:48:41 <pwhalen> -1 FE 17:48:46 <pschindl_> -1 17:49:14 <adamw> ok 17:49:51 <adamw> proposeed #agreed 1288850 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - this is clearly a serious issue (g-s-d crashing has all sorts of consequences). It's not entirely clear exactly what triggers it, but certainly multiple people have run into it, so the impact seems severe enough to accept as a blocker 17:50:03 <adamw> not bothering to document the FE decision as it wasn't formally proposed 17:50:39 <sgallagh> ack 17:50:55 <pwhalen> ack 17:50:56 <kparal> ack 17:51:17 <adamw> #agreed 1288850 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - this is clearly a serious issue (g-s-d crashing has all sorts of consequences). It's not entirely clear exactly what triggers it, but certainly multiple people have run into it, so the impact seems severe enough to accept as a blocker 17:51:26 <adamw> #topic (1318067) [anaconda] non-bootable system after fresh install of current F24 on bare metal 17:51:26 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318067 17:51:26 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, grub2, NEW 17:51:39 <adamw> i think this one could do with a bit more detail and specific reproduction steps... 17:52:53 <kparal> we need more people to reproduce this. but I remember one more person complaining about similar issue on irc a week ago 17:53:27 <adamw> ok, so sounds like we should look into it 17:53:31 <adamw> and by 'we' i mean 'kparal' 17:53:35 <adamw> :P 17:54:09 * kparal is hungry, and when he's hungry, he's not polite, so beware! 17:54:31 <kparal> this will likely affect only certain hardware, otherwise more people would see it 17:54:37 * satellit_e reusing existing partitions...? 17:54:49 <kparal> I think anaconda forces you to reformat /boot anyway 17:55:03 <kparal> only /home can stay unformatted 17:55:23 <kparal> let's punt it and wait for more reports 17:56:04 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1318067 - punt (delay decision) - this is certainly potentially a blocker bug, but currently single-sourced and slightly vague, we can make a decision only with more information and tests 17:56:38 <pwhalen> ack 17:56:43 <satellit_e> ack 17:56:57 <kparal> ack 17:57:00 <adamw> #agreed 1318067 - punt (delay decision) - this is certainly potentially a blocker bug, but currently single-sourced and slightly vague, we can make a decision only with more information and tests 17:57:06 <adamw> #topic (1318303) rolekit cannot deploy domain controller due to missing nss_myhostname 17:57:07 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1318303 17:57:07 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, rolekit, NEW 17:57:14 <adamw> this does seem to be a Beta blocker per the criteria. 17:57:15 <adamw> +1 17:57:23 <pschindl_> +1 17:57:31 <sgallagh> +1 17:57:37 <pwhalen> +1 17:58:01 <kparal> +1 17:59:15 <sgallagh> Sorry folks, two hours is my limit. 18:00:00 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1318303 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clear violation of "The core functional requirements for all Featured Server Roles must be met, without any workarounds being necessary." 18:00:07 <adamw> this is the last beta blocker 18:00:08 <kparal> ack 18:00:12 <pwhalen> ack 18:00:15 <pschindl_> ack 18:00:28 <adamw> #agreed 1318303 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - clear violation of "The core functional requirements for all Featured Server Roles must be met, without any workarounds being necessary." 18:01:22 <adamw> so we also have six proposed final blockers, anyone aside from the contemptible sgallagh wanna go through 'em? :) 18:01:46 <sgallagh> /me shakes his fist 18:01:51 <kparal> not really... 18:03:37 <adamw> well fine then, that just means you have to do them next time 18:03:40 <adamw> :P 18:03:58 <adamw> #info we're stopping there due to everyone being a bunch of lightweights who don't like three hour meetings or something 18:04:04 <adamw> .fire everyone 18:04:04 <zodbot> adamw fires everyone 18:04:18 <kparal> holidays! 18:04:19 <adamw> #topic Open floor 18:04:26 <adamw> so, any other business? 18:04:53 <adamw> i don't think we have anything else to settle for Alpha, just gonna be a case of getting the backgrounds changes and any FEs rounded up and doing another compose then testing it, i guess.. 18:07:32 <adamw> alllrighty then 18:07:34 * adamw sets the fuse 18:07:50 <pwhalen> thanks adamw et al! 18:08:15 <adamw> thanks for coming out, folks 18:09:08 <kparal> see you 18:10:58 <adamw> #endmeeting