#fedora-meeting-2: F27 Beta Readiness Meeting
Meeting started by jkurik at 19:00:12 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (jkurik, 19:00:15)
- Purpose of this meeting (jkurik, 19:03:12)
- Before each public release all of the groups
participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make
sure the release is well coordinated. (jkurik,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings
- Current status (jkurik, 19:03:35)
- Fedora 27 Beta is No-Go (jkurik,
- The next Go/No-Go meeting is planned on
Thursday, Sep 21st. The Beta release slips for one week however due
to “Rain date feature” we are not going to slip the Final GA
yet. (jkurik,
- Design (jkurik, 19:04:06)
- Wallpapers are still in development process
following some critique. This is expected to be solved within 2-3
days. Beside of this, there is no known issue blocking the F27 Beta
release. (jkurik,
- Infrastructure (jkurik, 19:06:39)
- Infrastructure team should be all ready once we
have a approved compose to go with (jkurik,
- Ambassadors (jkurik, 19:08:02)
- Ambassadors are set, synchronized with other
groups to be sure all is in place for GA. There is no blocker for
F27 Beta from ambassarors' POV. (jkurik,
- Documentation (jkurik, 19:10:55)
- The Documentation team haven't done any
specific work toward F27 however as there are no specific
deliverables for Beta it does not block the release. (jkurik,
- The Documentation team should begin posting
Change tickets soon to get Release notes started (jkurik,
- ACTION: bexelbie to
reach jkurik and talk to him (jkurik,
- FESCo (jkurik, 19:16:40)
- Everything is ready for beta from FESCo side.
There may still be questions around the modular server schedule, but
FESCo can address those soon... no need to hold up beta (jkurik,
- Marketing (jkurik, 19:19:23)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F27_Beta_release_announcement
- Firefox update, but we will ready in two/three
days (jkurik,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_talking_points
- ACTION: All-WGs are
requested to help with update of the Fedora 27 talking points wiki
page (jkurik,
- Fedora 27 talking points in DRAFT version, help
from WGs is needed (jkurik,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F27_Beta_release_announcement
- ACTION: All-WGs are
requested to help to solicit WGs bullet points. (jkurik,
- F27 Beta Release Announcement in DRAFT version
help from WGs is needed (jkurik,
- Fedora Engineering Manager (jkurik, 19:22:04)
- Fedora Engineering Manager is not aware of any
blocking issues, beyond those already covered (jkurik,
- Release Engineering (jkurik, 19:30:13)
- Except the questions around fedora modular
server edition, there is nothing what blocks releng from F27 Beta
release (jkurik,
- Websites (jkurik, 19:32:23)
- Websites are not really set, but the team have
some additional time. The team especially worried about Modular
Server. (jkurik,
- Docs links needs to be fixed, however as there
another week at least till the release there is still a chance to
get "current" links working (jkurik,
- The team will get all websites running in
time (jkurik,
- Translations (jkurik, 19:36:17)
- Translation team is ready for the F27 Beta
release (jkurik,
- CommOps (jkurik, 19:37:14)
- Fedora Project Leader & Fedora Modular Server (jkurik, 19:38:28)
- As Fedora Council does not want to put the rest
of the release in risk and Council *also* feel like it's incredibly
important to the future of Fedora to have Fedora Modular Server
released it has been agrred on the Council level to alter the
contingency plan so that it is released on a separate schedule from
the GA (jkurik,
- https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/141
- Council has officially approved that and are
sending that request to Server WG and FESCo (jkurik,
- There are still many details to be worked
out (jkurik,
- As Fedora Council does not want to put the rest
of the release in risk and Council *also* feel like it's incredibly
important to the future of Fedora to have Fedora Modular Server
released it has been agrred on the Council level to alter the
contingency plan so that it is released on a separate schedule
fro (jkurik,
- https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/141
- Council has officially approved that and are
sending that request to Server WG and FESCo (jkurik,
- There are still many details to be worked
out (jkurik,
- Open Floor (jkurik, 19:49:16)
Meeting ended at 19:50:39 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- bexelbie to reach jkurik and talk to him
- All-WGs are requested to help with update of the Fedora 27 talking points wiki page
- All-WGs are requested to help to solicit WGs bullet points.
Action items, by person
- bexelbie
- bexelbie to reach jkurik and talk to him
- jkurik
- bexelbie to reach jkurik and talk to him
- All-WGs are requested to help with update of the Fedora 27 talking points wiki page
- All-WGs are requested to help to solicit WGs bullet points.
People present (lines said)
- jkurik (112)
- mattdm (22)
- stickster (22)
- langdon (19)
- robyduck (19)
- bexelbie (17)
- bowlofeggs (15)
- zodbot (13)
- nirik (9)
- mboddu (2)
- Kellin (2)
- puiterwijk (1)
- adamw (0)
- sgallagh (0)
- mizmo (0)
- dgilmore (0)
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