19:10:14 <jkurik> #startmeeting F27 Final Readiness Meeting 19:10:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 26 19:10:14 2017 UTC. The chair is jkurik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:10:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:10:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27_final_readiness_meeting' 19:10:20 <jkurik> #meetingname f27-final-readiness-meeting 19:10:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-final-readiness-meeting' 19:10:25 <jkurik> #topic Roll Call 19:10:28 <jkurik> .hello2 19:10:29 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 19:10:30 <puiterwijk> .hello2 19:10:31 <mboddu> .hello mohanboddu 19:10:33 <stickster> .hello2 19:10:35 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@redhat.com> 19:10:38 <zodbot> mboddu: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com> 19:10:40 <zodbot> stickster: Sorry, but you don't exist 19:10:47 <stickster> aww, you're mean zodbot :-( 19:10:49 <puiterwijk> Hah 19:10:50 <stickster> .hello pfrields 19:10:51 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 19:10:55 <mboddu> haha 19:10:55 <jkurik> #chair sgallagh adamw attdm stickster boddu puiterwijk 19:10:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw attdm boddu jkurik sgallagh stickster puiterwijk 19:10:57 <adamw> .hello adamwill 19:10:59 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 19:11:04 <mailga> .hello mailga 19:11:05 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 19:11:06 * sgallagh cannot stay for this meeting 19:11:13 <stickster> o/ thanks for everything sgallagh 19:11:20 <sgallagh> Happy to help 19:11:29 <jkurik> sgallagh: ok, thanks 19:11:36 <jkurik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 19:11:43 <jkurik> #info Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated. 19:11:45 <stickster> By the way, I'm telling everyone today, you're all being rendered (textwise) in GLORIOUS 4K on my new monitor :-) 19:11:50 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 19:11:55 <mboddu> jkurik: I think you need to change the #chair, you are missing 'm' in both mboddu and mattdm 19:12:06 <mboddu> jkurik: well, next time :) 19:12:13 <stickster> oops, someone took his m&m's 19:12:22 <jkurik> #chair sgallagh adamw mattdm stickster mboddu puiterwijk 19:12:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw attdm boddu jkurik mattdm mboddu sgallagh stickster puiterwijk 19:12:37 <jkurik> mboddu: thanks - it is strange 19:12:44 <jkurik> #topic Current status 19:12:52 <jkurik> #info Fedora 27 Final is No-Go 19:13:06 <jkurik> #info The next Go/No-Go meeting is planned on Thursday, November 2nd. The Final release GA moves from Target date to Rain date, which is 2017-Nov-07 19:13:22 <jkurik> For the meeting today I have received many off-line updates as many people are traveling or are not available for personal reasons. 19:13:29 <jkurik> Hopefully it will not get too boring. 19:13:35 <jkurik> #topic Server WG / Modularity WG 19:13:36 <mboddu> jkurik: np :) 19:13:48 <jkurik> #info As the Fedora Server release is going to be released asynchronously from the main F27 release, we are not discussing it on this meeting. 19:13:54 <jkurik> #topic Design 19:14:07 <jkurik> The current status we have I have received is as follows: 19:14:14 <jkurik> #info The Design team has revamped and packaged wallpaper and is ready to go. The team has not got any bad feedback about it so far. 19:14:22 <jkurik> #topic Infrastructure 19:14:34 <jkurik> puiterwijk: are you the one ? 19:14:36 <puiterwijk> Infrastructure is ready for F27 Final 19:14:53 <puiterwijk> jkurik: yep. You'll have to do with me today :) 19:15:16 <jkurik> puiterwijk: I am always happy to work with you :-) 19:15:26 <puiterwijk> We do not have any problems that should block the release 19:15:52 <jkurik> #info Infrastructure is ready for F27 Final and the team does not has any problems that should block the release 19:15:59 <jkurik> puiterwijk: thanks 19:16:06 <jkurik> #topic Ambassadors 19:16:12 <jkurik> The feedback I have received from robyduck is: 19:16:19 <jkurik> #info Status is ok, Ambassadors will get out the Call for Release Parties quickly, the rest is already set. 19:16:29 <jkurik> Mailga: Would you like to add something ? 19:16:46 <mailga> nope. What robyduck said is ok. 19:16:51 <jkurik> ok, thanks 19:16:59 <jkurik> #topic Documentation 19:17:08 <jkurik> I have got a feedback from bexelbie: 19:17:14 <jkurik> #info Documentation is branched and ready to be published. However release notes could use some real help from Change proposers. 19:17:20 <jkurik> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/issues The Documentation team issues for every change 19:17:29 <jkurik> #action Change owners: please help to finish the documentation 19:18:03 <jkurik> #topic FESCo 19:18:08 <stickster> jkurik: did bexelbie mention whether they were emailing change owners? 19:18:26 <jkurik> stickster: I am going to do so after this meeting 19:18:35 <stickster> ah, cheers... carry on :-) 19:18:42 <jkurik> nirik, sgallagh, dgilmore, maxamillion, jsmith, kalev,till, bowlofeggs, jforbes: anyone of you wants to speak in the name of FESCo ? 19:19:12 <jkurik> we have lost sgallagh, I am not sure if any one else from FESCo is here today ? 19:20:13 * sgallagh is still semi-around. What's the question? 19:20:38 <jkurik> sgallagh: whether there is anything (except the missing RC) what FESCo seems as blocking for the release 19:21:00 <sgallagh> jkurik: We still have an open question around Firefox 57, but that should get resolved at the meeting tomorrow 19:21:11 <jkurik> sgallagh: ok, thanks 19:21:27 <jkurik> #info From the FESco perspective there needs to be addressed 19:21:32 <jkurik> #undo 19:21:32 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jkurik at 19:21:27 : From the FESco perspective there needs to be addressed 19:21:46 <mailga> We are almost up to date 19:21:57 <mailga> Ups sorry.... 19:22:32 <jkurik> #info From the FESco perspective there needs to be decision made about the Firefox 57. It will be addressed on the FESCo meeting on 2017-Oct-27 19:22:44 <jkurik> #topic Marketing 19:23:00 <jkurik> mailga: :-) 19:23:05 <mailga> :-D 19:23:09 <mailga> We are almost up to date 19:23:16 <mailga> We have to update ambassadors. I'll take care of this with FAmSCo but we need WGs giving a glance to the TPs #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_talking_points 19:23:22 <mailga> mktg is in charge to take the screenshots once the release is out 19:23:28 <mailga> Ryan started the final release announcement on the magazine, more or less it's a copy paste of the beta announce, I'll work on it with the FPL before the release. 19:23:36 <mailga> EOF 19:24:05 <bowlofeggs> jkurik: i'm around too 19:24:21 * mailga likes copy/past :-) 19:24:37 <bowlofeggs> agreed with sgallagh's summary 19:24:43 <jkurik> #info Marketing is almost up to date. Ambassadors need to be updated. 19:24:50 <jkurik> bowlofeggs: thanks for the confirmation 19:25:10 <stickster> mailga: thanks! 19:25:11 <jkurik> #info Marketing need WGs giving a glance to the TPs #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_talking_points 19:25:38 <mailga> stickster: yw 19:25:48 <jkurik> #info Ryan started the final release announcement on the magazine, but it still needs some work 19:25:59 <jkurik> mailga: ok, thank you 19:26:05 <mailga> jkurik: yw 19:26:12 <jkurik> #topic Fedora Engineering Manager 19:26:18 <jkurik> stickster: are you aware of any issue possibly blocking the F27 Final release, except the missing RC ? 19:26:26 <stickster> jkurik: nothing from me, thanks. 19:27:23 <jkurik> #info Fedora Engineering Manager is not aware of any additional blocking issue 19:27:31 <jkurik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:27:39 <jkurik> mattdm: are you with us ? 19:28:36 <jkurik> lets try later 19:28:39 <jkurik> #undo 19:28:39 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x3daf3910> 19:28:46 <jkurik> #topic QA 19:29:04 <adamw> ahoy 19:29:05 <jkurik> adamw: ? 19:29:32 <adamw> process-wise things are fine, looking through test coverage i do see some gaps 19:29:35 <adamw> esp. in desktop testing 19:30:01 <adamw> i will send out a mail today highlighting testing we need to pick up on 19:30:10 <adamw> it'd help to get a compose soon, of course... 19:31:01 <jkurik> #info QA consider the process-wise things as fine, however there are some gaps in test coverage esp. in desktop testing 19:31:26 <jkurik> #inco adamw is going to send out a mail today highlighting testing the QA team need to pick up on 19:31:32 <jkurik> #info adamw is going to send out a mail today highlighting testing the QA team need to pick up on 19:31:37 <jkurik> adamw: thanks 19:31:44 <jkurik> #topic Release Engineering 19:31:55 <mboddu> jkurik: Other than waiting on RC request, we are ready. We got all the configs in place, just need the RC request 19:32:08 <jkurik> thanks 19:33:00 <jkurik> #info Release Engineering is ready, got all the configs in place, just waiting for a RC request 19:33:11 <jkurik> #topic Websites 19:33:17 <jkurik> Info I have received from robyduck: 19:33:23 <jkurik> #info The website team didn't even start working on F27 final as the team depends on the Go/No-go decision for GA and Modular Server Beta, because they might get a GO for both. 19:33:32 <jkurik> #info IIRC there is not much the team have to change, some manual work but the team should be fine for Tuesday. 19:33:42 <jkurik> #topic Translations 19:33:48 <jkurik> I have received an email from paragan, stating readiness for F27 Final as follows: 19:33:56 <jkurik> #info Translation group status is good to go for release and as far as I know there are no blocker issues for Fedora 27. 19:34:24 <jkurik> lets check mattdm once more .... mattdm are you here ? 19:35:23 <jkurik> #topic Open floor 19:35:30 <jkurik> anything else anyone would like to discuss ? 19:36:41 <jkurik> #action Check with mattdm his POV on the F27 Final readiness 19:37:00 <jkurik> If no one has anything I am closing the meeting in 1 minute... 19:38:07 <jkurik> Thanks everybody. 19:38:10 <jkurik> #endmeeting