19:00:07 <jkurik> #startmeeting F28 Final Readiness Meeting 19:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 26 19:00:07 2018 UTC. The chair is jkurik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f28_final_readiness_meeting' 19:00:14 <jkurik> #meetingname f28-final-readiness-meeting 19:00:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f28-final-readiness-meeting' 19:00:20 <jkurik> #topic Roll Call 19:00:25 <jkurik> .hello2 19:00:29 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 19:00:32 * sumantro is here 19:00:38 <jonatoni|m> .fas jonatoni 19:00:39 <zodbot> jonatoni|m: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 19:01:04 <patricku> Hello 19:01:11 <jkurik> #chair nirik adamw mattdm mboddu 19:01:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jkurik mattdm mboddu nirik 19:01:13 <patricku> .hello pUiterwijk 19:01:14 <zodbot> patricku: Sorry, but you don't exist 19:01:23 <jkurik> Hi everybody 19:01:25 <Kohane> Hello 19:01:25 <patricku> .hello puiterwijk 19:01:29 <zodbot> patricku: puiterwijk 'Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@redhat.com> 19:01:30 <Kohane> .lailah 19:01:33 <adamw> .hello adamwill 19:01:37 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 19:01:38 <patricku> I swear I exist 19:01:42 <rluzynski> .hello2 19:01:43 <zodbot> rluzynski: rluzynski 'None' <digitalfreak@lingonborough.com> 19:01:44 <jkurik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 19:01:48 <mattdm> will be a few minutes 19:01:53 <jkurik> #info Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated. 19:01:55 <Kohane> patricku: I don't believe you 19:02:00 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 19:02:04 <Kohane> .fas lailah 19:02:04 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 19:02:06 <jkurik> #topic Current status 19:02:15 <jkurik> #info Fedora 28 Final is GO 19:02:21 <jkurik> #info The Fedora_28_RC_1.1 is considered as GOLD and we are going to ship it on May 1st, 2018 19:02:52 <mboddu> .hello mohanboddu 19:02:53 <zodbot> mboddu: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com> 19:03:13 <nirik> morning 19:03:22 <Kohane> Evening 19:03:23 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 19:03:24 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 19:03:25 <x3mboy> .hello2 19:03:25 <Kohane> :-D 19:03:27 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 19:03:40 <Kohane> Hi Eduard 19:03:56 <x3mboy> Hi Lailah/Kohane :-D 19:04:00 <jkurik> lets start.... 19:04:03 <jkurik> #topic Design 19:04:10 <jkurik> As far as I am aware the wallpapers are ready. 19:04:18 <jkurik> mizmo: Would you like to comment on the readiness status ? 19:04:54 <Kohane> x3mboy: LEL 19:05:19 <jkurik> mizmo: are you here ? 19:07:14 <jkurik> #info Status from the Design team is missing, however Wallpapers, as the blocking deliverable, are ready 19:07:22 <jkurik> #topic Infrastructure 19:07:26 * mattdm is here now 19:07:32 <jkurik> nirik, puiterwijk: Any known issues which might block us from releasing F28 Final ? 19:07:39 <patricku> jkurik: nope. 19:07:45 <nirik> nope 19:07:47 <patricku> I’d say infra is ready. 19:08:23 <jkurik> #info Infra is ready for the F28 Final release. There are no know issues from the Infra team POV. 19:08:30 <jkurik> thanks nirik, puiterwijk 19:08:37 <jkurik> #topic Ambassadors 19:08:43 <jkurik> Jonatoni: May I ask you for an update please ? 19:09:15 <jonatoni|m> We don't have any blocking issue. Ambassadors are getting ready for Release Parties :) 19:09:15 <bowlofeggs> .hello2 19:09:16 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <rbarlow@redhat.com> 19:09:56 <jkurik> #info Ambassadors are getting ready for Release Parties and are not aware of any blocking issue. 19:09:59 <jkurik> thanks jonatoni|m 19:10:08 <jkurik> #topic Documentation 19:10:18 <jkurik> I have got an off-line response from the Doc team: 19:10:25 <jkurik> #info Documentation team is reporting readiness of the Release Notes. Work on Documentation is still in progress and is not considered as blocking for the F28 Final release. 19:10:47 <jkurik> #topic FESCo 19:10:54 <jkurik> nirik, sgallagh, dgilmore, maxamillion, jsmith, zbyszek,till, bowlofeggs, jwb: anyone of you wants to speak in the name of FESCo ? 19:10:55 <bowlofeggs> +1 from me (1/9 of fesco) 19:11:06 <nirik> no issues. +1 19:11:17 <jwb> +1 19:12:10 <jkurik> #info FESCo is not aware of any issue and all the present members are +1 to go live with the F28 Final. 19:12:13 <jkurik> thanks FESCo 19:12:20 <jkurik> #topic Marketing 19:12:27 <jkurik> x3mboy: may I ask you please for the status ? 19:13:02 <x3mboy> Sure, from marketing we are ready. The Release Announcement for the Final Release have been passed to the FPL, who is working on it in collaboration with us 19:13:18 <x3mboy> Also, the Screenshots will be take between today and next saturday 19:13:27 <jkurik> x3mboy: excellent 19:13:28 <jkurik> thanks 19:13:59 <jkurik> #info Marketing is ready for the release. The Release Announcement for the Final Release have been passed to the FPL, who is working on it in collaboration with the Marketing team. 19:14:19 <jkurik> #info Screenshots will be take between today and next saturday 19:14:27 <jkurik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:14:36 <jkurik> mattdm: may I ask you please ask for your status regarding the F28 Final release ? 19:15:13 * jkurik assumes mattdm is working with Marketing team on the Release Announcement 19:16:03 <jsmith> I think that's a safe assumption :-) 19:16:23 <jkurik> :-) 19:16:27 <bowlofeggs> mattdm told me to tell you all that he is going to pay us each $1 for every minute it takes him to respond to this 19:16:51 <Lailah> Yay! 19:17:01 <Lailah> He can take all the time he needs, you know 19:17:04 <bowlofeggs> haha 19:17:04 <Lailah> :-D 19:17:10 <Evolution> so this is my first one of these meetings, but it was blocked out for 2 hours... is that time just waiting for mattdm to reply to things? 19:17:25 <jkurik> ok, lets move on and return back once mattdm is awailable 19:17:27 <jkurik> #undo 19:17:27 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7feb835ad750> 19:17:33 <bowlofeggs> Evolution: haha 19:17:38 <jkurik> #topic QA 19:17:46 <jkurik> adamw - can you please provide us with a readiness status ? 19:17:55 <jkurik> or kparal ? 19:18:17 <adamw> hi 19:18:21 <adamw> busy doing important research 19:18:28 <adamw> qa is same as usual, basically done, need to write commonbugs 19:18:41 <adamw> maybe chase up some important things it'd be good to get 0 day update sfor 19:19:24 <jkurik> #info QE is basically done, need to write commonbugs. 19:19:24 <adamw> i would also like to note for the record that this will be the first entirely on-time Fedora release *at least* since fc6 and i think very likely ever (at least all releases from 7 to 27 were delayed at least a week from the initial announced schedule) 19:19:36 * adamw is still researching 6 and earlier 19:19:43 * mattdm is back again 19:19:49 <mattdm> how many dollars do I owe? 19:19:58 <puiterwijk> mattdm: 5 dollars to everyone here 19:20:01 <puiterwijk> (5 minutes) 19:20:20 <robyduck> puiterwijk++ 19:20:20 <Lailah> Just five dollars? Oh... 19:20:20 <mboddu> adamw: When you put it that way, its scary :) 19:20:22 <jkurik> #help QE would like to chase up 0 day updates 19:20:24 <bowlofeggs> yeah i can't believe we are on time 19:20:36 <bowlofeggs> am i in the same universe i was in yesterday or have i switched to a different once? 19:20:42 <mattdm> Five virtual dollars for everyone! 19:20:48 <mattdm> I hope you take fedocoin 19:20:50 <nirik> adamw: fc releases didn't have a public announced release time/date 19:20:56 <bowlofeggs> mattdm: that's enough for me to buy a virtual chicken sandwich! 19:20:58 <nirik> they were internal to RH 19:20:58 <mboddu> bowlofeggs: Parallel universe, where things go on time :) 19:21:00 <mattdm> It's a new mod-13 based cryptocurrency 19:21:07 <Lailah> bowlofeggs: You switched to a different universe where Fedora is released in time. 19:21:11 <robyduck> and releasing on Labor Day :D 19:21:32 <adamw> nirik: i beg to differ, sir! https://news.softpedia.com/news/Fedora-Core-6-Preliminary-Schedule-22117.shtml 19:21:38 <jkurik> #info QE statement: this will be the first entirely on-time Fedora release *at least* since fc6 and very likely ever 19:21:46 <mboddu> mattdm: Can we mine them yet? :P 19:21:54 <jkurik> thanks adamw 19:21:56 <mattdm> TBH, while that's awesome and exciting, I kinda want to downplay it 19:22:04 <bowlofeggs> i'm glad i'm getting in on the ground with this hot new fedocoin thing 19:22:07 <mattdm> because I've been pushing back on all of the "fedora is always late" messaging 19:22:11 <adamw> i wish we had the moinmoin wiki archives somewhere. 19:22:12 <jkurik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:22:12 <bowlofeggs> i'm gonna be rich is FOSS bucks! 19:22:15 <bowlofeggs> *in 19:22:26 <adamw> mattdm: i know, it's just tickling my research nerve. 19:22:37 <mattdm> and it's only fair to make it not a big deal in this direction too 19:22:50 <mattdm> adamw: +1 yeah I'm personally super-curious in your findings :) 19:22:58 <jkurik> mattdm: may I ask you please ask for your status regarding the F28 Final release ? 19:22:59 <nirik> well, 'preliminary..' I recall them saying that wasn't any hard promise... but ok 19:23:01 <mattdm> anyway, yeah, I'm super-ready 19:23:09 <mattdm> I mean, I still hae to actually write the annoucement 19:23:21 <Lailah> I suppose... 19:23:26 <mattdm> I know basically what I am going to write but have not put any virtual pen to virtual paper 19:23:33 <mattdm> But, that's what weekends are for, right? 19:23:46 <jsmith> mattdm: What's a weekend?!? 19:23:48 * jsmith ducks and hides 19:24:03 <mattdm> the time I use to get work done because there aren't so many meetings! 19:24:09 <puiterwijk> mattdm: exactly! 19:24:27 <mboddu> mattdm: Are you gonna say "First time in Fedora history, like never before, ... " Apple style :) 19:24:42 <jkurik> #info FPL is super-ready, just needs to finish the announcement. FPL is going to sacrifice his weekend to have it ready. 19:25:05 <jkurik> #topic Release Engineering 19:25:16 <mboddu> jkurik: We are Go 19:25:21 <puiterwijk> Releng is preparing for 0-day updates, but I think we're good there 19:26:25 <jkurik> mboddu: In CZ (I am not sure about other countries) there is public holidays on May 1st. Does it possibly affects somehow the release ? 19:26:39 <mboddu> jkurik: Nope 19:26:45 <jkurik> excellent 19:26:57 <mboddu> For f28 beta, US had a holiday, but we still be able to release it 19:27:10 <puiterwijk> jkurik: looking at a list, there's a lot of countries with holidays on May 1st. That won't stop us :) 19:27:21 <puiterwijk> (U.S. isn't on the list for May 1 though it seems) 19:27:31 <robyduck> jkurik: I guess in most of EU countries it's holiday 19:27:45 <mattdm> yeah, and many of us were working like crazy on july 4 last year 19:28:15 <jkurik> #info RelEng is getting ready for 0day updates. Even public holidays on May 1st, in some countries, are not going to stop RelEng from releasing the F28 Final. 19:28:31 <jkurik> thanks mboddu, nirik 19:28:32 <puiterwijk> mattdm: sssh. I've been told to not announce publicly when you're working when you shouldn't. People will ask why you're working! :) 19:28:48 <jkurik> #topic Websites 19:28:51 <Lailah> UK has and hasn't May 1st as holiday. I know because I'm on the side that hasn't 19:28:55 <jkurik> robyduck: may I ask you please for an update ? 19:29:08 <robyduck> Websites are in a good shape already, we are ready to make the last changes over the weekend 19:29:11 <mattdm> Thank you all for working on the holiday 19:29:15 <mattdm> by the way :) 19:29:30 <jkurik> #info Websites are in a good shape already, we are ready to make the last changes over the weekend 19:29:34 <jkurik> robyduck: thanks 19:29:40 <robyduck> jkurik: YW 19:29:40 <Lailah> mattdm: Which holiday? 19:29:41 <jkurik> #topic Translations 19:29:52 <jkurik> raven, jibec, pravin: would you provide us with the F28 Final translation status ? 19:29:55 <mattdm> may 1 19:29:59 <Lailah> Oh. 19:30:14 <Lailah> It's not holiday here,. 19:30:16 * jkurik is not sure whether we have someone from the Transation team today .... 19:30:35 <Lailah> jkurik: That's a good question. 19:30:39 <Lailah> I didn't see anyone 19:31:05 <jkurik> yeah, fortunatelly the Translations are not blocking for the release 19:31:35 <Lailah> Good. 19:32:18 <jkurik> #info We do not have an status update from the Translation team, however translations are not blocking for the release. 19:32:25 <jkurik> #topic CommOps 19:32:33 <jkurik> There are no direct deliverables for the F28 Final release from CommOps team, however I would like to give a room to team representatives to express their POV. So, ... 19:32:39 <jkurik> Is there anyone from the CommOps team to provide an F28 Final Readiness update of the team ? 19:34:05 <jkurik> looks like no .... 19:34:07 <jkurik> #undo 19:34:07 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x29c658d0> 19:34:15 <jkurik> #topic Open floor 19:34:20 <jkurik> anything else anyone would like to discuss ? 19:34:43 <Lailah> Not that I can think of. 19:34:44 <jkurik> otherwise I am going to close the meeting in one minute 19:36:30 <adamw> fc6 was late by any reasonable definition 19:36:35 <jkurik> #info Thanks everybody for the hard work on F28 release and congratulation to the whole community for the non-delayed Final release in after several years. 19:36:36 * adamw working on fc5 19:36:36 <adamw> :P 19:36:58 <jkurik> #endmeeting