16:05:45 <adamw> #startmeeting F31-blocker-review 16:05:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 15 16:05:45 2019 UTC. 16:05:45 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:05:45 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:05:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:05:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f31-blocker-review' 16:05:45 <adamw> #meetingname F31-blocker-review 16:05:45 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:05:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f31-blocker-review' 16:05:50 <adamw> alright, we're on tape now 16:05:53 <adamw> everyone stop beating patrick 16:06:03 <puiterwijk> hah. 16:06:06 <nb> .hi 16:06:07 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 16:06:09 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:06:10 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:06:14 <lruzicka2> .hello lruzicka 16:06:15 <zodbot> lruzicka2: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:06:41 <kparal> .hello2 16:06:42 <zodbot> kparal: kparal 'Kamil Páral' <kparal@redhat.com> 16:06:44 <coremodule> .hello2 16:06:45 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 16:06:56 * satellit_ listening 16:06:58 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy 16:06:59 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com> 16:07:44 <coremodule> Willing to act as secretary on this first F31 blocker review! 16:07:45 * kparal looking into blocker list 16:07:47 <kparal> geez, I signed up for discussing modularity bugs? should have known beforehand 16:08:10 <cmurf> kparal: what were you thinking? 16:08:22 <kparal> I was being naive today 16:08:31 <adamw> thanks coremodule 16:08:50 * pwhalen is here 16:09:10 <adamw> #chair kparal frantisekz 16:09:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw frantisekz kparal 16:09:20 <adamw> impending boilerplate alert! 16:09:20 <adamw> #topic Introduction 16:09:21 <adamw> Why are we here? 16:09:21 <adamw> #info Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. 16:09:21 <adamw> #info We'll be following the process outlined at: 16:09:21 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting 16:09:24 <adamw> #info The bugs up for review today are available at: 16:09:25 <adamw> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current 16:09:27 <adamw> #info The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: 16:09:29 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Basic_Release_Criteria 16:09:31 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Beta_Release_Criteria 16:09:33 <adamw> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Final_Release_Criteria 16:09:41 <adamw> #info for Beta, we have: 16:09:43 <adamw> #info 7 Proposed Blockers 16:09:43 <adamw> #info 1 Accepted Blockers 16:09:48 <adamw> #info 1 Proposed Freeze Exceptions 16:09:52 <adamw> #info for Final, we have: 16:10:03 <adamw> #info 2 Proposed Blockers 16:10:10 <adamw> #info coremodule will secretarialize 16:10:30 <adamw> alrighty, let's get started with proposed Beta blockers 16:10:32 <adamw> isn't this exciting 16:10:39 <adamw> #info starting with proposed Beta blockers 16:10:53 <coremodule> I'm so excited 16:10:54 <adamw> #topic (1616167) provide fail-safe mechanisms when repos with modulemd are unavailable/disabled and when repos lose modulemd by accident 16:10:55 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1616167 16:10:55 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, dnf, POST 16:10:59 <adamw> so this is a Greatest Hit 16:11:13 <cmurf> great bug number too 16:11:16 <adamw> it's the thing we first decided should definitely block the release of 28 or 29 or something then it turned out to be hard so we were like 'eh whatever' 16:11:21 <adamw> software: we're great at it 16:11:33 <cmurf> haha 16:11:41 <adamw> so at this point i kinda agree with sgallagh's comment 16:12:00 <frantisekz> yep 16:12:08 <adamw> we're clearly okay on a cosmic level with shipping fedoras that don't have this, so deciding that it blocks the f31 release just because we actually think there's a whelk's chance in a supernova that it'll get done this round seems arbitrary 16:12:12 <cmurf> yep, baring some convincing contra agrument 16:12:28 <adamw> and let's face it, if dnf team said 'oh whoops we can't actually do it this time sorry' we'd just waive it 16:12:31 <adamw> so, let's not pretend... 16:12:41 <pwhalen> agreed, -1 16:12:59 <lruzicka2> -1 16:13:03 <cmurf> whelk is a new word, that'd be a great nick 16:13:15 <cmurf> sea snail 16:13:16 <adamw> cmurf: i stole that line from either H2G2 or Red Dwarf. i forget which. 16:13:25 <lruzicka2> I do not thing they will have time to fix it anyway 16:13:41 <sgallagh> By coincidence, it's actually done already. 16:13:43 <cmurf> -1 blocker 16:13:47 <sgallagh> But it shouldn't be a blocker if there are issues with it. 16:14:11 <lruzicka2> sgallagh, hah, will have to test it the first thing in the morning 16:14:12 * cmurf will brb, laundry 16:14:15 <sgallagh> (Though implementing it discovered some interesting bad assumptions elsewhere) 16:14:22 <sgallagh> So it's temporarily turned back off 16:14:24 <frantisekz> so, -1 Blocker and, do we wanna talk about FE, or not yet at this point? 16:14:40 <lruzicka2> sgallagh, ok, I see 16:16:10 <adamw> beta freeze isn't for a month and a half, so, probably not worth considering yet 16:16:27 <adamw> and honestly this doesn't seem like the kind of thing to be implementing in a freeze 16:17:34 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1616167 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - as we shipped the last two releases without this, it seems arbitrary to start blocking on it now just because it might actually be ready this cycle. Clearly we've established a precedent that it's OK to release Fedora without it. We'd still like to see it done, though 16:17:55 <frantisekz> ack 16:17:58 <lruzicka2> ack 16:18:18 <cmurf> ack 16:18:20 <kparal> ack 16:18:38 <cmurf> shoulda said bACK 16:18:40 <adamw> #agreed 1616167 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - as we shipped the last two releases without this, it seems arbitrary to start blocking on it now just because it might actually be ready this cycle. Clearly we've established a precedent that it's OK to release Fedora without it. We'd still like to see it done, though 16:18:44 <pwhalen> ack 16:19:19 <adamw> #topic (1717117) Can't install module libgit2:0.28 due to (uninstalled) conflicts 16:19:19 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1717117 16:19:19 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, dnf, NEW 16:19:22 <adamw> oh good, this one 16:19:29 <adamw> why did i decide to have this meeting, this was a bad idea 16:19:33 <adamw> let's all go back to bed 16:19:51 <frantisekz> or to bed already, in CET :) 16:20:07 <adamw> potato, potahto (seriously though who says potahto?) 16:20:27 <lruzicka2> tomato, tomahto 16:20:43 <lruzicka2> let's call the whole thing off? 16:21:30 <adamw> so uh 16:21:32 <adamw> where are we at with this 16:21:32 <frantisekz> so, to the topic, I see -1 from sgallagh there, but isn't this breaking some installs, as anaconda bails out if it sees some dnf error? 16:21:36 <coremodule> hmmm 16:21:49 <coremodule> I can't find a criteria this violates directly 16:21:57 <adamw> this isn't breaking anaconda atm 16:22:00 <sgallagh> If it's breaking installs (first I've heard), then that's a problem. 16:22:05 <adamw> it *was* 16:22:07 <adamw> but that changed 16:22:16 <adamw> either we fixed anaconda not to blow up or at present anaconda doesn't get the warning from dnf 16:22:49 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1719976 is still NEW 16:23:46 <adamw> but yeah, it's definitely not actually breaking installs any more. 16:23:53 <adamw> i can be -1 beta blocker on that basis 16:24:17 <adamw> i'd be sad about shipping final with the problem, though, because you get told about the error every time you run dnf for anything at all 16:24:41 <frantisekz> yeah, -1 if it's not breaking anything, we can discuss this again for final though 16:24:49 <sgallagh> Also, according to ignatenkobrain this morning, the workaround packages have been built over the weekend; I think this BZ might need updating with that in mind. 16:25:10 <cmurf> punt 16:25:11 <lruzicka2> agree, I would consider +1 for final, at the moment I vote -1 16:25:36 <pwhalen> -1 beta blocker 16:25:39 <adamw> we can agree -1 for beta and re-propose for final 16:25:53 <lruzicka2> if it does not break installations, I do not see why would not vote -1 for beta, cmurf 16:25:55 <adamw> though it's not clear what criterion it'd violate even for final i guess 16:26:10 <frantisekz> (we apparently don't have any criteria for this even for final, but we can make some if it's still not fixed :) ) 16:26:32 <adamw> yeah 16:26:34 <adamw> anyhoo 16:26:40 <coremodule> -1 beta blocker 16:26:42 <lruzicka2> adamw, errors like that do not look good 16:26:42 <cmurf> ok -1 beta blocker 16:27:32 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1717117 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - at the moment nothing about this seems to be violating any release criteria, it only results in an annoying error message showing up all the time, and a non-essential module not being installable. This is acceptable for Beta. We will re-propose it as a Final blocker in case it's not fixed by then 16:27:53 <frantisekz> ack 16:27:55 <coremodule> ack 16:28:01 <pwhalen> ack 16:28:20 <lruzicka2> ack 16:28:21 <kparal> ack 16:28:57 <adamw> #agreed 1717117 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - at the moment nothing about this seems to be violating any release criteria, it only results in an annoying error message showing up all the time, and a non-essential module not being installable. This is acceptable for Beta. We will re-propose it as a Final blocker in case it's not fixed by then 16:29:10 <adamw> #topic (1723777) gnutls-dane depends on unbound-libs which creates huge bootstrap loop 16:29:10 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1723777 16:29:10 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, gnutls, NEW 16:29:49 <cmurf> ok so it prevents installation of systemd? 16:30:19 <adamw> uh. 16:30:25 <adamw> i'm a bit confused here. 16:30:33 <adamw> i doubt it? or else nothing would build or work at present at all. 16:30:38 <coremodule> me too... 16:30:42 <adamw> ok, we haven't had a compose since friday, but this is not why. 16:31:46 <adamw> hm 16:31:54 <adamw> it looks like the *original* problem here was serious 16:31:58 <adamw> but that got fixed/worked around 16:31:59 <cmurf> if I read any two comments, I become confused 16:32:04 <adamw> and now igor re-opened to bug to request some dependency trimming 16:32:18 <adamw> so i'm gonna say i'm -1 to what the bug is currently about 16:33:28 <cmurf> if I ignore comment 18 by sgallagh then I'm a -1 16:33:48 <sgallagh> I am completely willing to believe I failed to follow the conversation 16:34:28 <kparal> -1, also seems like the major problem got resolved. let them re-propose if it's not the case 16:34:44 <cmurf> it looks like that was the case and then it got fixed, and the name of the bug was changed 16:35:21 <pwhalen> agreed, -1 16:35:31 <coremodule> -1 blocker 16:35:35 <cmurf> -1 blocker 16:35:47 <sgallagh> -1 16:36:12 <lruzicka2> -1 blocker 16:37:06 <adamw> right 16:37:13 <adamw> it can always be re-proposed if we misunderstood 16:38:08 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1723777 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - our understanding is that the initial problem covered by this bug indeed was a blocker (it would've prevented composes), but that issue was resolved and now the bug has been re-opened for a different and less critical reason (see comment #14). as we understand the current issue, it does not violate any criteria 16:38:21 <lruzicka2> ack 16:38:32 <coremodule> ack 16:38:43 <sgallagh> ack 16:38:44 <pwhalen> ack 16:38:53 <kparal> ack 16:40:39 <adamw> #agreed 1723777 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - our understanding is that the initial problem covered by this bug indeed was a blocker (it would've prevented composes), but that issue was resolved and now the bug has been re-opened for a different and less critical reason (see comment #14). as we understand the current issue, it does not violate any criteria 16:40:45 <adamw> #topic (1724380) 3DES removal breaks credential acquisition 16:40:46 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1724380 16:40:46 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, krb5, POST 16:41:05 <adamw> so, sgallagh's question here is a good one. i think punting on this is a good idea atm 16:41:32 <adamw> the openqa test no longer hits this on upgrade from clean deployments on updated f30 to rawhide, but that doesn't *necessarily* mean there's no longer a blocker bug, it'd be good to wait for clarification 16:42:04 <cmurf> there is a fix that will be backported for F30, and since the requirement is that you update before upgrading, you should hit this bug 16:42:11 <cmurf> ^shouldn't 16:42:19 <coremodule> adamw, I can get behind that train of thought 16:43:09 <sgallagh> cmurf: The problem is that it may be that F30 upgraded from GA to current may end up in a situation where upgrading from there to F31 hits it 16:43:19 <cmurf> right 16:43:21 <sgallagh> Where a fresh install of F30-plus-latest doesn't 16:43:36 <frantisekz> but, we don't support upgrading from fresh F30 if I am not mistaken 16:43:39 <sgallagh> If that's the case, I'd call it a blocker. 16:43:44 <sgallagh> frantisekz: You're misunderstanding. 16:43:52 <frantisekz> it's possible :) 16:44:04 <sgallagh> We know that if someone installs the latest FreeIPA (4.8.0) on F30 and then upgrades to F31, it is fine. 16:44:17 <frantisekz> oh, I see now 16:44:18 <sgallagh> And if they upgrade from 4.7 on F30 -> 4.8 on F31 it is not. 16:44:31 <sgallagh> We don't know if F30 4.7->4.8->F31 is fine 16:44:39 <lruzicka2> sgallagh, DNF tells people to update first, so will it still be a problem? 16:44:51 <sgallagh> lruzicka2: That is literally the question I am asking :) 16:44:56 <cmurf> if they ever had 4.7 on F30, it's possible they run into it 16:45:01 <sgallagh> cmurf: Exactly 16:45:16 <adamw> i actually would've expected the openqa updates test for the f30 update to run into this 16:45:16 <cmurf> so we needinfo + punt 16:45:19 <adamw> but it doesn't seem like it did 16:45:28 <adamw> so, yeah, i think this requires a bit more poking 16:45:29 <sgallagh> cmurf: +1 16:45:39 <frantisekz> punt +1 16:45:48 <lruzicka2> we can punt today and I will test fresh F30, update to newest updates and go to F31 and see 16:45:49 <coremodule> +1 punt 16:45:56 <lruzicka2> punt +1 16:45:58 <sgallagh> lruzicka2: Thanks 16:46:12 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1724380 - punt (delay decision) - there is definitely a significant bug here, but as things stand we aren't clear if it breaks the criteria for F31 due to the changes in F30. we will investigate this further and decide blocker status once we have more information 16:46:14 <lruzicka2> I will put the results into Bugzilla 16:46:22 <coremodule> ack 16:46:36 <frantisekz> ack 16:46:42 <sgallagh> ack 16:47:33 <adamw> #agreed 1724380 - punt (delay decision) - there is definitely a significant bug here, but as things stand we aren't clear if it breaks the criteria for F31 due to the changes in F30. we will investigate this further and decide blocker status once we have more information 16:47:46 <adamw> #topic (1727343) [abrt] PackageKit: libdnf::Repo::Impl::detachLibsolvRepo(): packagekitd killed by SIGSEGV 16:47:46 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1727343 16:47:46 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, libdnf, ASSIGNED 16:47:49 <adamw> this one has a sort of friend: 16:48:04 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1727424 16:48:31 <adamw> at least on current understanding, they have the same root cause, it's just a question of circumstance which particular crash you run into 16:48:47 <cmurf> is this transient? 16:48:50 <adamw> no 16:49:01 <cmurf> huh, why have I not hit it? 16:49:07 <adamw> are you sure you haven't? 16:49:10 <cmurf> i'm inclined to say +1 blocker 16:49:11 <adamw> is your packagekitd running? 16:49:14 <cmurf> i definitely have not 16:49:21 <adamw> and have you tried running gnome-software ? 16:49:32 <cmurf> i'm running into packagekitd hanging transiently on reboots on both F30 and F31 16:49:34 <cmurf> yes 16:49:53 <adamw> just starting packagekit and running gnome-software crashes packagekitd every time, for me. 16:50:01 <cmurf> huh ok 16:50:49 <kparal> gnome-software is then not usable, right? 16:51:04 <adamw> right, for me and openqa, anyway 16:51:10 <kparal> sounds like +1 16:51:12 <adamw> also cockpit software installation 16:51:24 <cmurf> testing... 16:51:46 <cmurf> so i login and gnome-software uses ~60% cpu and packagekitd uses 100% cpu, for about 30-40s 16:51:51 <cmurf> i have not launched them 16:51:56 <cmurf> just a login 16:52:03 <adamw> there's a gnome-software --application-service process which runs on login 16:52:13 <cmurf> flatpak is doing a thing now 16:52:17 <adamw> for testing i kill that, restart packagekit, then run gnome-software from a terminal 16:52:24 <adamw> packagekitd then dies 16:52:27 <cmurf> flatpak-system-helper and gnome-sfotware are busy 16:52:54 <cmurf> i've got a lot of messages here... 16:52:59 <cmurf> and it's just a login 16:53:54 <cmurf> ok after all that calms down, click on Gnome Software and it's up 16:53:56 <cmurf> no crashes 16:54:54 <cmurf> i wonder if there's some kind of race and it will crash if I launch gnome-software immediately on login 16:55:39 <adamw> no, it's not that. 16:55:45 <adamw> i can crash it any time i like. 16:55:48 <kparal> if it is consistent in openqa, I think that's good enough 16:55:56 <adamw> but it does involve threads, so it could be different on different systems, i guess. 16:57:16 <adamw> so yeah...i can believe it might not happen to everyone all the time, but i'd be surprised if it won't happen enough to be a blocker, so i'm +1 for now at least 16:57:34 <lruzicka2> I do not have any issues in VM, F31 16:57:35 <cmurf> tried again, no crash 16:57:57 <cmurf> but it takes 2 minutes for gnome-software to show anything but status info after being launched if I launch it right away 16:58:06 <lruzicka2> I am trying right now, it is slow, but I could install apps 16:58:34 <cmurf> i'm a weak +1 beta blocker, it really needs to work but I'd like to know more about versions and how to trigger it 16:58:42 <cmurf> i'm up to date as of a day or two ago 16:58:50 <lruzicka2> and I am only getting a very small number of applications to select 16:58:56 <cmurf> same here 16:59:18 <adamw> did you actually check system logs / ps output / systemctl status to see that packagekitd is still running? 16:59:24 <cmurf> yes 16:59:39 <adamw> note btw in f31 abrt doesn't handle c crashes any more so you don't get notifications on crashes usually... 16:59:47 <adamw> at least, seems that way to me. 17:00:03 <cmurf> i'm looking at ps aux, top, and journalctl -f 17:00:07 <adamw> oh, and you actually have libdnf 0.35.1 installed? and you've restarted packagekit since it got installed? 17:00:10 <cmurf> it's def running and hasn't crashed 17:00:12 <lruzicka2> Ssl in my case 17:00:34 <adamw> (or rebooted) 17:00:42 <cmurf> i have libdnf 0.35.1 and i've restarted at least three times since it was updated 17:01:01 <adamw> okay 17:01:02 <cmurf> s/restarted/rebooted 17:01:02 <adamw> interesting 17:01:06 <lruzicka2> I have libdnf 0.35.1 and I have restarted 17:01:19 <lruzicka2> packagekit reports Ssl in ps auc 17:01:21 <lruzicka2> aux 17:01:29 <cmurf> there's a bunch of stuff going on between all these pieces, could be a race 17:01:39 <adamw> it's not a race exactly 17:01:46 <cmurf> flatpak, repos, the rpm fusion stuff 17:01:51 <cmurf> which i did not add 17:01:56 <adamw> it's just threading within gnome-software/packagekit that can cause it, i think 17:02:01 <cmurf> *shrug* 17:02:02 <adamw> anyway 17:02:16 <adamw> so, i mean, we can punt and get lots of people to try and see how common it is, i guess 17:02:25 <lruzicka2> yeah, +1 punt 17:02:32 <cmurf> we have the votes to make it a blocker and also do a needinfo 17:02:46 <adamw> but i'd feel worried about releasing beta knowing it at least happens every time to me and openqa 17:02:48 <cmurf> as reported it's got sufficient brokenness for that and it has to work 17:02:52 <adamw> so i dunno. 17:03:03 <cmurf> needinfo + punt then 17:03:11 <sgallagh> I'm good with +1 blocker now as well 17:03:26 <frantisekz> I'd go for +1 blocker, if it happens in openqa regularly 17:03:31 <cmurf> exactly 17:03:35 <sgallagh> We can always revisit it if new information arrives, but I'd rather assume it's going to be blocking and get people alerted to it faster 17:03:48 <cmurf> just because I'm not having the problem just means it might be more complicated, not that it isn't a blocker 17:04:13 <adamw> ok 17:05:31 <lruzicka2> ok, let's block then 17:05:49 <cmurf> i just wish it crashed for me so i could use my coredumpctl gdb skills 17:06:21 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - as we currently understand things, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation when they occur. They do not seem to happen to everyone (timing is involved somehow) but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install, remove, and update software 17:06:21 <adamw> with the default tool for the relevant software type in all release-blocking desktops (e.g. default graphical package manager)" 17:06:31 <adamw> cmurf: you don't need to, we already basically know the cause 17:06:32 <adamw> grr, too long 17:06:57 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - as we currently understand things, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation when they occur. They do not seem to happen to everyone (timing is involved somehow) but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install software with the default 17:06:57 <adamw> tool for the relevant software type in all release-blocking desktops" 17:06:59 <adamw> grr 17:07:16 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - as we currently understand things, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation when they occur. They do not seem to happen 100% of the time but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install software with the default tool for the relevant 17:07:16 <adamw> software type in all release-blocking desktops" 17:07:22 <adamw> oh come on 17:07:25 <frantisekz> does it matter? coremodule will be able to parse that :) 17:07:37 * cmurf cackles 17:07:47 <adamw> if you don't fit it in one line the meetbot log is messed up 17:07:50 <coremodule> lol 17:07:52 <adamw> the second line doesn't go into the log 17:07:53 <lruzicka2> adamw, where in openqa does this fail? I cannot find it. 17:08:08 <adamw> lruzicka: desktop_update_graphical for Workstation live, and realmd_join_cockpit 17:08:13 <lruzicka2> adamw, in upgrade tests? 17:08:13 <adamw> https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/421130#next_previous 17:08:33 <adamw> https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/421098#next_previous 17:08:46 <adamw> see both tests failed every run since 0704.n.1 17:09:04 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - AFAWCS, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation when they occur. They do not seem to happen 100% of the time but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install software with the default tool for the relevant software type in all 17:09:04 <adamw> release-blocking desktops" 17:09:08 <adamw> ok i quit 17:09:10 <frantisekz> :D 17:09:14 <lruzicka2> adamw, yeah, it timed outed 17:09:25 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - AFAWCS, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation. They do not seem to happen 100% of the time but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install software with the default tool for the relevant software type in all release-blocking desktops" 17:09:27 <adamw> yay 17:09:29 <adamw> there we go 17:09:32 <frantisekz> wohooo 17:09:49 <adamw> lruzicka: if you look at the logs you'll find a crash from packagekitd in every one 17:10:05 <frantisekz> ack 17:10:10 <kparal> ack 17:10:10 <lruzicka2> adamw, I believe you, but first look looks like time-out 17:10:14 <cmurf> ack 17:10:16 <lruzicka2> ack 17:10:44 <adamw> lruzicka: yes, it times out because gnome software is waiting for packagekit and packagekit isn't doing anything because it crashed :) 17:10:49 <adamw> lruzicka: https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/421130/file/desktop_update_graphical-coredump.tar.gz 17:11:39 <adamw> i guess arguably there's a gnome software bug there too - it should notice packagekit blew up and say 'uhhhh something is wrong here' rather than just spin forever 17:11:53 <lruzicka2> adamw, yeah, that is true 17:11:56 <adamw> #agreed 1727343 and 1727424 - AcceptedBlocker (Beta) - AFAWCS, these two crashes have the same basic cause and break GNOME Software and Cockpit package installation. They do not seem to happen 100% of the time but on current information we think they're significant enough to violate "The installed system must be able appropriately to install software with the default tool for the relevant software type in all release-blocking desktops" 17:15:49 <adamw> #topic (1657125) group remove: keep mandatory pkgs of other installed groups 17:15:49 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1657125 17:15:49 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, spin-kickstarts, ASSIGNED 17:15:56 <frantisekz> I don't think this deserves a blocker, it was broken for a really long time (bug report mentions fc21) 17:17:07 <lruzicka2> but it might deserve a fix 17:17:09 <cmurf> egads 17:17:18 <frantisekz> also, there seems to be no criterion we would base blocking this on 17:18:01 <cmurf> i'm -1 blocker 17:18:13 <frantisekz> -1 17:19:06 <cmurf> plus i don't think it should be a release criteria per se, there should be a policy for handling this first 17:19:26 <cmurf> and then maybe there'd be a criterion (maybe not) 17:19:28 <coremodule> I am also -1 blocker 17:21:13 <lruzicka2> -1 blocker but fix if possible 17:22:08 <kparal> I don't think this is Beta blocker, not completely sure about Final, but I lean towards -1. It doesn't prevent the distribution to function well, just the remove operation more risky than it should be (if you don't pay attention or you don't know exactly what you're doing). That's unfortunate, but probably not release blocking 17:22:26 <adamw> ok, sounds like enough -1 votes 17:23:29 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1657125 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - this is established behaviour and we don't believe it violates any of the criteria as it stands. 17:23:37 <frantisekz> ack 17:23:43 <cmurf> ack 17:24:09 <lruzicka2> ack 17:24:14 <coremodule> ack 17:25:49 <kparal> ack 17:26:24 <adamw> #agreed 1657125 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - this is established behaviour and we don't believe it violates any of the criteria as it stands. 17:26:32 <adamw> #topic (1715699) LiveOS boot, journalctl is missing many early messages 17:26:32 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1715699 17:26:32 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, systemd, NEW 17:27:01 <cmurf> summary in comment 12 17:27:17 <cmurf> skip all the stream of consciousness murphy debugging comments 17:28:42 <coremodule> hmmm 17:29:15 <lruzicka2> early logs is a nice to have thing 17:29:40 <cmurf> option, needinfo the systemd maintainer and punt 17:29:48 <kparal> cmurf: this is happening also on installed systems or just live images? 17:29:53 <adamw> i mean, for debugging you can just set the journal target to console or a serial terminal, no? 17:29:55 <cmurf> only LiveOS 17:30:29 <cmurf> there's a bunch of stuff that only ever goes into the journal, i've tried a bunch of different ways to get this info and haven't succeeded 17:31:07 <adamw> i mean systemd.journald.forward_to_console=1 17:31:10 <adamw> tried that>? 17:31:13 <cmurf> maybe if the kernel log buffer is set to something crazy like 16x bigger than default, it's possible to forward the journal into kernel messages, and get everything by dmesg 17:31:16 <cmurf> i did 17:31:28 <adamw> mm 17:31:50 <adamw> i'm kinda inclined to -1 on this tbh 17:31:54 <cmurf> but i should retest that with a much bigger kernel buffer 17:32:25 <cmurf> it's so incredibly verbose that the 256K buffer we have almost immediately drops messages 17:32:55 <adamw> especially if this is not new in f31 i don't see any point in blocking on it 17:33:08 <cmurf> it is new in f30 17:34:12 <cmurf> had i known about it then i'd have proposed it then 17:35:42 <lruzicka2> cmurf, how do you think this could be fixed? 17:36:13 <adamw> do we know what changed? is the change that /var/log/messages didn't exist before, or systemd didn't use it before, or it was bigger, or whaty? 17:39:31 <adamw> bueller? bueller!? 17:41:38 <adamw> okay. well. as things stand, i'm still -1 17:41:40 <adamw> any other formal votes? 17:41:50 <frantisekz> -1 for beta 17:41:54 <kparal> probably -1 atm 17:41:58 <coremodule> -1 from me 17:42:13 <lruzicka2> I dont know 17:42:33 <cmurf> i'm not sure 17:43:12 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1715699 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - as this bug is currently understood we do not believe it breaks the release criteria, it's just an unfortunate issue. The system logging function is present and does broadly work. This can be re-considered if further information or a different justification arises 17:43:28 <coremodule> ack 17:43:29 <lruzicka2> ack 17:43:39 <kparal> ack 17:44:09 <frantisekz> ack 17:44:17 <adamw> #agreed 1715699 - RejectedBlocker (Beta) - as this bug is currently understood we do not believe it breaks the release criteria, it's just an unfortunate issue. The system logging function is present and does broadly work. This can be re-considered if further information or a different justification arises 17:44:30 <cmurf> a big part of being unable to get information on that bug is because of the bug 17:45:00 <cmurf> i can't look at assembly as being a cause 17:45:15 <cmurf> none of the assembly is available, it's all purged 17:45:35 <adamw> then you need to find a way to get at the messages. this shouldn't be impossible...but it still doesn't make the bug a blocker 17:45:48 <adamw> patch systemd to put the logs somewhere else and recompile 17:45:55 <adamw> patch it to dump out the info you need some other way 17:45:57 <adamw> there's lots of options 17:47:07 <adamw> #topic proposed Final blockers 17:47:15 <adamw> #info let's skip proposed Beta FE as we're still 6 weeks out from freeze date 17:47:34 <adamw> first one is fixed already, i'll close it 17:47:45 <adamw> #topic (1713485) ext3 partitions get remounted as read-only due to journal error ("journal block not found"..."Detected aborted journal") 17:47:45 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1713485 17:47:45 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, kernel, NEW 17:47:57 <adamw> hmm i think this might be fixed too...let me see... 17:49:24 <adamw> yeah, test's passed every compose since 0524.n.1 17:49:31 <adamw> #info this appears to have been fixed in May, we will close it 17:50:58 <adamw> #topic Open floor 17:51:27 <adamw> so, any other business, folks? 17:52:32 <frantisekz> I guess not, thanks adamw for leading this 17:53:08 <coremodule> thanks for hosting the meeting adamw 17:53:55 <adamw> alrighty folks 17:53:58 <adamw> thanks for coming out 17:54:22 <lruzicka2> thank you, have a nice time 17:54:44 <kparal> thanks, cheers 17:55:08 <adamw> #endmeeting