08:28:20 <jreznik> #startmeeting FAD EMEA Ambassadors 2014 Rheinland 08:28:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec 6 08:28:20 2014 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:28:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 08:28:40 <jreznik> #meetingname fad-emea-ambassadors-2014-rheinland 08:28:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fad-emea-ambassadors-2014-rheinland' 08:29:45 <jreznik> #topic Welcome by Felix 08:30:19 <jreznik> #info Felix welcomed us in Leverkusen and a beautiful seminar hotel 08:31:20 <GeroldKa> #info Miro shared last night his limited beer with all of us; thanks to Miro 08:32:35 <jreznik> :) 08:35:29 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Germany 08:36:03 <jreznik> #info 29 ambassadors in germany, half of them active, growing very slowly 08:36:23 <jreznik> #info small number of core ambassadors (typical suspects here) 08:37:18 <jreznik> #info 7 events german guys do attend regurarly (+more events), 1-2 release parties per year 08:38:13 <jreznik> #info linuxtag is smaller now, not many people interested in it anymore, it moved and they are trying something new (together with two other events) 08:38:44 <GeroldKa> maybe we can share all reports on the WIKI, after the event, which makes it easier for jreznik ?! 08:39:16 <jreznik> GeroldKa: they I hope we will do, that's why I report only numbers, not the whole slides :) 08:39:25 <jreznik> (without that they) 08:39:26 <GeroldKa> +1 08:40:34 <jreznik> #info cwickert would like to attract new audience (aka devassistant with android support), go to focus events and say why Fedora is great distro for them 08:41:57 <jreznik> #info German ambassadors active also in non-german events 08:43:15 <jreznik> #info budget went up 08:43:47 <jreznik> #info budget is under control of sesivany 08:44:49 <jreznik> #info websites reported in slides 08:48:09 <jreznik> #info reviving fedoraforum and fedorausers/other websites under fpo but question about policies 08:54:03 <jreznik> discussion about how to track inactive ambassadors 08:54:18 <GeroldKa> once more 08:54:46 <GeroldKa> year by year the same useless discussion without any good solution and decission 08:54:53 <jreznik> cwickert thinks fedmsg is one way but kital objects - some people do not interact that much with fedora infra 08:55:21 <jreznik> GeroldKa: you can remove that too much active who brings this discussion again and again and problem solved :) 08:55:47 <jreznik> not going to revoke, they have to reapply 08:55:58 <GeroldKa> I agree 09:02:29 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Czech Republic 09:02:58 <jreznik> #info 5 ambassadors officially but Francesco moved to Germany, Marek Mahut is not active for years 09:03:44 <jreznik> #info we will have one more contributor, former Ubuntu guy 09:04:07 <jreznik> #info we don't want many ambassadors but commitment is more important 09:05:16 <jreznik> #info but there are many non official contributors helping with booths, events etc. 09:05:36 <jreznik> #info two big conferences LinuxDays in Prague and OpenAlt in Brno 09:06:16 <jreznik> #info sesivany as part of his job goes to universities (5-6 hundred of students) 09:07:08 <jreznik> IT uni requires first grade students to do homework and projects on Linux, so sesivany introduced Fedora to help them to jump to Linux 09:07:33 <jreznik> and threre was install fest after, we got many new users 09:07:43 <jreznik> it's great opportunity, if you have it, go for it 09:08:13 <jreznik> #info fedora.cz websites, it's active, articles in weekly basis, calendar of events 09:08:27 <heffer> hangout should be live again 09:08:36 <jreznik> cool 09:09:11 <jreznik> #info forum is communication thing, solving less issues -> ask fpo (with language support) 09:10:13 <jreznik> ask is not fully localized - can be fixed but it can be separated to namespaces for local communities 09:10:31 <jreznik> russian guys tried it and it wasn't working very well earlier, we should try 09:10:56 <jreznik> translation is needed 09:15:36 <jreznik> discussion about what is allowed on our websites/forums/etc. 09:15:56 <jreznik> #info devconf is bigger than the other too, it's not local event 09:16:14 <jreznik> #info fedora day - 3rd day of devconf 09:17:32 <jreznik> mhroncok has a few ideas for czech rep./slovakia 09:19:42 <jreznik> go to another communities events 09:20:07 <jreznik> new audience discussion will follow later 09:20:30 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Netherlands (Mexico;-) 09:23:10 <jreznik> #info two active ambassadors, ruben and patrick 09:23:56 <jreznik> #info main events discussed on slides 09:26:05 <jreznik> #info goals - recruit one more ambassador, include flanders outside Netherlands, approach younger folks 09:28:01 <jreznik> "mexican wanna be dutch" 09:29:25 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Italy 09:30:57 * mailga waves 09:31:00 <jreznik> #info robyduck speaking 09:31:29 <jreznik> #info 17 ambassadors, 3 very active, 6 active 09:32:27 <GeroldKa> hey mailga, you left Feodra? 09:32:35 <GeroldKa> I must have missed that :-( 09:33:46 <jreznik> if anyone else can info... /me has emergency, needs bathroom 09:34:02 <jreznik> or I will reuse sesivany's report :) 09:34:32 <RGeri77> Hello to All 09:34:51 <GeroldKa> Hi :-) 09:34:57 <GeroldKa> nice to read u 09:35:17 <mailga> GeroldKa: good morning dear friend, yes I left the Project at the moment, maybe at the beginning of the next year I could come back (I hope). 09:35:47 <RGeri77> thanks. If Im front of the laptop I will be with you guys......but I have many things to do...so I will be a ghost today :-) 09:35:52 <jreznik> RGeri77: happy birthday! 09:35:54 <GeroldKa> We all want u to com back, old Dude 09:36:18 <GeroldKa> yes, Happy Birthday .... 09:36:27 <GeroldKa> do you hear us singing for u? 09:36:36 <RGeri77> jreznik: Thanks :-) 09:36:52 <mailga> GeroldKa: thanks guys. And happy birthday to RGeri77 also from me. 09:36:57 <jreznik> #info for robyduck's status, please see titanpad... 09:36:59 <RGeri77> GeroldKa: nope, Im online 5 sec ago, so Im hearing now Robyduck 09:37:08 <GeroldKa> hehe 09:37:33 <GeroldKa> we lll listen to robyduck and haven't sung your birthday song so far 09:37:48 <jreznik> #info websites it.fedoracommunity.org 09:43:16 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Switzerland 09:57:20 <jreznik> #chair sesivany 09:57:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik sesivany 09:57:35 <sesivany> anyone connected to the hangout? does it work for you? 09:58:12 <mhroncok1> frafra: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FreenodeCloaks 09:58:15 <RGeri77> sesivany: from my side everything is OK 09:58:24 <RGeri77> with hangout 09:58:30 <biker> o/ 09:58:41 <sesivany> RGeri77: should we switch on the video for you? 09:59:12 <RGeri77> yeah if you have enogh net speed 09:59:34 <jreznik> #info 5 ambassadors, 0 events, 0 effort 10:01:51 <RGeri77> you cant hear me ? 10:02:04 <RGeri77> sorry I have a new notebook 10:02:42 <GeroldKa> now we hear u Dude 10:03:47 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Greece 10:04:06 <jreznik> RGeri77: do you want to do country report over internetz? 10:04:08 <mhroncok1> RGeri77: will you do country report? 10:04:20 <sesivany> mhroncok1: levex might ;) 10:04:27 <RGeri77> jreznik: wow, Im not prepared...... 10:04:43 <jreznik> RGeri77: everyone just copied last years report and changed year :) 10:04:49 <mhroncok1> :D 10:04:54 <jreznik> you have 15 minutes! 10:05:02 <Levex> hey all 10:05:05 <jreznik> #info 12 ambassadors, 6 active 10:05:10 <Levex> sesivany: I think zoltan might have done something 10:05:16 <Levex> he is on the etherpad 10:05:27 <RGeri77> jreznik: hmm, yeah but for us, we have always little modifications...... 10:05:46 <bookwar> can you send a link for etherpad? 10:06:06 <Levex> all, zoltan just sent me the country report 10:06:15 <Levex> to jreznik and cmpahar too as far as I see 10:06:24 <sesivany> bookwar: https://titanpad.com/C13BPojw05 10:06:29 <bookwar> sesivany: thanks 10:07:00 <jreznik> #info events - fosscomm (greek foss communities meetup) 10:07:12 <jreznik> #info events - workshop in universities 10:10:44 <jreznik> #info greek ambassadors active outside Greece 10:12:25 <sesivany> is there anyone who wants to do a country report remotely over Hangouts? 10:12:34 <jreznik> #info Fedora.Next means a lot opportunities - to approrach new people etc 10:12:42 <jreznik> "Fedora.Next is sexy" 10:13:23 <Levex> sesivany: unfortunately I can't do, family is ought to arrive any minute now, maybe RGeri77 (I forwarded Zoltan's notes to him right now) 10:13:29 <jreznik> work on marketing is needed, flyers redesign etc. 10:15:52 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Russia 10:17:52 <jreznik> #undo 10:17:52 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x286f7690> 10:18:09 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Hungary (remotely) 10:19:53 <jreznik> #info 6 ambassadors, only 1 inactive 10:20:08 <jreznik> #info Zoltan is mentoring ambassadors in Africa 10:23:25 <jreznik> #info Levex organized his first big event OSOL Szeged 10:23:44 <Levex> :) 10:24:08 * jreznik can't transcribe what chistron is now talking about 10:25:16 <RGeri77> oh, If I forgot. Please note I have an idea for swag. Fedora soap. Just for note, if I will forget it. Thanks. 10:25:48 <jreznik> #info RGeri77 - idea for swag: Fedora soap 10:26:00 <jreznik> #topic country report - Russia 10:26:47 <jreznik> #info core group of 10 people, jabber conference and websites 10:26:59 <jreznik> #info separate translators community 10:27:27 <jreznik> #info biggest task RFRemix and russianfedora-repos 10:29:46 <jreznik> #info events - russian open source summit, linux vacation eastern europe 10:32:44 <jreznik> #info other events - release parties, systemd meetup, PyCon Russia 10:33:50 <jreznik> #topic country reports - Burkina Faso 10:34:02 <jreznik> #info one active contributor - Constantin 10:34:21 <jreznik> #info events - SFD 2014, Install party (Fedora 20) 10:34:56 <jreznik> #info plans for 17 december - national internet day, teaching children to use Fedora 10:37:06 <jreznik> #topic discussion of country reports 10:40:56 <jreznik> good point from kital_ - we don't know clear meaning of ambassadors 10:41:26 <jreznik> not a big deal number of ambassadors is not raising if they are able to build network of contributors 10:41:53 <jreznik> ambassadors should do theirs job not only externally, but also internally within project 10:44:52 <jreznik> cwickert presents idea for fosco 10:46:12 * cwickert will get to this in detail at some point later today 10:59:35 <sesivany> #topic Discussion about new Fedora products 11:01:42 <jreznik> #topic Budget 11:02:04 <jreznik> #chair mhroncok1 cwickert frafra 11:02:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert frafra jreznik mhroncok1 sesivany 11:02:14 <jreznik> anyone else wants chair, let me know 11:02:28 <jreznik> #chair kital 11:02:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert frafra jreznik kital mhroncok1 sesivany 11:04:33 <jreznik> #topic sesivany talks about budget 11:05:15 <jreznik> #info we got $12215, we spent $4738 but cwickert still have some expenses to file 11:10:26 <jreznik> #info no media production in Q2 (F21 was postponed) 11:11:06 <jreznik> #info Q3 is not yet finished (as for expenses side) 11:14:04 <jreznik> #info Q3 swag - new Fedora stickers, badges in production 11:14:30 <jreznik> #info Q4 has just started (FSF-OSSC, FOSDEM) 11:15:49 <jreznik> #info F21 media production 11:18:36 <jreznik> #topic Event planning 11:26:33 <jreznik> #undo 11:26:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2a0d23d0> 11:26:38 <jreznik> #topic Events planning 11:28:04 <jreznik> #info more details in the etherpad 11:42:12 <rsc> Open Source Days 2015 (http://opensourcedays.org/) would be around 400 EUR for budget (less if it is a one day event like this year). 11:42:54 <rsc> Open Source Days usually happened in March, they delayed it this year to November. 11:43:02 <mhroncok1> rsc: and in 2015? 11:43:12 <rsc> mhroncok1: nobody knows :( 11:45:25 <rsc> And FSCONS 2015 (https://fscons.org/) would be around the same (400-450 EUR) and takes place in November in Gothenburg. 12:04:32 <sesivany> lunch break!!! 13:28:11 * rbergeron sends hugs to emea and will see some of you at fosdem :) 13:31:17 <misc> rbergeron: o/ 13:31:30 <robyduck> hi rbergeron 13:34:36 <jreznik> hey rbergeron! yeah, fosdem is coming! 13:34:39 <heffer> thanks :) 13:35:15 <jreznik> target audience discussion is coming, prepare! :) 13:38:04 <jreznik> #info New target audiences for ambassadors 13:40:21 <sesivany> hi tuanta! 13:40:34 <tuanta> hi sesivany and everyone 13:41:10 <sesivany> tuanta: can you hear us? :) 13:41:34 <tuanta> yes, I can, but really bad voice 13:41:45 <tuanta> maybe by my bad internet connection 13:42:01 <sesivany> tuanta: and can you see Christoph's presentation? 13:42:10 <tuanta> yes, I see 13:42:14 <mhroncok> +1 13:42:23 <Corey84-> not at all here 13:42:32 <mhroncok> :( 13:43:16 <mhroncok> sesivany: ^ 13:43:49 <sesivany> mhroncok: I can't do much with it. 13:44:06 <sesivany> Corey84-: are you connected to the hangout? 13:44:15 <Corey84-> sesivany, never got link 13:44:38 <Corey84-> but admittedly my connect atm is not optimal tho 13:44:38 <sesivany> Corey84-: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Rheinland_2014#Virtual_Communication_Channels 13:45:17 <jreznik> #info cwickert is giving his presentation - watch the stream 13:47:29 <sesivany> how is the sound now, can you hear Christoph? 13:48:50 <Corey84-> my connect is lagging like hell can hear but its not synced (my end tho) 13:49:27 <theHologram> Good morning 13:51:13 <Corey84-> my connect is trash atm so i may jump in a out (disclaimer) 13:51:30 * rdieter lurking 13:55:15 <sesivany> rdieter: hi, glad to see you here! 13:55:24 <tuanta> can cwickert or anyone upload this interesting presentation to Fedora People? 13:58:50 <sesivany> tuanta: I will ask him to do so. 13:59:02 <tuanta> thanks sesivany 14:02:07 <rdieter> sesivany: :) 14:06:08 <sesivany> remote attendees: if you have any say, just ping me, the hangout is muted right now. 14:06:36 <theHologram> I am fairly new to Fedora, but not linux, it is nice to see everyone getting along! :) 14:10:32 <tuanta> sesivany, there is only one mic connected to Felix's laptop, right? 14:10:46 <tuanta> I can not recognize who is talking now :) 14:11:24 <tuanta> also due by my bad internet connection, I could hear just a little :) 14:12:45 <sesivany> tuanta: yes, he has big external one, why? 14:12:46 <heffer> yes there is one large hands-free speaker connected to my laptop 14:13:35 <rdieter> ok, just make sure folks not close to it speak up :) 14:14:33 <heffer> it also might be our internet connection. the hangouts laptop is connected via 3G 14:14:54 <rdieter> heffer: wow, it's impressively good for just 3g 14:15:02 <heffer> because we're already smashing the venue's wifi 14:15:18 <rdieter> hulk smash 14:15:29 <heffer> yeah. the speedtest yielded 20 Mbit/s downstream and 6 Mbit/s upstream 14:20:50 <tuanta> most of the time, I heard voices from more than one person :) 14:21:04 <tuanta> sorry, but it seems impossible for me to attend remotely like this 14:21:23 <heffer> because the sound is so bad? 14:21:31 <cwickert> tuanta: sorry, we thought it was easier with only one microphone for all of us 14:21:50 <cwickert> also because of the bandwidth and echoes 14:22:01 * jreznik did speed test while doing tethered go/no-go meeting on LTE and it was very nice too, especially ping 25ms (down 40 mbit, my personal record in Brno was 75 mbit) 14:22:03 <tuanta> cwickert, and heffer: one of the big reason may be my bad internet connection 14:22:16 <tuanta> yes, cwickert 14:22:24 <tuanta> a lot of echoes :( 14:22:36 <tuanta> I will try, but mostly I will see the meeting logs and reports later 14:22:53 <cwickert> tuanta: we only had one mic, so there should not be any echoes 14:23:09 <heffer> oh the echos might be because several people are dialed into the hangout and haven't turned off their microphones 14:23:25 <frafra> yes, probably :) 14:23:56 <frafra> we could just stream over an Icecast server is needed (I could do this in a couple of minutes) 14:24:12 <frafra> ok, let's wait 14:24:15 <tuanta> frafra, could you please try 14:24:28 <frafra> yes, just a minute 14:24:47 <frafra> s/wait/try/ :) 14:27:51 <frafra> tuanta, here we are: http://viglug.org:8000/ 14:28:06 <tuanta> frafra, thanks. I will try now 14:28:08 <frafra> tell us if it's better and if the audio level is ok for you 14:28:42 <brianpinard> frafra, audio level here sounds fine, there is a bit of background noise and an occasional echo, but it is understandable 14:28:49 <brianpinard> thanks 14:28:52 <tuanta> frafra, it is much better 14:29:00 <tuanta> thank you 14:29:01 <frafra> brianpinard, yes, it's the beamer 14:29:23 <brianpinard> ok, just letting you know :) 14:29:29 <frafra> yes, thank you 14:29:46 <frafra> if something goes wrong, ping me :) 14:29:52 <brianpinard> roger 14:30:43 <frafra> and... that's floss-based service with a free codec ;) (opus) 14:31:26 <frafra> if needed you can register it, just using wget/curl 14:31:45 <frafra> like... wget http://viglug.org:8000/fad-2014.opus 14:32:26 <brianpinard> i am listening at work on windows :( 14:33:46 <frafra> on Firefox, you can right click on audio player and select "save audio as..." 14:37:57 <tuanta> Is Aleksandra talking now? 14:38:03 <heffer> yes 14:38:08 <tuanta> thanks, heffer :) 14:46:44 <brianpinard> frafra, have you considered using a compression filter to level out the audio volume? 14:46:59 <brianpinard> it's just an idea 14:50:55 <frafra> brianpinard, yes, but I don't know how to do it easily 14:51:23 <frafra> except installing a lot of audio programs... and we don't have so much bandwith do to this 14:51:41 <frafra> I know that it could be possible with gstreamer 14:52:16 <frafra> some years ago, there was a popular gst oneliner to remove vuvuzelas from audio output :D 14:52:39 <frafra> any suggestion? :) 14:53:55 <Levex> maybe out of topic: I think $1200 should be enough for PlayIT 14:54:52 <frafra> FAD Fun Facts (FFF): there are 7 thinkpads in this room :D 14:55:18 <frafra> (maybe eight) 14:55:59 <frafra> ok, felix has another thinkpad... :D 14:57:49 <Levex> Can I also propose the OSOL Conference in Szeged for the budget? should be around $500. It's Q3 in November, I guess 15:01:02 <mhroncok> Levex: done 15:01:13 <Levex> mhroncok: awesome, thanks! :) 15:08:47 <rdieter> fad audio is much better (without the laggy video) 15:09:52 <frafra> ;) 15:29:15 * tuanta is on mobile now and play the Icecast streaming by VLC for Android :-) 15:30:13 <tuanta> Audio quality is fine, thanks frafra 15:31:26 <frafra> I'm glad it works :) 15:32:34 <frafra> I brought with me this microphone from Italy (we use it for our GNU/Linux user group meetings) 15:55:49 <rsc> cwickert: +1 for t-shirts thought :) 16:03:50 <rsc> DVDs have also still relevance in regions with low Internet connectivity - even in Germany. 16:04:24 <cwickert> Robert Scheck: agreed 16:18:06 <biker> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Fedora_photo_scan.jpg 16:21:07 <brianpinard> stream of the meeting: http://viglug.org:8000/ 16:28:26 <jreznik> 752691 16:28:35 <jreznik> just test for mhroncok :) 16:38:43 <GeroldKa> http://www.saalfrank.de/Themen-Aktionen/Sparsets/Spielzeug-Sparsets/Werbe-Set-Enten-121-tlg.html 16:59:58 <frafra> connection went down, you can refresh your icecast server 17:00:05 <frafra> *server page 17:01:35 * tuanta has just heard bad thing about an APAC guy. How did it be reported to board, FAmSCo or other parts of the community? 17:03:04 <tuanta> That should not be repeated once again 17:06:52 <rdieter_laptop> tuanta: Id suggest starting with FAMSCo, and escalate from there if needed 17:09:00 <tuanta> rdieter_laptop: i meant anything did happen or not? +1 starting from FAmSCo 17:12:00 <cwickert> tuanta: the board is already aware of it and I will talk to kital first as he was the head of FAMA by the time the person wa sponsored. kital and me will get back to mattdm 17:13:39 <tuanta> cwickert: good to know that. Please get me updated and tell me if I can do support anything. 17:14:06 <cwickert> ok 17:14:18 <tuanta> Thanks 17:15:43 * tuanta knows German beer :) 17:15:55 <frafra> bye! :) 17:16:17 * tuanta is really jellous :( 17:16:27 <tuanta> Huhu ;) 17:18:24 <cwickert> people are leaving, see you tomorrow at 8 UTC 17:18:24 <cwickert> #endmee 17:18:28 <cwickert> #endmeeting