#fedora-fad: FAD APAC 2016 Day 1

Meeting started by zsun at 02:07:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/FADKL_2016 (tuanta, 02:07:41)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_KualaLumpur_2016 (zsun, 02:08:24)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_KualaLumpur_2016/APAC/Budget:2017-2018 (gnokii, 02:11:44)

  1. budget report this year so far (zsun, 02:11:46)
    1. close apac-ticket #120 since no invoice for 2 years (zsun, 02:21:34)
    2. close apac-ticket #123 since no invoice for 2 years (zsun, 02:22:25)
    3. ACTION: tuan check ticket 205 with nangthan (zsun, 02:24:10)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/COSCUP_2015 (hanthana, 02:25:52)
    5. https://wp-awesome.rhcloud.com/2015/08/28/coscup-2015-day-1/ (hanthana, 02:26:06)
    6. https://wp-awesome.rhcloud.com/2015/08/31/coscup-2015-day-2/ (hanthana, 02:26:11)
    7. https://www.flickr.com/photos/alick9188/sets/72157657689828095/ (hanthana, 02:27:01)
    8. ACTION: zsun check apac-ticket 207 for report with tonghui (zsun, 02:27:55)
    9. invoices and event reports should be submitted within 2 weeks from the event. Otherwise the ticket will not be reimbursed (zsun, 02:33:13)
    10. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Reimbursements#Deadlines (zsun, 02:33:16)

  2. issues this year (zsun, 02:54:15)
    1. IDEA: IRC meetings is to make decisions, not to discuss. Discussion should happen in maillists. (zsun, 04:11:24)
    2. ACTION: tuanta and gnokii to propose doing FUDCon in biannual (KageSenshi, 04:45:11)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka_events/Fedora_24_Sri_Lanka_release_event (hanthana, 06:50:37)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_release_events (zsun, 06:51:40)
    5. release events should be added to the link F??_release_events wikipage (zsun, 06:52:39)
    6. https://pagure.io/fedora-budget/blob/master/f/regional-budget-template.ods (zsun, 08:00:46)
    7. discussing the budget allocations this year (zsun, 08:05:52)
    8. we need much more $ for DVD production than we planned (zsun, 08:22:11)

Meeting ended at 09:59:25 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. tuan check ticket 205 with nangthan
  2. zsun check apac-ticket 207 for report with tonghui
  3. tuanta and gnokii to propose doing FUDCon in biannual

Action items, by person

  1. gnokii
    1. tuanta and gnokii to propose doing FUDCon in biannual
  2. tuanta
    1. tuanta and gnokii to propose doing FUDCon in biannual
  3. zsun
    1. zsun check apac-ticket 207 for report with tonghui

People present (lines said)

  1. zsun (30)
  2. zodbot (11)
  3. hanthana (5)
  4. gnokii (1)
  5. KageSenshi (1)
  6. tuanta (1)
  7. pjp (1)
  8. jurank_dankkal (0)
  9. loviniltra (0)

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