01:00:35 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA
01:00:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 11 01:00:35 2012 UTC.  The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
01:00:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
01:00:43 <rbergeron> woooo
01:00:48 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA
01:00:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
01:01:01 <award3535> evening everyone
01:01:02 <inode0> #chair rbergeron
01:01:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 rbergeron
01:01:05 <inode0> #topic Roll Call
01:01:12 <MarkDude> Here, afk for a few
01:01:17 <award3535> present!
01:01:25 <MarkDude> have the stuff needed tho ( I hope)
01:01:37 <suehle> ici
01:01:38 <dan408> here
01:01:45 * rbergeron bonjours at suehle
01:01:46 <lcameron> Here
01:02:19 * Sonar_Gal 
01:02:44 <inode0> #topic Announcements
01:03:04 <inode0> Any new fedora jobs filled or anything to announce? :)
01:03:18 <rbergeron> hey! we have a new program manager, THANK GOD
01:03:26 <rbergeron> #info new program manager, jreznik, HOORAY
01:03:39 <inode0> woohoo
01:04:18 <inode0> Our formal agenda is here as always
01:04:26 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9
01:04:43 <inode0> I'd really like to get through 4 event related tickets tonight
01:05:05 <award3535> lets roll
01:05:07 <inode0> Since MarkDude could maybe use a few more minutes let's work backwards
01:05:18 <inode0> #topic Tickets
01:05:33 <inode0> .famnaticket 26
01:05:36 <zodbot> inode0: #26 (Ohio LinuxFest 2012, Sep 28-30, Columbus, OH) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/26
01:05:52 <inode0> #info #26 (Ohio LinuxFest 2012, Sep 28-30, Columbus, OH) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/26
01:06:14 <rbergeron> hoooooray ohio
01:06:26 <inode0> We need an owner for this event. We definitely want to be there but we need someone to get the booth and stuff arranged.
01:06:44 <award3535> do we have any one near there
01:06:45 <inode0> I created an event page for it which is mostly needing attention.
01:06:47 <rbergeron> is ben giving this one up now?
01:07:03 <inode0> yes, he has done it for years and wants to stop this year
01:07:57 * rbergeron wonders if any of our indiana friends might be interested
01:08:00 <rbergeron> :D
01:08:08 <inode0> ok, please consider taking it ... yes, perhaps nb wink wink
01:08:31 * inode0 is bpepple will be there to help out
01:08:34 <inode0> is sure
01:08:56 <inode0> .famnaticket 10
01:08:58 <zodbot> inode0: #10 (Texas Linux Fest 2012, Aug 3-4, San Antonio, TX) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/10
01:09:09 <inode0> #info #10 (Texas Linux Fest 2012, Aug 3-4, San Antonio, TX) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/10
01:09:27 <inode0> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TXLF_2012
01:09:52 <inode0> If possible I'd like to approve budget for this one tonight.
01:10:12 <award3535> +1 from me
01:10:28 <rbergeron> award3535: is the 350 for fuel approximate or ?
01:10:33 * rbergeron wonders where the heck you're driving from
01:10:53 <award3535> Georgia,  straight down I10
01:11:09 <rbergeron> inode0: should we just send the box and banners to TLF directly instead of shipping them back to ben?
01:11:12 * rbergeron thinks suehle may have them now
01:11:13 <inode0> We have in the past sponsored this event at the silver level for $1,000 - I proposed $500 this year but am agreeable to whatever everyone thinks about that.
01:11:16 <award3535> Fuel is estimate, but will probably spend less
01:11:23 <rbergeron> okay. just keep your receipts :D
01:11:33 <award3535> roger...
01:11:34 <kk4ewt> +1 inode
01:11:49 <suehle> I have the event box and banners from Summit, sort of. Just shoot me an email with where to send them.
01:11:50 * rbergeron is okay either way
01:12:01 <suehle> More accurately, I have the banners, and the event box should be here in the next few days.
01:12:12 <kk4ewt> suehle:  i had sent return labels with them
01:12:21 <inode0> Regarding the event box and banners let's hold on for a minute
01:12:22 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: yes, but they were ups labels and we couldn't ship UPS
01:12:29 <rbergeron> and now we see they need to go to texas so...
01:12:38 <award3535> are we shiping to me or Texas
01:12:45 <inode0> Regarding the event box and banners let's hold on for a minute
01:12:50 <rbergeron> don't know. i am holding on as inode0 requested
01:12:53 <rbergeron> :D
01:13:06 <izdubar> We are shipping Texas,,,,, far away
01:13:14 <inode0> Back to the budget - can we decide this?
01:13:22 <award3535> +1
01:13:29 <rbergeron> I am +1 as it is
01:13:35 <graphite6> +1
01:13:52 * rbergeron bets rackerhacker might be willing to help booth as well
01:14:44 <rbergeron> anyone else in tune with $1427 for TLF?
01:15:07 <inode0> #agreed TXLF 2012 Budget approved https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TXLF_2012
01:15:32 <rbergeron> woo
01:15:32 <inode0> Back to where the event box needs to go
01:15:50 <rbergeron> (and banners)
01:15:55 <award3535> ready to recieve if needed
01:16:01 <inode0> We can send it to award3535 to bring or we can probably arrange to ship it to maxamillion who lives about an hour away
01:16:19 <MarkDude> For what its not worth..... The banner I have is a bit south of me - at dan408 's house. I did not take it out after Beefy Miracle party
01:16:23 * inode0 has no preference - either way it gets there
01:16:24 <kk4ewt> or if the EC box needs to go TLF
01:16:47 <dan408> i have both banners.
01:17:06 <inode0> just keep the west coast stuff out there
01:17:24 <kk4ewt> central has a box
01:17:35 <inode0> probably cheapest to ship to award3535?
01:17:49 <rbergeron> inode0: i'd guess it's pretty close either way
01:17:52 <inode0> that is probably cheaper than nb shipping his to any option
01:18:23 <inode0> award3535: are you willing to wrangle stuff to fill it up?
01:18:23 <kk4ewt> dates for TLF compared to OLF
01:18:32 <inode0> 2 months apart
01:18:36 <rbergeron> TLF is at the beginning of august, OLF end of sept
01:18:55 <award3535> sure, just send it here
01:19:11 <award3535> i will load the trunk
01:19:19 <inode0> it is likely quite empty so open a ticket to get the insides :)
01:19:20 <award3535> and drive it there with me
01:19:27 <rbergeron> can we update the ticket and make sure suehle and award3535 are both copied on it?
01:19:45 <rbergeron> :D
01:20:06 <kk4ewt> create the ticket in this case
01:20:32 <inode0> yeah, I can update it
01:20:58 <inode0> ok, then I think we are gold here
01:21:21 <rbergeron> yay
01:21:28 <inode0> suehle: are you ok doing the sponsorship stuff for $500?
01:21:55 <rbergeron> she was when i asked her previously :)
01:22:35 <inode0> ok, I'll put a reminder in the ticket about what we agreed to tonight
01:23:03 <kk4ewt> award3535:  putin a ticket and i will ship the swag to you
01:23:36 <suehle> inode0: can do
01:23:46 <inode0> suehle: thank you
01:24:04 <inode0> I'll update the ticket in a few minutes with info ...
01:24:06 <award3535> kk4ewt roger, hope you me a swag req ticket
01:24:18 <inode0> .famnaticket 23
01:24:19 <zodbot> inode0: #23 (Community Leadership Summit 2012, Jul 14-15, Portland, OR) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/23
01:24:29 <inode0> #info #23 (Community Leadership Summit 2012, Jul 14-15, Portland, OR) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/23
01:24:40 <inode0> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Leadership_Summit_2012
01:24:56 <MarkDude> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Leadership_Summit_2012
01:25:06 <MarkDude> Some of the details are on that page
01:25:09 <inode0> I have a comment about the way the budget is presented here
01:25:22 * MarkDude leans in
01:25:24 * rbergeron is puzzled about the budget for this + oscon, are these separate or together
01:25:36 <MarkDude> separate
01:25:37 <inode0> Dealing with lump sums where don't know where the bits go makes it impossible to confirm later than they were approved expenses
01:26:07 <MarkDude> Well like rbergeron said CLS is not any doubt about the importance
01:26:15 <MarkDude> Free to go to
01:26:30 <inode0> That isn't my problem
01:26:38 <MarkDude> Somewhat different crowds
01:26:49 <MarkDude> Ok look at this crappy spreadsheet I made
01:26:55 <inode0> random person submits a reimbursement request to me
01:27:03 <inode0> I go look at the approved budget
01:27:13 <rbergeron> basically: who gets the hotel rooms, specifically
01:27:15 <inode0> how do I know it was approved from what you have there?
01:27:17 <rbergeron> who ets the gas money and parking money
01:27:19 <MarkDude> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvE5AhSte7tVdDFIdV9fTTBXNFoyaXVxWmNpek9scXc
01:27:40 <MarkDude> On the spreadsheet is is dviided by people
01:27:49 <MarkDude> all of the rooms will be put on my card
01:28:11 <MarkDude> for both events, and then we can swap it later
01:28:11 <inode0> sweet, I would just like that on the wiki where RHT finance and others can double check things
01:28:21 <rbergeron> and can be printed out easily :)
01:28:35 <MarkDude> Sure, well 1st I had to DO the numbers
01:28:43 <MarkDude> making them look nice is next
01:28:55 * MarkDude has never done this- just learning
01:29:02 <MarkDude> :)
01:29:06 <inode0> it can just be a one-liner per person (hotel/gas/whatever)
01:29:13 <MarkDude> Ok
01:29:33 <inode0> just split up so we know who we are paying for or reimbursing for what amount
01:29:40 <MarkDude> And a Google Doc is better- or just put ALL numbers on wiki?
01:29:56 <inode0> google doc is not better for our workflow
01:30:05 <MarkDude> Wiki it is
01:30:17 <MarkDude> Persons name, amounts, etc
01:30:29 <inode0> just look at the txlf one
01:30:29 <MarkDude> Can do Action #item
01:30:33 <inode0> it isn't complicated
01:30:41 <MarkDude> No doubt
01:30:43 <MarkDude> :)
01:30:59 <inode0> each person should really drop a little description there too about what they plan to do
01:31:50 <MarkDude> Nixies for example is make videos, one on CLS, one about the Fedorans there, and sumthin to be named- (she is open to suggestions)
01:31:54 <MarkDude> Same for OSCON
01:32:34 <inode0> Yeah, I know we have talked about that but the folks who might check up on things later can't read these logs
01:32:39 <inode0> They look at the wiki
01:33:03 <bkerensa> There a a dozen options for motels close by OCC that are much cheaper than the $100 a night spreadsheet figure
01:33:17 <inode0> Really the event page on the wiki should be a one-stop for all information about the event
01:33:22 <bkerensa> I know people staying at the Motel6 and Econolodge near Lloyd Center which is walking distance and half the cost
01:33:47 <MarkDude> bkerensa, as I said in Ambadassadors
01:34:02 <MarkDude> Thats sorta crackheadish around there
01:34:16 * MarkDude LIVED in Portland for quite a while
01:34:21 <bkerensa> Its a convention center lodging facility
01:34:33 <MarkDude> Crack nonetheless
01:34:37 <bkerensa> for $93 you are paying for a suite at a upscale hotel
01:34:39 * rbergeron does value safety
01:34:41 <MarkDude> CrackCON
01:35:07 <bkerensa> http://www.econolodge.com/hotel-portland-oregon-OR102/Hotel-Photos
01:35:13 <bkerensa> doesnt look to crackcon to me?
01:35:18 <bkerensa> just saying
01:35:22 <MarkDude> All joking aside bkerensa UDS was held near crack central- as well as Oaksterdam
01:35:43 * rbergeron would like to get back to the topic at hand and get consensus from ambassadors
01:35:47 <MarkDude> Its a standards thing, lets let inode0 take back over
01:35:54 <MarkDude> +1
01:36:28 <inode0> ok, always good to check for the most reasonable prices - but cost isn't the only factor when deciding where to stay
01:38:01 <scientes> MarkDude, during the conference there was a huge bike-to-work day celebration in the streets right outside the convention center
01:38:07 <scientes> it was super chill
01:38:19 <MarkDude> scientes, after meeting :)
01:38:22 <inode0> ok, enough of this
01:38:36 <inode0> what about the proposed CLS budget?
01:39:02 * rbergeron is okay with it
01:39:22 <MarkDude> 1232
01:39:26 <kk4ewt> markdude what is the CLS buget bleeds over into the oscon
01:39:38 <MarkDude> If we wnet only to CLS
01:39:45 * nb is here
01:39:46 <MarkDude> we would get a room Sunday night
01:40:01 <kk4ewt> yes that is what needs to be in that budget
01:40:02 <MarkDude> Since it tends to run late, and after stuff
01:40:07 <MarkDude> It IS
01:40:13 <kk4ewt> only that ?
01:40:19 <MarkDude> 3 days for CLS
01:40:28 * rbergeron isn't clear on what kk4ewt is asking
01:40:36 <MarkDude> kk4ewt, I know I need to put it on wiki
01:40:40 <MarkDude> just found that out
01:40:48 <MarkDude> have it on messy spreadsheet
01:40:48 <kk4ewt> rbergeron trying to be sure they dont overlap
01:40:58 <rbergeron> I think they are fairly split out from what i saw
01:40:59 <MarkDude> Ah NONE
01:41:10 <inode0> really they are just split up since the same people are going to both
01:41:14 <rbergeron> i think the real overlap is graphite6's airfare
01:41:21 <rbergeron> since she doesn't need hotel or etc
01:41:22 * MarkDude just divided gas down the middle
01:41:33 <graphite6> is back, sorry I'm on a mobile connection
01:41:35 <kk4ewt> in that case if the wiki is updated  +1
01:41:42 * nb wonders if there is a cheaper hotel
01:41:45 <inode0> that is listed on oscon, but we'll approve that there
01:41:48 <nb> that is not $2xx/night
01:41:49 * MarkDude did figure ALL of graphite6 's on OSCON
01:41:54 <inode0> graphite6's air fare
01:42:03 <MarkDude> and none on CLS
01:42:05 <kk4ewt> nb roach motels
01:42:10 <MarkDude> :D
01:42:31 <rbergeron> nb: where od you see a hotel room is 200 a night?
01:42:33 <MarkDude> perfect timing nixiepixel - we were talking about CLS
01:42:37 <nixiepixel> Hi there MarkDude :-)
01:42:37 <graphite6> I'm just airfare, no other expenses, and I'm going to CLS and Oscon
01:42:46 <nb> 1625		2 rooms	232.14 a night
01:42:57 <nb> or does that mean 232.14 per night for 2 rooms?
01:42:57 <inode0> 3 rooms
01:43:15 <nb> if the 232.14 is for 2 rooms, that sounds fine
01:43:33 <inode0> I'm really lost
01:43:37 <inode0> where is 1625?
01:43:49 <nb> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvE5AhSte7tVdDFIdV9fTTBXNFoyaXVxWmNpek9scXc#gid=0
01:43:59 <inode0> CLS isn't that in its entirety according to the wiki
01:44:22 <MarkDude> All of the lodging is together on wiki
01:44:32 <inode0> I thought there were 3 rooms?
01:44:34 <rbergeron> markdude: the room is how much a night?
01:44:46 <MarkDude> 1625 is for single occupancy room
01:44:54 <rbergeron> how much is each room
01:44:54 <MarkDude> 2 of them
01:44:55 <inode0> what?
01:44:57 <rbergeron> not all the rooms
01:45:01 <rbergeron> each room per night
01:45:08 <inode0> one night, on room, costs how much?>
01:45:10 <MarkDude> the 3rd is below
01:45:50 <inode0> simple question, how much does one room cost for one night?
01:46:30 <MarkDude> 314 a day for 3 rooms
01:46:50 <inode0> wow, well fortunately even I can do the math for that
01:46:59 <MarkDude> So 104
01:47:09 <inode0> so that seems fine to me
01:47:15 * MarkDude split them due to being short one night
01:47:18 <nb> yeah, sounds ok
01:47:22 <MarkDude> Sorry about the hassle
01:47:44 <MarkDude> Nixie and Ryan would share a rooom, were he female
01:47:49 <MarkDude> :D
01:48:10 <inode0> no, that is fine
01:48:13 <MarkDude> Nixie is also having Brian come (her video guy
01:48:21 <MarkDude> He already has pass
01:48:29 * MarkDude shuts up
01:48:29 <nb> does graphite6 need room?
01:48:35 <graphite6> nope
01:48:40 <nb> ok
01:48:52 <kk4ewt> +1 for the budget for CLS
01:49:05 <rbergeron> +1 as well
01:49:06 <inode0> +1 for kk4ewt moving this along :)
01:49:12 <rbergeron> no kidding :)
01:49:24 <graphite6> +1
01:49:26 <inode0> +1 also for CLS budget
01:49:41 <kk4ewt> if we have questions its better to answer now than the bean counters ask questions later
01:49:50 <MarkDude> Agreed
01:49:52 <bkerensa> ^ kk4ewt is smart man
01:50:32 <inode0> just a minute
01:51:43 <inode0> #agreed CLS budget of $942 (3 rooms for 3 nights) and $290 (gas/parking for Nixie and Ryan)
01:51:48 <inode0> is that correct?
01:51:55 <MarkDude> Rooms go to me
01:52:00 <MarkDude> all 3
01:52:12 <inode0> someone can probably pay those onsite
01:52:38 <rbergeron> yes, please get me, ruth, spot, or lh to do so
01:52:41 <rbergeron> far easier to deal with
01:53:10 <nixiepixel> Last time we had a meeting we were exploring a house closer by that would be one flat rate of a similar price. I take it this is no longer the case? =o)
01:53:31 <inode0> appears not to be
01:53:57 <rbergeron> the house is no longer of a rate that is flat
01:53:57 <inode0> I don't think it turned out to be a similar price in the end
01:53:57 * nb wonders who lh is
01:54:00 <rbergeron> more of a mountain type
01:54:03 <rbergeron> nb: leslie hawthorn
01:54:06 <nb> oh
01:54:18 <MarkDude> We got decent rooms- the houses fell thru
01:54:20 <rbergeron> a red hat employee who can pay for things and will willingly do so if you see her
01:54:26 <nb> ok
01:54:37 <nb> +1 to CLS budget
01:54:41 <MarkDude> Awesome too, I might add
01:54:42 <inode0> ok, let's move on to the last ticket now
01:54:43 <nb> (i was a little afk for a minute)
01:54:54 <inode0> .famnaticket 24
01:54:56 <zodbot> inode0: #24 (OSCON 2012, Jul 16-20, Portland, OR) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/24
01:55:04 <inode0> #info #24 (OSCON 2012, Jul 16-20, Portland, OR) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/24
01:55:15 <inode0> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSCON_2012
01:56:02 <MarkDude> Rooms go to me on this- gas and parking go to nixiepixel and Ryan
01:56:12 <inode0> MarkDude: how many rooms for how many nights here?
01:56:30 <MarkDude> 3 rooms, 4 nights
01:56:36 <inode0> MarkDude: rooms will be paid onsite, you don't need to pay for them
01:56:55 <MarkDude> smae numbers apply here- minus the room for chris and I on thur
01:57:06 <MarkDude> Might have one open at place we are staying
01:57:12 <MarkDude> Cool inode0
01:57:38 <rbergeron> markdude: but you will probably have to check in to them
01:57:41 <inode0> just so I'm clear people are staying 7 nights in portland?
01:57:51 <MarkDude> Yes
01:58:01 <MarkDude> arriving Fri, and leaving next Fri
01:58:10 <MarkDude> Expo ends on Thursday
01:58:22 <inode0> ok
01:58:52 <inode0> I'm +1 to what is on the wiki at the moment, I'll summarize it if approved
01:59:05 <kk4ewt> +1
01:59:06 * rbergeron is +1 as well
01:59:16 <kk4ewt> and blogs blogs blogs
01:59:26 <MarkDude> Yes
01:59:36 <MarkDude> As well as videos from nixiepixel
01:59:50 <graphite6> definitely, and gigs of photos :)
01:59:59 <MarkDude> For her OSCON video, she is open to name suggestions of WHO to talk to
02:00:14 * MarkDude suggest lh for one
02:00:33 <inode0> #agreed Funding for OSCON 2012 - $357 (Sarah air fare), $1257.12 (3 rooms for 4 nights), $310 (gas for Nixie/Ryan)
02:00:35 <rbergeron> who to talk to about what?
02:00:56 * rbergeron thinks it would be valuable for her to actually make a mail on list
02:01:11 <inode0> MarkDude: please split the gas estimate because again we need to know what to expect from each person getting reimbursed
02:01:53 <MarkDude> Will do
02:02:04 <inode0> Alrighty, at least we got through that!
02:02:18 * MarkDude will also include Ryan and Nixie one room, Chris and I share etc
02:02:30 * inode0 is skipping other tickets for this week
02:02:32 <inode0> #topic Open Floor
02:02:39 <MarkDude> Do I put any of this on ticket 24?
02:02:46 <inode0> If there is anything else now is a good time ...
02:02:52 <bkerensa> I like cheese
02:03:18 <dan408> hello, I updated ticket for Fedora Ambassador day 2012
02:03:20 <inode0> MarkDude: please put everything about expenses/reports/what people plan to do to justify Fedora paying for things on the WIKI
02:03:54 <MarkDude> Will do, and thanks for your patience on me with this
02:04:02 <dan408> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36
02:04:14 <MarkDude> Stanford is CONFIRMED as place for us have FAD at
02:04:15 <dan408> hope that is enough info to get started with
02:04:36 <MarkDude> As well as Ryan having some lodging options at hackerspace
02:04:46 <dan408> neet.
02:04:50 * MarkDude just got some details a few minutes ago dan408
02:04:59 <inode0> Thanks dan408
02:05:09 <dan408> np inode0
02:05:12 <MarkDude> We have 5+ Ambadassadors local - and willing to help
02:05:37 <inode0> Is there confirmed Stanford resources available? Rooms to work in? Stuff like that?
02:05:48 <dan408> MarkDude?
02:06:00 <MarkDude> YES
02:06:10 <MarkDude> Ryan can send formal letter to that
02:06:24 <MarkDude> His center studies open models
02:06:32 * rbergeron is okay with those dates, not sure if she could actually get there but will try
02:06:34 <MarkDude> And Fedora is a great case study
02:06:36 <inode0> we don't need a letter, just asking to get a sense of how much planning was done
02:06:59 <MarkDude> Up to ten people can stay at the hackerspace- 4 blocks from bart
02:07:10 <MarkDude> near food to eat, in SF
02:07:26 <inode0> I have no idea about the dates. We need an agenda before we get to the dates I think.
02:07:40 <MarkDude> Detail would be getting folks down there- we may of course decide to stay elsewhere
02:07:42 <nb> hackerspace has places to sleep?
02:07:53 <MarkDude> Its a tech startup
02:08:04 <MarkDude> Rooms would be under $100
02:08:18 <dan408> well I updated the wiki and the trac ticket, feel free to let me know any more info you need inode0
02:08:22 <MarkDude> That part I am very flexible on
02:08:34 <MarkDude> Stanford tho- is a done deal
02:08:38 <dan408> i even looked up hotels
02:08:52 <MarkDude> We plan to have one small scale FAD there next month
02:09:07 <MarkDude> And inode0 is invited to the hackerspace when he visits
02:09:15 <MarkDude> In SF so he can make the party
02:09:17 * rbergeron notes we'll need to get an agenda and etc. together
02:09:24 <MarkDude> Of course
02:09:34 <MarkDude> dan408, actually has some suggestions
02:09:46 <MarkDude> But that should be handled on a wiki page I assume
02:09:48 <inode0> yes, agenda before setting dates because we aren't going to slap together a garbage agenda because we are out of time :)
02:10:14 <dan408> i will use FADNA 2010 for agenda ideas.
02:10:24 <inode0> but we have now one possible site that has local support which is an important step
02:10:30 * MarkDude should create a wiki page for agenda? And send to email list directing to said page?
02:10:39 <dan408> if there is anything you'd like to suggest for the agenda please let me know
02:10:46 <inode0> there is a wiki page already
02:10:54 <MarkDude> :D
02:11:03 <nb> MarkDude, dan408 what airports are near stanford?
02:11:04 * MarkDude needs less coffee
02:11:16 <dan408> nb: San Jose (SJC) and San Francisco (SFO)
02:11:22 <dan408> there is also Oakland (OAK) but not as close.
02:11:28 <MarkDude> If we use hackerspace, it is 4 blocks from SF bart station
02:11:36 <dan408> preferred airport would be SJC
02:11:36 <MarkDude> OAK would work also
02:11:49 <MarkDude> The commute to Standford is rather simple
02:11:50 <dan408> easiest/cheapest airport would be SFO
02:11:56 <MarkDude> and might mean us renting one car
02:12:11 <MarkDude> But, we have locals that can help with driving
02:12:24 <MarkDude> and for seeing SF at night- the BART is great
02:12:35 <inode0> agenda before getting too carried away on these details which can all be worked out if it happens :)
02:12:43 <MarkDude> Fair enoguh
02:12:47 <dan408> sounds good inode0
02:12:54 * MarkDude thinks Mate would be good for the list
02:13:05 * quaid peeks in
02:13:08 <inode0> ok, thanks everyone for working on moving FADNA forward
02:13:15 <dan408> np
02:13:22 <dan408> MarkDude: I'm working on the build right now :)
02:13:27 * inode0 peeks back at quaid
02:13:29 * nb mentions to make sure everyone that is going to CLS signs up for it
02:13:51 * MarkDude hopes that quaid will make it 6+ local Fedora people willing to help. Stanford is not too far for you
02:14:01 <MarkDude> good point nb
02:14:07 * MarkDude will remind everyone
02:14:30 <dan408> where is quaid?
02:14:32 <quaid> MarkDude: it's SUPER close as it happens, just hope we don't have a date conflict!
02:14:37 <quaid> dan408: I'm in Santa Cruz
02:14:47 <dan408> quaid: i proposed oct 19-22 but that is flexible.
02:14:53 <nb> stanford is not close to me, but i could probably make it if i get funding
02:14:57 <dan408> quaid: please let us know if that date doesn't work for you
02:15:06 * nb would prefer after november 5th, so i'd have more vacation at work
02:15:09 <award3535> have a great rest of the evening, gotta go.....
02:15:14 <nb> but i could maybe get off anyway even if it is before then
02:15:25 <award3535> see you all next week
02:15:38 <quaid> dan408: that's far enough out I'm likely to be able to lock that
02:15:43 <MarkDude> Yay
02:16:23 * quaid has already prepared the soccer/football players in the house that he won't make every game this season
02:16:24 <dan408> quaid: awesome!
02:16:31 * quaid has already prepared the soccer/football players in the house that he won't make every game this season
02:16:34 <dan408> glad we're planning in advance :D
02:17:25 <rbergeron> markdude: are you going to be able to get the banners from dan408 for oscon?
02:17:38 <inode0> we have run long but got some important business taken care of ... will end the meeting in a few minutes
02:17:41 <dan408> when is oscon?
02:17:50 * MarkDude leaves Fri
02:17:56 <dan408> yeah we can meetup
02:18:01 <rbergeron> okay
02:18:06 <rbergeron> DONUT FORGET PLZ :D
02:18:06 <MarkDude> Can you get them to SF-
02:18:18 * MarkDude does NOT have table cloth
02:18:19 * dan408 adds reminder to calendar
02:18:31 <MarkDude> Leslie got it I think
02:18:35 <dan408> rbergeron: just bring me back some tshirts dangit!
02:18:39 <rbergeron> did we not request the tablecloth from jsandys after texas linux fest?
02:18:45 <rbergeron> err
02:18:48 <rbergeron> northeast linuxfest
02:18:52 <rbergeron> northWEST linuxfest
02:18:55 <rbergeron> good lord
02:18:56 <MarkDude> Oh crap
02:18:57 <rbergeron> shoot me now :)(
02:19:07 <dan408> not enough linuxfests
02:19:07 * MarkDude falls on the sword for this one
02:19:13 <MarkDude> My bad
02:19:17 <rbergeron> suehle: is there artwork for the booth or is that some other conference?
02:19:21 <rbergeron> at oscon
02:19:43 <kk4ewt> markdude go to walmart and buy a $5 blue Sheet
02:20:06 <bkerensa> Amazon has very nice colored table cloths
02:20:06 <kk4ewt> makes a great table cloth
02:20:09 <MarkDude> kk4ewt, +1
02:20:18 <kk4ewt> bkerensa:  and expensive
02:20:33 <kk4ewt> markdude Queen size
02:20:35 * rbergeron wonders if there is a point in bringing the event box if there is nothing in it
02:20:39 * MarkDude thinks we should have Hotdog table cloths
02:21:00 <suehle> If there is artwork for the OSCON booth I did not get that memo
02:21:04 <bkerensa> kk4ewt: $4.99 with free 2 day shipping just ordered ours today
02:21:04 <nixiepixel> haha MarkDude
02:21:07 <rbergeron> yeah, i think that was something else
02:21:15 <rbergeron> okay, we'll have to figure out a ... tablecloth
02:21:21 <rbergeron> do we only have 2 in the US?
02:21:28 <kk4ewt> yep
02:21:29 <inode0> I believe so
02:21:31 <MarkDude> lol
02:21:37 <bkerensa> http://www.amazon.com/inch-Rectangular-Royal-Tablecloth-Polyester/dp/B004VFN1TW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1341973289&sr=8-1&keywords=Blue+Table+Cloth
02:21:38 <kk4ewt> one east and one west
02:21:40 <bkerensa> Fedora Blue
02:21:40 <MarkDude> They are like *gold*
02:21:52 <rbergeron> okay
02:22:08 <rbergeron> move along, time to close the meetijg because mommy needs to feed children :Z
02:22:41 * nb has a sheet in his event box]
02:22:50 <inode0> MarkDude, nixiepixel, and everyone else going to CLS/OSCON - do something great, we're all looking forward to seeing what happens
02:23:12 <MarkDude> Ty inode0
02:23:24 <inode0> we really do need to end this meeting but thanks for coming and helping out
02:23:30 <inode0> #endmeeting