01:00:03 <inode0> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 12 01:00:03 2012 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:06 <inode0> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:12 <dan408-> here 01:00:14 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 01:00:19 * masta is here 01:00:19 <award3535> here 01:00:57 * kk4ewt 01:01:18 * kk4ewt ==Southern-Gentlem 01:01:42 * SGS is here! 01:01:48 <dan408-> herhehrehe 01:02:03 <inode0> #chair rbergeron kk4ewt award3535 dan408- masta SGS 01:02:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS award3535 dan408- inode0 kk4ewt masta rbergeron 01:02:07 <inode0> #topic Announcements 01:02:09 * Sonar_Gal is partially here 01:02:21 <inode0> #chair Sonar_Gal 01:02:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS Sonar_Gal award3535 dan408- inode0 kk4ewt masta rbergeron 01:03:02 * inode0 waits for announcements 01:03:05 * nb 01:03:12 <inode0> #chair nb 01:03:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS Sonar_Gal award3535 dan408- inode0 kk4ewt masta nb rbergeron 01:03:27 <award3535> none from me 01:03:32 * inode0 announces he could use a vacation from running weekly meetings :) 01:04:11 <inode0> #chair jaysonr 01:04:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: SGS Sonar_Gal award3535 dan408- inode0 jaysonr kk4ewt masta nb rbergeron 01:04:18 <kk4ewt> inode0: i did it for a whole release 01:04:20 * rbergeron comes in late 01:05:01 <dan408-> hey robyn 01:05:03 * rbergeron bets someone will volunteer for that :) 01:05:05 <inode0> after 9 months my enthusiasm is dragging a bit now 01:05:05 <masta> inode0: I'll run with it if you want 01:05:48 <inode0> ok, let's talk later about it but I would be really happy to have someone else carry the ball for a while 01:06:06 <inode0> Here is our agenda link as always ... we'll skip around a bit 01:06:14 <inode0> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:06:21 <inode0> #topic Tickets 01:06:26 <dan408-> nice 01:06:30 <dan408-> summary of everything 01:06:59 <inode0> .famnaticket 42 01:07:01 <zodbot> inode0: #42 (organize the amount of media still in-house a dsitrute according) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/42 01:07:25 <rbergeron> nb: for this ticket - do you know who has media, or perhaps, who you distributed it to? 01:07:32 <inode0> #topic organize the amount of media still in-house a distribute accordingly 01:07:42 <rbergeron> ie: does vwbusguy have some, etc. 01:07:50 <rbergeron> i know what i have, but i also know there are a zillion events at the end of this month 01:07:59 <inode0> #info #42 (organize the amount of media still in-house a dsitrute according) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/42 01:08:06 <dan408-> question: could we tie this in with the freemedia group? 01:08:16 <award3535> everything I had went in TX 01:08:19 <inode0> no, they don't use pressed media 01:08:33 <kk4ewt> dan408-: not unless we really have to 01:08:43 <dan408-> just thought it was a good idea 01:09:22 <rbergeron> can we focus on "this month's problems" before we get to other problems :) 01:09:25 <kk4ewt> ok as the person to propose this ticket was because OLF is at the end of the month and that would be a great place to distrute what we have left 01:09:47 * rbergeron knows that we have OLF, puppetconf, world maker faire, and grace hopper in the next month 01:10:01 <rbergeron> plus multiple software freedom day events 01:10:22 <inode0> I am guessing Scott has most of what was sent to him 01:10:32 <masta> maybe it would be good to have something like a shared google doc to tally the media availability or something? 01:10:35 <rbergeron> so we need to konw who has media because I know i have probably 500+ pieces but I was planning on taking those to puppetconf, but what i have includes nb's stash and I need to send some of that back to him. 01:10:38 <inode0> beyond that I can't even guess 01:10:56 <kk4ewt> i know how much i have 17 01:11:22 <rbergeron> am i missing any other events? 01:11:23 <kk4ewt> and i need about 200 for OLF 01:11:38 * inode0 mentions he tried to get people to state in a ticket how much they had last release and got nowhere 01:11:44 <rbergeron> inode0: yeah 01:12:08 <masta> I have maybe 20 to 30 live multi-desktop for SFD in a week,if any left over willl send on to who needs 01:12:20 * rbergeron goes to hail vwbusguy in other channel 01:12:36 <rbergeron> or not 01:12:49 <rbergeron> okay, so someone needs to get ahold of vwbusguy to see what he has 01:12:55 <rbergeron> nb: do you have any other media or do i have all of yours 01:13:09 <rbergeron> does anyone else have a significant quantity of media? 01:13:16 <inode0> we generally can't be bothered with small amounts people have - we really just need to track the regional shipper supplies I think 01:14:19 <inode0> I heard nb say he had some. 01:14:46 <rbergeron> okay 01:14:57 <inode0> perhaps mail to the famna regionals list? 01:15:00 <kk4ewt> nb said he had alot 01:15:02 <rbergeron> i think leslie snagged enough from me for grace hopper (50 pieces maybe, she said the open source booth doesn't get a ton of traffic) 01:15:31 <rbergeron> nb sent me a LOT about 2 weeks ago to linuxcon since my media was not with me, so i have my batch plus some of his batch. i odn't know if he has anything left, though 01:15:40 <rbergeron> inode0: it sounds like mail is the way to go 01:16:09 <kk4ewt> rbergeron: i asked him yesterday he said he had alot 01:16:17 <inode0> ok, let's move on and badger people outside the meeting 01:16:30 <inode0> .famnaticket 40 01:16:31 <award3535> +1 01:16:32 <zodbot> inode0: #40 (SFD-DFW_2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/40 01:16:45 <inode0> #topic SFD-DFW_2012 01:16:46 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: ah, okay 01:16:53 <inode0> #info #40 (SFD-DFW_2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/40 01:17:30 <inode0> masta: ? 01:17:55 <masta> hi 01:18:07 <masta> This one is looking great 01:18:09 <inode0> why is this still on the agenda? need anything? 01:18:38 <masta> mmm.... I must have mistakenly though it stays on agenda until the vent is over, but I'll fix that real quick. 01:19:08 <inode0> just use the meeting tag when you want it discussed in the meeting, so it can come and go as needed 01:19:27 <masta> nb sent his swag, we're good. kk4ewt was supposed to send a return mail label 01:19:35 <inode0> great 01:19:39 <kk4ewt> on monday 01:19:59 <masta> we may move on.... 01:20:02 <inode0> jduncan doesn't seem to be around so we'll skip his ticket 01:20:26 <kk4ewt> well jduncan has been shipped swag 01:20:36 <inode0> no response from Canada so I'll just close that ticket 01:20:42 <kk4ewt> so as far as i am concerned it can be closed 01:21:05 <inode0> OLF we got an update via email today 01:21:17 <inode0> if there isn't anything specific there we can skip it too 01:21:28 <kk4ewt> ??? 01:21:43 <inode0> do we need to talk about OLF? 01:21:53 <kk4ewt> i havent seen that update 01:22:05 <inode0> Sarah sent mail to the ambassador list I think 01:22:07 <rbergeron> i think she updated the ticket 01:22:25 <inode0> probably both 01:22:39 <nb> rbergeron, i am around now 01:22:45 <nb> i have quite a bit of media left 01:22:58 <rbergeron> nb: okay, let's sort it out later so we can get through meeting, but that is good to hear 01:23:01 <nb> ok 01:23:07 <inode0> Ben and Sarah seem to have things under control 01:23:25 <rbergeron> because they are awesome 01:23:33 <award3535> +1 01:23:33 <rbergeron> it sound slike they will need media is all 01:23:51 <kk4ewt> yep i have plenty other swag otherwise 01:24:07 <inode0> .famnaticket 43 01:24:10 <zodbot> inode0: #43 (PuppetConf, San Francisco, September 27-28 2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/43 01:24:13 * jds2001 is around, sorry 01:24:16 <rbergeron> HEY THAT'S MY TICKET 01:24:20 <inode0> #topic PuppetConf, San Francisco, September 27-28 2012 01:24:22 <rbergeron> and jds2001's ticket now too 01:24:37 <inode0> #info #43 (PuppetConf, San Francisco, September 27-28 2012) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/43 01:24:41 <dan408-> um 01:24:43 <dan408-> im local for that 01:25:13 <rbergeron> okay, so: by some stroke of fate i have gotten the magic moneyholders inside red hat to pony up for puppetconf (not out of budget, but that money will get rolled into next year's budget) 01:25:32 <rbergeron> jds2001 is speaking, i am manning/womanning the booth. 01:25:38 <dan408-> ok 01:25:56 <inode0> David is speaking too, no? 01:25:59 <rbergeron> there is one additional pass, quaid has expressed interest, dan408, if you want to talk to him about it or split days or something that would be kosher as well. 01:26:14 <rbergeron> inode0: yes, he is, though i think he has a booth of his own to tend to there. 01:26:17 <dan408-> rbergeron: split days to do what exactly? 01:26:46 <rbergeron> dan408: if one of you wants to do booth one day, or share days, or whatever. i might be able to get karsten an additional pass anyhow. 01:26:59 <rbergeron> dan408: put your name in the ticket and i will sort it out post-meeting 01:27:01 <dan408-> i think more than 1 person should tend to the booth 01:27:03 * jds2001 will also man the booth as i can, obviously. 01:27:12 <dan408-> and yes i am very interested 01:27:13 <rbergeron> inode0: though if cloudstack does not have a booth i will be stealing his help :) 01:27:18 <dan408-> jds2001: you local? 01:27:22 <jds2001> dan408-: no 01:27:26 <rbergeron> jds2001 is coming from NYC 01:27:31 <rbergeron> but is speaking 01:27:34 <dan408-> oh cool 01:27:43 <dan408-> yeah im interested in helping an attending 01:27:57 <dan408-> i keep hearing the word "puppet" thrown around at work and want to learn it 01:28:27 <rbergeron> dan408: do you have local transportation and all that, it's in downtown 01:29:09 <dan408-> yes. 01:29:16 <dan408-> i have 2 cars and there is caltrain 01:29:30 <dan408-> parking reimbursement would be nice if im taking stuff there 01:29:31 <rbergeron> anyway: that's all i have on that. i would like to make some sysadminny flyers (both for infra recruiting) and then also for "why fedora is awesome for sysadmintypes" 01:29:43 <rbergeron> dan408: i don't think i need anything there, unless you have the banners. 01:29:46 <dan408-> rbergeron: let's talk offline 01:29:53 <rbergeron> i am trying to just get mark to get them to quaid, but that's about it. 01:29:56 <rbergeron> anyway 01:29:57 <rbergeron> yes, we can 01:30:06 <dan408-> rbergeron: remember I delivered those via same day express to MarkDude for OSCON? :) 01:30:17 <rbergeron> i have not much else on puppetconf, other than it will be good and a good example of a non-traditional event 01:30:32 <inode0> ok, while jds2001 is here he is also speaking at an SFD event this weekend and opened a famnarequests ticket today if anyone can help get him thing 01:30:42 <rbergeron> and hopefully we can make a good example of it and show why to do more :) 01:31:04 <masta> is puppetconf at the hynes center? 01:31:04 <rbergeron> dan408: yes, i remember 01:31:13 <inode0> he doesn't need a lot but he needs it fast :) 01:31:33 <dan408-> rbergeron: +1 01:31:35 <rbergeron> i can ship him some stuff via fedex if nobody else can. 01:31:49 <dan408-> rbergeron: pm 01:31:53 <jds2001> masta: no, it's in SFO 01:32:01 <inode0> the ticket is owned by Brian so I'm not sure who else will see it 01:32:11 <dan408-> adding myself 01:32:31 <jds2001> masta: it's in the mission bay conference center 01:32:46 <masta> ok cuz I was heading to openworld around that timeframe... was wondering 01:32:57 * inode0 would love if nb or rbergeron could just agree to send jds2001 some media asap :) 01:33:07 <rbergeron> inode0: I guess I will ship it to him. and some other stickers and etc as well 01:33:18 <nb> where is jds2001 located? 01:33:19 <rbergeron> jds2001: are your shipping deets in the ticket 01:33:23 <nb> I can overnight some stuff if i need to 01:33:30 <inode0> yes, they are in the ticket 01:33:50 <jds2001> rbergeron: yeah, it's in there - that's my storage unit, but right near me - i know someone will be there to get it is why i put there. 01:34:03 <kk4ewt> would it be better to ship to his hotel so he doesnt have to fly with it across country 01:34:10 <inode0> jds2001: how much are you thinking about for the other stuff? Less than $100 just do it and I'll reimburse you. 01:34:15 <jds2001> kk4ewt: different event :) 01:34:17 <rbergeron> kk4ewt: huh? 01:34:30 <jds2001> inode0: yeah, for sure less than $100 01:34:31 <rbergeron> ohhh 01:34:38 <inode0> ok, just do it 01:34:56 <rbergeron> Fedora: Getting Shit Done (tm) 01:35:28 <inode0> now do we want to discuss FADNA? 01:35:33 <rbergeron> nb: i will just ship to him. and i'll ship to the other person in my region who needs stuff (biker) for their SFD event as well 01:35:37 <rbergeron> YES 01:35:39 <kk4ewt> we really need to have all the ne assigned to me 01:36:01 <nb> rbergeron, ok 01:36:25 <nb> kk4ewt, so reassign bpowell01's region to you? 01:36:27 * nb can do that 01:36:39 <inode0> ok, that YES was to me? 01:36:42 <kk4ewt> yep 01:36:49 <masta> yup 01:36:52 <inode0> damn 01:37:11 <inode0> .famnaticket 36 01:37:12 <rbergeron> inode0: yes 01:37:13 <zodbot> inode0: #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 01:37:14 <rbergeron> sorry :) 01:37:22 <inode0> #topic Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA) 01:37:30 <inode0> #info #36 (Fedora Ambassador Day North America (FADNA)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/36 01:38:35 * masta proposes the day before FUDcon 01:38:42 * nb seconds 01:38:46 * ianweller says hello 01:39:04 * rbergeron thinks the day before fudcon would be awesome. and wonders if ianweller has a fudcon highlight 01:39:11 <ianweller> nah, was just watching 01:39:18 <ianweller> it was on the agenda last week so i lurked this week 01:39:40 * inode0 tried to go to the FUDCon meeting today 01:39:47 <ianweller> i tend to forget about those 01:39:47 <inode0> got lonely and went home 01:39:51 <ianweller> we're gonna come up with a new meeting time soonish 01:39:57 <rbergeron> inode0: i think it may get moved. it's at a horrible time for everyone now 01:40:32 <nb> is rrix still a shipper? or should i remove him from famnarequestS? 01:40:45 <rbergeron> nb: you can probably sub me in for him 01:40:57 <rbergeron> unless he speaks up now ;) 01:41:07 <kk4ewt> nb both robyn and rrix 01:41:07 <inode0> so the only concerns I have about the day before FUDCon are I know more than one of us was planning to travel with others who aren't going one day early 01:41:11 <rbergeron> my shipping bandwidht just sucks ass 01:41:23 <rbergeron> oh, like car-share and etc 01:41:24 <inode0> and I'm not sure we have a place to work but that can surely be arranged 01:41:43 <ianweller> i'm sure either on-campus or at the hotel can be arranged 01:41:47 <ianweller> there's some place in town 01:41:51 <nb> rbergeron, ok, i'll make you the default asignee for mountain west now 01:41:54 <jds2001> inode0: the one we did at OLF a few years back worked i think.... 01:41:59 <dan408-> there was a fudcon meeting? 01:42:09 <dan408-> all i did was just throw my name in the hat on ianweller's page 01:42:13 <jds2001> inode0: in the hotel meeting room if you wanted to call it that. 01:42:23 <nb> kk4ewt, I just deleted northeast and changed the other east one to just "East Coast" 01:42:23 <jds2001> but not sure how expensive that might or might not be. 01:42:27 * inode0 is surprised charlie's ego didn't completely fill the town up 01:42:32 <rbergeron> dan408-: yes, for people who are organizing the fudcon 01:42:40 <dan408-> gotcha 01:42:44 <ianweller> inode0: well, football season is done by the time you guys will get here 01:42:46 <rbergeron> inode0: charlie's ego? 01:42:56 <rbergeron> oh, this is a SPORTS! reference, isn't it 01:42:59 <ianweller> SPORTS 01:43:07 * rbergeron looks around for spevack and pouts 01:43:18 <kk4ewt> holiday inn express 01:43:27 * jds2001 is not much of a football fan either :) 01:43:33 <dan408-> rbergeron: he'll respond in a few hours 01:43:45 * jds2001 goes into hibernation in the winter waiting for pitchers and catchers. 01:43:49 <jds2001> :D 01:43:58 <rbergeron> dan408-: you are further confusing me. 01:44:09 <dan408-> rbergeron: what else is new 01:44:09 <rbergeron> i think that doing it at OLF right now is probably toosoon to deal with. 01:44:12 <inode0> let's get back to FADNA anyway 01:44:32 <dan408-> i think doing FADNA in Lawrence is a good idea 01:44:32 <inode0> we did it at OLF in 2008 - it worked ok 01:44:34 <rbergeron> inode0: if we're not talking about a serious number of people, i don't htink it would hurt, unless they can't take days off, etc. 01:44:36 <jds2001> rbergeron: yeah, i was talking of one done years back. We did it at the hotel that we were all staying at. 01:45:17 <rbergeron> i am not opposed to sponsoring a few folks an extra day if they are car-sharing and etc., or heck, if they want to come and help with other things that need help, be notetakers at fadna, etc. 01:45:23 <inode0> shall we float the idea and see if key people can come one day early 01:45:24 <rbergeron> </opinion> 01:45:32 <rbergeron> inode0: sure 01:45:35 * nb could be there one day early 01:45:55 <inode0> I suspect the person I'm coming with won't want to come early but I'll manage 01:46:10 <award3535> I will not be able to attend, cant take the extra days 01:46:14 * jds2001 could be there, but i'm decidedly non-key in this endeavor :) 01:46:25 <inode0> let me add something here 01:46:50 <inode0> the day before FUDCon we would devote to stuff we can do without help from others 01:46:51 <dan408-> im car/hotel sharing 01:47:18 * rbergeron nods 01:47:23 <jds2001> define "without help from others" - administrative stuff, or what? 01:47:29 <inode0> but we would still have some "FADNA" sessions during FUDCon too where others could pop in to help with things they are interested in too 01:47:33 <jds2001> or just event planning and things like that 01:47:54 <inode0> so we might need 2 or 3 people to work on budget, that could happen during a FUDCon session 01:48:10 <inode0> or the part where say ruth would be helpful could be 01:48:36 <inode0> we can't cover everything on my wish list in one day anyway 01:49:12 * rbergeron nods 01:49:20 <inode0> so I was thinking anyway one day devoted to FAmNA stuff and then important leftovers go to hackfests 01:49:46 <rbergeron> i like that idea - use the day to do some solid planning and identify things to hack on the rest of the time we are there? 01:49:55 <inode0> my point really was that award3535 and others who might be at FUDCon but not there early won't miss everything 01:50:14 <rbergeron> h 01:50:17 <rbergeron> ahhh 01:50:17 <rbergeron> that is 01:50:30 <rbergeron> who's in charge of agenda :) 01:50:51 <inode0> we'll need to hammer that out but I have a few non-trivial things on my agenda :) 01:51:11 <dan408-> yeah 10 minutes left 01:51:12 * rbergeron grins 01:51:24 <inode0> ok, I will open a thread on ambassadors list soon 01:51:39 <inode0> #topic Open Floor 01:51:55 <rbergeron> i love you all. that is all 01:51:55 * inode0 notes the meeting ends when the person running it ends it :) 01:52:09 <dan408-> +1 rbergeron 01:52:09 <dan408-> EOF 01:52:16 <masta> ok so the agenda will be driven by a tiket or a wiki page or what? 01:52:17 <inode0> unless nb decides to end it earlier :) 01:52:25 * nb hides 01:52:53 <inode0> masta: I don't know, some people like tickets, some mailing lists, some the wiki 01:53:20 <inode0> lets see what we get on the mailing list and go from there 01:53:27 <masta> I think the wiki is the best way for this, IMHO 01:53:55 <masta> otay - we wait 01:53:59 <rbergeron> well, i think it's a good idea to have a bit of debate on the list before starting to cement things on wiki 01:54:11 <inode0> the first question is can people come a day early 01:54:18 <rbergeron> yeah 01:54:51 <inode0> and some like Mario we might need to email and be patient to hear back from 01:54:53 <kk4ewt> if the hotel in KS was like VA they will love more people a day earlier 01:55:01 <inode0> but I know he is planning to come 01:55:08 <rbergeron> good :) 01:55:44 <masta> ok, so we take the proposal of one day early to the mail list, and make a call for agenda items 01:55:52 <award3535> I will have to see my schedule and availability of time off at that time 01:55:54 <dan408-> jds2001 still here? 01:55:54 <jds2001> or they'll hate us by the time we leave 01:56:03 <jds2001> dan408-: yeppers 01:56:53 <masta> I'd be happy to propose the one-day early thing in mail, do we add the call for agenda in the same msg? 01:57:34 <inode0> I was planning to propose a few agenda items at the same time so people would have some idea what work might be happening at it 01:57:49 <inode0> we could do that together 01:58:30 <inode0> some likely could be done concurrently by different groups 01:59:13 <masta> ok so inode0 sends the email? 01:59:32 <inode0> let's just talk after the meeting and work out how we'll proceed 01:59:41 <masta> um'kay 02:00:13 <inode0> thanks again everyone for coming - I'm looking forward to meeting some new ambassadors at FUDCon 02:00:26 <inode0> #endmeeting