01:10:23 <inode0> #startmeeting famna 01:10:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 3 01:10:23 2013 UTC. The chair is inode0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:10:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:10:31 <inode0> #meetingname famna 01:10:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:10:46 <inode0> #Roll Call 01:10:48 <inode0> #topic Roll Call 01:11:04 <suehle> There we go! :) 01:11:28 <inode0> #chair suehle 01:11:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 suehle 01:11:34 <inode0> might be a short one 01:11:51 <rbergeron> oh hey. 01:11:57 <inode0> #chair rbergeron 01:11:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: inode0 rbergeron suehle 01:12:32 <inode0> #topic Announcements 01:13:10 <dramsey> ;) 01:13:15 <inode0> Aside from the obvious? 01:14:13 <inode0> #topic Q2 Budget 01:14:41 <inode0> So I think we can shoot for trying to get suehle numbers as best we can next week?! 01:15:08 <inode0> If there will be budgets for rbergeron's two coming events let us know 01:15:53 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TXLF_2013#Event_Budget 01:16:23 <inode0> That documents fairly close to what was spent at TXLF - although part of it might have happened in Q1 01:16:33 <inode0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SELF_2013 01:16:47 <inode0> That one is a bit of a mess and needs to be updated for what was actually spent 01:16:56 * rbergeron nods 01:17:18 <rbergeron> suehle: do you have any details on oscon - i know you did stuff with sharon to get that going 01:17:23 <rbergeron> praiiiise the lord 01:17:35 <suehle> Our booth should be free, but we'll have to pay for power. I haven't found out how much it is yet. 01:17:39 <inode0> The rest will be best guesses and I think we will have some merchandise expenses this quarter along with the $5500 or so for media 01:18:23 * inode0 guesses about $1200 at OSCON :) 01:18:26 <suehle> Is nb over here too? I'll explain the media thing once. 01:19:03 <inode0> nb: ping 01:19:14 <suehle> I've filed the requisition, which in a week or two generates a PO, then I can give you the PO number, and I need the invoice. From that point, it's 45 days before Red Hat cuts a check unless we beg nicely for a shorter time. 01:19:51 <rbergeron> suehle: normally once they have the PO # the media folks go ahead and start making things, and take their payment afterwards 01:20:05 <rbergeron> which has been helpful in the times when it has been screwed up :) but we do have a different vendor right now 01:20:16 <rbergeron> than when it got screwed up 01:21:10 <suehle> sounds good 01:22:33 * rbergeron has a few things re: oscon but doesn't want to drag the agenda to hell and back :) 01:24:18 <rbergeron> I do'nt know that I have any other budget-y things - I think we may be set up near the all-day beer stand at puppetconf and perhaps fedora beer-holders(cups, mugs?) would be useful, but need to confirm with the puppet humans 01:24:22 <inode0> There is no agenda 01:24:34 <inode0> #topic Events 01:24:36 <rbergeron> well, we were in the budget section so i didn't want to go nuts :) 01:24:38 <rbergeron> HEY LOOK 01:25:24 <rbergeron> re: oscon: I haven't heard from any of the usual folks on this (yet...) - but we'll probably need to figure out event box situation. 01:25:25 <inode0> ILF is all set as I understand it - suehle took care of pre-event things and award3535 is ready to go. 01:25:32 <nb> hi 01:25:59 <rbergeron> we were also invited to have a table with a fedora sign on it for the community poker party (thank you peeps at citrix) 01:26:13 <rbergeron> inode0: i am incredibly curious to see how ILF actually turns out this year 01:26:15 <nb> #info Media will cost $5,750.00 USD for 5,000 of the multi-live DVD DL's 01:27:05 <inode0> masta: ping 01:27:33 <rbergeron> for puppetconf - we have a number of full passes included - which makes it a nice educational thing as well. 01:28:28 <rbergeron> i expect that dan may go as he's in the local area and did a good job there last year, but it would be nice to see if we can get people some double-duty between learning and boothing, so suggestions are welcome there 01:29:13 * rbergeron will check in with jds2001 as he did a talk there last year 01:29:34 <rbergeron> that's all i have. 01:29:55 <suehle> Do we need anything in the OSCON booth besides power? 01:30:04 <suehle> That I should order from convention services, that is. 01:30:19 <rbergeron> I think they typically only give us one chair? I can't remember what the form says 01:30:38 <rbergeron> ethernet drop is nice but usually ridiculously expensive 01:30:43 <suehle> Extra chairs doesn't appear to be an option. 01:31:02 <inode0> one person can sit on the event box :) 01:31:25 <rbergeron> suehle: good thing we are sneaky 01:31:50 <rbergeron> suehle: then it sounds like power it is 01:34:30 <inode0> masta has an idea for an event but isn't here it seems so we'll try to bring it up next week 01:35:30 <inode0> http://www.bigandroidbbq.com/ <--- teaser 01:35:43 <rbergeron> i read that as big and roid 01:35:55 <rbergeron> like... burly muscle men using steroids 01:36:03 <rbergeron> but now i get it 01:36:30 <rbergeron> could be interesting :) 01:37:13 <inode0> anything else for events? 01:37:28 <inode0> #topic Open Floor 01:38:02 * rbergeron was thinking about hadoop world in the fall since we'll actually have it by then (and we'll actually be the first distro to even have hadoop packaged) ... but want to talk to the hadoopy folks working on it. and i know it will likely be hella pricey so it is backburnerish for the moment - end of october 01:38:34 <rbergeron> and i am sure my daughter would support a fedora booth at minecon. lol 01:38:41 <rbergeron> but i am not going to do that :) 01:38:49 * rbergeron doesn't have anything for open floor 01:39:32 <inode0> ok, I'll try to send something out so we actually get something for suehle budgetwise next week. 01:39:48 <inode0> last call ... 01:40:13 <inode0> ok, thanks for stopping by 01:40:17 <inode0> #endmeeting