01:00:22 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 18 01:00:22 2013 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:33 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:34 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:01:12 <masta> Welcome all 01:03:24 <masta> For the record, will terminate the meeting early if nobody shows 01:04:37 * rislam here 01:05:07 <masta> hi rislam 01:05:44 <rislam> hello 01:06:06 <masta> ok so this will be a short meeting 01:06:19 <masta> let's get going 01:06:28 <masta> #topic === Tickets === 01:06:28 <masta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:06:59 <masta> .famnaticket 64 01:07:00 <zodbot> masta: #64 (OLF Budget Request) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/64 01:07:09 <masta> Southern_Gentlem, you around? 01:07:44 <masta> Southern_Gentlem, when you get the chance, make a report and close the ticket =) 01:07:56 <masta> #info OLF happened, and initial reports were positive 01:08:21 <masta> ok, moving on from tickets 01:08:34 <masta> #topic == Open Floor === 01:09:00 <masta> nb, did you have anything for open floor? 01:09:23 <nb> Yes. 01:09:29 <nb> I want to order case badges 01:09:35 <masta> .chair nb 01:09:35 <zodbot> nb is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them. 01:09:36 <nb> I was hoping to move to order them tonight 01:09:43 <nb> masta, LOL I think you mean #chair 01:09:52 <masta> #chair nb 01:09:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: masta nb 01:09:55 <masta> whoops 01:10:03 <nb> but i kinda can't do that since we are the only 2 here i think 01:10:07 <nb> plus i don't have exact costs 01:10:20 <masta> nb, we cannot reach a quorum tonight 01:10:23 <rislam> add me 01:10:24 <nb> yeah 01:10:37 <masta> #chair rislam 01:10:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: masta nb rislam 01:10:39 <nb> do we even have a quorum defined? although i wouldn't think 2 people would be a quorum 01:10:43 <nb> s/2/3/ 01:10:49 <rislam> :) 01:11:08 <masta> nb, we cannot quorum with only two people... 01:11:21 <masta> rislam, you are Ambassador in NA ? 01:11:21 <nb> masta, I agree 01:11:39 <rislam> yes masta 01:11:49 <rislam> why? 01:12:28 <masta> rislam, oh just never seen your nickname before =) was wondering if you can vote on things 01:14:42 <rislam> i think for voting there require more ambassadors 01:15:11 <masta> rislam, I do not see you in the ambassadors group... so better not take any chances 01:15:32 <masta> nb, we can maybe vote next week, or wait for more folks to show up 01:15:48 <rislam> +1 01:16:40 <masta> nb, for the record I probably would have given a +1 for case badges 01:17:32 <masta> ok folks, going to end the meeting early 01:17:47 <masta> #endmeeting