02:05:42 <masta> #startmeeting FAmNA 02:05:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 18 02:05:42 2013 UTC. The chair is masta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:05:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:05:42 <masta> #meetingname FAmNA 02:05:42 <masta> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:05:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:06:05 <masta> Howdy all 02:06:09 <wrnash1> hi 02:06:16 <masta> Welcome to the Fedora North America Ambassador’s weekly IRC meeting 02:09:28 <masta> so... 02:09:39 <masta> let me take a look to see if we got any tickets 02:10:46 <masta> haha... there is one ticket 02:10:55 <wrnash1> I'm not sure there are any tickets 02:10:56 <masta> about the meetings 02:11:22 <wrnash1> when did it come in 02:11:29 <masta> #topic === Tickets === 02:11:40 <masta> .famnaticket 68 02:11:41 <zodbot> masta: #68 (FAmNA Meeting Organization) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/68 02:12:36 <wrnash1> I agree with the ticket. 02:13:11 <masta> me too 02:13:43 <wrnash1> maybe throw in some training during the meeting. maybe try a video chat for the meeting. 02:14:15 <masta> I think that as conferences start to resume, things will pickup, but in the off months (right now) we should start ordering swag.... annually 02:14:39 <masta> We badly need to order ink pens, but I fear it might be next year by the time that happens. 02:15:14 <wrnash1> i agree. it would of been nice to have a release party the same day a new version is release. 02:15:25 <wrnash1> but we would need swag to hold it. 02:15:25 <masta> inode0: you around to discuss on this ticket? 02:16:50 <masta> ok then 02:17:03 <masta> well, we can move on for now. 02:17:09 <wrnash1> ok 02:17:25 <masta> #topic === Open Floor === 02:17:44 <masta> I've got one quick open floor item 02:18:04 <masta> Congrats to everyone on the release of Fedora 20! 02:18:05 <masta> =) 02:18:14 <wrnash1> +1 02:21:08 <masta> ok then 02:21:16 <masta> I've got nothing else to cover, and since only tow people showed up... 02:21:33 <wrnash1> i say let's call the meeting then 02:22:05 <masta> #endmeeting