01:01:23 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:01:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 29 01:01:23 2014 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:01:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:29 <Cydrobolt> Hello 01:01:38 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> Hey Cydrobolt 01:01:55 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:02:02 <MarkDude> .fas MarkDude 01:02:03 <zodbot> MarkDude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <doctorfoss@gmail.com> 01:02:05 * ParadoxGuitarist I'm still at work so I might have to afk style 01:02:40 <award3535> #chair paradoxguitarist markdude cydorbolt 01:02:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydorbolt markdude paradoxguitarist 01:03:00 <Cydrobolt> .fas cydrobolt 01:03:01 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: cydrobolt 'Chaoyi Zha' <summermontreal@gmail.com> 01:03:17 <award3535> congrats cydrobolt, you should see that you now have full ambassador rights 01:03:35 <Cydrobolt> Thanks, Andrew 01:03:37 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:03:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> grats 01:04:03 <award3535> kk4ewt will not be here tonight, classes started today and he is teaching 01:04:11 <Cydrobolt> I'm on my phone, so my responses might be slow or choppy 01:04:26 <izdubar> mktg is still doing the thing- could use help with many things 01:04:50 <award3535> izdubar, what do you need 01:05:10 <award3535> is this in reference to FOSSETCON 01:05:40 <izdubar> No- just Fedora Marketing is doing release notes 01:05:51 <izdubar> Some overlap with Ambassadors IMO 01:06:05 <izdubar> eof 01:07:03 <award3535> I got emails from ruth concerning the inserts for FOSSETCON, since I had not had time to put some thought into it, she said she would sent it to marketing 01:07:31 <award3535> I am always open for new things to do.... 01:08:15 <award3535> I do have some thing that will be coming up in the near future, 01:08:55 <award3535> it is how we are going to request travel funding and until it is finalized that is all I will say about it, change for the better 01:09:11 <MarkDude> +1 01:09:14 <award3535> does any one have anything else....... 01:09:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> not I... 01:09:28 <MarkDude> Nuthin' 01:09:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think we fixed most of my ish last week. 01:09:57 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:10:12 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:10:31 <award3535> we have none right now.... just going through motions 01:11:12 <award3535> I did get a hold of kk43wt, event box and banners are on the way to me for the next two events 01:11:57 <award3535> and yes paradoxguitarist, we cleared everything up, thanks to everyone for geting things done 01:12:15 <MarkDude> We have SeaGL upcoming in Oct. Wanting to know if we are likely to sponosr for 500 https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/94 01:13:08 <MarkDude> Jesse Keating is helping organize event. It has some grat folks attached. We can have same Ambassador from OSCON go- sexycatsinhats 01:13:46 <MarkDude> Its a new event, so supporting this part earlier is good IMHO 01:13:51 <award3535> I didnt see the ticket because it wasnt flagged for meeting, but thats okay 01:14:20 <MarkDude> Damn ALS Icebucket thingy- such a bad time for me :D 01:14:45 * MarkDude forgot that part. /me going to OLF will be done correct 01:14:52 <MarkDude> thats next week tho 01:15:08 <award3535> markdude, have the ambassadors attach a travel request to the ticket 01:15:34 <award3535> OLF is in october? are you talking about IB challenge 01:15:35 <MarkDude> Yep. And that will be done by next Thur 01:15:46 <MarkDude> Yes, both are time consuming 01:16:16 * MarkDude challenged FPL- trying to get HotDog costume back has been .... silly waste of time 01:16:40 <MarkDude> Anyway, sorry for being confusing- phonecall just happened 01:17:18 <MarkDude> to restate- 500 for sponosrship for SeaGL- travel is estimated to be around 500 for both- 01:17:38 <award3535> so your looking for $1000 01:17:40 <MarkDude> Tickets will be attached - eof 01:18:00 <MarkDude> 500 for event 500 for each ambassador 01:18:05 <MarkDude> 1500 in total 01:18:26 <award3535> +1 from me for $1500 01:18:41 <MarkDude> but +1 :) 01:18:47 <MarkDude> - but 01:19:10 <award3535> markdude is there an event page created in wiki? 01:19:21 <MarkDude> Well 01:20:17 <award3535> if you need someone to get one started I will volunteer just email me the info.... 01:20:37 * MarkDude has it to copypasta- will do after meeting 01:21:08 <MarkDude> sexycats is in traffic right now. Complaining we have meeting during commute XD 01:22:39 * MarkDude can do page. 01:22:55 <award3535> cydrobolt, paradoxguitarist we need one more to carry the vote 01:23:15 * MarkDude raises eyebrows in alluring manner :D 01:23:36 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:23:46 * ParadoxGuitarist needs to step out due to work 01:23:57 * ParadoxGuitarist waves*** 01:24:22 <award3535> paradoxguitarist, thank you for showing up.... have a great evening 01:24:25 <Cydrobolt> Hello 01:24:49 <MarkDude> That music thing sounds cool btw :) 01:24:59 <Cydrobolt> Let me read the scroll back 01:25:03 <award3535> #agreed $1500 for SeaGL, pending creation of wiki event page 01:25:20 <MarkDude> #item follow up on tickets, wiki page and such 01:25:42 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:25:51 <MarkDude> Super secret item 01:25:56 <MarkDude> Shhhhhh 01:26:20 * MarkDude has NO idea how to handle this, or if I should do this now 01:26:26 <Cydrobolt> Opened a request ticket for Hackthenorth 01:26:52 <Cydrobolt> Markdude, what is it? :) 01:26:52 <MarkDude> Cydrobolt, go ahead- do your thing 1st 01:27:20 <MarkDude> Its a cake for a contrib. Your ticket is hella relevant FIRST, imo 01:27:30 <Cydrobolt> Going to a couple if hackathons 01:27:35 <MarkDude> +1 01:27:41 <Cydrobolt> Of** 01:27:54 <Cydrobolt> So I requested some swag 01:28:10 <Cydrobolt> Most users there use Linux already 01:28:32 <Cydrobolt> But apparently, Fedora swag is hard to find 01:28:39 <award3535> cydrobolt did your swag request for east coast, or mid 01:28:44 <Cydrobolt> East 01:29:38 <MarkDude> Ben just started with classes, so I KNOW he is busy now- when are your events? 01:30:08 <award3535> kk4ewt will get you some if he has some, but I can also pull from nb in the mid region, I will get ahold of kk4ewt and let him know what is going on, and if he does not have any nb should be able to supply some... 01:30:11 <Cydrobolt> So I think allowing existing fedora users to help spread it themselves is the best way to promote fedora at the hackathon 01:30:15 <nb> hi 01:30:27 <Cydrobolt> Any thoughts? 01:30:31 <award3535> evening nb 01:30:36 <Cydrobolt> Hi nb 01:30:59 <Cydrobolt> through stickers etc ** 01:31:04 <award3535> cydrobolt, I have a few stickers, and very little media, but can mail you some stickers 01:31:08 <Cydrobolt> Ok 01:31:12 <award3535> email me your address 01:31:18 <Cydrobolt> OK, will so 01:31:21 <award3535> nb, do you have any swag 01:31:35 <Cydrobolt> But maybe you guys have more interesting ideas 01:32:06 <MarkDude> Media is great. Sometimes folks just want to borrow a USB key 01:32:11 <nb> award3535, i have ink pens and playing cards and media 01:32:16 <MarkDude> Depends on the type of hack folks 01:32:16 <nb> and case badges 01:32:32 <MarkDude> Cards and badges are great swag 01:32:59 <award3535> cydrobolt, you may want to email nb your address as well, he has some for your event just make sure you include your ticket number 01:33:23 <award3535> I also think the event is soon 01:33:30 <award3535> so you need to get rolling 01:33:42 <MarkDude> And make sure to follow up with links for promoting etc 01:33:45 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, sept 15 01:34:03 <Cydrobolt> I'll email you guys my address 01:34:36 <MarkDude> Sounds like you also are asking for input on ideas? Or how to do it etc? 01:35:09 <MarkDude> If so - people are willing to brainstorm on it if you like. Depends on the group of folks 01:35:13 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, if you have any tips 01:35:18 <award3535> I can email you some talking points and how to present Fedora 01:35:28 <award3535> and a general link 01:35:34 <Cydrobolt> Most of those folks are developers 01:35:51 <Cydrobolt> Some are designers 01:36:22 <MarkDude> We do have some dev talking points too :D As well as a very nice Design Team- /me can give some points on that in email if you like 01:36:24 <award3535> you can use the idea of the different spins and desktops we produce to fit a wide range of interest 01:36:31 <MarkDude> +1 01:37:11 <MarkDude> Oh, make sure to mention how we VOTE. We really do have Voice here. Not just marketing crap :D 01:37:19 <Cydrobolt> +1 01:37:25 <MarkDude> All geeks like that part 01:37:39 <award3535> LOL 01:37:48 <award3535> yes we do... 01:38:06 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, also, FOSS only, mostly 01:38:11 <MarkDude> lol 01:38:12 <MarkDude> +1 01:38:27 <Cydrobolt> Ubuntu >_> 01:38:44 <MarkDude> Cydrobolt, take pics- even if they are just of things. 01:38:56 <Cydrobolt> ? 01:38:59 <MarkDude> We have a shortage of this. 01:39:00 <award3535> remember we are FIRST, all the others take from our ideas 01:39:07 <Cydrobolt> Oh, htn? 01:39:15 <Cydrobolt> Of course, pictures 01:39:19 <Cydrobolt> :D 01:39:46 <MarkDude> Yep. Its not required. Just awesome to do so 01:39:48 <award3535> I always put pictures in my reports, brings a sense of reality to events 01:39:57 <MarkDude> +1 01:40:10 <Cydrobolt> I'll also take some videos if possible 01:40:38 <Cydrobolt> Last year, an eleOS guy wrote an amazing report 01:40:57 <MarkDude> Perfect. Make sure to enjoy the event too. Its not all work 01:41:06 <Cydrobolt> :) 01:41:26 <award3535> passion in what we do is the key ingredient 01:41:59 <Cydrobolt> +1 01:43:03 <MarkDude> #item Cydrobolt to follow up with nb award3535 for getting swag for hackathon 01:43:43 <award3535> thank you markdude, I had to put the dog out.... she was jumping at the door to go out 01:43:58 <award3535> is there anything else tonight 01:44:06 <MarkDude> Super secret cake 01:44:12 <award3535> yes 01:44:27 <MarkDude> https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/95 01:44:41 <award3535> what about getting the project manager to fund it... 01:44:52 <award3535> super secretly that is 01:44:54 <MarkDude> Its would be great if we can fund this, but not sure if we need to do some other steps 01:45:02 <Cydrobolt> I'll email you my address, but I don't remember the ticket number. I'll check on it and send it to you tomorrow 01:45:28 * MarkDude was told FAMNA needs to do it. So what I figure is- its not critical as far as time 01:46:24 <MarkDude> Maybe see about getting other Fedorans to attach to ticket? 01:47:07 <award3535> so we could add a small portion of the travel towards the ticket, or donated cash and claimed as part of expense referencing the ticket 01:47:10 <nb> MarkDude, can you pm me what we are talking about? 01:47:21 <Cydrobolt> Nb, a cake 01:48:21 <MarkDude> Ok---- shhh it is for r u t h 01:48:30 <MarkDude> Hopefully zod misses that 01:48:31 * nb thinks we could do it 01:48:44 <MarkDude> quaid suggested a nice creative cake 01:48:50 <nb> just have someone buy cake and then send receipt to the usual people to reimburse 01:49:04 <MarkDude> Its a non Fedoran gonna get it 01:49:19 <MarkDude> Oh- thats it- let me find a RH or Fedoran going 01:49:32 <MarkDude> Perfect nb, thats what I was missing 01:49:49 <award3535> same difference, there are many RH people going, spot being one of them 01:50:00 <MarkDude> Good point. 01:50:13 * MarkDude thinks he has it handled from here :) 01:50:20 <MarkDude> Rock on. eof 01:50:40 <award3535> ok.... looks like we covered some ground again, 01:50:47 * MarkDude has nothing else :) 01:50:51 <award3535> i like when things get done 01:51:07 <award3535> nb do you have any thing else 01:51:17 <MarkDude> +1 01:51:18 * nb just noticed ruth is keynoting at OLF 01:51:25 <award3535> cydrobolt, do you have anything else 01:51:27 <nb> award3535, i got it approved at work for me to go, so i guess i am 01:51:58 <MarkDude> Does that mean I am not needed at OLF? 01:51:59 <award3535> nb, cool...looking forward to seeing you there 01:52:24 * MarkDude wants to go :) Mostly for Wafflehouses. eof 01:52:40 * nb wants to run a keysigning at OLF 01:52:51 <MarkDude> +1 01:52:52 <award3535> that would make 5 of us, me, the wife, nb, jdulaney, and markdude 01:53:06 <nb> jdulaney and markdude are going? 01:53:10 * nb thought it was just me you and your wife 01:53:29 <MarkDude> Well, not likely if we have that many 01:53:35 <award3535> jdulaney may be coming havent heard from him since last week 01:53:48 <nb> what have we approved budget for yet? I only saw us 3 01:53:49 <award3535> he was trying to 01:54:04 <nb> on the wiki 01:54:30 <award3535> yes it was approved for 3k, and he added last week that he is trying to go, but no word this week 01:54:45 <award3535> so I dont know what his plans are 01:54:57 <nb> oh ok 01:55:07 <award3535> he may not have got his travel squared away 01:55:12 * MarkDude will see on this before doing anything OLF related- Looks like its handled- by enough folks 01:55:28 <award3535> he was also trying to get to FOSSETCON too 01:55:54 <award3535> Orlando seems to draw a lot of folks 01:56:17 <MarkDude> +1 Florida- despite the crazies 01:56:28 <MarkDude> Says the dude in Cali XD 01:56:52 <award3535> I am only 4miles from the border of Florida, I work in Jacksonville and live in Georgia 01:56:55 <Cydrobolt> No, I don't have anything else, award 01:58:09 <MarkDude> Good meeting 01:59:46 <award3535> see you all next week 02:00:02 <award3535> #endmeeting