01:00:32 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA
01:00:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Sep 12 01:00:32 2014 UTC.  The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
01:00:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
01:00:37 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA
01:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna'
01:01:01 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call ===
01:01:16 <award3535> anyone here yet?
01:01:53 <Cydrobolt> I'm here, but I have to go
01:02:14 <Cydrobolt> A little sick today, trying to catch some sleep
01:02:17 <award3535> no problem, think this will be short, I leave for orlando at 0400
01:02:44 <award3535> #chair cydrobolt
01:02:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt
01:02:56 <Cydrobolt> Ok
01:03:45 <award3535> I will give it to about 915pm if no one else shows I will call the meeting
01:03:56 <award3535> your event is this weekend also
01:04:08 <Cydrobolt> Next weekend
01:04:31 <award3535> cool you have time... did you get your stuff from kk4ewt
01:04:38 <nb> hi
01:04:40 <Cydrobolt> Yeah
01:04:43 <award3535> cool
01:04:48 <award3535> #chair nb
01:04:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt nb
01:04:56 <award3535> evening nb
01:05:01 <nb> award3535, so, apparently i made a mistake and didn't get your stuff shipped in time
01:05:08 <nb> i thought it said needed to arrive by today but it said yesterday
01:05:11 <nb> i was going to ship yesterdat
01:05:16 <nb> can i ship to a hotel?
01:05:33 <nb> or did ben get you enough
01:05:34 <award3535> nb no problem, just hold it for OLF, kk4ewt hooked me up
01:06:09 <award3535> we will need it for OLF, so if you want to ship it to me any time to save some cost on the plane
01:06:18 <nb> award3535, i think i am driving now
01:06:36 <award3535> cool, no worries, I have the event box and banner for OLF
01:06:37 <nb> but i might ship it to you because i am not 100% sure if i am coming, since we have several others coming
01:06:58 <nb> and i have something else going on that weekend i would like to do
01:07:02 <award3535> who else besides handsomepirate
01:07:03 <nb> trying to get it figured out soon
01:07:10 <nb> handsomepirate and i thought there was another
01:07:17 <nb> i probably am going to OLF, just not 100% sure
01:07:47 <award3535> would like to have you there, havent met up with you in a while
01:07:50 <izdubar> Lord D might be able to go to OLF- he is local. Depends on chemo
01:08:07 <award3535> #chair izdubar
01:08:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt izdubar nb
01:08:32 * nb would like to go to OLF and get people to sign his GPG key :)
01:08:33 <award3535> ruth also said something about having a FAD there also
01:09:40 <award3535> #topic === Announcements ===
01:09:52 <award3535> any one have anything for the group?
01:10:19 <izdubar> Fedora Magazine can use articles- from Ambassadors- and others
01:10:21 <izdubar> eof
01:10:53 <izdubar> #Fedora-mktg for that :)
01:11:11 <award3535> I could submit one from this weekend at fossetcon
01:11:39 <izdubar> +1
01:12:09 <izdubar> That event looks like fun. Planning to get a talk for it next year :D
01:12:25 <award3535> I will seriously consider submitting
01:12:52 * izdubar has learned quite a bit from reading it
01:13:20 <izdubar> Your FAS gets you login- already
01:13:44 <izdubar> And your article is then put in for the once over. Its pretty easy
01:13:50 <award3535> cool
01:14:06 <izdubar> Part of us having a Voice
01:14:07 <izdubar> eof
01:14:26 <award3535> #idea award3535 to submit article following Fossetcon to fedora magazine
01:14:56 <award3535> moving on
01:14:58 <award3535> #topic === Tickets ===
01:15:12 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9
01:15:35 <award3535> we have none, I just did this to keep continuity with the meeting agenda
01:16:09 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor ===
01:16:18 <award3535> the floor is open, any other ideas
01:16:51 <nb> award3535, if you submit a magazine article, ping me and i can publish it
01:16:59 <nb> or chrisroberts and a few other people can
01:17:07 <award3535> nb roger...
01:18:40 * izdubar has nothing to say, minus the fact Fedora is awesome. eof
01:18:49 <award3535> +1
01:19:33 <award3535> nb have anything else, I am going to get going because I have an early morning drive
01:19:42 <izdubar> Looking like a quick meeting. Unless anyone has any items. We DO have a bit of time if so :D
01:20:24 <izdubar> (izdubar is MarkDude if anyone reading does not know)
01:21:10 <award3535> I have nothing, I knew this was going to be short, no events pending any planning and no tickets
01:21:53 <izdubar> Most planning appears to be local things now. Gotta like these quick meetings.
01:22:08 <award3535> I am looking forward to getting set up for the FOSSETCON
01:22:28 <izdubar> Oh- one thing- Bryanstein did the ALS ice challenge- putting it on Magazine
01:22:47 <award3535> I truely love the fact that things are getting done
01:23:02 <award3535> and that is outstanding, I will see him tomorrow
01:23:17 <izdubar> Yep. So many details have been smoothed out - and sooo much is geting done.
01:23:26 <izdubar> LEt alone our relases keep gettign better
01:23:33 * izdubar shits up
01:23:37 <izdubar> shuts- lol
01:23:55 <izdubar> *drops mic- walks off stage*
01:23:56 <award3535> wow, planned typo?
01:24:05 <izdubar> Not at all- honestly
01:25:58 <izdubar> Anyone have anything else before we end?
01:26:28 <award3535> I think cydrobolt is under the weather, his event is next weekend
01:26:59 <award3535> otherwise I have no more....
01:27:13 <award3535> izdubar you have anything else?
01:27:18 <izdubar> nope
01:27:23 <award3535> ok
01:27:58 <award3535> everyone have a great evening
01:28:04 <award3535> #endmeeting