01:00:51 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 3 01:00:51 2014 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:04 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:22 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:01:50 <award3535> chime in folks 01:02:26 <MarkDude> .fas MarkDude 01:02:30 <zodbot> MarkDude: markdude 'Mark Terranova' <doctorfoss@gmail.com> 01:02:52 <award3535> #chair MarkDude Cydrobolt Handsomepirate 01:02:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt Handsomepirate MarkDude award3535 01:03:02 <Cydrobolt> .fas cydrobolt 01:03:04 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: cydrobolt 'Chaoyi Zha' <summermontreal@gmail.com> 01:03:18 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:04:12 <award3535> MarkDude, do you want to mention what you did earlier 01:04:20 <MarkDude> We are still taking contributions for Fedora Magazine- award3535 wrote a great one for FOSSTECON 01:04:28 <MarkDude> Sure 01:04:34 <MarkDude> award3535, - Im not sure if I can do whole meeting. I think we can close FOSSETCON. I also wanted to update SeaGL but have not had time- We have Larry Cafiero there- his expenses should be under $500 01:05:26 <MarkDude> original was $500 for sponsor- and $1000 for two Fedorans- we now have one needing travel. The other is local 01:05:28 <MarkDude> eof 01:05:34 <award3535> +1 to amend budget for SeaGL to accomidate Larry 01:05:35 <MarkDude> Looks like it will be fun 01:05:44 <MarkDude> Actaully we are lowering 01:05:51 <MarkDude> We are saving 500 at least 01:05:54 <award3535> +1 to lowering 01:06:16 <MarkDude> Cool, we could not justify sending another that would fit in 01:06:22 <award3535> either way we are good, no need to vote for lower, just if we exceed 01:06:34 * MarkDude is working with him on it- should have ticket set by next meeeting 01:06:41 <MarkDude> Cool 01:07:09 <MarkDude> next- make sure handsome_pirate gets his part done for next week 01:07:17 <MarkDude> We are on a roll :) eof 01:07:20 <award3535> MarkDude thanks for the good word on the magazine, will write a few more in the upcoming weeks 01:07:33 * suehle is here 01:07:46 <award3535> #chair suehle 01:07:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt Handsomepirate MarkDude award3535 suehle 01:07:53 <award3535> evening suehle 01:08:16 <award3535> handsomepirate you still here 01:08:17 <Cydrobolt> hello suehle 01:08:58 <award3535> #action MarkDude update SeaGL when you can 01:09:05 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Ahoy 01:10:02 <award3535> handsomepirate, update fossetcon event page with report and enter new ticket for OLF 01:10:19 <award3535> does anyone else have any other announcements 01:10:21 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Working on it 01:10:30 <suehle> I have a topic, not exactly an announcement. 01:10:32 <award3535> rggr 01:10:46 <handsome_pirate> award3535: https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/98 01:11:15 <award3535> suehle please bring it up 01:12:01 <suehle> Waaaaay back in June, Scott Williams told me you guys had a new shirt design and wanted to know how many we can get for $7,000. The answer is about 900-950, depending on how many are 2XL+. I keep emailing and asking people if you're ready to order, and I'm still on hold. 01:12:27 <handsome_pirate> It was my understanding we were ready? 01:12:59 <award3535> I thought we finalized that, but we are ready 01:13:12 <MarkDude> suehle, if it helps can we vote to give you a plus one now? 01:13:13 <suehle> OK. Then the second part is where they're going, because I don't have storage space for 900 shirts. 01:13:55 <award3535> suehle we had volunteered to get them at my residence and we would divide them up for each region 01:14:03 <award3535> I am still good with that 01:14:06 <MarkDude> +1 01:14:16 <suehle> award3535... do you know how much space 900 shirts is? I hope you have a big garage! 01:14:22 <award3535> both myself and jward78 are standing by 01:14:35 <MarkDude> The shipping extra is worth the saving us time in meetings IMHO 01:14:37 <award3535> there is only two of us in the house empty nest 01:14:40 <suehle> Can you send me your mailing address? 01:14:51 <award3535> suehle, will do 01:14:51 * MarkDude has full faith in them - yay 01:15:18 * MarkDude does shirts happy dance. Tnx suehle award3535 :) 01:15:20 <suehle> Your FedEx man is going to need a Christmas bonus. :D 01:15:25 <MarkDude> lol 01:16:45 <award3535> ok, shall we move on? 01:16:53 <MarkDude> +1 01:17:27 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:17:44 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:19:30 <award3535> .famnaticket 96 01:19:31 <zodbot> award3535: #96 (Lisa 14 Seattle Wa) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/96 01:20:05 <MarkDude> FPL has more info on who may be going 01:20:08 <award3535> I discussed this ticket with mattdm, Fedora has some locals that will be attending 01:20:27 <MarkDude> #action talk to FPL for attendees 01:20:46 <MarkDude> He has placed emphasis on this event :) 01:20:47 <award3535> yes, that is why I shifted it to the meeting 01:21:17 <award3535> mattdm is looking for local ambassadors to attend 01:21:23 <MarkDude> Did he give you a budget- or are we not sure enough to vote 01:21:52 * MarkDude has 1 local in mind- oddshocks - wil see if he can 01:21:55 <MarkDude> eof 01:21:59 <award3535> not sure yet, because there will be a shared booth from RH/Cent etc 01:22:37 <MarkDude> Should we item to send to ML for PNW folks? 01:22:46 <award3535> mattdm had mentioned that the cost would be minimal to Fedora if any at all but wanted to ensure that we had some participation 01:23:13 * MarkDude is an option for it- if we can find closer. But I think we will :) 01:23:16 <award3535> I havent heard from any west coast folks in a few weeks 01:23:59 <award3535> I dont know of mattdm has spoken with any FPL on the west coast 01:24:01 <MarkDude> One of my new manatees is Seattle, and Im on the correct coast to make it reasonable in price 01:24:51 <MarkDude> Oh wait- thats near FreeBSD - I am not be able to go 01:25:00 * MarkDude shuts up :) 01:25:41 <award3535> there will be more to come on this event, I think mattdm has a few in mind already, I will ask him if he has contacted anyone yet 01:26:10 <award3535> #action award3535 to contact mattdm acout LISA and FPL 01:27:39 <award3535> moving on to the next one 01:27:43 <award3535> .famnaticket 98 01:27:44 <zodbot> award3535: #98 (Funding request JDulaney to attend OLF) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/98 01:28:07 <award3535> handsomepirate you have the floor 01:28:19 <handsome_pirate> Ahoy! 01:28:27 <handsome_pirate> So, I'm a speaker at OLF 01:29:07 <handsome_pirate> According to Delta, it would cost me 283 to fly from RDU to Columbus 01:29:16 <MarkDude> Cool 01:29:24 <handsome_pirate> Unless I can roomshare with someone, hotel is going to be expensive 01:29:37 <handsome_pirate> $310 for two nights, plus tax 01:29:47 <award3535> nb is going you may want to get in touch with him 01:29:49 <handsome_pirate> I'm willing to roomshare 01:29:52 <handsome_pirate> Ah, cool 01:29:55 <handsome_pirate> nb_: Ping 01:30:08 <handsome_pirate> He and I have room shared before, so that may not be an issue 01:30:30 <award3535> handsomepirate, email him to be sure 01:30:38 <handsome_pirate> I'll need the plane tickets paid for in advance as I'm going slightly broke 01:30:46 <handsome_pirate> I'll ping him multiple ways 01:31:39 <award3535> handsomepirate, you will have to ask the CC holders to accomplish that, I do not have any control on prepaid items 01:31:45 <handsome_pirate> Roger 01:31:51 <handsome_pirate> suehle: ^^ 01:32:23 <suehle> 1, yes, I can do it. 2, this is a good time to note that we're soon going to be working on new processes for doing things like this because "ruth happens to be in the meeting, get her to pay for it" isn't a good tracking method. 01:32:23 <handsome_pirate> I've also pinged nb_ on Facebook and will send him an email shortly 01:32:40 <suehle> handsome_pirate, send me your full name, phone, and dates of travel. 01:32:47 <handsome_pirate> suehle: Roger 01:33:01 <suehle> In an email. 01:33:50 <award3535> suehle, mattdm and I had talked about that and I am looking forward to seeing what you have in mind, it would also help me accomplish what I volunteered to do 01:34:30 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Would it be possible to grab a ride to the airport on Sunday? 01:35:06 <award3535> all we will need to vote on increase the already approved budget by 600 to cover the new ticket 01:35:51 <award3535> handsomepirate, that is possible but we will be leaving early morning sunday 01:36:17 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Roger, I'll look for appropriate flights 01:37:26 <award3535> all in favor of increasing the OLF budget by $600 to cover travel for handsomepirate 01:40:20 <award3535> handsomepirate, I will send an email out to FAMNA to get some votes on budget increase 01:40:31 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Roger 01:40:59 <handsome_pirate> award3535: Just as long as the vote is recorded in the trac instance 01:41:15 <handsome_pirate> award3535: I'll adjust estimates based on reply from nb_ 01:41:19 <MarkDude> +1 01:41:34 <award3535> +1 from me 01:41:47 <award3535> just one more, Cydrobolt? 01:41:50 <MarkDude> Also, looks like chemo is being really hard on Matt, he most likely WONT attend :( 01:42:23 <award3535> I did not know about that 01:42:41 <MarkDude> Lord D that is 01:43:11 <suehle> Ummm lorddemon? I just bought him a flight to FUDCon LATAM. 01:43:21 <award3535> oh ok 01:43:39 <MarkDude> He is regualr there- We were assuming we could cover his local travel fo it. He will be better but not in time :) 01:44:04 <MarkDude> Dracheblut - or some crap- I thinks its Dragon Blodd in German :D 01:44:05 <Cydrobolt> Hi 01:44:10 <Cydrobolt> Sorry, I was afk 01:44:18 <suehle> Oh, somebody different. 01:44:25 <MarkDude> Cydrobolt, we are looking to get handsome_pirate to OLF 01:44:36 <Cydrobolt> +1 from me as well 01:44:44 <MarkDude> Yes suehle - I guess we have a few Lord here - lol 01:45:15 <award3535> #agreed increase budget $600 to cover handsomepirate to OLF 01:45:22 <handsome_pirate> Woot 01:45:24 <handsome_pirate> Thanks, y'all 01:45:43 <award3535> suehle, cydrobolt is one of our newest in FAMNA 01:45:52 * suehle says hello 01:45:57 * Cydrobolt says hello to suehle 01:46:15 <award3535> ok moving on 01:46:20 <MarkDude> +1 01:46:31 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:47:24 * MarkDude was wondering if we should send to ML about Board re-org going on- there will be vote on MOn 01:47:56 <award3535> ML board, being mentors 01:48:11 <MarkDude> Looks like some great work has been done 01:48:46 * MarkDude does not have links- sorry :( 01:48:51 <award3535> MarkDude, is this the mentor process 01:48:57 <MarkDude> Nope 01:49:00 <award3535> ok 01:49:14 * MarkDude is utterly confused on where Mentor thing is 01:49:18 <MarkDude> What we are doing 01:49:26 <MarkDude> And Im an @ in it 01:49:28 <award3535> so are lots of us including me 01:49:42 <MarkDude> like a lost duck saying: are you my daddy :D 01:49:52 <award3535> quack 01:50:03 <MarkDude> Its cool - some of my manatees are taking notes- and helping fintune a bit 01:50:05 <MarkDude> eof 01:50:33 * MarkDude is mostly afk now- unless Im needed for a vote. And yay- shirts :D 01:51:04 <award3535> MarkDude, thanks for being here in the meeting 01:52:16 <award3535> anyone else have anything 01:54:03 <Cydrobolt> nope 01:54:18 <Cydrobolt> Shirts? ;o 01:54:28 <award3535> alright ending in 5 01:54:29 <award3535> 4 01:54:30 <award3535> 3 01:54:39 <award3535> 2 01:54:39 <award3535> 1 01:54:39 <award3535> #endmeeting